Darkness Rising Script

Story by Jeramiah Chase on SoFurry

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#2 of Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths - Side Stories

As mentioned, this is the script that I created for the comic and what Red Dragon worked from. For fun take a drink anytime something is different and try not to suffer alcohol poisoning in the process...

I'm slowly working to make this into a regular story, as I probably should have from the beginning; but that might not be done for awhile.

Darkness Rising - The story of Rhapsody.

Page 1:

Panel Layout: Three panels. First Panel is a landscape view across the top of the page. Below that the page is split between two large panels.

Panel 1: A pair of deep purple eyes, that look more like pools with no bottom, the color shifting gradually from a Royal purple to black in the middle, no clear divider like normal eyes. The fur around the eyes is pitch black. There are two text boxes one in the upper left corner and one in the lower right. Both text boxes are black with white text.

Text Box 1: Have you ever seen a real Monster?

Text Box 2: I have.

Panel 2: It Shows a gargoyle, similar to Goliath or something, glowing white eyes and looking like it is about ready to eviscerate someone. There is another text box at the bottom of the panel.

Text box: Most would think monsters to look monstrous. They do not. Not always.

Panel 3: This time having a group of furries walking down a street, species doesn't matter. Another text box at the bottom of the panel.

Text Box: The worst monsters look like us. Act like us. Talk like us... That is their greatest power...

Page 2:

Panel Layout: Six panels. All that same size and shape.

Panel 1: We see an ordinary kid, a typical looking 13 yo Red Fox, same character as from the cover but a few years younger. Should look innocent and unassuming. Style of dress and color doesn't really matter. Rhapsody's text box is at the top of the panel about Joe's head.

Textbox: The first monster I ever encountered was of that type. His name was Joseph Maxwell Renard.

Panel 2: A photo of Joseph and his parents hugging him in front of their house. Father is dressed in business casual apparel. Mother is dressed in a white blouse and black skirt, her fur color is a bit duller then the guy's. Both parent's are smiling, but Joseph's face remains neutral. Text Box under the Photo.

Text Box: To many, he seemed like a regular thirteen year old boy. Living with his two loving parents...

Panel 3: Similar shot to Page 1, Panel 3. Joseph in a school hallway, slightly hunched over carrying a large backpack on his back. He seems alone and isolated while other kids around him are paired up and talking and generally seeming happy. Text box at the top of the panel.

Text Box:...going to school...

Panel 4: Joseph dressed up as a football player, rather aggressively tackling another kid from the opposite team. If we can see his face, he looks like he enjoys it a bit too much. Text box again at the top of the panel.

Text Box:...playing sports...

Panel 5: Joseph in detention with other kids of various species. Species doesn't matter. They are all copying words and their meanings out of a dictionary. Text Box at the bottom of the page.

Text Box:...and getting into trouble with his friends.

Panel 6: Identical to panel 1, but this time Joseph no longer looks innocent. There is a wicked gleam in his eye as he seems to stare at the viewer. Text box once again above his head.

Text Box: The idealistic thirteen year old...

Page 3:

Panel Layout: Similar to Page two, but with the second panel being twice as wide as the other four.

Panel 1: Same shot as Page Two Panels 1 and 6, but this time it is the boy in silhouette, almost like an x-ray, but inside there is nothing. Text box at the bottom of the page this time.

Text Box: But unlike other boys his age, Joseph was empty, hollow inside. They are devoid of real emotion, or any concern or empathic connection to anyone else. You can try to look for something, anything in side of them, but you will always fail.

Panel 2: An old gothic Cathedral with an integrated bell tower that looks over the building. It has been renovated and added on too, the newer additions not exactly matching the old architecture, but it is still an inspiring and almost foreboding sight. Text box off to one side of the bell tower.

Text Box: Some would say he had no soul. Despite living at what once was a church; I am not sure how true that is. It is hard to have faith in such concepts when it allows such evil to come into our world.

Panel 3: A picture of a foxglove plant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxglove#Toxicity text box along the side of the plant.

Text Box: These monsters learn to fake their emotions to fool their prey. To make people believe that they are normal people like the rest of us. They have acting skills that most in Hollywood would kill for. It is for this reason that these monsters are so dangerous. Like the brightly colored poisoned flowers, such as that of my middle name, that lure the foolish to their doom.

Panel 4: A non-anthro hamster laying dead in it cage, having had it's belly cut open. Its entrails are visible against the blood-soaked woodchips. Text box at the top of the page.

Text box: They start small, sometimes insects, or smaller animals, honing their craft as they learn the thrill and pleasure that the death of another brings them. Maybe it is the only time these monsters feel truly alive is when they take it from someone else. Maybe they feed on the life forces of these creatures.

Panel 5: A non-anthro cow, cut open like the hamster, but has also been beheaded. Text box at the top of the page.

Text box: They eventually move up to larger things, Like livestock, once they grow bored of smaller ones or maybe they just no longer sate their appetite... But this will only last a short time as well. Soon they will need more cunning an interesting prey. As such they always end up going after the same thing next:

Page 4:

Layout: Single panel, Full page spread.

Description: We see Joseph in the kitchen of his house, standing in a pool of blood, above a pair of bodies, holding a bloody carving knife. Joseph's clothes are soaked in blood, His eyes look empty as he grins down to them. We can barely tell that they are used to be his parents, as they have been skinned. There is a text box in the bottom right hand corner.

Text box: Sapient people. Both children and adults. Whatever is easier to get to. For Joseph this was to have been a neighborhood kid, but His parents had caught him threatening the kid with a silver meat tenderizer. Much more interesting prey had come to light for him. They were talking over how to punish him when he went for a knife and without remorse killed his parents in cold blood. It was a week before the Police found him.

Page 5:

Panel Layout: Another 6 panel page, like page 2.

Panel 1: Joseph sitting in cell in a detention center awaiting his trial. Wearing a bright orange prison jumper.

Text Box: Six months passed with him detailed before a court date was set. The story gained much media attention, and people were split on how they felt about him, many seeing him as just a boy and only a few seeing him for the monster he truly was.

Panel 2: Court room scene. A camera in front of Joseph, who is sitting alone at a table.

Panel 3: Court room scene. Maxwell on the stand, crying as silently he tells his story, trying to get the courts to go easy on him.

Panel 4: Court room scene: In the 'audience' is two girls holding up a sign reading 'Joseph Maxwell must go free!'

Panel 5: Court room scene: The Judge, an old wizened owl bangs his gavel to silence the crowd. Text box at the bottom of panel.

Text Box: The courts went easy on him because he was a minor and very few want to believe that children are capable of being soulless killers before the age of eighteen.

Panel 6: Picture of the Jury Foreman, species doesn't matter. He's reading a paper for what they have decided. Text Box at the bottom of the page.

Text box: The jury eventually ruled that it was in society's and the boy's best interest to send him to be reformed, at my mother's school. I do not blame them for what happened next. They were too weak to make the right decision. Many are.

Page 6:

Panel Layout: Similar to page one, Landscape panel at the top, and two long panels below it.

Panel 1: The school panel from panel 2 of page 3, but now is complete. Out front is a sign with the name of the school "Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths". Text box in the sky on the upper right.

Text Box: My mother runs this boarding school, having been a troubled youth herself when growing up. She decided that there needed to be a place to take in kids to help them find themselves. Within a few short years it had gained renown for its work with troubled kids and turning them into more productive members of society with a surprising success rate. She had yet to really know failure.

Panel 2: We see the Headmistress, Miss Nightfang. She is a very sexy bat looking to be in her mid 30's. Will include a desc of her as a separate attachment. She has the same eyes as on the first panel looking like dark jewels, but her fur is a chocolate brown. Text box at the bottom of the panel.

Text box: The biggest reasons for this is that, my mother is a witch. Not the evil twisted and ugly kind you find in fairy tales. Mother is one of the most beautiful women I know, and very kind despite how strict she can be. She's just a woman that has learned magic and is very adept at using it to achieve her goals. She studied magic from her adopted mother, the person that helped turn her life around. It is her mother's ideals she uses to help others now.

Panel 3: Foreshadowing of what to come, an older Joseph, now 16, who is once again covered with blood and grinning sadistically. Text Box at the bottom of the panel.

Text box: Joseph was her first and, to date, biggest failure. I am still not sure if she ever fully got over what happened, but if she didn't she hides it well...

Page 7:

Page Layout: Six panel boxes.

Panel one: Joseph talking to Miss Nightfang in her office, crying a bit. Selene's back to the Camera. Text Box at the bottom of the page.

Text Box: The cycle began again. He played his part to unfortunate perfection. He came to us, and pleaded mercy. He told us that he did not know what happened, that he was scared and had no recollection of the night his parents died. The same story he gave the courts. Mother gave him a chance, as she does to all her students. She could not know then that he would be immune to her abilities.

*Panels two - four: * Joseph once again in school, like before. Going through the motions. Very similar to the events of page two, but with a more gothic looking school and different students. The detention Panel should NOT be included. On panel 2 there is a text box at the bottom.

Text box for panel 2: Joseph once again made friends, played sports, attended classes, and of course got in trouble. The same song and dance routine as before.

Panel 5: Joseph in a fist fight with a young male raven, and being stopped by a teacher.

Panel 6: Similar to panel one, but reversed. Joseph now has his back to us and we see Miss Nightfang's front. Her eyes glowing supernaturally. One again the text box is at the bottom.

Test Box: When he got in trouble, Mother punished him using her mostly hypnotic powers to condition him to behave the way she or society believed he should. He adapted and pretended like they worked, never repeating the same errant behavior more then twice.

Page 8:

Panel Layout: Panel one and five should be in a landscape style, probably looking a bit like 'The last Supper'. Panels 2-4 are window box style and shows each of the new characters in full view, in a moment from their pasts.

*Panel 1: * There is a trio of people sitting a table having lunch, two are bats and the other a red hawk. All about 13-14 years old, slightly younger then Joseph. One bat is a soft auburn/pinkish color and dressed in perky/candy goth style clothing with black hair that has a single pink and puple stripe going down the right side, the other, her fraternal twin, is a light tan with blonde hair and is dressed in a more valley girl style. The Red hawk between them is male, is dressed casually.

Text box: This is when his path crossed with me and my sister, and our closest friend in the world.

Panel 2: Reno here is even younger, then above, 10-12. He's at an orphanage that looks like it might have seen better times, He's standing over a girl crying, we can see he has a black eye.

Reno's Speech bubble: You're such a pansy, I didn't even hit you that hard.

Girl's Speech bubble: I just wanted to know if you wanted to be friends...

Text box: The boy is Reno Seito Winters. He's an orphaned red hawk that Mother took in due to him being too much for the local orphanage too handle. He was the only one to survive the car wreck that took his parents. To hide his pain he ended up acting out, and became a problem child and a bully as he distanced himself from getting close to people, not wanting to form bonds that would just be broken again. Once Mother got through to him became like a brother to my sister and me.

Panel 3: Harmony, the light tan blonde haired bat, is surrounded by friends of various sexes and species in what looks to be a lounge area, with couches chairs, TVs, and other recreational activities. Like Reno in the panel before she should be younger looking. If any game consoles are shown, they should be last gen (PS2, Regular Xbox, Gamecube).

Textbox: The other bat is my fraternal twin sister: Harmony Eaglewood Nightfang. We always were like night and day, it reflected in our appearances even. Mother always speaks about how there is a light in the darkness, Harmony seemed to be the personification of that light. She was social butterfly, always enjoyed being around people making friends, always seeming to bring life where ever she went.

Panel 4: We finally see our narrator in full, or at least how she was about 5-6 years before page 1, Panel 1. Rhapsody is the Auburn/pinkish black haired bat. She seems to be in the same room as Harmony, but is alone and reading a book.

Text box: Finally there was me; Rhapsody Foxglove Nightfang. I was different back then, though still socially awkward. I didn't make friends as easily as my sister, but I never minded as I always had my books to enjoy. I was still happy and enjoyed life to its fullest. I was the nerd, the one always focused more on studying and learning about the world then making friends. Harmony was always the one to get me out of our room and interacting with the other students. Together we were some of the most popular girls in school, helping students with social and studious problems. But that was a life time ago when there was still a light in my life to dispel the darkness I naturally seemed to have to me. There isn't anything I wouldn't give to go back to being that girl. But there is no light for me now, and I doubt there ever will be again.

Panel 5 : Same as Panel 1, but now Joseph has sat down at the table, and seems to be happily eating with them.

Text box : I will forever curse the day that that bastard fox came into our lives. None of us knew any better, we all bought into his story of innocence, his Charisma seemed to make it impossible to think he could ever do any wrong. I'll never be so trusting again to those that act like him, so confident and full of themselves. There is no way they're not hiding something...

Page 9:

Panel Layout : Okay, trying something different this time. Try to stay with me here. This is a five panel page, but breaking from window style a bit. Panel 2 is the main panel, pretty much a splash page. But in the corners are panels 1, 3, 4, and 5. I doubt this will come out well, but its what came to mind while typing things out. Text box positions might change on previewing pages.

Panel 1, top left hand corner:

The four friends, are walking to class. The hall ways are similar to previous panels, with a door to a class separating two rows of lockers.

Text box as bottom of panel: We never suspected anything. Life was great at the school, and Joseph to us seemed like a tragic figure that we did our best to help him in our own ways.

Panel two, main panel should fill up the page minus the corners:

Joe and Reno are in a dorm room, the walls are gray stone. The room has the standard bed, desk, dresser and wardrobe found in all the dorm rooms in the older wings of the school. They sit on the bed facing each other, talking to each other though we don't hear what it is they are saying as Rhapsody narrates over them.

Text Box 1 between Panels 1 and 3 at the top of the page: Reno found in Joe another lost soul that could share the pain of from losing one's parents. Reno talked to Joseph about how when he lost his parents he lost his whole world. I know that feeling myself nowadays. To know how it feels to have lost something so close and dear to you. It tears at you; and you either lash out at the world, hide away from the world or try to move on and feel the void, and sometimes combinations of the three.

Panel 3, top right corner:

Reno and Harmony are standing together, her hand on his shoulder and Reno seems to be glowing with a soft white-yellow glow. His eyes open wide in realization.

Text Box, on panel 2 but under Panel 3: He goes on to tell of how when Mother took him, talked with him and then almost immediately turned him over to Harmony and me. He was reluctant at first, until Harmony worked her magic, that ability to light the darkest corner of a person's heart and mind to find what they desire and bring it to the surface and showed Reno that the world around was filled with wonder and new experiences if he desired to go for them.

Panel 4, Lower left hand corner: Reno is sitting as his desk and Rhapsody looks over his left shoulder, her hand on his right as the panel is obscured mostly in darkness, other the their bodies as Rhapsody comforts the boy.

Text box 3, above panel 4: I showed him the other side of things, the details, the smaller bits that could be found. Exploring the details in the inner works of who people are, what makes them who we are and how those can be constants despite other facts as we grow and change. I showed him how he was a person with a good heart, a sweet and caring boy before death blinded him. Harmony showed him the world was worth it, but I showed him he was worthy of the world.

Panel 5: Lower right hand corner: Close up of Joe and Reno, Reno now has his hand on the boy's shoulder as the fox cries some.

Text box 4, above panel 5: Reno knew that he couldn't help as well as Harmony or me, he was just a normal boy; but I feel that was just as important, between darkness and light there must always be someone down to earth to be able to tell how bright or dark things are objectively. Reno had experienced much pain in his short life, and he was proof that things get better. He was able to show other students that they could get over their troubles and adapt to anything. He promised he would help Joseph through this. That ended up being our downfall.

Page 10:

_ _

Panel Layout: Three standard window panels on top with a forth in landscape view below them. Multiple Text Boxes should be stepped, that is one under the other with the lower ones indented so that it looks like steps going down.

Panel 1: Harmony with Joseph, they are sitting in a room similar to Reno's but with furniture arranged slightly differently.

Text Box 1: My sister was up next. We had decided that we needed to show him the world wasn't against him.

Text Box 2: That that was why he was sent here, because people believed in him. Believed he was a victim, not killer.

Text Box 3: That he needed to grow and get over this hurdle, then he could join the world as the person he should be.

Panel 2 : Fan Service: Harmony done up as a sexy bar maid/bartender.

Text Box 4: Harmony was always the best at seeing the big picture, seeing the best of the world around us. She didn't see the glass half empty, nor half full.

Text Box 5: No. She saw that there was always more to be had, that empty or full that there was a sexy girl waiting to serve you refills. She just was never prepared for someone whose glass had a hole in the bottom.

Panel 3: Similar to panel one, Harmony's hands are on Joseph's shoulders as light radiates from both of them.

Text Box 6 : She tried as she always does, throwing herself into healing what she though was a broken soul. Showing him the world at large, filling him with her light and showing him love was something still that could be had. She never did anything half way.

Panel 4 : Landscape panel across the bottom of the page, divided diagonally in two. On the left we see the city as a bright and shining utopia, the world view that Harmony is trying to instill in Joseph. On the right, we see the city in ruins, like out of 'Escape from New York' or something. This is how Joseph approaches the world. TB7&8 is on the left hand side while TB9 is on the right.

Text Box 7 : She got him a new wardrobe and showed him the top of the world, or at least the view from the bell tower.

Text Box 8: He played her like a fiddle, he seemed to soak it in. to be fascinated with how wide and grand the world could be.

Text Box 9: All he really seen is a world he could destroy and reshape in his own twisted image. That was what really brought joy to him, knowing that there were always more lives out their he could ruin.

Page 11:

Panel 1 Upper left - A simple panel, Rhapsody visiting Joseph in his room. The room should be darkened to that the focus is on them.

Text Box: It was on the day that I was supposed to help him that I started to realize something was fundamentally wrong with Joseph.

Panel 2 Middle left - Rhapsody reacting in shock, drawing away as if she had just burned herself.

Text Box 1: I helped people by trying to make them see the smaller pieces to the big picture; help them try and make sense of the small stuff about them, but focusing on Joseph disturbed me...

Text Box 2: After that I tried to avoid him, that was my biggest mistake.

Panel 3 Lower left - Joseph is once again in Selene's Office. Selene looks very distraught over the boy, who seems to be in here more and more.

Text Box: A year later everything changed. Joseph had been getting constantly into more trouble. Mother nor the others could figure out why. But I knew. Joseph was rotten on the inside, and could no longer hide it.

Panel 4 Right side - Rhapsody is at her desk, the room is a converted Bell tower. There are no beds in the room. Harmony is standing in the doorway, while Rhapsody is trying to look busy and lost in her studies of a large book. She knows what they are planning, but she's too scared to face the fox again.

Text Box 1: Harmony and Reno went to confront him, I should have gone with them. I told them I was too deep in my studies for the mid term exams.

Text Box 2: It was a lie, truth is I was scared of him of what I seen inside of him. I know my being there wouldn't have helped... But I'd rather have joined them then face the life before me now.

Page 12:

Layout: Traditional window pane style, 4 panels.

Panel 1: Same basic scene as panel 4 last page, Rhapsody is at her desk still, when her ears are perked up.

Word Balloon: *A scream of horror*

Text Box: It was nearly an hour after they left, that I heard a scream of pure horror.

. *Panel 2: * Rhapsody running down a spiral staircase that hugs the walls of the bell tower.

Panel 3: Down stairs, She arrives at the doorway to Joseph's room. The door is open, There is a male Wolf also in the hall trying to block access to the door.

Text Box: Of course It came from Joseph's room.

Panel 4: The large brown wolf tries to block Rhapsody, but she can be seen darting past him into the room.

Text Box: I was not the first on there. One of the teachers had arrived first and tried to bar me entry after what he had seen in there. I pushed him aside and rushed in...

Page 13:

Panel Layout: Full page spread. This is money shot of the comic.

Panel 1: We are in Joseph's Bedroom, the same as from page 10, but it is now in a state of disarray. There has clearly been a fight here. Blood and broken furniture is scattered about. Rhapsody is kneeling on the floor between Harmony and Reno, both are very dead, Harmony in particular looks like she's been ravaged as her clothes have been torn off suggesting something more happened. She is holding their bodies crying over them. She is facing the camera, her face twisted in a mix of pain and rage. We see the shadows in the room reaching out towards her. Her fur darkens, Her legs are now a pitch black. In her midriff between her skirt and shirt we see her fur changing from the auburn color it was to pitch black like her legs. This should be done as to look like the shadows are swallowing her up whole.

Mini-panel in top right corner: A view of one of her eyes, it is angry and how seeming to glow with mystical energy.

Text Box 1: I was not prepared for what I seen in that room, no one could ever be prepared for that. Harmony and Reno laid dead on the floor. I rushed over, futility checking their heartbeats, trying in vein that there might be some chance in saving them. It was as I felt the warmth draining out of their bodies that the powers I was born with kicked into overdrive.

Text Box 2: My shadow magic abilities flaring up in a fit of mourning rage. I had lost my light, my sister and best friend were dead, all that was left was darkness, and I let it consume me. I didn't care about anything except for making Joseph pay for what he had done, courts be damned. Justice would be served and I would do it without hesitation. No one would ever be hurt by him again.

Page 14:

_ _

Panel Layout: Panels 1 and 6 are landscape views that stretch the top and bottom of the page. Panels 2-5 are sandwiched between them, in window style.

_ _

Panel 1: Rhapsody, in her new all black appearance, is back outside of the room. Plumes of shadows waft off of Rhapsody's body as she overflows with dark power. The wolf is still out there, but has been joined by Selene. and now Selene to be there.

Text Box: I left the room to see that Mother had arrived.

Panel 2: Selene rushed to Rhapsody and hugs her close.

Panel 3: Close up of Selene's face as she tries to keep Rhapsody close, tears in her eyes. Clearly in pain from the news and now desperate to stop Rhapsody before she gets hurt further.

Word Bubble: Please, stop this! You don't have to do this sweetie! Let the Authorities handle this!

Panel 4: With will alone Rhapsody tosses both Selene and the Teacher into the lockers, which are now dented from the force of their hits. Visually would look similar to the 'power up' in Dragon Ball Z, with the Shadows in gulfing her for a moment.

Text Box: She tried to stop me, but I wouldn't be deterred. I tossed them aside as easily as rag dolls.

Panel 5: Rhapsody walking past her mother.

Rhapsody's Word Bubble: I am sorry, but I can not do that Mother. I will be fine. I will return with that bastard's body.

Panel 6: Rhapsody exiting the school. Even though it is nighttime, it seems to be getting darker as if all light was going out in the world around the girl.

Text Box: Joseph had escaped his fate once before; but it was inevitable and he was foolish to think he could escape the darkness that was coming for him.

Page 15:

This page marks a slight tonal shift, we go from presenting facts and memories to a chase sequence. The world grows more abstract and nightmarish as Rhapsody's powers manifest fully for the first time.

Away from the school now, Rhapsody stalks Joseph through the streets of the city. Still fresh in her mind is the images of her dead friends, and she is haunted by their memories. They also seem like they are wanting to stop the girl, but she just passes through the ghosts. Nothing is going to stop her.

Song Box, these should be done in a different style then text boxes; they are not true narration. These are essentially like a theme song playing in the background that reflects Rhapsody's mindset during these pages:

This appeared as a moral dilemma 'cause at first

our long term goal was to eliminate the worst

of the feelings found in humanity it's true

there was never doubt we could do it, so how is it that you

Have shown me true evil?

Page 16:

The Shadows filter out into the city, as it seems to alter into a Silent Hill-ish otherworld, feel free to even use the "peel away" transition if you want. As things alter and change we see Joseph on the run, the street in front of him suddenly crumbles into a dead end void. Starting with the page colors should probably be darker murkier.

Song Box: It's a brand new night and the moon is high

All the crows are singing that your end is nigh

How I hesitated now I wonder why

It's a brand new night

Page 17:

Joseph takes a detour that seems to beckon him, having a faint light coming from a flickering street light. This ends up as a mistake, as he comes across monsters created by his own subconscious. Such as what looks to be the reanimated body of the cow from page 3 and chases after the fox trying to trample the life out of him.

Song Box: All the times that you killed others I am sure they'll forgive

All the crimes committed and honestly you'll live

Mr. Cool Mr. Right Mr. Know-It-All is through

Now my future's so dark and I owe it all to you

Who killed my light

Page 18:

Joseph runs in terror, fleeing the mad cow. He comes across an old dilapidated house. Those of a keen eye will notice that it's the house from the photo on page 2. He enters to escape, only to see the house is stained with blood, wallpaper peeling off the walls, and rusted metal doors keep from entering any other rooms. His only path is too the kitchen. The kitchen is just as hellish as the rest of the house, except there are two figures here, Sitting at a table and looking to him. If this wasn't essentially Silent Hill, it would be warm and welcoming. Instead the figures are The skinned forms of his parents, looking like they've just sat down to a meal, which is possibly rotted if shown. They speak. "Oh hi there sport!" The dad says. With Mother seeming to smile "You're just in time to join us!" Before raising a pair of carving knives. Joseph flees out the back door, with only a few cuts on him.

Song Box: It's a brand new me I've got no remorse

Now the shadows are rising and I know their course

I'm gonna shock the world with a show of force

It's a brand new night

Page 19:

The scene changes now, shifting back to Rhapsody. She follows the same trail as Joseph, except that we see from her view point there are no monsters. The world simply looks faded and dark. If Joseph is seeing the Other world, then Rhapsody is seeing the Foggy World. The house is deserted, and has been for year. As she exits we can see Joseph in the back ground. He's swinging a 2x4 wildly at the air.

Song Box: You took my friends from me, and now you will see

I'll not rest, I'll not halt, I'll not falter

My Mother and I did cry, but I'm sure her tears will dry

When I hand her the killer of her only other daughter

Page 20:

First half of page, what Joseph sees:

In his struggle against the monsters, Joseph doesn't notice Rhapsody's approach. She grabs his shoulder. The fox backs away from her, but the world literally seems to close in as once more ground seems to vanish into a bottomless pit. He has no where left to run. To him Rhapsody looks rather demonic as she grabs him again. And looks like she is going to devour him. His world goes dark.

His fate is left mostly to the imagination, but he IS alive. No matter how much hate and anger Rhapsody has, she can't bring herself to end his life.

Song Box: It's a brand new night yeah the moon is high

All the angels sing because your end is nigh

Go ahead and cry cuase I'm no small fry

Tell everyone goodbye

It's a brand new night

Second half of page, what Rhapsody sees:

Rhapsody looks down to Joseph, his body mostly obscured by her form.

*Text Box: * I hated him more then anything... But I couldn't find it in me to snuff him out.

Text Box: I still feel like I was too weak, others say that not killing him was a sign of moral strength. I've never believed that.

Speech Bubble: Death is too good for you. Death would only end your suffering. I shall ensure that you will suffer in torment forever, even if no one remembers what you did.

Text Box: He tried to scream as my shadows consumed him. His pleas fell on deaf ears. I twisted his body into something perverse. Something that could always bring me joy knowing his torture will never end...

Page 21:

Panel payout: Landscape for panel 1, windowed for the rest.

For the last pages, the world return back to normal. Rhapsody is still pitch black, but no longer do shadows seem to flow off of her. She is calmer then she has been. Joseph's body should always remain obscured from view.

Panel 1: Shot of the school at night.

Text Box: We returned to the school, but there was still one thing left to do. I could not let what happened this night be remembered by so many, to have Mother's reputation tarnished by this bastard's actions.

Panel 2: Rhapsody returns to the school with what's left of Joseph. Selene is there waiting for her, clearly worried.

Panel 3: Rhapsody looks to her mother with cold eyes as she tosses the body down.

Text Box: I tossed his altered body to Mother, who was both horrified and yet secretly pleased at his fate since he I didn't kill him. I suppose she took solstice in that I wasn't a killer.

Rhapsody's Word Balloon: It is done, Harmony and Reno have been avenged. But one last thing must be done.

Panel 4: Rhapsody's eyes glow white as she chants a spell, and the school is engulfed by darkness

Text box 1: I used a spell to cast shadows in the minds of all the students and teachers. This night would be forever a haze of rumors, all that would be remembered is that you don't cross us.

Text box 2: Only Mother, I, and the bastard would know the truth.

Panel 5: Rhapsody walks off before her mother can comfort her. The girl no longer the innocent she was, and is weighed down heavily by all that has occurred this night.

Page 22:

Panel layout: Same as Page 1.

Panel 1: Back in the present, we are in the same Bell tower bedroom that we glimpsed in page 11, except now it looks more like a gothic library then a bed room. The only sign someone lives here is a small pile of blankets and pillows in one corner.

Rhapsody seems to be talking to someone off panel. Apparently, having been telling them her story.

Word bubble 1: If I were a Super hero, this would have been my origin story, but I am not a hero. Super or otherwise.

Word Bubble 2: I am a monster. A creature born of pure darkness. I should not be lauded. I only do what others are too weak to do otherwise.

Panel 2: Solo panel of Rhapsody, dressed bright candy goth/raver clothes, something like seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6707369/, that kinda contradict with her pitch black fur and hair, as well as her dark distant personality. She looks weary, tired, as if retelling this has worn her out.

Word Bubble 1: The only thing that separates me from the others is that I do not hunt or prey on the innocent, just worse monsters...

Word Bubble 2: Now please, be gone. I have said too much, and am now burdened by the ghosts of my past...

Panel 3: Rhapsody is standing on the ledge outside of the bell tower overlooking the city, almost a Batman like silhouette as she stares off in the distant night sky.