Dragonheart Part 20

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#21 of Dragonheart Part 0-28

Natsu opened his eyes slowly as he heard the crack of burning wood. When his eyes were fully open then he realized that he was lying under a blanket in a cave. "Where am I?" He asked, looking um.Lange he found no one, until someone went in the cave. He tried to get up, but apparently he was too exhausted to do so. As he came closer to the fire he could see that it was the lizard, which he and Ryu met earlier in the ice cave and he was apparently someone was wearing on his back.

He knelt down, took the person off his back and laid it on the wall. Natsu immediately realized that it was Ryu, which he wore on his back. Just wanted to shout his name as the lizard turned around, his finger to his mouth to tell him that he should not now speak. Saying Natsu did not, while the lizard sat by the fire. He took off his hat, holding his hands to the fire, rubbing them together occasionally.

So they remained for the next hour until Natsu asked him his name. But he said nothing but looked at him. His yellow eyes seemed to bore through, so it felt for Natsu at least in those seconds. Then he turned to the fire, while Natsu is only asked angrily: "Why say anything because the" A little later, Ryu then opened his eyes for the first time again. "What ... what is happening and where I am?" He asked in a low voice as Natsu from the other side called out his name.

For the first time the two saw each other for hours and enjoyed it to each other doing well. "And who is that?" Said Ryu, as he pointed to the lizard. "No idea, he will not tell me his name." Natsu said annoyed. "And he's not really talkative." Shrugging, Ryu began to not only get to with the stranger's conversation. But suddenly he stood up, pulled his sleeves up a little and showed a bracer, as they wear Ryu, Natsu and the others from their clan.

"Do you remember that he has joined the clan?" Asked Natsu Ryu, but who knows nothing of it. Then the stranger got up, looked only at the two and pointed outside. "Apparently he wants us to go with him." Concluded Natsu and struggled to his feet. Ryu also had problems with getting up, although initially, but then he could stand without problems. No sooner had they left the cave, the lizard, the two led down the hill into the city in which they accepted the job.

Once there the two went to the house of the mayor, the first time questioned the two about their long encounter with the polar bears. After an hour-long narration of the two dungeons with a bag full of money the office. Happy about the mission done, the two made ??their first on the nearest hostel to gather new strength. Inside the hostel, they immediately recognized the members of other clans that make this seemingly resting.

"Come on, we are joining them." Ryu beat immediately before. Natsu just nodded and then the two were joined to the others. There were three women and four young men who came from two different clans: the girls came from the clan "Rusty Leaves" and the boys from the clan "Red Sea". Without long were presented to both the front and also from which clan they came. "My two children since a clan? Today it is possible but really every member will not you?" Asked one of the women who looked at the two skeptical.

She had a slightly tanned skin, short white hair, blue eyes, wore a blue fencing jacket, on a beige short beige shawl collar, blue pants and black boots. At her waist hung a rapier, a silver, which they held with one hand always ready to handle. "Well, most of the clans that are now established in the third generation, most of which are rather young people who have just broken away from home was founded." Said one of the men.

He made ??a rather funny feeling, because he wore a cap with a black and red corner, blue eye shadow was, had both eyes by a vertical red line, red lipstick like a clown, a white ruffled collar and a black and red jacket wearing, to came the fact that he juggled all the time. "The third generation, you say? What do you mean? "Natsu asked curiously. All, even Ryu looked at him in disbelief and then asked him how much he knew of the clan at all.

Embarrassed, he just shook his head and replied that he did not know much about the clan. Without waiting, they told him of the clans and their origin:

Were sixty years ago by a group of adventurers who were tired of going alone to a club founded on a mission, the one now known by the word "clan". This spread over the entire country, whereupon then established in every city and in many other villages clans, so that the cohesion between peoples of every clan was strengthened anew. Thus the era of the clans had begun, that like any previous era brought with it dangers.

No sooner were the first clan that their work has been established exclusively for the welfare of others completed, founded already in the remote parts of the country's clans that were the exact opposite of their work included raids, kidnappings and assassinations. This meant that the clan little later waged a war against the other, which then incited a war with the clans of the north. For these smaller clan battles was the great war that nearly destroyed both countries.

But then, a group of brave soldiers, scholars and the clan "judge" what the judges were founded. This then joined with the leaders of the northern clans and armies an armistice, which continues to this day. The clans that existed at the beginning of the war were known as the clan of the first generation, which were founded during the war were the second generation, but many clans called again, since most were drawn into the war and usually not more came back. And by the end of the war now, all clans, which are now established in the clans of the third generation that is currently growing and prospering.

Natsu did not understand quite what they told him, wanted to say it does not. "Our clan" Rusty foliage is "still from the first generation. He was only a collection of three people and now nearly fifty people from different races. "Said one of the other women who have experienced seemingly much need. She was a cat with a gray coat, had shoulder-length red hair which was tied with a blue ribbon in a ponytail, green eyes, all the time had a smile on his face, wearing a purple vest and related rock.

One of the men told her the pride of the clan was the second generation. "After the war the clan consisted of only one person, so he was almost dissolved. But since a few volunteers had reported the clan remained in force until today, and may enjoy a membership of twenty-two persons. "He said happily. The two watched the "veterans" in their eyes in amazement and could not do otherwise than the next few hours about everything, especially to question about her many exciting adventures.

Just before she herself went to bed they took leave of the other clan members who had also retired to their rooms. Without waiting Natsu threw himself into his bed, took off his shoes and read only once a relieved groan escape his lips. "How I missed you, you soft bed." He said and just snuggled already almost with the bedding. Ryu sat laughing on his bed and asked him if he would like to sleep.

"Sleep is eat and fight alongside my favorite pastime," he replied cheerfully. While he was lying in bed watching Natsu Ryu's shoulder on which to advance with the katana stabbed himself to summon a giant dragon. Even when he thought how the huge dragon was there he saw sent shivers down my spine. But he wondered, that had remained at the site no wound. When he asked him, he replied: "That was just one small section, so what is growing rapidly but again is not it?"

"A little cut? After the amount of blood that flowed down his arm Natsu asked what he understands well from a serious injury. But then he was much too tired to get him to ask. A short time later, he was then asleep, what did Ryu just laugh. "This boy is really funny." He thought to himself, and threw her back into bed. In this position, he then lay the next half hour, until he too fell asleep.

The next morning were on the two and then moved on. As they left the inn they found that the lizard, which she brought into the city was gone. "Where'd he go?" Said Ryu and looked around a bit in the area. "So I got him yesterday not seen." Natsu said that it no longer seems interested. Then she suddenly heard someone calling her name: "Natsu, Ryu over here!"

She looked in the direction of the voice and saw Luso and Aussa are at the end of the road. Wondering what exactly did the two here, they went to them to ask her that. "We are here because we have a errand-mission to have here." Answered Aussa and showed both the package that they should bring. "And why the two of you?" Asked Natsu. "Because I mean, that's so hard now again or not?" "I came along because I wanted to get out again.

To sit all day in the city is in the long run it's boring. "He replied. "Well then I wish you both much success." Ryu wanted the two, whereupon their separate ways again. About an hour later they sat again in the train that would take them back to port coral, with a stop in some other cities. Watching the train Natsu Ryu asked about the dragon, he conjures up without much effort. "

Back in school, one of my final exams from a living creature to conjure up. That was, apart from the many written exams one of the hardest things in my school years. At that time, the dragon, whom I called true only as big as me, so I was anyway. "Ryu said. Astonished and with almost heruntergefallenem jaw looked at him Natsu. "Something cool I've still never heard!", He just marveled. "You really are the coolest dragons I know, Ryu!"

Reddening only when he thanked him, for he had never before received such a compliment. "You know what? We get off at the next station and take a job yet, how about that? "He asked him turned up. Interested Ryu agreed to his suggestion that it the very next station went off the train, looking for the best first order, and this also immediately accepted. "Look here: desperately need help with the weeding! Since we have cast a new fertilizer on our flowers are grown suddenly to hear the almost ten-fold and not grow up with that! "Read before Ryu Natsu.

This just struck his fists together and could not wait to turn some giant flowers to ash. "And where will this weed do his tricks?" He asked. "In a greenhouse out of town." Ryu said. A little later the two stood in front of the greenhouse, from which the tendrils and flowers sprouted that way. The gardener, who stood shivering in the vicinity of the house just waiting for people like that Natsu and Ryu came to them to help them.

"Be careful if you go just because! The plants begin to slowly namely, to develop a kind of intelligence. "Said one of the gardeners. As Natsu tried to connect the words with plant intelligence, he made ??a questionable legal view of what Ryu said immediately: ". As long as they only begin to develop an intelligence is everything in butter" She immediately ran to the plants they by the earth tremors immediately noticed.

More and more tendrils shot out of the earth which then immediately pounced on it. "Natsu, your use!" Natsu jumped up, grabbed the vines and set it on fire. Ryu then cut them easily with his Katana, who concluded that they fell to the ground. "And further in the text!" Even more tendrils appeared before them, but without hesitation the Ryu with one blow severed. But over time it became more and more they realized that they were capable of long no longer Lord.

"They listen to no longer to grow back!" Wailed Natsu panting. "Would like to know what that may have implications for such a fertilizer!" Added Ryu. As they were then seized by the plant even in a brief moment of inattention at the ankles and hung upside down in the air it felt like little needles pierced through their skin. And while she screamed in pain, they buried themselves deeper and deeper into it until you could hear a sucking sound.

"The .... the suck out of us," shouted Ryu and tried to attack the vine, but he was too exhausted. Natsu also lacked the strength to do it, which led inevitably to the fact that they were sucked up by the plants. Just before she had even then lost consciousness opened up beneath them a huge mouth, such as meat-eating in a plant. Without hesitation, the tendrils ran off the two of them. Slowly, the two fell down in the mouth, when suddenly a fierce wind was opening up.

"Cutting Wind" Several formed from air knife raced through the bushes, cut up everything they met while the two were caught just before the mouth of someone. "I have the two, Wynn," shouted the person and read the two down. When the two looked up to the person they saw again a bracer of their clan, but could not identify the person wearing the them. It was a brown dog who wore glasses, a purple scarf and a white suit.

At his belt hung two golden revolver, which he then moved quickly and set up the plant. "Here we go!" Cried the wolf, and began to shoot. But what came out of the barrels of revolvers were usually no bullet cartridges but with such speed that you could hardly recognize them. Stood up straight again looked both Ryu and Natsu, as they referred the weeds in his place.

A biting wind was unleashed by one of Wynn, which damaged the vines clear. Even the balls that raced through it, causing potential damage caused. When they were empty then he just laughed and then she whirled in his palms. A short time later he started to shoot again as if nothing had happened. When the vines were then pushed back more and more Natsu also joined the fight and Ryu again.

"Where did you come from?" Ryu said as he battled his way through the vines. "Oh, we had yesterday accepted this job and nothing else. How was it really so with you? "Said Wynn. "So ..... with us, it went quite well." Natsu said. "And who is that? The guy I've never seen before us. "He looked at the dog, who easily scored on the green masses. "This is Mr. Stern, one of the new members in the clan." Wynn said.

Mr. Stern? This name caused some confusion in the first two, but as they had in the current situation any time to ask, then they decided to move on this later. As had then retired the last tendrils into the ground since the four were first made ??and treated themselves a brief respite, until the earth began to tremble again. "Back," shouted Mr. Stern, what all did immediately. They took a leap back in time just because of the earth came up a huge bowl.

"What's that?" Asked Natsu. . "Looks like a bowl of something," Wynn inquired as suddenly did something: the shell opened, and it came out a giant green monster with long tendrils poor. On the head we had two purple flowers that always lost some pollen. "What the hell is that?" Said Ryu. "I would say that this is a fat pile of weeds." Said Mr. Stern and his revolver just taught them. The others were getting ready to fight the giant plant monster.

Wynn began her arms with a constantly repeating to make circular motion, causing the winds around them become more and more warmed up. As far as they then began the attack: "Wind Magic Level 2: Whirlwind" A storm swept on to the monster that it held in its grip. But as hard as it was hung on the ground could not be torn from the earth so easy. "Natsu, your train," was called over to him, who immediately loslies a local firestorm from his mouth to the tornado.

But the plant itself lies destroyed by flames Natsus not, instead they tore their tendrils with the burning wind pants in two parts. The two parts were received for a moment, then broke away, however slowly. "Then I shall surely try my luck or times?" Said Mr. Stern and turned his revolver on the plant. "Gold Rain." Immediately an infinite number of bullets fired from his revolvers and riddled the plants until they just stood there smoking and stopped moving.

Then he breathed the smoke from the barrels and put them away. "If the strong." Said Ryu only. "And so one is in our clan?" But before Ryu could ask him about it, even more tendrils shot out of the earth, which embraced the monster and ran it grow Sun She was getting bigger and bigger until it was three times as large as vorher.Hoffnungslos they had to watch as the vines were able to reach the city and destroyed it so slowly but surely.

The cries of the residents could literally feel so loud they were. Wynn and Natsu desperately fell to his knees, unable to destroy this monster. "We can not do, never." Natsu whimpered to herself. "Oh, yes we create." Ryu said suddenly, rubbing the tears from her face. "We can do it!" Los Zoeger Ryu put away his katana and ran. "Ryu." Natsu just whispered, while Ryu walked past the vines.

Mr. Stern also had not lost the will to fight, however, stayed behind. "I hope the kid knows what he is doing.", He said, and only drew one of his revolver. Then he went in slow steps also on the way. Standing on the tendrils of the plant drew attention to Ryu in which he several times in the vine, was stabbed on. "Well how do you like that?" He said gleefully, while the other already zuschnellten the vines on it.

Just before they could reach him, but this was burned by a fireball. There were flames Natsus that he had recognized, because when he looked down he saw that this was smiling at him. "To you I leave all the fun is not determined," he shouted up at him. Ryu smiling again devoted to the fight against the vines, while Natsu was looking for a way up.

But back then he was grabbed by the collar and was flung wildly in circles. Screaming, he whirled in the air until he let go and sped up high. "Here you go!" Mr. Stern called him up while he was still passing shot with a revolver in the same moment a shot directly to Natsu. This suggested an approximately half-way, and ripped a big hole in which he beat in the trunk of the plant.

Natsu was upside down in the plant, then again, riding on a gust of wind while Wynn was standing next to Mr. Stern. "Do you need a ride?" She asked him what he immediately accepted. He rose to the blast that rushed immediately to heaven. Also, Natsu was now eager to get up. So he kindled the flames on his hands and feet and used this as a sort of hook in order to work up the trunk.

The tendrils that came to meet him on the way he parried with his breath. As Wynn this for exhibition of Natsus skills saw it just meant that she now has a very different picture of him. "Maybe it's not such a big stud like Hiita said." Meanwhile, stand Ryu against the head of the plant and looked at their huge Maul. "Come if you dare.", He asked, and went into combat stance.

But the plant did not seem interested in, because she was busy with much more destruction of the city. But, as were also Wynn, Natsu and Mr. Stern on his arms, she withdrew her tendrils, and placed it against them. "So then, we make them ready," shouted Wynn and her arms stretched out her arms aus.An gathered the wind that whistles louder. At the end they threw him to the plant, and this formed into a saw blade and the main part several times pierced.

But now everything grew back together as if nothing had happened. "How about a little cooperation?" Said Mr. Stern, and drew his revolver. "Hey, little boy flames, it would be like if you borrow with a little of your fire? '" Young Flame? My name is Natsu, just so you know it! "He replied angrily. "I'm here! Wynn? "Said Ryu over to her. She nodded and closed his eyes.

The wind gathered around them more and more, are colored green and then switched over to Ryu. This put away his sword, holding his hands before him, and breathed in and out slowly. "I am calling you, the gate of the wind." He said while Wynn was focused on him. The wind wound tighter and tighter around him, while Wynn was always exhausted. "Natsu, now lend me something from your fire! Only then can we send this weed back to hell! "Said Mr. Stern over to him.

When he saw the seriousness in the eyes of the dog he adopted the statement and focused its energy on him. Ryu had completed his preparation, his fingers had claws green, which he repeatedly clenched into a fist. Then he jumped up and shouted: "Talon of the wind dragon!" With one blow he swept tens of cracks in the plant, which then began to descend. Mr. Stern was also ready to shoot. "Burning a hail of bullets!"

Erupted with a sudden, a huge red wave of energy that the plant was completely charred "And now they processed into firewood, Natsu," called for Wynn Natsu, who then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. First, the flames were gathering around him and clung to his skin. Then he took back, opened his mouth and shouted: "dragon breath" Suddenly a huge flame shot out of him, which gave the plant the rest.

Every time she was about to regenerate their bodies burned, it's new again, until she finally went to the ground. But the rest of the vines on the ground were not prepared to go down, but instead they shot upward, and tied them all. "This weed will simply not give up to be?" Mr. Stern said angrily. Natsu and Ryu, who have exhausted yourself were not in a position to do something, so everything depended on Wynn and Mr. Stern.

Then she heard someone began to sing. But they could identify anyone who sings straight. "The wind .... he sings." Ryu finally realized, looking at Wynn, which hung with head thrown back there. The wind blew around the vines, which they held, after which they ran this fall. "Wynn", all cried out to her as she plunged into the deep.

But the winds followed her to the ground and began to surround slowly. While it was then he appeared green magic circle around them, where they then beamed. "You passed the wind from my voice." She began. "Unto the Breach!" Landed on the circle Wynn stood there, looked up and pointed a finger upward. Zoeger happening this command followed by the wind and stormed to the top.

"Get out of here!" Said Natsu and jumped down easily. The other two did manage just down even before the winds leap after they arrived. Once at the top of the wind tore everything they put in their way. Then, when the last part of the head was destroyed, the entire tribe fell to the ground, while the three flew to the ground without braking. Wynn immediately rushed down to them, enlarged the circle and was all right before they hit field.

While the root fell to the ground Natsu could not help but immediately put him on fire. "That had to be easy." He said, laughing. The others just shook their head, while Mr. Stern took a lollipop from his pocket, unwrapped it and plugged it into his mouth. "May I have one?" Ryu asked him after he asked himself why he just now sucking a lollipop.

He calmly took three out of his pocket and gave each one of the group. As they landed on the floor then slowly came the gardener came running happily. "Thank you, thank you for helping us," he cried only. Honored they accepted the thanks. "Was not no big thing, or people?" Said Mr. Stern quietly.

Almost in a victory pose, they stood and celebrated their victory. "Finally we are the clan dragon heart! Always there when you need us! "The next two days, they helped then, the damage had been done to fix the plant. With the thanks of the residents and a big reward then they went back on the road to coral port.

To be continued .....