The Guys

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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"Light of Malerian shine upon me-strike down those who stand in my path," the wolf said in a low voice-growling out the last part. With a lightning fast movement six others fell before his blade.

Grinning and looking around the field he grimaced, "Still a few up who don't fall before steel?...fine then," he said and pulled out what looked like a piece of parchment, "Take this!"

With a fiery explosion he covered half the field in blue smoke, leaving the enemies to smolder in their burnt armor. It was a good battle.


A flash of white light enveloped the field. The entire field of vision was gone, leaving only the blinding light.

"What!?" Seth growled. As the light evaporated in front of him stood the dark lord himself. "Oh crap...."

"You shhhallll come with me..." the figure said in a low snake-like tone.

"Come-on move...move!" Seth said. Finally it happened. He was released from his hold of fear and ran across the field, away from the dark lord, though escape was impossible. Turning back, the figure continued to approach him in a phantom fashion, dark air seething from his wicked garments.

It would've been scary if the field wasn't filled with flowers-though many were now burnt and watered with his enemies' blood. The dark lord continued to approach in his errie manner. What was he doing here though? Why on earth had he left his castle?

That didn't matter though. Seth stared at the approaching figure and knew that he had to fight now. For Alireia, and for Solomon-they were counting on him to get the antidote back to them no matter the cost. Even if he didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell he would fight. He was only a few paces away and there was still time to act. Drawing his weapon Seth scoffed, "Fine! Gouge his eyes out and sever the universe-Hatiuean!"

The dark lord touched him and everything began to dissipate. Seth tried to break free, thrashing his fingers about, "No!"

"Yes!" someone yelled behind him with a happy yelp.

Stopping his furious button mashing and jumping away from his spot on the couch Seth brought his controller with him as he cleared over the coffee table with a yelp. Turning around on the spot he grimaced, "Max! That was not cool!"

The rottweiler next to the couch laughed at him, "Forgive me oh mighty knight!"

Blushing Seth paused his game and set down the controller, "I thought you were working out,"

"I got back," Max replied and smiled at the wolf, "And before you ask. I came in at the 'strike down those in my path' part...very funny," he said with a grin. The wolf was eccentric in his games, no two ways about it.

"Shhhut up!" Seth tried to say but choked on the words as he said them.

"Ohh...trying to play the dark lord now?" Max asked with a grin-teasing the wolf was always fun. The wolf jumped at him and he quickly grappled with him and soon had him in a tight embrace.

"You jerk!" Seth growled though he couldn't say it wasn't good seeing the rottweiler. After hitting him once on the chest he let Max hug him, and he even returned it. After a second he pried out of the rottweiler's grip, "What are you doing home?"

"Well...I live here..." Max said. "Oh...but me and the guys are going out tonight and I really need to get a shower and all that,"

Seth felt his tail droop. So that was it. Lately the rottweiler hadn't been home too much. They both would go to classes and then Max would go work out, and for the past month he'd gone out nearly every night with 'the guys' so they could party or something; Max never told him what it was he did. It was happening far too often though.

Sure at first Seth hadn't minded. It gave him tons of time to play games and catch up on other stuff, and now the raid nights with the guild were totally free-which he didn't really like considering for the past week they'd been stuck due to the DPS sucking it up. Tuesday and Wednesday had always been the nights he'd raid, and normally Max would go out sometimes and other times the rottweiler would stay home and read a book, but then he started going out every night-even on Fridays which were their date nights.

He was afraid the rottweiler was tired of him; that maybe 'the guys' was just 'a guy' who Max was cheating on him with-or even worse, 'the guys' were a lot of guys he was cheating on him with. As much as he tried to put those thoughts away they were becoming more and more prevalent in his deep thoughts.

Why else would Max not be getting in till two in the morning-even on school nights! The rottweiler had even skipped their nearly binding-by unstated consent-study session over the weekend, leaving Seth to study by himself. If Max was bored with him he'd wish the rottweiler would talk about it instead of just leaving him by himself because at least then he could try to do something about it.

The sound of the shower running hit Seth's ears. The rottweiler hadn't even stayed to ask him about his day-nothing. Did Max not care about his days anymore? Throwing aside the thoughts he decided it would be best to just ask exactly what the rottie was doing so often. He moved over to the door of their shared bathroom and knocked.


"Max...can we talk?" Seth asked.

"Umm...right now?"

" somepoint please," Seth suggested. "You'll be in tonight, right?"

"I'm not sure," Max yelled over the flow. "The guys really want us to go hit a few places and I don't want to let them down,"

Seth felt his ears flatten. Was not letting down 'the guys' really more important than spending some time with him-or not letting him down? He opened his mouth and tried to control his tone, "But...I was really hoping we could eat together tonight..."

"Maybe tomorrow night!" Max yelled, his voice completely unchanging.

"I could make your favorite...squash, potatoes, and a big steak..." Seth suggested.

"That sounds delicious...but...the guys told me that they really wanted me around tonight,"

"Can't you at least stay for a bit?"

"Well...I really do need to get heading out you know. I mean, the guys are waiting an-"

Seth heard that hated set of words one time too many; the guys. Then, like when his knight went into his berserker form, Seth felt a spark of anger flare in him. He wasn't sure where it really came from; maybe a backlog of the lonely nights combined with the thoughts of being left behind by the rottweiler he'd come to love, or maybe he was just taking out the fact that he'd missed the rottweiler on him in a more violent way than normal. "You tell 'the guys' they can wait!" he suddenly shouted.

"What?" Max asked; his voice more filled with surprise than questioning.

"You heard me Maxwell Bartholomew Wyler! You can tell 'the guys' to fuck off for all I care! You're not going anywhere till we talk! Get that self-saving ass out of the shower because I'm not having this conversation here!" Seth barked at the door and glared at it, as if he was arguing with it and not with Max. Feeling the rest of the anger seethe out slowly he smacked the door once and stalked away, going back into the living room.

He plopped down onto the couch and snatched his controller up and resumed his previous game. Apparently the dark lord had taken him captive. After a few scenes he was able to move and quickly knocked out his jailer-and began fighting his way through the dungeon. Sure his character wasn't pissed off, but it felt like with his rage he was transferring it to anyone who dared to get in his way.

"Stupid little mutt," Seth grumbled and used his most advanced move on an enemy it would've only taken one hit to kill anyway. He hadn't bothered exploring the extra rooms or even looting his victims-he just attacked anything that got in his way. More times than one he used his fists and pretended it was 'the guys' whom he'd never met yet hated with his entire being.

Who were they compared to him anyway? Had they been there when Max had been sick for two weeks, helping him catch up on work and homework? Had they helped Max with his economics class in the late hours of the night at the expense of their biology test? There was absolutely no way they could be more important than him he thought.

Even if it was an arrogant thought it felt completely justified. He loved Max and the rottweiler said he loved him-so how could he let 'the guys' become more important than him? The thought hurt, but then again he was sure skewering the two guards on the pike hurt too. He scowled and lifted his knight's foot, sending another guard out the window.

They were probably all jocks like Max anyway. The rottweiler apparently met one of them while working out, or so he said. It was probably one of those stupid locker room scenes, and Max was just tired of their dull romantic life together. Seth wondered just exactly how well he knew them-it sure seemed like the rottweiler was willing to get to know them...more so than to spend a night with him anymore. The idea hit another spark of rage and he quickly pushed a pot of boiling oil over the side of a crevice-down onto the minions of the dark lord below-goblins by the looks of it.

"Well, what would I know?" Seth asked with a scoff. The next room held traps and a plethora of guards to stop him, "After all, they're all probably six-packed frat guys who just get wasted and laid-Chh! How could I ever compare with that?" he asked with a growl.

Seth knew he wasn't the most fit guy, but he figured that what he didn't have in six packs and biceps he made up for in character. Maybe Max wanted looks though? That wouldn't make any sense though, seeing as they'd been together for coming up on four years and Max had used to compliment on his looks. The rottweiler had told him he didn't need to lose any weight, that the bit of pudge he did have was hot to him. He'd told Max he'd try to get a great body for him and the rottweiler told him he was handsome the way he was-laughing at him for thinking he cared about his image. The rottweiler may have lied, but even if he was a couch potato surely his personality was better. He was pretty smart, smart enough to have tutored Max through all of high school basically. He was kind too-very kind and loving.

Seth made his character do a somersault and he pushed one of the guards into a flame trap, which quickly engulfed the tiger in a wave of fire. The sight made him chuckle a bit and he kicked another person into a pit of vipers, effectively closing off two traps. No matter how many guards he punched he never felt better, only sourer.

Seth watched as a guard ran up and managed to hit him-stabbing a knife into his left arm. The attack took down about an eighth of his health and he quickly spun around and punched the unlucky guard a few yards away.

"Doesn't even tell me who they are," he grumbled under his breath as he laid three more dogs down with a series of punches. "Probably thinks I don't care,"

The sound of pots being smashed ran through the TV and Seth stopped his assault on the clay objects to move to a fleshier one since the sound had attracted more guards. Even on ultimate the guards didn't really stand a chance against him. Then again it wasn't really fair to them seeing as Seth always played at his best when he was angry or jubilant.

He almost wished the dark lord would show himself because he had no doubt he'd beat him to a pulp-if the game would allow it. There was a thundering strike outside and lightning ran through the window and conveniently hit an oil lamp hanging above the bridge and now the guards wouldn't be able to hinder his progress.

"You're still alive...very cool,"

Seth looked up from the screen and saw Max smiling at him, a towel hanging around his waist and showing off himself. The rottweiler was fit-no two ways about it. Max had a good set of abs, not a six pack yet it was defined, just like his arms, legs, pecs, and shoulders-even his butt. He had a look about him that held a natural beauty; which had drawn him to the rottweiler to begin with so many years ago. In his eyes the rottie was a beefy god.

Still, he hadn't become immune to it, but he'd just managed to look past it and see the rottweiler for who he was-someone amazing, but right now even that perspective was a bit shattered. He loved Max, but right now he didn't like him.

Max moved over and plopped down next to his boyfriend, laying his head in Seth's lap and looking up at him, "I have about six minutes...come-on...tell me what's up,"

Seth felt all his anger light back up, like an oxygen tank and a flaming arrow meeting in a fiery collision. He bolted up, and growled at the rottweiler, "Six minutes!? Is that all I'm worth to you?"


"Go-just go!" Seth said and turned his back on the rottweiler.

"Seth, tell me what's wrong," Max pleaded, realizing that this was more than one of Seth's 'I just failed a test' moods-much more by the anger.

"I don't know about you give me your secretary's number and I'll see if you could possibly pencil me in later. Or maybe I'll just call one of 'the guys' seeing as you always hang out with them now,"

Max felt his ears twitch; so that was it. He stood up and looked at the wolf. "It's not th-"

"Shut-up Max! Just go...I don't want to talk to you,"

"Babe i-"

"Oh, so now the pet names come back," Seth said and rolled his eyes. For the past month he'd only been Seth to the rottweiler-not 'Babe', 'Hon', 'Honey', or any term of endearment. He heard the rottweiler getting up off the couch but there was no movement of him walking away. Seth looked back at him and growled, "Get out of here!"

After a few long moments Max got up and went back into their room. Seth felt he had every right to just go and make it his room now. After all, 'the guys' would take Max in no doubt. With a swat of his paw he sent the controller half way across the room. It hit the wall with a surprisingly resounding thunk sound.

Despite his best efforts he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Max hadn't made an effort to even soothe him-the rottweiler had given up so easily. He took off his glasses and wiped at his eyes, trying to fight back the small amount of water.

Max was probably dressing up and getting ready to leave now-the rottweiler may not even come back tonight. Seth plopped down on the couch and cupped his face in his paws, looking at the floor.

A minute passed and he heard the hardwood floor creak. Then the couch became indented as there was a weight next to him.

"I called the guys and told them I wouldn't be able to make it tonight,"

Seth scoffed and looked away. So telling his friends he wouldn't be able to make it came before soothing him; at least Max was consistent.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong...I thought you didn't mind," Max said, wanting to know why the wolf was being so distant. He'd taken the increase in gaming and everything else as a sign that they could both spend a bit of time away from each other-not because they wanted to but because they would have some 'me' time.

Seth glared over at the rottweiler for a moment then back at the floor, "You called them first,"

"And cancele-"

"And felt it was more important to talk to them before coming to me! Don't I come first anymore? Why call them instead o-you don'-Am I at the bottom of your list!" Seth growled, though half the questions came out as stammering accusations. It was dead silent for a moment and he felt a strong arm wrap over him, but he refused to budge into his boyfriend's embrace, no matter how comforting.

"Do you feel like I'm leaving you out?"

Seth scoffed and turned his head away from the rottweiler.

"You should've told me..."

"I shouldn't have to tell you! The past month I've still cooked for you but only to throw away the meal because you never touched it," Seth told the wolf. He wasn't upset about the wasted food so much as he was the fact that Max never even acknowledged his efforts.

"I ate out..."

"With the guys," Seth added with a growl. He could tell that Max was quickly learning that the problem was a multitude of factors.

"Would you like to come with us?" Max asked, wondering if it was possibly the wolf was lonely.

Seth pushed the rottweiler away, "No Max I would not like to go with you...I'd like you to be with me,"

"I am with you..." Max said, and this time pulled the wolf into a forceful hug, not caring if Seth was pushing him away.

After a few moments of fighting the embrace Seth stopped, knowing he couldn't escape the muscled body. Instead he found himself resting his head on the rottie's shoulder.

"I've...ignored you,"

Seth didn't egg the rottweiler on this time. He sighed again though and stared off at a far corner of the room. After a minute Seth finally opened his mouth, "It...felt like you didn't care about me,"

Max chuckled and shook his head, "Stupid...I care about you more than anyone else in the world,"

"Then...why did I get put on the back burner? Who are the guys? Why don't you ever take me along? Why do you stay out so late? Where are those nights that we could snuggle on the couch and watch a show? Why didn't you come home for our study session? Max, you missed our dates on Fridays..."

Max increased his hold on the wolf, "I'm sorry..."

Seth rolled his eyes a little.

"They're...meatheads," Max said tentatively. He hadn't wanted to introduce 'the guys' for the sheer fact Max knew how Seth felt about guys like him. Max knew he was an exception in the world of 'jock images' for Seth because of their relationship.

Seth cocked his head and glanced over at the rottweiler.

"That's what you would think," Max explained. "The guys; they're meatheads. Jocks I guess,"

Seth couldn't help a tiny smile; he'd been right.

"But...I mean, well, we get along. I mean...we talk about gym stuff; that's why I never invited you. Last night...we talked about tricep workouts-it'd bore you out of your mind,"


"Yes...what did you think I was doing all these nights?" Max asked. He loved the wolf and hadn't really thought about what exactly coming home so late meant to him.

Seth shifted a bit but didn't move any in his boyfriend's arms. Hoping he wouldn't get angry at him he sighed, " were out getting were cheating on me," he said the last part as a whisper. He was shoved back from the rottie and was face to face with him.

"Seth...I would never cheat on you-if I ever hear you say if I even think you're thinking that I'll flush your cords for the gamebox down the toilet," Max told the wolf and pulled him back to him, kissing him on the cheek, "I'd never do that to you,"

"I'm's a stupid thought,"

"Yes it is," Max told the wolf surely.

" were just being a meathead?"

"Yeah..." Max said. "I mean...haven't you triceps are more bigger,"

"You haven't been around for me to feel,"

"Oh..." Max said and sighed. "Honestly we were going to hit a bar tonight...I was the designated driver,"

Seth leaned closer to his boyfriend, "...well...I guess a date wouldn't work tonight anyway,"

Max grumbled something, and Seth thought he heard the rottie call him an idiot again.

"Did you forget?" Seth asked. "About our dates on Friday?"

"....I figured if you didn't mention them...then...I could skip them. I mean, you hate the gym and I hate video games. I figured we were just kind of doing our 'me time' thing..."

Seth looked away and tried to focus on a pattern on the wall, "Did you not care then? D-Don't you like going on dates with me?"

"Of course I do Seth. Going out with you dwarfs all the highlights of're my knight's crest,"

Seth scoffed, but in a humorous manner, "There's no such's a video game thing,"

"'re my shining knight," Max said and nuzzled the wolf. "And...I hope you'll forgive me for missing our dates..."

Seth very slowly let one of his arms move around and wrap around the rottie's firm body. He let his head rest in a more loving manner against Max and sighed, "Of course Max..."

"So...tomorrow...think you'd want to go to the park, or we could go to that new bistro down the street. Not to mention the new pier opens tomorrow...and you know I'm a sucker for the smell of the ocean,"

Seth nodded, "Yeah...that sounds nice," he said and pulled back a little, "Will you be home later tonight?"

"I'm staying home Babe," Max said surely. He wasn't going to screw up the best thing in his life to go out with some guys he would probably not see after another year in college. No, Seth was too important to him for that; the wolf was a constant in his life and he was going to keep it that way.

Seth cocked his head, "But...aren't the guys w-"

Max leaned forward and kissed the wolf on the lips, "Canceled it. Tonight is about you and me-OK?"

"O...OK," Seth said, feeling his heart beat a bit faster.

"Besides...I need someone to tell me how my muscles feel-bigger, right?" Max asked, taking of his boyfriend's paws and placing it on his arm as he flexed.

Seth squeezed the muscled body and ran his paw over the rottweiler, enjoying how the muscle felt under his paw, "'re fit,"

Max snuffled a bit, "Just fit?" he asked, feeling his pecs being squeezed by the wolf, who was slowly moving down to his abs.

"OK...maybe there's some definition," Seth admitted. He patted the firm muscled chest. He loved feeling the rottie's body; it gave him the same satisfaction as finding an epic on a trash mob.

"I'm sorry about ignoring you the past bit..." Max said, kissing the wolf on his nose.

"Ehh...what's month compared to us being together all our lives?" Seth asked, and kissed the rottie back.

"Yes...all our lives-even if I just thought you were a geeky wolf in highschool,"

"You had a crush on me and you know it," Seth said and kissed the rottweieler on the lips, muffling his response. He pulled back and smiled, "Admit it,"

" may have caught my eye going down the hall, but I swear I was just checking out your butt then-fine as it was. I mean...I didn't look at you as anything but a sex object too often...just once or twice maybe," Max said, a rumble in his chest from the wolf's groping paws. " one at school had your looks Babe-what can I say? From the moment I saw your ears flicker from across our class in geometry I kinda liked you-wanted to get you under my paws,"

"And when I tutored you...did you ever pay attention to me?"

" actually wanted me to learn," Max said and frowned, "How was I supposed to ogle at you when all you talked about was biology and chemistry,"

Seth chuckled and began to let his fingers trace over the rottie's obliques. He was always impressed that Max could even work out the muscles he didn't know people even used anymore though the rottie could recount any type of work you could do with that muscle or set of muscles, "Meathead,"

"Aww...but I'm your meathead Babe," Max replied and kissed the wolf on his cheek. "I even got up the nerve to ask you to our freshman dance in college,"

Seth rolled his eyes. He had never once thought of Max and him being an item till that day, and the idea hit him hard. Seeing the rottie ask him, shuffling his feet and looking as nervous as he did-it kind of had a charm on him, "Yeah...the first time you actually talked to me outside of school and tutoring,"

" got to admit you fell for me," Max said and flexed his triceps for the wondering paws next. He could remember that day all to well-how he had dressed a bit more than he should've for a 'casual' encounter with the guy he ended up loving and moving in with.

"Maybe a little," Seth admitted, remembering that night like one would remember the best night of their life. He leaned forward and kissed the rottweiler, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and pulling him closer. In return he got the strongest arms he knew wrapped around him and an equally worked out tongue; though he was the one who worked out that part of the rottie's body, along with a few other muscles that were just for him.

Max's tug was firm, like the rottie himself and the heat from his boyfriend was nice in the cooler air of their apartment. After snogging with the bigger dog for a minute he pulled from their kiss and licked at the rottie's ear, making it flicker.

" I've missed that," Max rumbled with a grin. When the wolf looked at him again he kissed him for a moment then pulled back, "Kill me if I ever go a day without kissing you like that again,"

"How about I tie you to the bed instead?" Seth suggested, moving his paw under the big dog's shirt to properly feel the muscles, "But you'd have to promise not to break out,"

Max chuckled, letting the sound rise from his chest, "Well...that's only a last resort, right?"

Seth kissed the rottweiler on his lips and pulled back, "I don't sounds like something I want to try...tying you down...keeping you all to myself from the world..."

"I don't think you could," Max grumbled.

"Try me," Seth replied and kissed the rottie quickly and pulled back. He pushed Max down onto the couch and leaned down onto him, "I'm greedy-if I can't have you then no one can,"

Max's teeth showed in something between a smile and a snarl, "Not very chivalrous of you oh mighty knight,"

Seth groped the rottweiler's left pec and shook his head, "What are you going to do about it?"

"Noth-nothing," Max managed to finish after the wolf unlocked lips with him again. He gave a groan as the wolf's spare paw groped his package.

"I didn't think so," Seth growled and moved down to his boyfriend's neck. He bit and lapped over all the spots he knew made Max shiver. The rottie's sheath was plump and quickly filling with a treat that was for him and him alone, and he made sure to give teasing grabs to what would soon be seven inches of pleasure. With his free paw he continued to molest the dog's chest, enjoyed the chiseled body his boyfriend worked so hard to keep. Max was pretty beefy and he loved that the dog wasn't just muscular but big too-no muscle was fake or deceitful.

"Ssseth," Max hissed as the wolf bit at a particularly tender part of his neck.

Seth licked over the skin once more and pulled back, "You're really hot when you're on your know?"

Max snorted and kissed the wolf again. This time the wolf kept him in the kiss. He lapped the inside of Seth's muzzle, tasting what he was sure were chocolate candies Seth would so often eat while playing his games. He even made a mental note that he'd surprise the wolf with a box of chocolate as an added appolgy for ignoring him. He grunted as one of the wolf's paws squeezed his package, and could feel his cock quickly filling out his sheath.

Seth growled roughly to let Max know to stop the kiss-a little game they had built over the years-and pulled back from the kiss. Before he could say anything the rottie kissed him fully on the mouth, making him try to speak while the dog's tongue raided his muzzle. When he pushed Max off he saw the smirk on his boyfriend's muzzle and shook his head, "Cocky now, aren't we?"

"Well, I've already scored the best guy in town-why shouldn't I be a bit cocky?" Max asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The guys know that you're mine, right?" Seth asked, and nipped at the rottie's chin with his front teeth.

"Yeah...Th-ohh," Max tried to say when a firm squeeze made him lose track of his thoughts. He gained his breath back and looked back at the wolf, "They know I'm spoken for, by a hot sexy wolf...and they're all jealous of me too,"

"Good," Seth growled and nipped over the tender area of the big dog's neck again, getting a groan from the dog as he did so.

"Oh geez Seth...eager?"

"I haven't had you like this in nearly a month," Seth mumbled from his mawful of his boyfriend's neck.

"I know...I was there," Max grumbled as he took in a deep breath, which came out in shudders under the wolf's expert tongue. Seth knew he had a sensitive neck, at least when it came to biting. It was the wolf's favorite way to tease him, and it never failed.

Seth grumbled a few words as he slobbered over the rottie's neck. He squeezed the growing package with eagerness and grinded his own sheath into the dog's hips, making Max hiss with pleasure.

" like...oh! Get...umhum...yes," Max mumbled incoherently as he tilted his head to expose his neck for the ravaging teeth and tongue. He had no idea how he'd gone without this for a month. Seth was more than right because the guys really could 'fuck off', a term he'd never heard the more polite and conservative wolf ever use before. Did pumping his muscles really compare to the feeling of being his boyfriend's personal chew toy? He gave a small shudder as the cool air played over his moist fur when the wolf pulled off of him.

Seth pulled back and gave the rottie's package one more firm squeeze. He left the panting rottweiler on the couch and smiled smugly at him, "I'll be in the bedroom," he said, nodding towards the location. "I'm going to be in there and I expect your ass to follow could go out with 'the guys' if you want,"

Max knew the wolf was just playing with him-as if there was a choice. He laid there as the wolf walked off in a smug manner, like the wolf's gait itself was saying he was going to be having some good 'rottie sex' tonight. Smiling to himself Max sat up and shivered when some of the cool saliva moved into his shirt, and he quickly wiped it away.

Not wasting any time he picked up his feet and jogged after the wolf into their bedroom, where he found Seth waiting for him. In the few seconds the wolf had managed to ditch all but his underwear; a pair of deepblue boxers with an appetizing sight bulging beneath. Seth was lying on the bed in a casual manner, propped up on his elbow and staring at where Max now stood.

"Good choice Hon," Seth stated. He sat up, revealing a bit of stomach, and motioned the dog over.

Max followed his mate's instructions and tried to keep a blank face as the dog's paws splayed over his abs and stomach.

"Lose the shirt,"

Max nodded and threw the shirt that was a bit too small for him anyway away. Seth liked those shirts on him though; so he was glad to wear them. As he put his paws on his pants he looked down at Seth for confirmation and the wolf nodded in approval.

"I don't care if you make a show of it tonight...long as you're on this bed in the next twenty"

Max smiled at the wolf's antics. "What are you going to do if I'm not?" he asked with a smirk, trying to match the unmatchable smug nature Seth could exude while in bed. It wasn't bad for Seth though. The wolf could be smug because it worked for him-like it was just part of how he pleasured him with his very being. No other fur on earth could pull off the arrogant and smugness that the wolf did while in bed and make it seem right; like that's just how it was supposed to be.

Seth stopped counting and looked at the rottwieler, "I'll tie you down,"

"Maybe I'll wait for those twenty seconds then," Max said, his fingers on the button of his jeans.

"And..." Seth said and traced the bulge of his boyfriend's pants with a paw, "I won't cook your favorite meal tomorrow...nine,"

"You wouldn't," Max said. The wolf knew how much he loved steak and squash-Seth wasn't that cruel.

"Fifteen," Seth stated and tapped his foot loudly on the floor.

"Cheater!" Max growled, and fumbled to get out of his jeans, pulling down his underwear with the jeans. The wolf had started counting by twos and skipped quite a few numbers to begin with.


Max was hopping up and down on one leg as he kicked the clothing away and jumped at his boyfriend, grappling him and forcing their muzzles together-if not to shut him up before he got to the final number then just to kiss him. For someone who had seemed so indifferent to him while undressing the wolf warmed up to him very quickly, with his paws quickly groping his rump and grinding their bodies together. He moaned into the wolf's muzzle and ran his paws up and down the wolf's side.

Seth chuckled a bit into the kiss and squeezed the perfect buns beneath his paw, getting an excited growl from the dog above him. After a few more tongue ties he pulled back and smiled at his mate, "Barely made it,"

Max snorted at his boyfriend and nudged him roughly with his muzzle, "Would've had time to spare if you didn't cheat,"

Seth smiled and patted the rottweiler on his rump again, "Hmph...I'll let you play with my bone if it makes you feel better-something nice and tasty for your muzzle. Would that make you feel better Hun?"

Max felt his cheeks flush a little. Seth chuckled again and the wolf grinded up against him. The wolf could always push his buttons, and now was no different. After all, Seth was a wolf and had quite the alpha to him; a surprise considering the geeky traits his boyfriend always had. Then there was the geeky body to boot. He'd always liked a bit of heft, in guys and the wolf was exactly how he liked them. Not looking straight in Seth's eyes he nodded, "It might," he mumbled.

"Well, get to it," Seth murmured in a low tone he knew Max loved.

Max felt the embarrassment go away as he made his way down the wolf's body. He pressed his muzzle against the navel of his boyfriend-making Seth squirm a little. He smiled to himself and dipped his head to their mutually desired location. Looking up briefly he looked back at the wolf, "Can't do much with a wrapped bone,"

Seth smirked and lifted his hips, rubbing his crotch in the rottie's face, and Max didn't seem to mind at all, as he hooked his fingers in the elastic of his boxers and removed the fabric. Kicking it off he nodded, "Better?"

Max eyed the meat in front of him and wetted his lips, "Yeah," he replied in an offish tone, not really listening, so much as taking in the feelings. Seth's 'bone' as he liked to teasingly call it was about eight inches long and had a matching pair of balls that were just as appetizing for him. The scent that reached him from the closeness made his mouth water, and without any ceremony he took the cock into his muzzle.

Seth moaned as the rottweiler began to tease his flesh with a heavy and skilled tongue. Max let him place one of his paws on its proper place behind his head-where he could tease the dog's ears. The rottie's paws took a hold on his hips, holding him in place; though the rottie did welcome some expedient scratching behind his floppy ear. The dog pulled off his member and let it slap back against his stomach, then with deliberate slowness licked from the bulbous flesh to the drooling tip.

Max felt Seth's hips strain under his paws as he finished his first swipe of his tongue. Before going for another he pushed his nose under the much loved musky balls, leaving his treat to drool for a bit as he drooled over his favorite attachment to the wolf's cock. The short fur was soft and had a habit of tickling his tongue on the lighter licks, but every swipe held the musky flavor he'd come to love. A leisurely moan rumbled out of him as he teased one of the orbs with wet kisses and heavy swipes, occasionally even nipping gently at the skin-which always produced an 'ooh!' from his boyfriend.

After a few minutes the hips once again strained under him and he pushed down roughly with his paws to keep the wolf still, giving a warning growl to Seth about interrupting his fun. He waited for a moment and continued after Seth had calmed down enough for him to continue-though he did welcome those expert fingers that scratched behind his ears. Burying his nose for a few moments and breathing in the scent Max pulled away with a little regret. He normally stopped when his tongue felt 'fuzzy' and he knew the best way to deal with it was the hot slab of meat just above the now dampened balls.

The reprieve had been perfect. On his returning swipe he was pleased to find that the wolf's cock had drooled just about as much as he was drooling for it. For a minute he lapped at the tapered head, and tongue kissed the cock before sucking it back between his eager lips. Seth's grip tightened a bit and they both moaned at his return.

The rottie's tongue bathed Seth's cock in a happy greeting. Seth flexed his hips and toes to keep from thrusting into the wet maw. It was just about all he could take to let Max have his own fun, and he could tell that the rottie had missed this just as much as he had. After a minute he pulled on the big dog's head, "OK...give it a good-bye kiss,"

Max snorted but did concede to doing such a thing as he let the wolf pull him off and the meat slapped back against the wolf's stomach. He looked up at the wolf and licked his lips.

"Feel better?"

Max couldn't help a tiny smile, "A bit,"

Seth chuckled and sat up, "On your paws and knees," he said and swiveled his paw as if to show the rottie what he wanted.

Max snorted but did as the wolf commanded. A firm slap on his rump made him jump and he scowled at the wolf, "Seth..." he said in a warning tone

Seth just chuckled and then rubbed the abused cheek, "Sorry Hun...couldn't resist. How about you get on the bed and spread your legs...we both know it's going to be fun," he said and winked for effect.

Max grumbled under his breath; he was far too subby to really mind the treatment in truth. He got onto the bed and stuffed a pillow under his arms as he leaned down and rested his head, leaving his butt exposed for the wolf's, and, Max had to admit his, pleasure. Two paws found their way onto his hips and rubbed over his two cheeks, griping and feeling the fleshy parts with obvious happiness.

"Mmm, still nice looking...and feeling too. Round and beffy-you kept it just how I like it," Seth said and gave the right cheek a quick pat which made Max grumble something. He leaned forward and without further warning stuffed his nose under the rottie's twitching tail; casuing Max to tense a little at his cold nose's touch. The assault on his nose wasn't quite what it might be after a heavy night on the town, especially when considering the rottie's shower. Still, with the amount of foreplay already Max was sweating a little, the amount of musk present wasn't anything to sneeze at and Seth made himself at home under the rottie's tail.

Seth closed his eyes, since there wasn't much need for seeing and focused on everything else from the sound of those hot gruffy breathes to the taste of the pucker he'd soon be sampling with zest. Over the month he'd probably missed this the most. A good tonguing always got Max hot and ready for a good tail pounding. Moving past the point of interest he lapped over the rottie's low hangers, deciding he'd work his way up.


The sound was pure and like honey to Seth's ears. He hid his grin between the rottie's large rump cheeks, slowly snaking his tongue along his favorite crevice in the world. After a sufficient tease his tongue grazed over that hidden muscle and the rottie snorted a bit. On his next return he found his place to stay, right under the twitching tail with his attentions on the larger dog's winking tailstar.

Max snorted in a gruff manner as the wolf's tongue assaulted his pucker with teasing licks and pleasant warmth. His back arched and he made an effort of not pushing his hips back against the wolf-giving him the same amount of control Seth gave over to him. His own rock hard cock drooled happily against his stomach, with a string of pre hanging between him and the bed.

Seth murred pleasantly as he lapped over the pucker and let his lips meet that flesh in a kiss he was sure not many could appreciate in the same manner he and his boyfriend did. Every broad swipe form his tongue was another hit against the rottweiler, driving him into what they both knew would be complete submission. He kneaded the flesh in his paws all the while teasing the rottie's muscle into submission. His mate was mumbling something all the time but to him it sounded far off. After a particularly insistent amount of teasing the star of muscle gave up and Seth's tongue worked its way into the growling rottie.

"Get...yeah there...umhum, like that....yeah Babe," Max growled softly, though he wasn't quite sure what exactly he was trying to communicate to the happily murring wolf. He could feel his entire body quavering under the expert tongue and was almost sure Seth was going to bring him to climax just by eating him out. He marveled at how he could've possibly forgotten to work out his more intimate muscles with Seth-in a way only the wolf could really do. And the wolf was doing just that-giving him the work out he'd been denying himself for far too long.

Seth kissed at the pucker as he delved into the muscled rottie-happy to have the dog rumbling bneath him. He made himself comfortable, and by the time he felt the need to pull away the rottie's balls and his own chin were slick with the labors of his work. He pulled back from the muscle with a suctioned kiss, even smacking his lips pleasantly as he examined his work.

Max felt two quick pats on his rump and snuffled a bit, "Not done are you?"

"Don't you worry," Seth said with a grin, "I'm just getting started with you," he promised and moved over to the night stand. He applied and quick lube job to his member and wiped the rest on the rottie's spit lubed pucker. The dog's rump offered as a warm hold on his cock while he let it run over the intended destination a few times.

"Seth, would you just pound me already?"

Seth smiled at the rottwieler's enthusiasm. He guided his cock to the pucker and with the teasing from his previous visits Max only gave a quiet grunt as the tip slipped into his tunnel. He worked his way slowly into the rottweiler and patted his rump affectionately when their balls were finally touching.

"Mmmph...has...been awhile, hasn't it?" Max asked, moving his hips a bit to get used to that large meat. He always enjoyed moments where he and Seth would make sure the other was ready to proceed before his cock would be bouncing and he'd be incoherently barking at Seth to breed him even harder. OK-there truthfully wasn't anything to sex with Seth that he didn't enjoy.

"Yeah," Seth said and pumped forward a bit, getting a grunt from his boyfriend, "I'm going to have to workout some of these muscles,"

Max grinned a little and pushed back on the wolf, "Please do,"

Grinning Seth placed his paws on the rottie's hips and nodded, "You got it," he said before slowly pushing back in, their bodies meeting in the first of what would be many beautiful collisions. Moving his paws in a reach around he grasped his mate around his chest and leaned over him, his stomach resting on the rottie's sweaty back and his nose being buried in the musty fur he loved.

Max grunted with each firm thrust into his tunnel, and his cock complimented every push with a happy pulse-his entire body glad to have that cock stuffed back into him. For such a couch potato the wolf had some sturdy hips; hips that could make drill him all day long he was quite sure. He grumbled a few words into the air as he began to rock his hips back and forth with the wolf-getting all he could out of that pleasure stick. The teasing bites made him shudder under the smaller canine, and soon enough he had his head tilted so that the wolf could bite him as roughly as he wanted-how he wanted the wofl to do it.

Seth growled happily and nipped over the sensitive rottie's neck, getting a happy snort from the dog whose hips were pushing back onto his own. After he was sure Max was good he began to pick up his pace, developing a rocking motion as he let his hips deliver more powerful strikes to the dog beneath him. He was now pounding the rottie like they both wanted-hard, fast, and without a sign of stopping.

"Mmm-oh! that-shove it in...give it t-ohh...yes yes....there keep i-ye-yeah," Max heard himself grunting and moaning under his boyfriend. He felt completely subdued by the pleasure that drilling cock never failed to give him. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and his cock was bouncing against his abs as the wolf bred him like he the two of them were driven by the urge to out due the other. It didn't take much to get him moaning for Seth-maybe a simple command would do it. His hips were pushing back on the wolf's cock of their own accord and he wanted nothing more than to have that cock slamming its way into him-making him bark for the smaller canine.

The creaking of the bed combined with the sound of two canines panting in the middle of their mating filled the room-accompanied by the more rude sounds of Seth's balls slapping against Max's or that of that the incoherent mumblings the rottie gave as he had his rump stuffed over and over again. Seth could feel his balls churn with the load he was going to deposit into his boyfriend, growling roughly as he tugged on the larger dog-getting grunt from him.

"Y-yeah. Tie me,"

Seth growled and pressed his knot firmly against the rottweiler, "You want it Big-guy?"

"Oh, I want it-take me," Max grunted under the wolf and pushed back on the knot. And the wolf did just that. The fleshy ball began slamming on his pucker with a force that told him that he was going to be taken by his boyfriend. He moved his hips forward and, with as much power as he could, slammed himself down on the knot, grunting as the large ball spread him open every time. His cock was pulsing with immense pleasure that only served to keep him driving himself down onto the wolf's cock with increased fervor. Soon the wolf took him into a mating bite and he grunted from the sheer force of it, but it was just another thing for him to overcome so they could be tied together fully-something he strove for just as intensely as the lust filled wolf.

Seth drooled over the rottie as he growled his dominance into the bigger dog's ear, and pumped himself forcefully into the tight confines that he aimed to take. His balls felt like they were pumping their juices, and he pulled on the rottie as he slammed himself back against the muscle, and with a jerk, claimed his prize with a shaking body. Tying always made him see stars and he bucked roughly into the dog as his balls pumped more puppy seed into his willing cohort.

Max felt his tailstar clamp down on the knot and his prostate being pummeled by the wolf's bigger cock-sending electric pulses all throughout his body. Those, along with the added feelings of the knot stuffed in him and the heat of the cock, made him lose himself to the bucking wolf as his cock exploded onto their bed-sending a milky river below him.

Seth felt his cock pulsing madly through the tie and he jerked with pleasure as he began to shoot his load into the already shaking dog-giving off a muffled howl as he claimed his lover in the most primal and intimate ways they could. Both of their bodies were tense and jerkign with that familiar rhythm that he knew meant they were losing themselves to pleasure. Max was making the air smell of rottie sex and that only increased his need to take the bigger male; to be the one who was doing that to him.

After a few more shaky thrusts Seth dropped onto his boyfriend and in effect the rottie dropped down onto the bed, both given out by their mutual efforts. They both lay still, enjoying the afterglow of a good bit of 'rottie sex' that both enjoyed so much. He could hear Max rumbling and snorting every few moments, usually not understanding what his boyfriend said, but knowing it involved a pleasured tone. A few playful bites made Max's erect twitch and he licked the inner part of it with a chuckle.

"Hmmm," Max rumbled deep in his chest.

"Mmm" Seth murred in response. He nipped at the nape of the dog's neck and pressed his hips against the rottie's, enjoying the intimacy that they shared after their lovemaking-if not just expressed in a much more physical manner.

" you've been working out," Max grumbled pleasantly and clenched down on the rod firmly stuffed in his tailhole.

Seth chuckled in response and licked the innerpart of his boyfriend's ear again, "Maybe you've just gotten weaker,"

Max chuckled gruffly also, "No way..."

"I spent some of my talent points to being effective against beasts-cause them to fall a whole ten percent faster-if you catch my drift," Seth said and added a curt push against his boyfriend's hips.

After an appropriate and pleasured grunt Max chuckled a bit and moved his paws back to grope the wolf's more bouncy-than-his-own butt, "I didn't think that game you were playing had talents,"

"Or does it?" Seth asked with a smile.

"You're switching up games on me," Max grumbled and squeezed the wolf's rump in a playful manner, "That's not fair,"

"All is fair in love and war," Seth replied with a firm grinding motion against the rottweiler.

Max groaned and pushed his hips back against the wolf's. " Wednesday me and the guys..."

"Next Wednesday you're meeting me out at Greenceros for diner," Seth told the rottie.

"But...that's raid night for you isn't it?"

"They can wipe for all I care," Seth said. "I've got to work out your rump again. I'll be tail munching and pounding for weeks-it's been seriously neglected,"

"That it has...promise you'll get it back in back in shape?" Max asked with an almost sarcastic laugh.

"Most definitely-I shall strive to have you in perfect health by the end of the month though I insist on consistent examinations,"

"Oh? Why wait so long?"

Seth felt his ears perk and he smiled, "'Nother round?" he asked, pleased with the notion.

"You bet," Max snuffled. " about a meal first-I'm starving,"

Seth nodded in agreement, "Yeah...and then you can have a protein shake,"

" favorite kind I hope," Max rumbled back to the wolf and nestled into his lover's arms as they pulled possessively on him. A small bit of humor ran though him, a strange realization hitting him. He couldn't believe he might've missed a night with the perfect wolf to go out drinking with 'the guys'.


Thanks for reading and i hope you found it enjoyable. If there's anything i can do to improve or if you just want to drop a "Not bad" (though hopefully nothing worse) then do so below--I enjoy criticism! Well, not much to add, just that i hope you enjoyed the story and another 'Thank you' for reading