The find

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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I was going through my story file and found this. I wrote it a while ago and I didn't know exactly where to go with it. It was more of a spur of the moment thing. Regardless, I personally don't think it's that bad and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Tyler Saul Faulson took a deep breath as he stepped out of his 1995 Ford Truck at the gas station. It was in the middle of nowhere, deep in the forests and mountains of Washington State. The neon light that read,

"GAS & EAT."

was flickering in the darkness. He slowly walked into the little store that read "24 hours."

The man at the counter looked board out of his mind as he sat at the counter reading a book. His eyes told Tyler, finally someone's here!

He walked up to the counter,

"Can I have 25 dollars on pump 2 please?"

The clerk who now had a nametag that read "Joe," grabbed the money,

"Will that be all?"

His voice was so monotone it reminded Tyler of his 12th grade science teacher, Mr. Samson.

"Uh, no I'll take a pack of gum too, and a root beer. Oh and do you know how to get to Seattle from here?"

While Joe grabbed a can of root beer he explained that all you have to do is follow the road till you hit I-90 and then just follow that west and you'll hit Seattle. He rang up the items, and without the gas it came to 3 dollars. He took the pop and gum and headed out the door,


"Meh, No problem, just start filli'n when you get out there." Joe said.

Tyler walked out of the little shop and popped in a piece of gum, he went back to his truck and started the gas flow. When the leaver clicked he reinserted it into the pump and got back into his truck. The motor roared to life, his eyes glanced at the clock. It read, 1:45 am.

"I hope I get there in time, I have 6 hours."

As he drove the heavens opened up and the rain poured down. So much in fact, even with his windshield wipers on all the way, he couldn't see 30 feet in front of him. His eyes squinted as he tried to see through the heavy rain. He put on the high beams and continued concentrating. In front of him was a sharp turn, the engine eased as he made the turn.

Tyler pulled out of the turn and started to accelerate. But, in front of the car was a person, just standing in the middle of the road like a deer in headlights.


He slammed on the breaks in hopes of stopping the car, but because of the wet road the wheels couldn't find their grip and he skidded along the road. Quickly, in hopes of missing whoever was in the road he spun the steering wheel around as far as it could go. His truck careened off the road and slammed into the side of the hill. Luckily, it didn't hit head on, it only slammed on the side, the airbag didn't even explode. Oxygen filled Tyler's lungs as he calmed himself, when he came to his senses he looked out the window. The person was still there, staring at his truck. Still looking at the mysterious person on the road he opened his door.


There wasn't an answer, Tyler yelled some more.

"ARE YOU OK," his voice lowered, "who are you."

He unbuckled his seatbelt and entered the downpour, he was immediately drenched, like he had just gotten out of a pool. He slowly walked to the person who was now staring at him,


Tyler got closer and studied the person,

"Who," but his question changed in mid-sentence.

"What are you?"

The person in question was wearing a costume. He also noticed that whatever it was, it was female. In the darkness he saw that she had a muzzle, like a dog. And a big bushy tail, like a fox. He got closer, and realized that she was wearing animal fur, orange and white like a fox. Tyler's anger began to rise, he hated people who took advantage of animals and killed them for their fur. He loved animals.

"What are you doing, why are you wearing that!"

He got even closer and realized something, the girl was naked, except for a towel that was wrapped around her shoulders. How could someone wear fur coats if they were naked. She came into his full view, this girl wasn't human.

He remembered awhile back when he was in Philadelphia there was a convention going on, he didn't know exactly what it was but they had a bunch of people in animal costumes roaming around. Later, he searched it up on the internet, they were called furries. This looked exactly like one.


The fur was actually part of her body, it was real. He wondered where she came from. He felt sorry for her, and it looked like she needed shelter.

"Do you want to get out of this rain?" There was no response.

"Can't you talk, can you understand me?" While trying not to look down he grabbed the creatures hand, even though it was wet, it was warm and fuzzy. Tyler beckoned her to come to the truck, she followed. At the truck, the side door was completely blocked by the side of the hill, she would have to slide in.

In the light of the car lamps he got a look at the "Furry."

She was stunning, had innocent amber eyes, and very, very wet fur. Her ears were laid back in fear but, in her neck was a brightly colored flower, a tranquilizer dart. Wherever she came from they didn't want her to leave. He grabbed the dart and pulled it from the fox and told her to get in, she didn't do anything.

"You know, get in." He showed her the motions, and after five minutes she got into the driver's seat. Next, came the trouble of getting her to scoot over, which was very hard because he didn't want to touch anything because she was naked. Finally, she got into the other seat and Tyler got in. The inside light switched off, all that was left was the eternal thunder of the rain. Being careful, Tyler buckled her in.

"Do you want a blanket instead of the towel?"

She nodded, Tyler smiled.

"Oh, so you do understand me, can you talk?"

The, what now Tyler thought was a fox, looked down,

"B...blanket p...please."

Tyler reached into the space behind his seat and pulled out a big fleece blanket and wrapped it around the fox.

"So you can talk."

She looked as though she was searching her brain.

"only l...little."

Tyler thought it must be hard for her to speak because of tranquilizer dart, it must have impaired her.

"Do you have a name, you know, something they call you?"

Again, she searched her brain for answers,

"Yes, A...ASY 17...3."

Tyler tried the truck, it just revved and didn't start,

"Come on start!"

On his third try the truck sputtered to life,

"ASY 137, what type of name is that? Let's call you Ashley, how do you like that?"

He pulled out and finally was able to get off, he looked at the clock 2:25 am.

"A...Ash...Ashley, Ashley. I"

She gave what he thought was a smile, it made Tyler smile as well. Ashley snuggled in her blanket trying to get warm and dry.

"Why aren't you wearing anything, well, anything but that towel?"

Ashley shook her fox head,

"Always wore this, escaped with towel, rain."

That remark worried Tyler, escaped, why, where was she, and why could she never wear clothes? Should he have picked her off the street, he studied her. She was wet and cold, seemed scared and also thankful that she was saved. But, where did she come from? Keeping his eyes on the road he continued to question,

"Where exactly did you come from? Where were you held?"

Ashley sunk down in her seat,

"Horrible, don't talk. Don't know where I came from, remember only facility, very young."

"Just how old are you?" Tyler asked.

"They told me 22, but I don't know." She replied.

Being 21, himself he had lived around the same time, maybe she remembers some big world events.

"Do you remember 9/11, with the twin towers? Or the Columbia, anything?"

Ashley only shook her head, signaling she didn't know. It was like she had lived in a hole for the past 22 years. Tyler stopped the questions for a while, he looked over from his driving, and she was in deep sleep. Tyler looked back; this was going to be the beginning of an adventure.

The sun rose on the road as Andy Ditry examined it. There was defiantly a car here last night, he could see the tire marks on the road. Also, there was an indent in the side of the hill, a car had rammed into it.

"Where'd you go?" He said in a dark voice.

He got a call from his team over by the crash site, Andy moped over,


"Look at this!"

Andy looked where he was pointing, and even though it had rained heavily he could see footsteps in the mud. There was some with shoes and others with pads like and animal.

"Damn, somebody found her!"

One of his team looked scared,

"What are we going to do?"

An evil look appeared on Andy's face,

"We will find whoever this is, and dispose of them."