My life as a furry (Friends and roommates)

Story by Bell_the_gaomon on SoFurry

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#6 of My life as a furry

[Go to chapter 1]

My life as a furry

(Lunch time)

Everyone was eating and talking when the office intercom made a loud sound signaling it was turned on for use.

"Ian and Ethan please report to the deen's office thank you."

So Ethan and Ian walked to the deans office.

"Ah Ian I wanted to talk to you about the roommate situation." Said the deen

"Ok than why is Ethan here?" asked Ian

"Ill get to that in a minute but first since Will is in juvi you don't have a roommate and since it's mandatory to have one I have taken the liberty of finding you a new one." Said the deen

"Ok who is it?" asked Ian

"Its Ethan." Said the deen

"What how?" Asked Ian surprised

"He was on the dorm waiting list he was told that he would get the next dorm room that opened up witch happens to be yours." Replied the deen

"Looks like we are going to be roommates." Said Ethan

" Looks like it." Said Ian with a smile.

"Since you two seem to be good friends I think things will move smoothly." The deen said

"Yes " They both said at the same time.

"Good" Said the deen

"I have a question." Said Ian

"What is it?" Asked the deen

"If there were no dorm rooms open where was Ethan staying?" Asked Ian

"With his parents." Replied the deen

"You can do that?" Ian asked

"If you live close to the school you can." Said the deen

"My parents are going to move when I get a dorm room." Said Ethan

"I see." Said Ian

"Ian your also in charge of showing Ethan around the boarding area. Said the deen

(The boarding area is the part of the campus where the students that live on campus stay like dorms rec room the laundry building)

"Yes mam" said Ian

"You're excused" Said the deen

Ian and Ethan walked out of the office and to there next class.

________________After School_____________

Ian showed Ethan around the boarding area which took 20 minutes. Than Ian helped Ethan move his stuff in the dorm room. Ian also helped him unpack.

"I can't believe I got you as my roommate."

Said Ian

"What are the odds." Said Ethan

"Which bed is mine?" Asked Ethan

"The one closest to the door." Answered Ian

"Ok" Said Ethan

After that they crawled into bed. They watched TV until they fell asleep.

___________________Next Day____________

(Breakfast Time)

"So how did you sleep?" Asked Max

"Good" Said Ethan

"What's for breakfast?" Asked Ian

"To day is pancakes." Replied Tony

"Yum" Said Ian

They all started eating their pancakes and talking (mostly about Ethan being Ian's roommate) until breakfast was over.

__________________First period____________

Every one went to their locker's to get their books and stuff then to their class. Most of the class time was boring and all anyone wanted to do was get up and leave.

"Here we go again." Thought Ian

(To be continued)

{Scroll past the note to to get the link to the next chapter}


To: My Readers

From: Bell-the-gaomon

My stories will take longer to post due to the fact that their getting longer and im getting busier. And thank you all for your support. :3

And please recommend my stories to a friend.

And if you're a fan of Digimon or have art or stories or anything for Digimon please join this group and share your work. :)

[Next chapter]