Remember me

Story by Tyrse Styles on SoFurry


It's time, you've no more left to spend

Be at peace there's no mistake

Every life must have it's end

Why worry now the door awaits

Through which we all must walk

So come we tarry not, my patience it does abate

What's that? Your legacy

Of all you left behind

That's not for me to say, for it's how you lived your life

Did you covet money, power, or petty shiny things

Where you kind to others

Or did you use them as a means

Did you cling to family, make friends at every turn

Show up to every function, to cheer for those you loved

Or argue and fight only to end up the one they spurn

Have you used every second, every minute, every hour

To live the life you were given

To do everything within your power

Make no mistake

I am no one's judge

Whether you were good or bad matters not to me

But I shall give you my take

We all have one shot

One span with which we can climb as high as we want

And in the end when it's time to rest, just ask yourself

Have I given all I'v got

When it's over one thing remains

This legacy you wish to leave

So I'll ask a favor, before I escort you through the door

Too aleviate your pains

I promise friend to remember you

Will you please remember me