Gummy Cat


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By Crysteen

Some years ago, my cat Gohan suffered from gingivitus, a desease of the gums. So the vet had to remove 14 teeth. She pretty much has no teeth, but very tough gums. She bites, but not enough to damage the skin, just leaves a slobbering mess.

Well, last night I heard her clanging in the kitchen, making a racket. I went too see what she was up too.

She came out from behind the fridge with something in her mouth. Looking closely, I could see it was a mouse.

Reaching the lounge, she put it down to proceed to eat it, where it ran off. Lucky Rodent. Because she had no teeth, she could do any damage to the small mouse, and it made it's escape, running under my futon then behind the computer desk. Stopping at my seat before disappearing.

Too say she was pissed off was an understatement.

She still prowls the unit looking for the one that got away.
