HSIH: Chapter 12 - Prom Night

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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#12 of High School is Hard


Yes... I got a new computer therefore it took a while to get into the right mood to write again, now if I make any mistakes with any details or characters please tell me! I want to make it right for all of you.

Also I had this chapter already written before I lost the file from switching computers, so... yeah you won't be getting that direction exactly, maybe a little bit I don't know. WHY AM I RAMPLING!?


Chapter 12 - High School is Hard

The day had finally came, prom night. Frank woke up knowing what this night might hold. He had told Josh that by prom night he would be ready to give him is virginity. Frank was very nervous about thinking about if it would hurt or if he would be even good at it. At one moment he thought 'I'm going to be fucked I have to do anything to be good, do I? I don't know!'

All throughout the school day Frank kept thinking about it, watching Josh when he could, and making images in his head with light blushes. He was utterly in love with the German shepherd he just didn't know what to do with himself. Frank doesn't like PDAs but every time he saw his pup he just wants to tackle him to the ground and have his way with him, kissing and grinding him. Yet that's what he kept in mind all through his classes barely paying attention and hoping the teacher doesn't call on him.

"Frank!" The teacher said getting his attention.

"Huh? What?" Frank managed to mumble out of his deep thought.

"What did I just say?" the older grey wolf asked.

"Uhh... I don't know..." Frank said flattening his ears.

"Hm. That's what I thought. Pay attention Mr. Foxx!" she stated getting back to her lesson.

Soon gym class came which meant his day was half over. Frank likes gym class, only class without homework and any kind of paper work, just go out and participate. He isn't the best athlete but he did his best out there. This year he didn't have it with his mate so Frank wasn't happy about that. Although he did find himself getting sneak peeks at the other males with their muscles, butts, and sheaths. Frank made sure he wasn't seen looking; he was good at playing it cool to not attract much attention if he wanted. As he was leaving gym later on after class he did feel very horny since there was a new wolf/husky mix student in his class and Frank couldn't help but stare when possible.

The day was close to being over just a couple more classes, Frank just kept telling himself that as he walked on to each class and before he knew it the day was shot. Frank was taken home by Josh driving his mom's car.

"Okay hun I'll see you at the prom tonight?" Josh asked looking at Frank

Frank nodded "Yes you will hunky pup." He said with a wink.

"Uh, Frank? You sure you want to lose your virginity tonight? I mean if you have any second thoughts or anything we don't have too... I heard it hurts a lot at first and all..."

Frank smiled. "I'm sure but for you I'll think on it sexy." Frank said as he gave Josh a soft crotch grope.

Josh murred and smiled at Frank and gave him a kiss before Frank got out and he drove off. Frank's parents weren't home yet, his dad gets home in a couple hours and his mom not until he's already at prom. He just smiled and stripped nude since he liked being in his bare fur while alone. Frank padded around the house getting stuff to eat and drink the going to watch TV. He kept himself occupied until his dad drove up to the drive through; Frank darted up the stairs to get dressed from his prom night with Josh. Frank couldn't stop thinking about Josh's juicy cock humping into him. He's very curious onto how it feels, from what he's heard it hurts a lot at first but shortly gets to only pleasure. Throughout the time he had to wait for Josh to come pick him up he has to mentally prepare himself.

"Frank?" the older fox getting his son's attention.

"Yes dad?" Frank said tying his tie.

"Can I trust you not to get into any trouble tonight and be home by 1?" Frank Sr. asked worryingly.

"Of course dad, I never gave you a reason not to trust me." Frank's ears perk up. "You're not going to talk to me about sex now are you?"

"NO! Anything but that! Heh heh heh heh, mostly because I don't have any experience on gay sex, just b-be safe ok? You my special kit, my only son you know." Frank's dad said with a smile.

"Ahhh now you getting all mushy," Frank said kiddingly.

An hour later Josh came up in his mom's car to pick up Frank; Josh wearing a black tux with a blue shirt n dark purple tie and Frank wearing a black tux with red shirt n black tie. Frank waved to his dad as they drove off to the prom location.

"Hey, hun?" Josh asked.

"Yeah Sheppie?"

"You sure you ready and all?" Josh asked liking to always make sure Frank wants to change his mind at all.

"Yeah, you nervous?" Frank asked.

"Hell yeah I am..." Josh said nodding quickly.

"Don't worry Josh, it'll be fine. We're both new at it and if we are bad we will get better with practice. Okay?" Frank said trying to cheer him up.

Josh nodded; they soon arrived at the local center where the prom was and has already started, running little late they rush inside and sat next to Tre. Tre greeted them and introduced his date; a lovely husky girl, 5'7", burnet, and a very charming personality. Her name was Caithine; she preferred Catie thou.

The female husky was not very outgoing, she seemed to have a great balance of quiet and social. She went onto the dance floor a few times and danced to the beat of the music not over doing it like the other out of control high schoolers. Tre didn't o with her every time, but from time to time. Frank and Josh danced once, to a slow song but spent most of the night talking. They both thought to keep it clean while dancing so no groping or grinding.

The whole night went on like that pretty much; Frank and Tre even switched slow dance partners for a dance. Tre danced with Josh, Frank with Catie, Catie with Josh, and Frank with Tre. As Frank and Tre danced they small talked about their childhood together.

"Hey Frank remember when we were 13 and we got curious and saw each other nude?" Tre whispered with a giggle.

"Hehe yeah I remember that, we ended up pawing each other off." Frank whispered back to Josh.

"Yeah that was fun; we did that as often as we could. I enjoyed that time, even when I gave you a blowjob for the first time... hehe then as we got older it got kind of weird..." Tre whispered with a lick on the cheek.

Frank nodded the song ended; the dance was basically over, they had a choice to stay or leave at that time so those four decided to leave. Tre gave Frank a hug before getting into Catie's car then gave her a kiss. They drove off, Frank watched them leave with a happy sigh since he loved his cousin.

"So... Frank? Where and how you want to do this?" Josh asked Frank nervously.

"Hmmm I don't know. Are your parents home?" Frank wondered.

Josh thought about it and they weren't, they said they were going out to dinner and a hotel and to be home by 1:30. Josh grind, "No they aren't"

Frank yipped with excitement and hugged Josh saying that they should go to his house. Josh agreed and got in his car with Frank. They drove for a good half hour until they arrived at Josh's house. They came in through the front door kissing deeply and panting. Josh told Frank to go upstairs; he'll be up in a minute. Frank dashed upstairs; Josh checked his pockets to make sure he had a condom ready. He did, it was a "Fire and Ice" brand; he heard they felt amazing... on a commercial. Josh went upstairs to the bathroom to relieve himself before getting it on with Frank, he had a lot to drink and didn't want to end up pissing in or on his boyfriend, he thought about how nasty that was making him shiver.

Josh took some deep breathes and then went into his room to see Frank already in a thong. Josh murred and wagged his shepherd tail at the site on his bed looking at him.

"I didn't have this on under my suit, had it in my pocket the whole night and put it on just for you my German doggie." Frank said smiling at Josh.

Josh just smiled back putting the condom on the counter next to him and undoing his tie. Frank wagged his tail watching Josh starting to strip and murred when Josh took his shirt off showing off his muscles. Josh chuckled and flexed for Frank then walked over to Frank after grabbing the condom and started kissing him again grinding and murring. Frank wrapped his arms around the back of Josh's head playing with his ears.

Josh starts to undo his pants then Frank stops him breaking the kiss. Josh lies down and Frank continues on Josh's fly and pulled his pants down leaving Josh in his boxers. Both of them already hard from kissing, Frank nuzzles his bulge causing Josh to Mur slightly. Frank pulls the boxers off wagging then nuzzles his nose into Josh's balls sniffing and licking his sac murring deeply. He rolls his balls around with his tongue making Josh mur aloud with his eyes shut; Frank slowly sucks on his balls as he paws Josh slowly. Josh loving the treatment pets Frank's head letting out a moan of pleasure as pre leaks down his shaft. Frank smiled and licked the pre by licking up Josh's shaft all the way to the tip murring at his taste. He then stroked Josh slightly as he kissed his tip then takes in the whole dog hood; this caused Josh to moan louder and Frank loved the taste of his boyfriend.

Frank lubed up Josh's cock nice and wet before pulling off. "Okay stud it's your turn" Frank said seductively as he lay down. This made Josh wine a little but soon smiled as he saw his fox's cock free for his enjoyment to play with. Wagging Josh repositioned himself between Frank's legs; Frank smiled at him as he took in his cock causing Frank to moan. Josh murred happily and rolls Frank's balls in his paws. Frank humped slightly into his maw as he worked his cock. As Frank's knot began to swell Josh thought it was a good time to go farther now.

Josh pulls off Frank's cock. "Frank? I think it's time we went the extra mile now" Josh said with a wink.

Frank began to wag. "Really?" Frank asked excitedly with a nod response from Josh.

"Yeah but I think it'll be best if we did it with you on your stomach since you're more relaxed that way. I read that it hurts a lot less when you're not tense." Josh said concerned.

Frank nodded and laid on his belly, head on his pillows, with his tail raised. Josh murred at the site grabbing Frank's cheeks telling how great he thought they were, then been so cute and tight. That made Frank blush as he said thanks to Josh; Josh leaned in and licked his hole slightly making Frank yip then mur at the feeling. Josh murred as well then licked a few more times before grabbing the lube, putting some on his paw then his cock. He put it down and with the non-lubed paw Josh rubbed it into his cock by stroking himself then he lubed Frank's pucker with the lubed paw. The warmth of the lubed caused Frank to mur along with the feeling of his hole being rubbed. Frank was really wagging out of enjoyment of the attention already and from excitement.

"Calm down a little Frank, relax please or this'll hurt more." Josh said calmingly.

Frank then calmed himself as he awaited Josh to continue. Josh got at a good angle and pushed into his boyfriends tail hole some more with a grunt from how tight he was. Frank grunted and winced when Josh pushed into him as it hurt, his tail hole being stretched. Frank grabbed the pillow as tight as he could pant long and heavily. Josh asked if he was alright and he nodded. Josh kept pushing very slowly until he hilt Frank and relaxed there. Frank gasped as he stopped and was fully in him.

"You okay hun?" Josh said concerned.

"Yeah... I am, just hurts still... give me a minute." Frank said burying his head in the pillow.

Josh began to pant; his foxie's inner walls were pushing against his cock like they were trying to squeeze him out. The sensation felt amazing for him; Frank was slowly feeling more pleasure than pain and he let out a moan.

"Oh my..." Frank said before another moan then nodded to Josh to continue.

Josh wagged his tail as he pulled out slowly to the tip then back in. This caused them both to moan out in pleasure. Josh kept that up slowly increasing his pace; Frank was on his elbows eyes shut and moaning out Josh's name as he fucked him.

"Oh yes Josh! This feels so amazing, fuck me; Fuck me hard!" Frank moaned out begging for more.

Josh moaned and smiled at his mate and leaned over him to nibble his on his neck. Frank was enjoying the nibble as his hole was being pounded; Josh wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him closer as he began to go federal style humping Frank fast, deep, and hard. Both canines were moaning out in pure pleasure and lust as Frank felt Josh's knot swell against his hole.

"Oh god Josh! Please... tie me with you; I want to be fully mated to you!" Frank moaned out panting loving filling sensation on Josh's thick juicy cock.

"As you wish my love!" Josh moaned out humping deeply and with one last hard thrust his knot entered his tight fox, Frank's walls squeezing against his knot making him go overboard. "Oh my god Frankie I am going to... Nngh!"

Josh grinded against his mate's ass as his cummed huge amounts of his sheppy seed deep into Frank's ass. Frank grunted and moaned as he was being filled and came hard underneath him; they both panted heavily as their orgasms died and Frank collapsed into his own cum on his bed making sure to clean them before his parents find out about it. Josh cuddled Frank closely and lovingly as they both murred.

"Goodnight my love that was amazing." Josh said smiling his sleepy foxy and they slept soundly the night away.