What I've Become, Child Rearing

Story by Talon-21 on SoFurry

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#4 of What I've Become

I am sorry if this took so long. My life never seems calm enough to get things done. But enough of my ranting about life. Here is the fourth installment of What I've Become. Please enjoy. Comments and ratings are always appreciated greatly; comments more so than ratings though.

Auryn © Beasty101111 on FA

I sat next to my mate as we watched our three children play with one another. Even now, it still seems like it was just yesterday. One of our two sons, Auryn, ran over to us and pounced on me. I allowed myself to fall over with him on top of me as he playfully bit at the plates of my underside. I laughed a little at his playfulness and it wasn't long before the rest of my brood was climbing all over me. My daughter nipped at my facial spikes and I let out a playful growl before letting it flow back into a laugh again. "Hahahahaha. Okay, okay. You've got me." I suddenly wrapped my children up in my front legs and wings before rolling so that I was on top of them while being careful not to crush them. "And Now I have you!"

My brood let out playful squeaks and squeals as I nuzzled and licked them. My mate put her paw on my side and pushed me over onto my side. "Oh, looks like the little ones have some help this time!" She laughed as she lowered her entire body to allow our children to climb onto her back. "I think these little hatchlings are ready for a nap." All three of our children let out disappointed huffs and I mirrored their sadness.

"Oh no, my love. Please not a nap!" I let a smile play across my muzzle. "Anything but that!"

"I didn't say that you needed one, silly." She laughed again. "But you are welcome to join me when I lay down with them."

"That sounds tempting." I said. "I will agree to it on one condition: I get to carry them in."

"Deal." My lover replied with a grin.


I lay with my mate in our bedding chamber, spooning her as she coiled her body around our hatchlings. I unconsciously twirled my tail around her's as I started to speak to her with my mind. Do you think I'm a good father? I asked. _ I know it has only been a few weeks since our little ones hatched, but I just want to know._

Vrelvel, we've been over this even before they hatched. My mate replied. You are a good father, and you will be a great one in the future. Please do not fret over those kinds of things.

_ Yes, sia itov._ I said as I brought a forepaw up to rub my lovers side. Do you remember how we met?

_ How could I not?_ My mate replied. You were all tied up. Now please stop what you are doing before you go any further. We have little ones right here.

What? I inquired. A drake can't rub the sides of the mate that he loves so dearly simply because he can? I stopped my actions anyway and planted a small kiss on her muzzle. I love you, Welunix. Always have and always will.

_ And I love you, Vrelvel, with all of my heart._ She licked my face in return and laid her head back down; closing her eyes and letting her body relax before finally falling asleep. I laid my head gently over her neck and closed my own eyes, but I did not fall completely asleep. Instead, I kept half of my mind conscious, acting like a silent sentinel ready to defend at a moment's notice.

My light sleep was broken by a horrible, terrified scream. I instantly jumped to my feet with a snarl; ready to tear anything that wasn't my family to shreds. There were no threats that I could sense, let alone see. But what I did find was Auryn near a corner shaking with fear. My mate was also up and made a move to get our frightened son but I stopped her. "Stay with the other two, I can handle this."

"As you wish, my love." She said. I nodded and approached my scared son but he backed further into the corner. Almost as if he were afraid of me. I accessed his mind and found that he was still half asleep, effectively sleepwalking through a nightmare. While in my little one's mind, I called for him to wake up, but to no avail. So since mental words did nothing, I stormed his conscience and forced him to wake up.

"It's okay, my son." I said. "It was just a dream." I gave him a reassuring nuzzle and gently picked him up to carry him back to the others of my family. My mate raised her head and cooed at our distraught hatchling to help calm him down. Curled around our brood once more, we started to fall asleep again. But not before Auryn crawled up and snuggled up to me. I covered him with my tail and wing, ensuring that he knew I would keep him safe, regardless of what it was. But before I fell asleep, I noticed on one of his paws was a small shape that looked like a rose bloom. In fact, it matched the one on Moonfire's side. I didn't think much of it right then, but I did know that it was important in some way...


I woke up the next morning before my family. I ran that thought through my head again. My family. I allowed myself to smile at that thought. So much had happened in those recent years. I had taken my true form, had become a mate, and even a father.

I remembered the strange marking on Auryn's paw. A rose bloom. I looked at it again. Something about it struck something within me. I couldn't quite nail it down, but I could tell that the answer would be revieled soon.

Later that day, Auryn approached me. I didn't expect what happened next as I felt someone's mind brush against my own. It took me a few moments to realize who it was, but I eventually recognized it as Auryn. I remember everything. He said with his mind; his hatchling body not able to quite mouth words just yet.I had another life before this. I saved you, and then I...died and... The rest of his sentence faded out as he looked on my forehead.

What? I asked with my own mind, concerned.

I made you part of the royal clan. He raised one of his front paws. On it was the rose bloom that I had seen the night before. He then led me to the small spring that fed into the cave. Look at your reflection. I did and found that in the middle of my forehead was the same rose bloom marking.

How? I asked.

It must have happened when I sacrificed myself to save you. Auryn said. I was the last of the royal clan. My parents were killed shortly after they abandoned me. It is a natural law of draconic magic that there always be royalty among dragons. So when I healed you, it must have been my way of designating you as my successor; which means that my magic chose you as the next royal clan patriarch.

How does that explain the marking on my mate and brood? I asked.

Auryn took a breath before answering. The rose bloom is the mark that designates the royal clan. All of a patriarch's kin will receive the mark somewhere on their hide when he is chosen.

Why didnt you tell me about all of his before? I asked. About you being royalty, I mean.

Because my parents were not exactly the best at what they did. He answered_. And the rest of the clan...horrible tyrants. They were killed after they shunned me for being what they thought was "too soft". I don't know how exactly, but I am glad they were._

Do you still count yourself as shunned and abandoned? Without a home? I continued my questioning.

In a way, yes. My son replied, I am unsure if I should consider myself part of this family, or even part of your clan because of the circumstances.

Did you hatch from one of my mate's eggs? I asked.

I think so. Auryn replied, unsure of his answer.

Well, then I shall always consider you my son and clan member. You will always have a home with us. I said as I lowered my body, Come, we should go see the others. He climbed onto me and I folded my dorsal spikes back along my spine before walking out of the cave to meet my mate and the rest of my brood. My mate was laying there on her back while my other son and daughter were playing on her; biting at her and acting as if she was their prey. I let Auryn off of my back and watched as he joined in on their game.

After a few moments, I made my way to my lover and planted a gentle kiss onto the soft area at the hollow of her throat. "Hello, my darling." I said to her openly.

"There's the great handsome drake I love." She replied, "What were you and Auryn up to?"

"Believe it or not," I started, "we were talking. Auryn remembers everything that happened in his life before he died, and he was the last of the dragon regality. When he healed us, we became his successors as he began to pass on. That's what that marking means." I hinted to the rose bloom mark on her side.

"This cannot be!" My mate exclaimed. "Us, royalty?"

"That is how Auryn put it, yes." I replied, but then I noticed an upset look on my lover's muzzle. As soon as I saw it, I knew that there was something wrong. "What's wrong, darling?" I asked. "you don't seem very happy."

My life mate took a few seconds to answer. "No...well...you're right. I'm not." The look grew into one of depression. "It's just that...all I've ever wanted was to live a life of simplicity. To just spend my time with you and raise our children. If you are to become the leader of the draconian race, I won't have much time to be with you."

I gave Moonfire a lick on the right side of her jaw. "Welunix, I thought you knew me better than that. Yes, it will mean that I may be very busy, but that doesn't mean I will not have time for you and our hatchlings. And if I don't, I shall make time." Our mouths met in a kiss, and my lover started to purr in contentment, knowing that I would keep my word.


A few weeks passed since I was given the news about my family's new status. With a sigh, I moved from where I was sitting to the stream just outside the cave. I looked at my reflection and immediately spotted the rose marking on my forehead. It just all seemed too good to be true. How could I, at my young age be the head of the royal clan? It didn't seem to make sense. I caught a group of scents behind me and instantly matched them to my family; Raeze, Késëdrian, Auryn, and my mate, Moonfire.

"Is somehing the matter, sia itov?" My mate asked, concerned. "You've been acting strange all day."

"I'm fine, Welunix." I said. "I've just been thinking. I don't mean to worry you."

My mate's voice sounded within my mind, You're thinking about our position.

I am. I replied. It just seems too good to be true. I just do not want to make a mistake.

Then do not think about it. My lover suggested. The less you worry about making a mistake, the smaller the chance is that you will make one. Now please come back inside. She walked up to me and rubbed the top of her head along the underside of my chin. It sent a thrill through my body and I felt the love and concern my mate had for me. I moved my head and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

Alright, I will.


I woke up very early the next morning. The culprit of this was an ache in my stomach. It took me a few moments with my drowsy mind to comprehend what it was: hunger. I had not eaten in just over a week, and I was pretty sure that my family hadn't eaten much either. I gently tried to solve the puzzle that was my entagled embrace on my mate. It took a few minutes, but I was soon free. Longing for the wind on my wings, I strolled out of my cave and took to the air. My wings streatched taught as they caught the wind, the chill air cooling the shallow veins in the membranes. I kept pumping my wings and gaining altitude. Soon, I was high above the forest of my Siberian home. The winter had yet to arrive, but I could sense that the short summer would end in a few months; giving way to an even shorter autumn. I gradually let my hunting instincts take over, looking for any type of prey that could feed a family of dragons. Usually, that would be caribou or some similar animal, but I could not see any at all. I was about to turn back and head home when a flash of movement caught my eyes. It darted into a thick group of trees before I was able to get a clear look and hunger and curiosity got the best of me.

With an ever slowing decent, I approached the trees to assess the situation. My stomach was nearly clawing at me to hurry up and get my prey so I pumped my wings and climbed higher into the sky before going into an eagle dive towards where I last saw my meal run. At the last second, I leveled out and let loose a burst of fire from between my jaws. The small plants and trees caught fire immediately and burned down in seconds. I used my magic to contain it and waited for the fire to die. When the fire cleared, I was met with the sight of...

...Absolutely nothing. It was gone! Yet I had just seen it there. The strange thing was that I could still feel its presence. As if it had turned invisible. Suspicion began to well up from within me. Something was most definitely off. I landed cautiously and slowly approached the spot where my prey had been. It was then that the scent caught my nose as I began to feel the other presences. Immediately, I took flight again before I saw the hundreds of armed humans appear from out of thin air. They quickly began firing upon me, but the bullets either richoceted or disintegrated off of my hide thanks to the toughness of my scales. Then there was suddenly pain along my back followed by a single loud, boomng gunshot. I looked back just as a second round whizzed by my head accompanied by a heavy, concussive wave of displaced air that messed with my inner ears and making me a little unbalanced in the air. I quickly turned around, my sharp eyes automatically locking onto the source of the large caliber projectiles. I was infuriated and brought my magic to bear as the human behind the sniper rifle pulled the trigger for the last time in his life. With my magic, I caught the large round and forced it back at him. The human's head and most of his upper torso exploded in a rose blossom fashion. Next were the humans on the ground. I approached them once more and let loose a torrent of fire at a quarter of the humans. My flame burned so hot that not even ashes remained. I was still angry but satisfied that I'd made my point. That being the fact that ambushing a dragon was a bad idea, but to be sure, I vocalized it as well with a loud roar that sent most of the remaining men into disarray.

It took me a few more hours of hunting to finally catch enough food for my family and I had already eaten my share by the time I returned and landed just outside my home. The few caribou I was lucky enough to find were easily going to be enough for my mate and children to fill their bellies. I gave out a triumphant, trumpeting roar, telling my family of my success. The first to come out of the cave was Raeze, followed by Auryn, Késëdrian, and then my mate. My children all pounced on one carcas and my mate strode over to me. "Looks like you were busy this morning, love." She commented.

"We must eat at some point in time." I said, smiling. "Go on, I've already eaten my share."

And eat she did, making short work of my catch. I felt content and watched as my family enjoyed their meal before turning my attention away from them and to the forest around us. The ambush had put me on edge and if the churning feeling within my gut was correct, things were about to get bad very soon.

Such a thing was realized soon enough, though. Throughout the following weeks as I watched over my family, I could not help but feel like I was also being watched. It was like an itch that I couldn't scratch; a definite presence that I could not get rid of. Even when I looked for the presence, I could not find it. I even willed for whatever it was to show itself. Being quite disturbed by it on one particular day, my paternal instincts took over and I ushered my mate and children inside from where they were playing. I gave Moonfire a look that told her exactly what was going on; something had me on edge and I wasn't going to take any chances. I laid myself down and watched the wilderness from the entrence to my home, hoping that the sense was wrong for once; however, I eventually calmed down and began to second guess the feeling, slightly relaxing the many muscles of my body that I had inadvertently kept tense in readiness to defend my family before entering my den. A few minutes later, I had arrived in my bedding chamber and curled around my mate, closing my eyes and finally allowing myself the much needed sleep.

Falling asleep soon proved to be a mistake. The next morning, I awoke before my family as usual; but I noticed that the mixed scents of my family was lacking something. It didn't take long for me to recognize what was missing: Auryn's scent did not seem to be as fresh as those of the rest of my family members. With magic aiding my vision, I looked around the dark chamber, only to find that my son was absent, confirming my sudden fears. I began to worry. Did he run off? Was he injured? Thousands of these thoughts filled my mind before I tried to seek out his mind with my own. I did find him, but he was so weak. I could sense that he was severely wounded and his desperate mind reached out and quickly took hold of mine, one word coming across the link: Help!

That was more than I needed. With a low and loud growl, I rose to my feet and stormed out of my home, casting the strongest ward I could around the entrence to my home. I linked the ward to my body, it would only begin to waver if I died; an outcome that wasn't going to be realized any time soon. Sure that the ward was properly in place, I leaped into the air and swept my wings out to my sides, pumping them a few times to gain altitude in the chill air. I held on even tighter to my son's mental tendril, an ever-increasing anger from within me beginning to rise to a boiling point at whatever had caused my child harm.

I had flown for many miles when I started to get suspicious about what had happened to my little one. at this point there was no way a hatchling his size could have wandered this far, not even if he were given an entire day. The thoughts swirling within my head began to grow grim and only served to fuel my anger, which was quickly becoming a firey tempest. I knew now that someone had managed to not only kidnap my little one, but had also harmed him. I wasn't going to allow such an act to go unpunished in the slightest. I was finally nearing the area where my son was located. With my nose, I scented my son, humans, spent gunpowder, and blood. The area was a small cliff and I saw many humans gathering around a small form covered in blue scales at the base of the cliff. I landed behind the group of humans and let loose a loud, angry roar. The humans turned and looked at me for a fraction of a second, in both awe and fear. My eyes fell upon the wounds covering my son's body. It was then that my anger toward the humans turned, giving way to a wretched hate burning within my core. Magical energy in an amount that I didn't even know I was capable of began to course through me a moment before it began to cause a series of changes. I felt myself grow larger and felt an extra set of horns sprout from the top of my skull. The plates on my underside, got slightly thicker and changed from the matching crimson of my scales -which also turned a little darker- to a creamy grey color. A few more onyx spikes sprouted from my back to take advantage of my increased length. With these new physical traits seeing their completion, my hide began to give off a brightly glowing aura of energy. I looked the humans in the eyes and spoke in my deep voice, growling with every syllable. "How dare you harm my child!"

In the proceding moments, I had unleashed my fury upon my son's attackers. In the end, the entire surrounding area was covered in the blood of the humans, their disemboweled and mutilated-looking remains strewn about in a fashion that looked as though Hell itself had descended upon them.

With my anger sated, my aura dissipated; however, the alterations in my form stayed. I felt much more powerful; indeed, what had just occurred proved that all too easily. Once again, my eyes fell onto my wounded son. Guilt suddenly hit me like an entire brick wall at high velocity. I had let this happen; because of me, Auryn was likely to have both physical and emotional scars that would likely never heal. Still in my feral form, I picked up my son and held him tightly with my front legs, my tail providing a very good counter-balance. I kissed his forehead and tried to calm him. "Shh...it's okay, daddy's got you." In my embrace, he quickly fell asleep from exhaustion. I sat on my haunches with my back against the cliff face and held him all night, not allowing myself to succumb to sleep's grasp. And just in case, I formed a shield of magic around us. There was still so much about being a father that I didn't know and my ignorance had almost cost the life of one of my brood. Even though he had made a quick and full recovery, I would secretly never forgive myself for such a mistake.

Many years followed and my children grew. They had reached the years of what would equate to the pubescent stage of human development. True to my mate's prediction, I had turned out to be a wonderful father (though there were still bumps here and there along the way). And although such a stage in the lives of our children was a momentous occasion, both my mate and I could feel a darkening cloud descending upon the world in the future. We knew that our children's lives were not going to be peaceful for a long while.