So Who is Namyrolis?

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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For a long time I've been thinking the same thing really. So let's start with the basics of how I came to be the way I am.

My name is Marc, and yes with a "C" and not a "K". I am currently 20 and I guess healthy. I'm a little on the short side standing at 5 feet 8 inches and I weigh roughly around 110 pounds of all lean muscle. I can bench 115 and my max squat os about 240 pounds. I'm strong but obviously not buff or big. I don't have to bone structure or body to occomplish that part of my dream.

My favorite things to do is to sit back and watch people live their lives. sounds weird I know but honestly its better than watching my own. I do anything to distract myself from just how lonly I am. But for some reason I like being alone, don't get me wrong I would love to have someone by my side but I have this compulsion just to run away all the time and rough it out.

I live with my mom, but not because I'm a scared or insecure about anything, it's just more financially beneficial to me, and money of course makes the world work else I would not care for it.

Now what do I have for dreams. Well, remember when I said I like being alone, well I would also like to have a mate. I would like to run off with them and just live naturally. But we all know that it doesn't work like that in real life. And I also set my standards so damn I that it miserable and I keep thinking I'm going to find Mr. Right. All I want from my mate is not really even a nice body. I don't like overly buff or fat, I just want someone who is eye pleasing and can hold an intelligent conversation. Age is also a coin toss really. I'm 20 so you know I don't want anyone who is like 40 or something, but hell 25, even 30 is ok. I guess maybe I just fell I want my mate to be older and wiser than me. I want to be in an equal dominant relationship but I want him to be bigger and more... idk the word for it...comforting is all I can think of. I also don't want super flamboyancy. Nothing is more of a turnoff to me that a flamboyant guy who acts like a woman. If I wanted that I would be straight. I want someone who isn't afraid to go outside, mow the grass, chance the oil in my car, to have more courage than me. I want someone I can follow and lead. I also want our relationship to be based on stuff other than sex, lust and envy. Those traits are meaningless to me.

Now I'm not saying I don't want a mate that's all man, I don't mind if every once in a while we screw around and paint nails or do make-up and what not, I just don't want "Mall, Gabb Gabb Gabb, Drama Drama, Drama, Whine Whine Whine", you get the point. I also don't want any of that flamboyant lispy way of talking. I want to punch ever single gay guy who talks like that straight in the throat. Its honestly offensive to me, talk with the voice God, Athena, or w/e gave you cause you not going to be able to talk in that high pitchy shit forever. I still don't understand why some gay guys choose to talk like that, I certainly don't, and I don't want to either. As soon as I hear a hot gay guy talk like that you become no better than dog food in my eyes. "Ohhh looks and the pretty ponies!!! Ohhhh Don't you wannnaa pet theeeemmmmm and their soffft fursssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" no *&$^ that Sh*t.

I'm not quite sure what I am trying to get across... You know, actually I do. I want someone that is stronger than me, a little older, a little bigger, and just comforting. I don't want Mr. Right, but I want Mr. Balance, someone who can chase off stereotypical traits and just be themselves. I have no problem being myself, and in fact I have been called a snob because of it by some gay guys. I've actually had a gay guy come up to me (he was like 30ish + or -) and tell me I make gay people look bad when I was checking out at the store. There were 10 people in line and about 16 in the general vicinity and he kept pointing out how wrong I was I wasn't embracing my "gayness". So I turned to him and not so "gingerly" said this to him in a moderately loud voice

"I'm sorry I'm not embracing my what? Gayness, you make it sound like it's a disease they way you just put it. But since I know what you are trying to inform me of, I'll let you know that talking like a woman and elongating every word that ends in an "S" with a lispy way of speaking doesn't reinforce how gay I am. Why in the world do I have to say "Poniessssssss" instead of just "Ponies"? Also why in the world do I need to dress like some sort of drag queen to get the point across that I'm Gay. If you can't tell that I'm gay the way I am now than I don't have a need for you. And you know what, that outfit you are wearing looks like something I would expect to find in the little girls section of Macy's. Oh and BTW, I eat, drink and burp in public without a car, and I piss standing up using a urinal because it is easier and faster, and quite honestly I don't give two shits if there is another guy there or not. Are you afraid to piss next to another guy because you will get a boner and possibly seeing another dick? OMG it's a dick, and you know what, if you haven't watched enough porn, or maybe in your case got buttraped enough not to get horny from that, I suggest you start selling yourself out. I don't need to be, or want to be some stereotypical fag boy. I'm 100% Gay, but I like my blue jeans, my white shirt, and the way my actual voice sounds. So Suck It. Wait you know what I take that back, you prolly have some sort of disease by now"

I was actually surprised when the redneck guy (No Offence it's just what I labeled him and I'm a little myself so) behind him came up to me and offered me his hand to shake followed by "Now this is guy I wouldn't mind hanging out with, even if he might look at me funny. I followed by reassuring hum that even if I did I know how to respect boundaries. (He was like 27 and kinda buff and he had a rough but cute face) He then patted me on the back and left to go back to stand with his wife/GF.

So there you are, a little about me.

