A Real Gift of Christmas

Story by Ranger61 on SoFurry

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#1 of Welcome to Erik's Tavern

This is the first of my holiday stories from Erik's Tavern.

Christmas miracles do happen.


Yay! Just in time for Christmas! No readers under 18! Enjoy.


Melissa was out for a walk in the cold, cold night. The beautiful white mouse walked down the street alone. Her pristine whit fur blended well with the snow blowing around her but it couldn't hide the disappointment and sadness in her features as she gripped her coat to keep the cold out. It was Christmas Eve this night and she had no one to share it with as her boyfriend left her a couple months ago. She could have spent the eve with her family but she was an only child and both her parents died in a car accident when they were hit by a semi truck that slid on black ice over five years ago. Even if her ex was still around, it was always around the holidays that she would be the most depressed.

As she walked along the sidewalk, she came by couples out enjoying each other's company. The pairs she passed were either hand in hand, had their arms around each other, or the girl would be wrapped around her man's arm. She spotted a female fox pulling her wolf boyfriend into an alley. She walked by a tavern and looked in the big window to see the place packed. People were having such a great time laughing and having a few drinks with their loved ones that a tear fell from Melissa's ruby eyes. She wipes the tear away after a sniffle and walked on.

Her thoughts of her loneliness distracted her as a strong gust of wind caught her off guard hitting her in her back. She was pushed onto her toes and shuffled her feet to keep from falling over. But it was no use as she began to fall forward. However, instead of her nose hitting the ground she was caught by a set of strong hands by her shoulders.

"Whoa! Easy there, kid," she heard him say. She looked up to see a human looking down at her. He may have had a scruffy beard on his face, but what drew her in was the most beautiful pair of soft sapphire eyes she had ever seen. "Gusts tonight are supposed to get up to 30 miles an hour. What would've happened if I hadn't been walking by?"

Melissa straightened herself and stepped back clearing her throat. "Sorry. My head was somewhere else."

"Okay. Well, I'm not the type to pry. So, I'll be seeing ya." He walked around her and another cold gust hit. The freezing sting tickled his nose causing him to let out a big sneeze which made her jump. Her tail went rigid from the surprise and brushed against his leg.

"Geez! God bless you." She turned around to see him start to stagger. She caught him before he had the chance to fall over. "Looks like the rolls are reversed. Are you okay?"

"Not really." He brought his hand over his mouth and coughed. When he calmed down he wiped his hand he continued, "I lost my job a week and a half ago. Then when my landlord found out about it he kicked me out of my apartment. I had just enough money to rent a place to store some of my belongings and I had to sell the rest just to keep me going until I find another job."

"Oh..." She thought for a moment then back at the tavern and smiled. "Hey, can I buy you dinner?"

He smiled back. "Since when did girls start asking guys to dinner? Thank you. My name's Todd."

"I'm Melissa."

Sure, a few things may not have added up for Melissa, but she didn't care. It just wasn't in her nature to leave someone out in the cold. Especially when it was so close to Christmas.

Todd straightened up a bit and Melissa took him by the arm back down to the tavern she passed. When they opened the door the Rottweiler bartender looked up to greet them but froze when he saw who it was.

"Good evening, Melissa," the bartender greeted in his usual gruff voice. "Found another guy I see."

"Evening, Erik," she said with a slight blush under her fur.

"You want the usual... Todd?" Melissa blinked as she and Todd looked at each other when they took a seat at the bar unaware that the other was a regular at this place. Todd took off his backpack and placed at his feet. "Honestly, for the amount of time you two have spent here when you were both single, I never thought I'd see the day you two would be together in general." The two shared another look as Todd's blush was clearly visible, or it could have been the cold that colored his face.

"Yo, barkeep, another round over here!" they heard someone slur.

Eric looked in the shouter's direction. "Pay your tab then we'll talk!" he barked over the commotion of the place. "Not only that, I served your table six times already!" He turned his attention back to Todd and Melissa. "Sorry, I'll be right back. I gotta cut these guys off."

When Eric walked away, Melissa puts a hand on Todd's shoulder. "Don't worry about where to sleep tonight. You'll stay at my place."

"Oh no," he said politely. "You just met me. I am a total stranger to you."

"First of all: my conscience won't allow it being that it's so close to Christmas. And two: Eric knows both of us and that's good enough for me anytime of the year. After this we'll stop at the drug store and pick you up some stuff you'll need."

"There is no talking you out of this, is there?"

Eric came back. "Believe me, Melissa should have been born an ox because she's as stubborn as one. Whatever her plans are, your best bet is to just go with it."

"Eriiiiiiiik!" Melissa whined. "Just get us something warm. I'm buying."

"You got it. Two soups of the week coming up." Todd groaned in defeat with a smile on his lips.

After they ate, Melissa paid like she said she would and literally pulled Todd out of the tavern as Erik waved goodbye to them. They arrived at the drug store on the way to her place and she told Todd to grab all the things he needed: his favorite shampoo, soap, a tooth brush, deodorant, some disposable razors and shaving cream. When those were paid for they continued on. It ended up being a real quick trip because her house was a block away.

"C'mon in," she said when she opened the door. "Here, I'll take your coat and you go get yourself cleaned up." He took off his coat and handed it to her. She saw that he had a medium build to him. "The bathroom is upstairs and to the left."

"Thank you. I owe you a lot."

"It's no problem."

"I mean it! You pretty much saved my ass. I can't thank you enough." He grabbed his stuff from the drug store and went upstairs.

She began to take her coat off. And what an ass, she thought as she watched him until he disappeared. She blinked when she realized what she just said to herself and hung their coats up. She shook her head and took a seat on the couch_. Damn it, Melissa, don't be thinking like that. You don't even know him._

But his eyes, they looked so beautiful and yet so lonely. I'll bet he'll be even easier on eyes once he gets that ugly rug off his face. The edge of her lips started to get wet.

No! She quickly wiped her mouth. Remember what happens the morning after? They disappear and I'm left alone. Just then she heard the sound of the shower running.

He just said he owes you. Maybe he feels the same about you. You won't know unless you ask him.

I know...

Ten minutes pass and she hears the water stop. She got up and went up stairs.

She knocked on the bathroom door. "Todd, is there anything I can get for you or are you good?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. I'll probably be a while trying to shave. Oh, could you put my backpack outside the door, please?"

"Sure. Listen, I'm going to change into something more comfortable then I'll get your pack."

It took him a moment before he said, "O-Okay. See you downstairs."

Inside, Todd heard her walk away. He was leaning against the sink with the towel around his waist and his head hung from his shoulders.

'Comfortable' she says. God, she would look good in anything. I wonder if she has a little black dress in her closet. _He raised his head so he was looking at himself in the mirror scratching his poor excuse for facial hair. _I was hoping that this itchy rug would have been enough to chase the girls away until I found another job, but it's always the same. My eyes always draw them in. After that, they want me then they leave me. He took his shaving cream and lathered up his face. I wonder how she'll feel about me.

He heard a knock at the door. "Todd," Melissa called, "your pack is right outside the door."

"Thanks." He heard her go downstairs before he opened the door and brought his pack in. He reached in and pulled out a change of clothes, a white t-shirt and sweatpants.

When he finished shaving, he saw the young adult that he was once again. He left the bathroom and started downstairs taking his pack with him.

Todd came down the stairs and was about to place his backpack under where his coat was hanging. "You're looking better. And I'm not talking about you without that rug," Melissa said. Todd looked in her direction only to be stunned by what he saw dropping his pack on the floor. She was leaning back in the couch wearing only a robe that stopped halfway down her thighs. It was open enough at the top to show off a deep cleavage and her legs were crossed so it didn't leave much for the imagination.

Todd began to scratch the back of his head nervously. "I... I do? Well, I guess all I needed was a hot meal, a hot shower, and hot company." His eyes went wide at what he just said. "Shit! That's not what I meant to say! Sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" she said trying to hold back a laugh.

"I don't know," he said slow and casual which finally made her laugh.

"Well, sit down," she said when she calmed down. "I got 'It's A Wonderful Life' ready to play."

"Cool." He took a seat next to her and looked around. "No Christmas cookies?"

"Nah. That shit dries my mouth out." She took the remote and pressed play. However, her playfulness was just to help hide her nervousness. Just the thought of wanting to talk to him made her blush. What she didn't know was that Todd felt exactly the same way.

Throughout the movie, Melissa kept shifting her body like crossing her legs the other way and making small, feint squeaks. Todd was unable to find a comfortable position. Their hearts were pounding. Todd was sweating buckets. Melissa's squeaks were becoming more audible and more like sounds of anxiety. And neither of them were paying much attention to the movie because they were thinking about how to approach each other. About halfway through the movie, Todd finally spoke up.

"Alright," Melissa jumped, "pause the movie."

She held up the remote and hit the pause button. "What's up?"

"Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine," she said nervously. "Wha... What about you? You're sweating like a pig over there."

"I know. But it looks like your dying to say something. It's easier to just spit it out." The stare from his sapphire eyes was like they were trying to burrow right into her soul.

Her face was in a mix of embarrassment, shock, and shame. "How did...?"

"My friends say that my eyes are just as sharp as they are beautiful to look at. You can trust me. Erik knows both us, remember?"

He's got her and she couldn't escape now. His stare boxed her in and unable to let her go until she said what she needed to say. "It's just... I..."

"Let me tell you something." His eyes were as soft and warm as ever. "You gave me the perfect Christmas gift. You gave me a place to stay and," he placed a hand on hers, "you gave me company to spend Christmas with. Not many people can appreciate that, but I do because I lost everything until the wind literally blew you into my life. So why don't you tell me what I can do for you this Christmas."

She stood up facing him. Her slim and curvy frame was absolutely alluring. As he scanned her body her embarrassment was evident as it shown through her snow white fur and her narrow tail wrapped around her hips while her thighs were grinding against each other.

"I... I'm sorry. It's just that... it's embarrassing to say. My boyfriend left me, too, and I have no one. But will you... will you... fuck me?" Todd was taken aback by her request. "I'm not in heat or anything. It's just that I have a high sex drive, but that doesn't mean I'm a slut or..." Todd came out of nowhere as he cut her off with a kiss.

He broke the kiss and said with a warm smile, "You can shut up now."

"My bedroom's this way." She takes his hand and guides him upstairs to a door on the right across from the bathroom. They slip through the door and shut it.

Todd wasted no time making his move as he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while he kissed her neck. She weaved her fingers in his and began gliding them over her body. She guided his right hand up and slid it through the top of her robe and allowed him to massage her left globe. With his left hand she brought it down between her legs. Her fur felt so soft in his hands. While his hands were busy he started to nibble on her big, round ears and she cooed from the sensation it brought.

Damn, she's excited, he thought feeling her erect nipple and swollen clit. "You sure you're not a slut?"

"N... No more than you're a pervert." She gasped sharply when his finger grazed her swollen clit.

"Point taken." He stopped momentarily so he could strip. His large cock sprang out in attention when he removed his underwear.

Todd came back up behind her and began to untie her robe while his cock poked at her ass. She shifted her shoulders and the robe fell to the floor.

"I can't wait anymore," she moaned. She turned around wrapping her arms around his neck and leaned back until they fell on the bed. Todd couldn't wait either as he aimed his rod and thrust forward in her waiting pussy making her moan from the sheer rush of pleasure.

He pressed his body against her as he began to move in and out in a slow and steady rhythm feeing her fur against his skin. She wrapped herself around him as pleasure coursed through her body. It had been a while since she had a man make her feel like this.

Todd grunted with each thrust. "You're so tight, Melissa," he whispered.

"And you're so big," she cooed. His rhythm started to get faster and she was loving it as she was getting bucked a little harder. "Oh, YEAH! That's it! Right there!"

"Oh, fuck! You're incredible! I'm gonna cum..."

"Cum inside! I want to feel it!"

He obliged her. He shot rope after rope of his seed deep inside her. The sudden rush of warmth pushed her over the edge as she came, soaking the sheets under her with her juices.

When she let him go, Todd rolled off her panting hard. However, Melissa wasn't satisfied.

"No," she panted. "It's not enough. It's not enough." She climbed her way to his cock. She licked his tool vigorously and to her surprise it was still quite hard. After a quick tongue-bath she swung her leg over and positioned herself above him pressing the tip to her soaked nether lips.

"I was about to say the same thing," he said before he thrust his hips up hilting himself inside her again. Their sensitivity made them cry out in pure ecstasy.

Melissa took his hands in hers and smiled down at him while rocking her hips back and forth. He gently lowered himself down and smiled back at her.

"What's that smile for?" he asked.

She leaned down to give him kiss on his lips. "Remember when I said I have a high sex drive? Well, its actually very, very high. I'm too insatiable in bed. Every guy I've been with left me after the first night we make love. Apparently, I ride them so hard that their cocks nearly fall off. And they all say they can handle it."

"Really?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow. "I'm the same way. I can't hold a steady girlfriend because I pound them until they're raw. Why didn't fate bring us together sooner?"

"Who knows? Now, are you going to fuck me or what?" The feathery end of her tail began to tickle the portion of his cock that wasn't buried in her as well as his balls and his inner thighs.

He gave her another kiss on the lips. "Do you really need to ask?"

She straightened herself up ready for another round. She rose up but before she could come back down he threw his hips up and began to pound his meat in her in midair. She was in heaven as she was assaulted from below. Her furry orbs bounced with each thrust which captivated Todd's eyes.

The look of bliss was plastered on Melissa's face as her tongue hung from her cute muzzle and her eyes glazed over. She was about to fall forward when Todd caught her by grasping her breasts and began to massage them. She gasped and moaned when he sat up and nursed on her right nipple while playing with her left.

They felt another orgasm coming and Todd picked up the pace again giving her the best ride of her life. They lay back down with their lips locked and their tongues dancing. Todd grabbed her ass which was the final push she needed as they both came hard.

They went on like this for hours, trying out different positions and cumming multiple times. Todd came ten times while Melissa climaxed a good fifteen times. They laid on the bed as exhausted as newborns for an afternoon nap. They looked at the clock on Melissa's nightstand to see that it was approaching midnight.

"Okay, now I'm spent," Todd panted, sweat soaking his body and the bed.

"Me too. I've never, ever felt this tired before."

"That's because we never met the right people who could handle us before."

"We've met them now. Merry Christmas, Todd." She put his hand in hers.

"Merry Christmas, Melissa. So now what?"

"We could snuggle on the couch and finish watching the movie."

Todd nodded at the idea and got up struggling to get to his feet. Melissa tried to get up but Todd lifted her in her arms proving that he still had some, barely any, energy left. He walked past their clothes not bothering to put them back on and approached the door. She reached out and opened it for him and down the stairs they went to finish up their evening.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!


That's right! I said "Merry Christmas"! If anyone tries to correct me I won't listen. You celebrate your way and I celebrate my way.