The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 9 You Should Have Warned Us First

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors note: I'm not gonna make a damn Chrismas special because I'm an Atheist so stop asking already!

My apologies, but I have rather 'bad' news. I fear that this is the last chapter this year, I've been working on different projects and they've been rather good. But it's nonfurry stuff so you're going to have to read the original stories that I'm making on either or their other site ment for original stories.

HOWEVER!!! I shall make a REQUEST chapter of ANY of my stories (A new chapter of Digimon Wars Continued, a remake of a chapter or make a new chapter for any of my stories. Long as it is NOT porn.) BUT it HAS to be requested on the COMMENT section below.

And I'm threating you, I don't like that lack of comments lately and I might chance this from a weekly release to MONTHLY release IF I DON'T GET MORE COMMENTS!!!

Yeah, think about that.....

Anyway, off to the story with you!

Tyler came back to reality, he shook his head a little. He still had to get past Albrecth and get to help Michael.

He watched as Michael was fighting Arresterdramon and as Albrecth started talking.

''You won't get past me and you know it.'

Tyler didn't allow him to intimitate him, he took his long lance and went for a direct attack. Albrecth wasn't expecting it so it landed, right to his stomach. Even thou it didn't penetrate his armour he was hurt, he took his sicle hand and tried to slice Tyler. Tyler managed to dodge the attack and swun his lance to hit Albrecth's face sideways. He managed to hit him and Albrecth now tried to grab him with his left hand. Tyler tried to hit him with his lance again but Albrecth grabbed it, Tyler was taken by surprise when Albrecth started hitting him with his sickle arm. Tyler managed to block every hit with his free hand, Albrecth grunted.

''Why you!''

Tyler was taken by surprise when Albrecth suddenly dashed at him, he barely had time to start blocking Albrecths hits. But even with his lance he still couldn't block all the attacks, Albrecths sickle hits landed and Tyler was now on the loosing side. Tyler got hit by Albrecths left hand, Albrecth managed to slice Tylers armor. Even thou the armor was thick and the hit didn't penetrate completely it still hurt. Then Albrecth grabbed his lance arm with his left arm and tried to hit him with the sickle but Tyler managed to grab that arm with his free one.

''I got you now- ugh!''

Tyler was surprised when Arresterdramon hit Albrecth and took him to the ground, but when they hit the sand Arresterdramon seemed to be out cold.

''Teaches him to mess with me!''

Tyler turned around with a smile, Michael flew next to him.

''You alright?''

Tyler nodded.

''Yeah, thanks.''

Michael chuckled, then he turned his eyes to Albrecth who had managed to stand up. He looked at them with eyes of lighting.

''Why you! You managed to beat my guards but I'm an another story!''

Michael laughed.

''Oh please, Tyler here managed to hold you off and he can barely fend for himself.''

Even thou Tyler was offended he remained silent, he was in great pain and wanted to use this time to catch his breath. Albrecth grunted and yelled back.

''You will regret this day!''

That's when Digital Gates suddenly opened beneath hiim and his hench men, Michael didn't have time to react and just watched as his foe escaped. He grunted and flew closer to Tyler.

''You did good soldier, let's go home.''

A day had passed, Michael had decided to take a day off from his duties. It was Sunday after all, he was on the field next to Freiheit where the stoled Russian war equipment was. He had ordered two Greymon to patrol the stored tools of war and was now standing a top of an tank.

Michael scratched his head as he looked at the top of the tank.

''I wonder how I get inside...''


Michael turned around to see the happy faces of Tailmon, Lilymon, Alexandra and Tyler.

''What are you doing?'' Tyler asked.

Michael answered as he started to see a way to open the hatch to get inside the tank.

''Well, since I got this stuff here they have been doing nothing but collect dust. And I've alwaus wondered what's inside these new models... By the way! Where's Katie?''

Lilymon was the one to answer this one.

''She's at the HQ, she said that she would make reservations for people to see you.''

Michael sighed.

''Oh great, more of thos- Hey! I got it!''

The others were confused for a second as Michael opened the door inside, as he was getting in Tyler took a few steps forth.

''Hey! What are you doin-''

Tyler was interrupted as the main gun of the tank erupted, the shot itself was enough to make you deaf and the explosion of the hit was in the horizen but still heardable. The girls screamed and tucked to eachother, the two Greymon quickly came to see what had happened. Tyler had fallen to his rear and was holding his head as Michael came out of the tank laughing like crazy.

''Now I know what 'Fire!' id for Russian!''

Michael continued hir hysterical laughter as the girls gave him murdering looks. Tyler stood up and was digging his ear, he couldn't hear a thing. One of the Greymons took a few steps forward.

''What was that?''

''That.'' Michael said as he jumped off of the tank.

''Was a test of human weaponry, even thou I was trying to start the engine I somehow fired the main gun.''

Michael quickly turned to Lilymon.

''Lilymon, go to Freiheit and tell them what happened. I don't want to cause any panic.''

Lilymon nodded as she started to fly away torwards Freiheit, Michael then started walking towards a huge box of some kind.

''Greymons, patrol. Everyone else, whit me.''

The Greymon nodded and continued their patrol as the others followed Michael, Tyler took some running steps to get to Michael.

''What's in that box?''

Michael stopped infront of the box and started to find a way to open it.


Michael looked arpund the box a little, it seemed that they would have to force it open. He turned to Tailmon.

''Hey, mind ripping the side open?''

Tailmon grinned.

''My pleasure.''

Tailmon wasted no time to use her strong claws to rip open the wooden box, she had ripped the side of the box open so stuff started falling out. Michael moved to it and leaned his hand forth.

''Oh my...''

There had to be hundreds of AK's or atleast they looked like AK's. They were built with light weight metal and they had a scope, heavy barrel, grip, grenade launcher, a laser beam and a nozzle that made the bullets go out more accurately and the flash blast would be almost invisible.

Michael took one of them he held the gun and looked at it.

''It's what the Spetsnaz use, it has a leash so it's easier to carry and extended double magazine for fast reloading... The Russians are going all out, I don't even recognize this model. It must be new.''

Michael turned to the confused faces of his companions.

''Uh, it's just....What?!''

Alexandra spoke.

''What does this mean? These guns.''

Michael could easily sense the worried tone, he put the assault rifles leash around his neck and walked to Alexandra. He put his hand on her shoulder and kneeled.

''Trust me, I will not let anyone get hurt in my behalf. Not anymore. If I have to fight this war alone then so be it, that reminds me for some reason...''

Michael checked his gun and was surprised, he stood up and turned to Tyler.

''These are loaded, we can't risk an incident. Get some more guards while I go meet Tsukaimon.''

Tyler was confused, he just looked at Michael and asked.


Michael sighed.

''It's partly my fault that he got beat up, Freiheit is a place for everyone and I will not let anyone think otherwise.''

Michael was deep in thought in Tsukaimons room, he was sitting on a chair and was facing the window only a little away from Tsukaimon.

[I wonder... I have weapons and vehicles, but no one who can use them? What was I thinking? Well, I can't admit that firing that tank was awesome and funny. Let's see... I have few artillery guns, some tanks, weapons and other infantry equipment and I managed to get two choppers. A CHAOS model if I'm not mistaken, quite new and impressive. I wonder if I can fly it...]

That's when Michael felt an odd tug, he turned to look at the patched up Tsukaimon who was pulling his pants.

''Hey! You okay?''

''Oh, excuse me but I was in my thoughts. Feeling better?''

Tsukaimon jumped back on the bed.

''Much better, thank you.''

Michael shook his head.

''No, don't thank me. It's partly my fault that you got hurt in the first place, I'm sorry for that. I assure you that Freiheit welcomes anyone through its gates.''

Tsukaimon looked down.

''T-Thank you...''

Michael chuckled and turned to the window.

''But the reason why I'm here is a secret, between you and me.''

Tsukaimon looked at Michael with utter surprise.

''W-What? W-With me?''

Michael nodded while still looking at the window.

''Yes, but first I must ask you. Have you always a virus type?''

Tsukaimon was confused.

''Y-Yes I have, why?''

Michael sighed.

''It's nothing really, but the secret is that you're the only virus type who came here AFTER Freiheit was made. We have gotten many Digimon here but you're the first virus type who came here after the 'city' was made. Tell me, why is that?''

Tsukaimon was confused.

''Well, I heard about a place that allowed virus types so I came here.''

Michael turned his head to face him.

''Were you always alone?''

''Well, yeah. Why?''

Michael turned back to look at the window.

''Nothing really, tell me. Do you know BlackOmegamon?''

Tsukaimon was confused.

''Ofcourse I do, he's the leader of the virus types.''

Michael nodded.

''What do you think about him?''

Tsukaimon looked down as he sat.

''War wasn't neccessary, we could have just talked with EmperorGreymon.''

Michael turned to face Tsukaimon.

''You want to know why I actually came here to talk to you?''

Tsukaimon was confused, he lifted his head to look at Michael.

''B-But you said-''

''I came here to make sure that you weren't a spy.''

Tsukaimon was stunned.


Michael smiled and stood up.

''I'm glad you're not one, otherwise I would have had kill you.''

Tsukaimon swallowed as he watched Michael leave the room.

''A spy?''

Katie was having a break and had decided to go for a walk when two Digimon had appeared at the gate and they needed clearance in order to get past the two Greymon guards. Katie had solved their problems and welcomed these two victims of war into Freiheit and had still time to get back to HQ before Michael had returned, when he did he told her to get some supplies from the human world.

Katie came out of the Digital Gate in her human form, when she looked around she noticed that she was on the backstreet of some big city. He had simple orders, bring food. Even thou she didn't like the idea she would have to steal some from a store or someplace, she was walking through the crowded streets as she was in her thoughts-

/I wonder if this is right, I mean that we need food for our people but these people didn't really do anything to us and they're going to pay for it. I really don't like it, but Michey's right. He's always right...\

Katie was just crossing the street when she hear screaming, she turned around and was shocked. She hadn't heard it but there was a Digital Gate above the city and a Digimon was coming out. When the foe had landed with a small shockwave the gate closed but the people started panicking and screaming even more.

Katies focus was on the Digimon, it was a huge skeleton of a mammoth with a golden skull and tusks with a bright hearth. At least it looked like a hearth...

Katie figured that it was a SkullMammothmon, a huge and feared mega level Digimon.

Even thou there were a lot of people running around her, trying to get away from the roaring monster that had just appeared she had to do something. She looked at the screaming people, the crying children and the cowardly men. She turned her eyes back to SkullMammothmon and said something she considered fitting before Digivolving.

''It's show time.''

With no time wasted she quickly Digivolved as more people started running away from her, when she was ready she screeched and flew up high.

She was ready for battle.