Yiff world chapter 1 the beginning

Story by CrimsontheWolf on SoFurry

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hey people try not to grade me to hard im new at this

Yiff World CHAPTER 1 The beginning

Here is the story of how humans came to be in the yiff world. Out in the city you can see the bustling yiff people of as many race's as there are stars. Charles a crimson half dragon thinks back to when he was a human before he was captured and put into slavery.

Charles woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear.

Charles "O god another day of school ... I hate school god I wish I was in a different world."

Charles mother "Honey get up its time for you to be getting to school honey and I'm going to work."

Charles "Ok mom I'll be getting ready."

Charles mom "Ok honey I'll be going now."

Charles "Ok mom."

His mom left for work Charles got up and got ready for school and completely to his mothers displeasure he wore a red short sleeve shirt with a Chinese dragon on it worn slightly ripped up and a crimson button up shirt with a blue European dragon on both sides then with a sigh Charles went to school. He was in his fifth block class when people outside started screaming he and a group of teachers and students rushed outside. There everyone saw an army of anthropological (half animals) grabbing people and throwing them into cages. Charles just stood their staring at what he had day dreamed about happening for so long. As he stood their staring at them a couple of them came out of the army and grabbed him and took him to their commander.

Commander "What is it!"

Soldier "We have another one sir"

Commander "Let me see him"

The soldier dragon him over and threw him against a pole. Charles ignoring the pain and got up and dusted himself off then stood at attention remembering his training in the R.O.T.C.

Commander "Good good this one has sense of how to treat a commanding officer NOW SLAVE state your name"

Charles gulped and steaded himself

Commander "just as I thought just as dumb as the others"

Charles "sir I'm not retarded or ignorant"

Commander "Then state your name"

Said the chief noticeable growing angry

Charles "My name is Charles sir"

The commander obviously shocked that the thing actually had a name but he recovered and said

Commander "humph you may have a first name but I see you don't have a last name you..."

Charles cut the commander off

Charles "I have a last name its Silverscale"

The commander stared laughingly and said

Commander "ha ha ha ha ha contact the slaver's were getting a great price off of this one especially if his blood doesn't start altering his body"

The others just stared at him until the commander barked out the order "I SAID TO CONTACT THE SLAVERS"

The soldiers left then the commander turned around returned his attention to Charles

Charles just stared at the commander's unyielding eyes in shock of what was going to happen to him

The commander then reeled back and punched Charles out

Commander "I've wanted to do that to someone part of his family for a long time now"

The commander calls two more soldiers over and has them take Charles to his cage.

Charles reeled back as the commander punched him in the face and the last thing he remembers is the sound of bones breaking before he blacks out

Commander "fix up that pretty face of his and clean him up before we go back" the commander says to the soldiers as they carry him away

Later the next month

Charles moaned and rolled over

Commander "looks like out pet is starting to come around"

Charles sits up to find himself in his underwear he grabs a sheet off of the bed and covers himself up. The commander then grabs the clothes he was wearing before he broke his face and gave them to him and says "get dressed were going through today and I want you looking good for the slavers" the commander then starts laughing manically. Charles went outside after he put his clothes on wondering why he wasn't treated like a slave but being taken care of by his captors. His answer came when he came upon by a group of soldiers and shackled he was then dragged over to a group of other people they had captured and chained them. Charles looked around and saw a portal that looked like a stargate I n front of them the commander then started talking

Commander "Listen up slaves you are not to talk unless a slaver asks you your name"

There was an uneasy murmur through the slaves

Commander "QUIET the slavers are here"

The stargate thing activated. A group of slavers came through the gate a tiger, wolf, hoarse, and a dolphin came through

Commander "these are chiefs of slaver groups throughout the yiff world."

All of the slavers went through and inspected everyone the tiger stopped at Charles and a girl

Tiger "state your full name whelp"

Charles "Charles Silverscale"

The tiger started laughing and said

"I want this one and that girl"

The tiger points at the girl he had inspected and said "I'll pay 40K for them both"

Commander "That's fine take them"

The commander motioned to some of his soldier they came an toke Charles and the girl hooked them on leashes and gave them to the tiger


tell me what you think of it and if you want to see more of it