Fallout: Money, Merchants, and Mutations

Story by biodaemon2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Fallout

Been working on this one for a while to try and get back into the habit of writing. Still need to work on Whitehoof, but we will see about when I have the urge to write some more. This one is a long one, but I still think of it as part one of a potential two part series.

The second part (if I ever write it) will contain oviposition, as my original inspiration came from Fallout: New Vegas when I saw the size and weight of the deathclaw eggs.

One interesting fact about this story is I actually re-read (almost) all of it and actually did a fair bit of revision to improve it. Heres hoping I start to do that more often.

Anyway, on to the story.

[M/F] [Bestiality] [Growth] [Pregnancy] [Cum Inflation] [Size Difference] [NC]

Fallout: Money, Merchants, and Mutations

By biodaemon2 | furaffinity.net/user/biodaemon2/

Regret always came far too late to save us from the consequences; a tragic fact of life, to be sure. For some, those tragedies stem from the twists of fate and the fickle nature of Lady Luck. Others have no one else to blame for their regrets but themselves. The leaders of the world must have felt a few moments of regret before they were all obliterated in nuclear fire. They must have wondered how it came to this as they sat bathed in the dead glow of monitors, watching the world's impending destruction traced out in simple lines representing paths of ballistic missiles and bomber fleets. Perhaps they might have even spared a second to recognize that they themselves were to blame for the destruction of civilization before they were violently converted into ash.

But even if civilization dies, humanity endures. Its regret would go unvoiced, but even after the consequences of atomic holocaust the world would slowly start to recover. Regret never saved one from the consequences of their actions, but the ingrained need for survival could still overcome.

And thus the consequences of the actions of those powerful men were still being felt centuries later, even in a dry and violent region of the Mojave Desert. Humanity would endure regardless. Farmers fought to raise crops and feed families in a constant struggle against nature. Towns and cities slowly grew as centers for trade, culture, and mutual protection. Merchants travelled the land with their wares in a quest to make a profit as they had since the dawn of time.

But Marco Polo never had to worry about being devoured by Radscorpions.

Humans might have remained the same, but the world they occupied had changed forever. It was a more dangerous world, and the traders who moved across it were always careful to listen well to any hint of a threat. The reports of mutant beasts overrunning the northern portions of Interstate 15 had convinced most that going around to the east and taking Highway 95 was a more sensible option. Years of experience had left the merchants a hardy breed that recognized that profit margins should be sacrificed in matters of survival.

Making the detour was costly and time consuming, but they knew that it was the right decision. As they bowed their cracked, sun-burnt faces over dirty glasses of rotgut they recalled tragic tales from their travels, of caravans destroyed and small-groups butchered. They told the stories like they had many times before, to make sure they remembered the costs of giving in to greed. Entertaining the thought of ignoring the warnings was a sure way to end up roasting over some Super Mutant's fire. No, it was best to keep reminding each other of how vicious the Great War had transformed the world into.

But one young voice had scoffed at that sentiment, interrupting the procession of gruesome stories. Haggard eyebrows had risen in mild surprise when the young woman Elizabeth had stood up from the bar and called the assembled traders old cowards. Slamming her fist on the counter she had promised that she would take her own pack brahmin to New Vegas through the faster route and beat them all to the markets there. For a moment there had been silence in the room, the old sounds of some pre-war song playing on the dented radio. Then the dam broke and they had all burst into laughter, mocking the impertinent girl's claim.

Elizabeth had shouted back at them, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment at the public shaming. The more experienced merchants had rolled their eyes at her bragging. They had seen in before, the hubris of youth and too much irradiated booze that lead a virgin trader like Elizabeth to make such promises, they had just ignored her declarations. Elizabeth had grown furious and stormed out that very afternoon, intent on proving herself to the other fools from the NCR. The wiser merchants had been only half right; Elizabeth was a reckless and head strong young woman who was determined to prove herself as superior to her elders. And what better way to do that than to make it to New Vegas days before they could?

But as hasty as Elizabeth could be, she wasn't a complete idiot. She had heard rumors from a freshly arrived merchant that some Courier from Good Springs had wandered through the region and slaughtered the deathclaws that had overrun the quarry there. She had been quick to pay the man off to keep the information to himself, spotting a golden opportunity to not only show up her competitors, but to make plenty of extra caps as well. Information was profit.

The young Elizabeth had strode out of the Mojave Outpost with her head held proudly high, her brahmin dutifully following in her wake, and set out north up the ruins of the pre-war Interstate system. A few of the NCR soldiers were sorry to see her go; she was quite attractive, and it was a nice change of pace to see a merchant who was younger than they were. Most traders who made it out towards New Vegas were grizzled veterans who had spent years baking under the hot sun.

Elizabeth's youthful features had not been worn down by life in the post-apocalyptic world; her flaming red hair cascaded down the back of her head in youthful curls that bounced with every step, and her eyes were bright with an eager self-assurance. Having grown up in Vault City Elizabeth had lived a life most could only dream about, with access to the best medical care and a first-rate education. She thought she knew everything there was to know about the Wasteland and she exuded a confidence that was infectious, if a bit arrogant. Watching her walk away it was easy to believe that she would accomplish just what she intended through sheer willpower.

The burning sun had beat down on Elizabeth as she made her way north, her pristine boots stepping over the detritus of a destroyed civilization. Despite the oppressive heat Elizabeth was in a good mood, buoyed by the knowledge that she would be showing up the other traders by using her intelligence.

"What do those old morons really know," she spoke to her brahmin as they walked aside one another. "They are so afraid of taking risks they can't compete with new ideas and more energetic merchants." The brahmin had remained silent as she alternated between bragging about her own superiority and insulting the other traders. She talked mostly to keep herself occupied and fill the dullness of the long trek. Most merchants brought along a hired gun or two, providing protection and a partner to converse with. Elizabeth hadn't seen the point; she was confident her AEP7 laser pistol was all the protection she needed.

Despite her lack of experience and common sense, Elizabeth's youth did have one clear advantage: speed. She was making good time and made it to the mining camp of Sloan just after noon. As she passed by Elizabeth had seen a few of the grimy men there checking her out, making no effort to hide their lecherous gazes. A few catcalls reached her ears, but she sniffed dismissively and ignored them. She was on a mission to prove herself, and the sexual advances of common laborers repulsed her. She was of good Vault City stock, and although she had set out to prove that she had what it took to survive outside the cities walls and had thus turned herself into something of a pariah back home, she believed that deep down once she returned home with a pack full of caps they would be more than willing to accept her into their arms. Even if they didn't (and she was certain they would), she wasn't going to let some irradiated tribal with too much body hair even touch her.

She had standards, after all. So with another disapproving sniff Elizabeth had increased her pace, eager to put some more distance in between herself and the lewd miners.

As Elizabeth had continued walking north the cat calls had become shouts of warning. The quarry itself had been cleared of deathclaws, but the rest of I-15 was still overrun with the dangerous mutants. But with impatience and disgust over sexual advances driving her to move faster she had past beyond where she could make out what they were saying. Convinced they were just teasing her even more Elizabeth didn't even spare a glance backwards as they waved at her to stop. They watched helplessly as she disappeared from sight. They knew the danger she was placing herself in, but none of the men would risk their own lives by going into deathclaw territory. So many good men had been placed in shallow graves or had disappeared without a trace that any bravado or selfless courage had been cut out long ago. With whispered prayers and worried looks the miners returned to their work, hoping the young girl was more capable than she looked.

Ignoring the signs warning about the presence of deathclaws Elizabeth quickly resumed her conversation with her two-headed bovine. Despite her assurances that the deathclaws had been eradicated, Elizabeth still felt the thrill of nervousness as she continued down the broken road. The afternoon air was hot and heavy, the only other sounds those of the wind blowing sand down the interstate and the steady clip-clop of the bovine's hooves. Elizabeth found herself compelled to talk just to keep herself from acknowledging that there was still a trace of uncertainty about her actions, more comfortable letting her voice echo between the two low rocky hills than in accepting any level of self-doubt.

A pair of hungry eyes watched Elizabeth as she moved through the narrow portion of the road, the owner hidden amongst the dead soil and grey-brown boulders. The sounds of the human had been carried over the wind and had alerted him to her presence long before she came into view, giving the hunter plenty of time to hide out of sight. He had learned to be cautious after he witnessed of the deceptively small prey-creatures slaughtering his pack with loud noises and flashes of brilliant light. Out hunting when the attack had begun, he had barely sunk his teeth into the molerat he had killed when he heard the distant screams of his packmates. Discarding his meal he had raced back to the quarry at full tilt, his long black claws sending up showers of dirt and gravel in his wake.

As he had crested one of the hills he had spotted the intruder attacking the other deathclaws, sending his instincts for territorial protection into overdrive. In a blood rage he had rushed down the slope towards the distant human, his mind consumed with protecting the Matriarch. However, he had only made it a short way down the treacherous slope when the death pheromones from the slaughtered females had reached him on the wind. The overwhelming influence pheromones had upon deathclaws was a legacy of their genetically engineered past. Pheromones had been designed by the militaries scientists to allow complete control over their biological weapons. Small bursts of synthetic pheromones would have forced deathclaws to move from docile to berserk and back in seconds according to the will of their military commanders.

Centuries later those deathclaws that had survived in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of America still possessed those engineered codes within their DNA. They could no more resist those pheromones than a man could resist the drive to blink or breath. In an instant more of the powerful chemicals flooded his veins and reversed his mental state, driving him into flight mode. Loping back over the hills to hide the deathclaw had disappeared from sight in a blur of movement. He was no longer concerned about protecting territory that only held the dead: he was focused on personal survival in the face of a larger threat.

And so he had moved into the rough terrain to disappear until the danger had passed. Out in the wasteland the large lizard had discovered his new sanctuary, an area of land covered in large pools of radioactive waste. Amongst the detritus of a destroyed civilization the deathclaw found security through immense levels of radiation that were more than enough to keep nearly every living thing far away. Soon the prolonged exposure to the glowing green goo began to take its toll on the deathclaw. His hide began to grow rougher, his bone structure becoming elongated, his muscles bulking up, and his internal organs began to mutate. His brain suffered most of all. Portions of the brain that might take millions of years of evolution to expand developed in mere days. Gradually his mental faculties expanded, making him just something more than a creature driven by instinct and need. Radiation was seeping into his genetics themselves and transforming his blood into something else. No longer was he simply a deathclaw: he was something more.

Of course, the side effects of such mutations almost always came in the form of deadly or crippling tumors. But deathclaws are tough creatures, products of genetic engineering aimed at creating resilient and effective biological weapons. And centuries of natural breeding and evolution after the nuclear holocaust had only made them stronger. Thus even as the deathclaw's DNA began to twist and his form began to change he remained unconcerned, his developed instincts recognizing that he could survive the extreme conditions for much longer than any feasible threat. His body could resist everything his environment could throw at him.

Only once the warning scent meant to keep other deathclaws from falling to the same predator had dissipated had he returned, upset but unsurprised to find all of his pack rotting under the hot sun. The male had howled at the sight, as much to mourn the loss as to signal any survivors who had also fled to rejoin him so they might restart the pack. For two days he waited. None returned. Eventually he had simply left, just another lone deathclaw seeking to start a new pack. He had returned to his deadly sanctuary, the nuclear fallout further affecting his physiology. In his primitive brain he felt for the first time a sense of loneliness and loss.

Soon his radioactive oasis became his new home. He would leave to hunt and return with his prey, confident no creature besides another deathclaw would ever risk following his path amongst the pools of stagnant green ooze. Despite the abundance of smaller creatures to gorge himself on, he never felt full. The mutations within his body consumed a great deal of energy that left him with a constant gnawing hunger. He had been forced to range further and further as he had scared the other animals from his territory in his quest to find sustenance. Eventually he had been forced to return to near where his pack had been slaughtered when he had spotted the lone human and its brahmin pack animal.

He had learned that these humans were dangerous despite their small size when he had seen one kill the elder matriarch, but watching the human guide a brahmin down the road he couldn't help but start to salivate at the scent. The bovine was easy prey, ample and delicious, but the human was an unknown. His simple reptilian brain knew better than to attack the same kind of creature that had brutally killed its pack. He would wait, but it was hard to ignore the heavy pain in his gut. The toll his mutations had taken on his body meant he was constantly reminded of how hungry he was. It felt as if he had not eaten in days, and he found it hard to ignore the urge to attack the pair and gorge himself on their flesh.

Yet there was something other than just a physical hunger. When the deathclaw's eyes fell on the human and its brahmin pack animal, he felt a need that had nothing to do with feeding. The deathclaw's instincts and hormones had still been in 'create new pack' mode when it had clambered back into the toxic waste-filled crater he called home. High doses of radiation affected his tissue during the time when his system was flooded with powerful hormones that urged him to forge a new pack. His instincts were guiding his mutations, and the genetic information carried on the desert wind from the human prey was enough for his new form to mutate further, all to better achieve the driving need to breed.

The deathclaw could feel the growing warmth in his lower torso as the new 'hunger' filled his mind. Between his legs, hide the color of worn, dirty granite spread apart as his body prepared itself for a new mating season. The flesh around the slit bulged outwards as his altered maleness tried to push its way into the harsh desert sunlight in response to the new command to mate. Discomfort within the beast grew as only the very tip of the engorged member managing to side free, its new mutated girth too large for his internal sheath. Flexing his muscles the deathclaw pushed hard. The ache became momentary pain as the thick organ fought to break free from the resistance of his flesh, the opening not having shared the growth of his manhood.

The deathclaw let out a sharp hiss as the agonizing spikes of pain hammered into his brain, his breeding instincts keeping him from surrendering to the stinging discomfort. Unable to give up the reptile could only push harder and bear the pain. It was agonizingly slow, but gradually the deathclaw's dick was squeezed out of his body.

Inch by torturous inch the dark grey-brown cockflesh was revealed, emerging from the painfully over-stretched internal sheath into the searing light of the early afternoon sun. The deathclaw stumbled as he threw the last of his strength into forcing his penis free of its painful prison, bracing himself against one of the nearby boulders with a wickedly clawed arm.

And in a moment the cutting agony was washed away, leaving only a dull ache in his loins. Tilting his head to the side the deathclaw looked down at his crotch with curious amazement, marveling at the increased mass of his throbbing erection. Looking back over at the human and its bovine pack animal the deathclaw felt his maleness give a small twitch of anticipation, and he immediately knew how to feed his new 'hunger'.

Crouched down low the deathclaw darted between the fallen boulders as he approached the two prey-animals, hiding his approach for as long as possible. Despite his great size the deathclaw moved with a hunter's grace and little noise. Approaching as he was from downwind he had no need to visually check his progress: he could smell them. The human's scent was intoxicating, creating a deep longing within his body.

He licked his lips eagerly as he advanced silently upon the unsuspecting female. Lacking a pack to go back to, the deathclaw would make the human his mate.

Even hours after the sun had begun its slide towards night the heat was still oppressive. Everywhere Elizabeth looked the horizon was distorted from heat waves rising up off the dry sand and ancient asphalt. "Well, at least it should finally start to cool off," Elizabeth grumbled, using her hat as a fan in an attempt to gain some temporary relief.

Catching a faint scent on the breeze the brahmin stopped dead in its tracks. Unaware, Elizabeth took two more steps before her arm was wrenched backwards by the leash to the bovine's neck. The sudden twisting motion was enough to knock her hat from her free hand and send bursts of pain up her arm. Elizabeth rounded on her pack animal angrily. "What the hell is wrong with you, you dumb beast!" she shouted. Picking her hat up off the ground she dusted it off. Inhaling deeply she prepared to unload on the brahmin, her short temper already shortened under the hot sun.

But as she turned to look at the two-headed bovine Elizabeth's words were frozen in her throat. Rushing rapidly across the roadway towards her was a nightmare made real. A campfire horror story told to frighten the children given flesh and blood. And claws. Massive, massive claws. Those claws seemed to fill her vision, growing until she could see nothing else but the afternoon sunlight glinting off those shards of sharpened bone. A small voice at the back of her head wondered why the reptilian monster had what looked like a throbbing erection jutting out from between its legs, but those questions were lost beneath the mesmerizing effect the claws had upon her. The young woman's mind tried to process the abrupt appearance of such a terrifying apparition, failed, and simply collapsed into panic mode.

Elizabeth screamed a wordless shout of absolute fear as she backpedaled away from the brahmin carrying her entire fortune, her hands scrabbling at her hip to try and tug her laser pistol free of its holster. As large as the deathclaw was it moved with shocking speed. By the time Elizabeth's trembling fingers managed to ready her weapon the bipedal lizard had crossed the distance between the rocky outcroppings and the bellowing bovine. With a snarl the deathclaw dismissively slashed out with one of his claws, a spray of blood shooting into the air from the stumps where the brahmin's heads had once been. The deathclaw kept moving past the slain animal, not even glancing at it as its corpse toppled to the ground.

His eyes were firmly fixed upon his human prey.

The sight of so much blood caused Elizabeth to scream again. Finally her finger managed to find the trigger of her gun and she began to fire. Searing beams of light dashed out at the deathclaw, gouging steaming furrows in the ground and dissipating harmlessly off of the distant rocks. Elizabeth knew she needed to remain calm. Half-remembered bits of training from years past tried to assert themselves: remain calm, steady your breathing, take careful aim, fire for the center of mass. Lessons learned shooting cans off railings were discarded in a second in the face of the wall of brown-grey muscle bearing down on her.

Finally one beam of Elizabeth's erratic fire sliced across the arm of the approaching deathclaw, opening a cauterized slash over his bicep. The deathclaw simply ignored the flesh wound, his fanged maw opened wide in a snarl. Time seemed to slow down as she took careful aim on that snarling face. Pulling hard on the trigger Elizabeth's pistol spat a beam of burning light at that impossible large maw. The blast of energy blasted one of the deathclaw's horns from his head, sending the wicked length of hardened bone spiraling off into the distance. She had missed. "Oh f--"she managed to whisper before the deathclaw pounced, tackling her with its massive bulk and knocking her into unconsciousness.

She didn't know how long she was knocked out, but when she jerked awake to find the deathclaw kneeling above her she knew it couldn't have been long. "Oh god!" she whimpered as the massive reptile lowered his horned head down to sniff at her body, his warm breath sliding over her like a physical presence. It smelt of death. Shivering in fear Elizabeth tried to remain as still as she could. She wanted to close her eyes and wait for it all to end, but she found herself unable to look away from the monster above her.

Instead of biting into her flesh with its drooling maw the deathclaw seemed content to continue to sniff at her. One of the reptile's hands reached down to her, not to open her belly with its claws as Elizabeth feared, but to instead examine the fabric of her pants. With the deathclaw distracted Elizabeth tore her eyes off the beast and began to search around her, trying to locate wherever her pistol had landed. Looking down the length of her body Elizabeth spotted it a yard beyond her feet. Elizabeth's heart sank: the death claw, standing with his clawed feet planted to either side of her legs, was between her and the weapon.

The deathclaw tugged on her clothing again. Looking down at the garments covering his human prey it examined them, unable to decide if they were part of the human's fur or just something impeding its efforts. He pushed one of his claws tentatively into the fabric, tearing a small hole in the denim. When the human didn't respond or howl in pain the deathclaw was confident it wouldn't harm her and began to carefully slice the clothing from her body. With its engorged brain, the deathclaw found itself being curious about things that might never have crossed his mind before. He considered her clothing for a moment. Licking the sub-burnt leather shreds he mulled over the taste of them before discarding them with disinterest.

He resumed slicing the garments off of the female's body, using his dangerous claws carefully to avoid injuring his potential mate. Elizabeth whimpered as the reptile quickly turned her clothing into nothing but shredded rags, leaving most of her body naked beneath the deathclaw's shadow. As the deathclaw tossed aside the remains of her clothing holding onto his claws Elizabeth finally recognized what had been niggling at the back of her mind all this time.

Penis. The deathclaw had a penis. A large one, too: at least as big as her arm from the elbow up, and just as thick. And one that was fully erect. Elizabeth found herself frozen in shock once again. The monster standing above her, the creature that had just sliced the clothing from her body to leave her naked, was sporting a hard-on. A very, very big one.

All of her efforts to remain still and motionless were thrown out the window at this revelation. "Gyaaaah!" Elizabeth screamed as she rolled over onto her hand and knees, her hands and bare feet trying to find purchase on the rough ground. She had barely begun to move when the deathclaw planted one of his large hands into her upper back, pinning her face into the sand effortlessly. Elizabeth tried to push back, tried to get away, but the reptile held her firm. "No! No! Get off me! No!"

The deathclaw watched the human resist with the same amusement a cat received when toying with a mouse. Positioned as she was on her knees with her hindquarters hefted into the air the deathclaw leaned down again to sniff between the woman's legs. His nostrils were filled with the scent of a female sex, causing his member to throb in readiness. The human squeaked as his warm breath washed over her defenseless nethers and squeezed her legs shut. Keeping one hand on her back he spread her legs forcibly, planting one of his knees between them to keep them apart. Juices dribbled from the head of his mutated cock as he guided it down to her folds, smearing some of his fluids over her labia.

"No no no... this isn't happening..." Elizabeth repeated to herself as she felt the burning heat of the deathclaw's maleness press against her pussy. As some of his sticky fluids were slathered onto her labia she felt a tingling sensation begin to form between her legs, driving her to a second round of futile attempts to free herself. The deathclaw's mutated juices soaked into her womanly folds as he ground the tip against her sex, the size of his phallus ridiculous against her human orifice.

"It's t-too big! Stop!" she pleaded, knowing the reptile wouldn't be able to understand her but unable to consider any other course of action. "You're too big! Oh, god, this can't be happening!" The deathclaw pushed a little harder against Elizabeth's groin, causing his erection to bow outward as he failed to make any progress. Knowing he needed to slake his sexual hunger the deathclaw pulled back some before trying again, each time pushing against Elizabeth's cunt until he felt a bit of pain before drawing away.

Elizabeth ground her teeth in discomfort as the huge head of his cock rhythmically pressed hard against her sex before letting off, feeling as if someone were trying to fuck her with a tire. There was no way the reptile would manage to fit inside her, and Elizabeth feared that when he realized this he would simply kill her. But each futile attempt to mate forced more of his juices out over and into her folds. Slowly the tingling sensation she had felt earlier began to grow in intensity, growing hot but not exactly painful. Elizabeth, having come from the clean world of Vault City, lacked the years spent dealing with the foul radiation of the Wasteland. Where a normal human would simply have been unaffected, their bodies already subtly mutated or resistant enough against its effects, Elizabeth came from pure human stock. She was both more vulnerable to the effects by lacking the rad resistance many would have, and more capable of dealing with minor mutations by having such a strong constitution, having grown up with the best medical aid in the wastes.

Suddenly one of the deathclaw's thrusts sent a bolt of physical pleasure up her spine, interrupting her tirade of pleading and prayers with a faint moan of pleasure. Elizabeth's eyes opened wide in shock. "W-What? No!" she declared, before a second thrust by the deathclaw sent a similar feeling of pleasure into her body. "What is going on?" the human stammered in disbelief as she felt her pussy responding to the deathclaw's fruitless attempts to breed with her. Slowly her labia became engorged as her own juices began to lubricate her hole. With her pure blood Elizabeth found her body quickly responded to the strange radioactive fluids, her insides changing in minute ways to better accommodate the growling deathclaw's firm erection.

The death claw gave a satisfied grunt as he felt the pressure against his cock lessen with each thrust. Although he was unaware of how or why he could feel the human's sex begin to grow larger. They were loosening and opening wider than any normal human's twat, and as he pushed he could feel the very tip of his erection push into her folds. Elizabeth was stunned as she felt her womanhood grow wider and accepting the very end of the monster's throbbing dick. The pleasure of the slight penetration was enough to draw out another reluctant moan from Elizabeth. The young woman fought to keep from wiggling her hips against the hard shaft, disgusted by her behavior and frightened about the physical changes she had undergone.

Lining himself up carefully the deathclaw gave a harder thrust, throwing his weight behind the motion. The force jerked Elizabeth's body forward from the impact, but he simply as he felt the first few inches of his cock drive into the female's leaking cunt. "AH!" Elizabeth screamed, unable to tell how much of it was from the pain and how much from the pleasure. Even with her enlarged pussy the deathclaw's erection was frightfully thick. Each thrust drove a little more of his meat into her folds, spreading his juices around inside her and causing the warm tingling to spread.

"G-Get off of me! Help! Help me!" Elizabeth continued to shout in the vain hope someone would help her. Each attempt to squeeze out from beneath the deathclaw's grasp was stymied by the clawed hand on her back keeping her pressed down into the hot earth.

Holding her in place the deathclaw rutted his human mate with deliberate strokes, savoring the breeding like he had never done so before. Deathclaw mating was a quick and violent affair were cuts and bruises were a certainty despite their tough hides. But with this small, pink female, he found himself instinctively holding back. He wasn't driven to mount this female due to her being in heat. He wasn't with a pack driven mad by breeding season's heavy pheromones. Deep within his warped, bestial brain, he slowly realized that he was taking the human... because he enjoyed it.

Doing something just because he enjoyed it was a new sensation for the mutated deathclaw. Before he had been driven by simple needs; the need to eat, to sleep, to drink, to mate. But while he still felt that deep hunger to breed the female, he was not going to try to just get his seed into her quickly and efficiently. No, he was going to savor this mating because he wanted to. He loved the sensation of her warm juices coating his shaft. He adored how her muscles contracted against his cock each time he pounded into her tight twat. Sliding his hand down to squeeze Elizabeth's tail-less rear, he even admired the sensation of her soft, pliable flesh against his own hard hide.

Elizabeth's cries for help were interrupted by a surprised squeak when she felt the deathclaw's hand slide down to give her ass what could only be described as a playful squeeze. With his hand off of her back Elizabeth was able to move her upper body. Twisting around as best she could the young merchant looked back at the deathclaw as he thrust again, only to gasp in fear when she realized only half of his length was inside her overstretched snatch. Despite the fear, Elizabeth still felt a small part of her revel in how she was accommodating such a massive cock.

Angrily, Elizabeth squashed that line of thought, refusing to accept that even a small part of her was enjoying the whole event. 'Focus!' she mentally shouted at herself, forcing her eyes to go past that horrendous sight to search for her lost weapon. Despite all the emotions and unwanted sensations flooding her body Elizabeth tried to focus on saving herself. A moment later a glint of afternoon sunlight off of the aiming reticle illuminated just where the weapon was located.

'Now I just need to get to it!' she mentally groaned. Despite being raped by some horrible wasteland monster, the fact that the deathclaw had not slain her yet had allowed her fear to be joined by anger and shame in equal measures. Watching the deathclaw Elizabeth was surprised to see how interested he was in exploring her body. His hands slid up and down her flesh, rubbing over her curves and giving inquisitive pinches from time to time. Like all those born in Vault City she had spent some of her youth learning the basics about animal husbandry and the ecology of the wasteland, and she knew that animals never looked like they were enjoying anything but the simple act of copulation.

Catching her looking back at him the deathclaw growled before leaned down, causing the human to flinch back from his dangerous face. Panic swelled within Elizabeth again as the creature brought his horned head down close to her and opened his fanged-maw wide, but instead of sinking his teeth into her defenseless body he slide his long tongue out and dragged it along her flesh, leaving a trail of sticky saliva along her flesh. Elizabeth nearly gagged at the smell of the deathclaw's breath but managed to hold herself still, afraid of provoking a reaction from the monster. Lifting his head back up again the deathclaw resumed fondling her ass as he thrust into her.

"Wha-..." she exhaled, her voice half question and half relieved sigh. Suddenly, it dawned on her, the answer to a number of questions that had been percolating at the back of her mind. Why the deathclaw had spared her life. Why he didn't just break her in his eagerness to fit that mammoth rod into her cunt. Why the deathclaw teased and tested her flesh with his clawed hands without cutting her skin. Why he had just affectionately kissed her.

The deathclaw enjoyed fucking her. He wasn't just some mindless creature; this deathclaw was odd. Different. He was starting to find the pleasure in sex. 'The pleasure in sex...' mulled Elizabeth in her mind, still trying to fight down her own pleasure spreading outwards from her changed cunt. Watching the deathclaw work himself a little further into her body with every thrust she could see how he was trying to maximize his own pleasure and not seeking to finish too soon.

As soon as she recognized his motives Elizabeth's eyes shot open with an epiphany. Her only chance at getting to her weapon and saving herself had been revealed, but after a second she realized just what she was considering and her elation turned to dread. Shame and humiliation assaulted her ego, but her protests were silenced when she felt the tip of the deathclaw's prick slam up against her cervix in a moment of stinging agony. Elizabeth hissed in discomfort as the deathclaw pulled back. Having turned around her upper body to look back at the deathclaw she looked down at her exposed lower belly in time to see the deathclaw give another thrust, again hitting her cervix. More than the physical pain the sight of a faint bulge in her flesh pushing up from her groin to near her belly button caused her to moan aloud in agony.

The deathclaw was so big she could see his organ distend her skin outward on each thrust, his arm-sized cock stretching her out far beyond any normal human limits.

Elizabeth knew she couldn't wait any longer. She had to go through with her last chance, as disgusting and embarrassing as it might be. The longer she waited the more battered and exhausted she would be. Despite knowing she had to do it, that it was the only way to save herself, Elizabeth had trouble even acknowledging her own plan. Closing her eyes Elizabeth took a deep breath, fighting down her ego's desperate attempts to keep her from going through with the plan. 'Isn't it better to die,' it argued, 'than go through with something so degrading?' Elizabeth exhaled slowly, releasing her doubts with her breath as she slowly opened her eyes. She was a fighter. She wasn't going to be killed like this, no matter how embarrassing and shameful saving herself might be.

She was ready. She was ready to fuck the deathclaw. She was ready to fuck the deathclaw until he came and couldn't cum anymore. She was ready to use the body he was so interested in to show him pleasure he might never have felt before. She was prepared to do what it took to satisfy the beasts lusts and leave him writhing in bliss.

And she was ready for that moment, because she was ready to leap for her weapon when he was distracted and slaughter the foul reptile.

A part of Elizabeth was glad nobody was nearby as she prepared herself, turning back so her chest was in the dirt and placing her hands firmly against the ground. As the deathclaw pushed forward once again Elizabeth shoved back hard, meeting the deathclaw's thrust as she lifted herself up off her knees and onto her feet.

"Ahngodddddd!" she screamed in agony as the deathclaw let loose with a surprised roar of pleasure. Tears dribbled from the corners of her eyes as she remained as still as possible, any movement causing her insides to sting where the deathclaw's cock had finally penetrated her cervix and embedded itself in her womb. The deathclaw obliged for a few seconds, startled by the human's response and momentarily distracted by the explosions of pleasure his mutated maleness bombarded him with. He had seen the human's muscles tense up and had expected another attempt to escape, but the voluntary action had left him amazed.

Grunting appreciatively the deathclaw leaned back some and rested both his hands on the human's hips, Elizabeth's new position making it no longer necessary for him to be hunched over on a knee. Slowly he began to withdraw his shaft from her battered sex, feeling her muscles spasm against his mighty dick until only the tip was left inside. "Oh no..." Elizabeth whimpered, realizing what was about to happen a moment before he thrust back into the female with one hard push.

Grasping one hand to her belly Elizabeth could feel the movement of the rigid pole beneath her skin, the radioactive cream leaking from its tip slowly dulling the pain and augmenting the pleasure. Keeping her legs spread wide Elizabeth lifted her torso up as best she could, still forced to stay mostly bent over by the creature's length. Reaching behind herself Elizabeth wrapped her fingers around the deathclaw's warm shaft as he pounded into her, stroking him even as he plundered her very womb with his dick.

"I'm going to (ah!) fuck you and f-fucking kill you!" Elizabeth moaned aloud, unable to keep the increased level of pleasure from her voice as she began to respond to the deathclaw's movements. She wasn't the most experienced woman in regards to sexual activity, to be sure. Vault City had placed great levels of control on the personal lives of the citizens, but she and the other teens who had lived there had rebelled. Elizabeth could still remember the thrill of danger she got when she had gone to parties in 'Make-out Hall' within the mostly disused Vault itself and had listened to scavenged records, danced, drank booze, held hands, and even - dare she say it - kissed boys!

But Elizabeth had always been eager to get out from the thumb of the city's controllers, more so than her friends who had been simply acting out some teenaged rebellion. Elizabeth wanted more, and when she wanted something, she took it. Like the night she had forced her boyfriend Johnny Wade into one of the private 'rooms' near the hall and had "coerced" the hesitant Johnny to take her virginity. She had a few more boyfriends after Johnny, each of whom had been strangely hesitant to make love (Elizabeth blamed something in the water), but the number of times she had sex before she had turned eighteen and left Vault City could be counted on one hand.

After she had left, of course, she hadn't had any such physical relations with anyone because she was dealing with dirty tribals and wastelanders: uneducated and unclean, the lot of them. Elizabeth wanted to make her fortune in the world, to see it all, but she knew that everyone outside of Vault City, even other citizens of the NCR, were an inferior form of human. Whenever she had needed to relieve her own urges she had used the same hand now wrapped around some mutated reptile's giant cock to play with herself.

The deathclaw thrust again through her fist, her fingers slick with his pre (and, to her shame, some of her own juices) as it crammed itself into her furthest depths. "So b-big!" Elizabeth grunted once again, still amazed at the size of the reptile's manhood despite having been taking almost the whole thing for almost half an hour. Despite her relative sexual inexperience, Elizabeth didn't need much to help get the deathclaw off. Despite how her pussy had stretched out around his invading member it was still an incredibly tight fit. Each time he thrust she clenched down on his cock, causing him to hiss appreciatively.

She forced herself to ignore how it also increased her own pleasure.

Having the human begin to act much more eagerly towards the mating sent the deathclaw into a surge of sexual pleasure. The feeling of her nethers pulled taut around his member was exhilarating, as too was the new sensation of her soft hand wrapped around his girth. Panting heavily he could feel himself nearing that release he had been holding off for so long, causing him to increase his efforts to prolong the glorious pleasure drowning his senses. Sliding one of his hands up Elizabeth's side his clawed-fingers brushed over her chest and rubbing the soft swell of her breasts.

"Ah!" Elizabeth moaned as the deathclaw's digit brushed over her surprisingly sensitive tits, causing her to groan and shiver, her body involuntarily grasping down again on his prick. "No, don't," she replied as the deathclaw, intrigued by the pert mounds on her chest, began to fondle both of them with an eager curiousness. "D-Dammit, I'm supposed to be getting y-you off!" She could no longer deny that she was certainly enjoying the beast's attentions on a purely physical level. Warm juices poured down her thighs as the deathclaw shoved himself into her box, the pointed head of his maleness slamming into the back of her womb every time.

The more he played with Elizabeth's breasts the more she seemed to respond to his thrusting. Yet having her muscles rippling up and down his cock and feeling her hand sliding over the rest of his shaft that couldn't fit was driving him to new heights of pleasure. Increasing his pace the deathclaw knew he couldn't hold back much longer.

"Cum already, you bastard! Do it!" Elizabeth shouted back as the deathclaw pounded into her rapidly, leaving her ass and the backs of her thighs a cherry red from the impacts. She knew the monster was near his orgasm, but she tried to urge him on even faster in between lewd moans. "Yes, cum already! Fuck me with that fat cock! I'm your first taste of human pussy, you know you want to cum!"

More than her desire to get her chance at escaping his dangerous clutches, she wanted to avoid her own quickly approaching peak. She had thought that her hatred and shame over being mounted by a beast would have helped to keep her from suffering the shame of being driven to orgasm by an animal, but the longer he pounded into her the more of her pain and discomfort was replaced with sexual bliss. And when he had found her breasts, brushing over her nipples and squeezing her soft orbs, she had almost lost it when she was caught off guard by the surge of pleasure.

"God just cum alread-HHEEEEAH!" Elizabeth's shouts, attempts to keep her mind off of how close she was to release, jumped up into a high-pitched squeal as the deathclaw placed his hands on her hips once again and gave another hard thrust with his hips, shoving himself in as far as he could go and holding there. Her surprised moans were overwhelmed when the deathclaw threw open his fanged-muzzle and let loose with a heart-stopping howl up into the sky.

Inside her Elizabeth could feel the reptile's prick grow momentarily engorged. Just as she realized what was happening, the first blast of the animal's mutated seed exploded into her very womb. Thick streams of his semen poured from his cock in shocking quantities. Elizabeth tried to scream another protest as she felt her womb rapidly fill with the deathclaw's hot cream, but she couldn't keep from letting loose with a series of loud moans as she was pushed into her inevitable orgasm.

The torrent of the reptile's seed was unending. Feeling her insides filling up the young trader clasped one of her hands to her formerly flat belly, shocked to feel the flesh beginning to bulge outwards from the quantity of the deathclaw's mutated load. "God nnyahhh!" Elizabeth gurgled, unable to concentrate as her senses were set on fire with the pleasure of her orgasm. The effect the deathclaw's pre had had upon her nerves to make her feel less pain from the breeding meant that any real pleasure she felt was magnified multiple times over again. Even the sensation of her hand being pushed away from her front by her expanding belly could not fully break through to her pleasure-fogged brain.

The deathclaw only continued to howl and hiss his pleasure as he drained his enlarged maleness into the female human beneath him. He was not concerned that his orgasm was much larger than ever before: the pleasure made everything perfect to his augmented mind. Soon the pressure within Elizabeth's womb grew too much and excess semen began to squirt out around his shaft, splattering over the earth beneath them that was damp with Elizabeth's own juices. After a few minutes the deathclaw finally dribbled the last of his spunk into the woman's stuffed womb, the large reptile panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath after such an experience.

"Grahh guhnn..." the worn human mumbled, her body nearly limp after being on the receiving end of the deathclaw's augmented orgasm. She felt as if she were being kept on her feet by the deathclaw's still erect penis within her as her head and arms dangled down beneath her. Looking down at her middle Elizabeth let out a weak gasp and hesitantly placed a hand on her stomach, shocked at how distended her belly had become. She had gone from skinny and fit too looking like she was half-way through a pregnancy! She could feel the hot liquid beneath her skin as her fingers pressed against the taut flesh.

Planting one of its hands on the woman's ass the deathclaw withdrew its prick from Elizabeth's stretched and soiled sex in a shower of spent seed. Still recovering from her own orgasm and having her womb inflated with reptilian cum Elizabeth couldn't support her weight and fell to her knees. Looking back at the deathclaw Elizabeth's mental faculties slowly began to resume, reminding her of her plan. Blinking to bring everything into focus she began to clumsily look around for the laser pistol again. Turning herself around so she was facing back towards the road it took her a moment before her eyes finally came to rest on the laser pistol.

A low growl from above caused the fine hairs on Elizabeth's neck to stand up. Slowly, she turned to look up at the deathclaw, which was staring back down at her with an unreadable look in its eye. Looking back at her lost weapon Elizabeth felt her heart drop: there was no way she could make the jump to reach it. 'Especially not when I'm this sore and look pregnant,' she mentally added, quickly trying to come up with another plan.

The deathclaw let out another low growl as it watched the human. Slowly it ran its tongue over its fangs, causing Elizabeth to realize the major flaw in her plan. Without his sexual urges to keep him occupied, the deathclaw's normal hunger had returned.

Glancing around for something, anything, to protect herself, the reptile slowly reached out with one of its clawed hands. "No! No! Not now!" Elizabeth begged the cruel world as she desperately tried to save herself. Her eyes spotted a little movement and, before she had time to even properly recognize what she was doing, she wrapped both her hands around the deathclaw's heavy cock and began to stroke it furiously. The deathclaw seemed taken aback by this new development as it watched its human mate grab hold of his semi-erect shaft. Instinctively it felt suspicion when the human brought its mouth near his shaft, but after a moment's hesitation she began to slide her tongue over his prick.

'I don't want to die. This is disgusting, but I don't want to die,' Elizabeth began to repeat in her mind as her taste buds were assaulted by the flavor of the deathclaw's excess seed and her own juices. Despite the oral attention Elizabeth's could see the deathclaw's hand move closer to her head. Clenching her eyes tight she prepared herself for the end.

Instead of pain and agony and a bloody death, the deathclaw's hand rubbed over the top of her head almost affectionately. Keeping up her attempts to please the beast Elizabeth gradually opened her eyes as she realized he wouldn't kill her just yet. Grabbing his dick with both fits Elizabeth hefted its weight and began to kiss the tip, looking up into the deathclaw's eyes to see if it was going to change its mind.

Stretching her mouth as wide as it would go Elizabeth pushed the tip of the deathclaw's phallus into her mouth, circling her tongue around the flesh as she worked over it. The deathclaw's distrust over having its sensitive cock near another animal's mouth were quickly removed at the new pleasure it was receiving. It had never considered the possibility of such mating techniques, and was eager the human was showing them to him now.

With his clawed fingers sliding through her bright red hair Elizabeth kept sucking on the end of his cock, rubbing her hands up and down his length. Even with her mouth filled with deathclaw dick she was still furiously attempting to come up with a means of reaching that lost laser pistol. Releasing one hand from his shaft Elizabeth pushed against his leg as she shifted position. Obediently the deathclaw seemed to obey, pulling one leg backwards and rotating its position some.

Encouraged Elizabeth tried again, and again the deathclaw pulled one leg back some. Elizabeth realized she had another chance: if she could keep forcing the deathclaw to pivot on one foot while she scooted to the side, eventually their positions would be reversed: he would no longer be between her and her pistol.

Cautiously Elizabeth continued to move the deathclaw around, slurping noisily upon his stiffening dick in between each small shift. The woman's knees grew sticky with dirt as she had to place them in the puddles formed from the semen draining from her battered cunt. Eventually her belly returned to its former shape as the last of the spent cum poured out of her. Despite her fears that the hand on her head might suddenly crush her skull, the deathclaw remained compliant so long as Elizabeth continued to suckle on his prick.

Finally Elizabeth managed to get herself as close as she could to her pistol. With one hand stroking his shaft and her mouth occupied with his cockhead, Elizabeth kept the deathclaw distracted as she tried to reach out with one hand. "Ghaht dhahmiht," she swore, her voice muffled by the lizard's dick. The weapon was just out of reach.

Pulling her mouth a little off of his erection Elizabeth tried again, still working her fist up and down the throbbing shaft. One of her nails brushed over the grip of the weapon, sending Elizabeth's spirits soaring. But before she could go any further the hand on her head tightened and tugged her back, smacking her cheek into the hard dickmeat. The deathclaw looked down at her, gestured with its tongue, urging her to continue.

Obediently Elizabeth obeyed, placing her lips back around the deathclaw's tip. Returning to her work on the reptile's organ she began to plot how she might get to her gun without the deathclaw noticing. But with his hand on her head she knew she couldn't pull away or make a leap for it. She was stuck there until he let go of her: she needed him to cum again.

'Well, you already fucked him, so it's not like it's that much more disgraceful to suck him off,' she argued as she turned her attention to finishing off the deathclaw. Having been sucking on his cock for a few minutes it was fully hard again, but as she examined it she was still amazed by its size. With her mouth opened as wide as it could go she could only fit a little more than the tip into her maw before the pain from her jaw and her gagging reflex made it hard to go further.

Despite that the deathclaw seemed content to let her finish him off, only the slight pressure on the back of her head urging her to go a little deeper. Running her tongue around the head of his prick she traced her fingers up and down the hard length, feeling the bulging veins in its flesh and brushing up against the slit in-between his legs where his shaft would reside when not aroused. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of sex coming off of his cock, both the strange musky scent the animal exuded normally along with the smell of her own juices mixed with his semen. The taste of them both was equally overpowering, but Elizabeth kept herself focused.

Elizabeth grew a little surprised when she realized that she was feeling the familiar warmth between her legs of arousal. 'I am not enjoying this! I need to do it to get out of here,' she mentally shouted, but unable to ignore when a few trickles of her fluids dribble down her thighs. 'What did this monster do to me?' Elizabeth wondered in fear, shocked that she kept enjoying sex with the deathclaw.

Banishing such thoughts from her head Elizabeth began to bob her head up and down the first few inches of the deathclaw's erection, his pre flowing out over her tongue. With his body still sensitive from the recent mating Elizabeth wasn't surprised when the deathclaw began to grunt, his dick twitching and throbbing eagerly. Although she didn't know exactly when he would cum, she knew it would be soon and she remained vigilant for any clear sign.

Thus Elizabeth was completely caught off guard when the deathclaw used the hand on the back of her head to force her down onto his hard cock, spearing his length into her throat. Eyes wide in panic Elizabeth gave muffled screams as she tried to push her face off of the deathclaw's dick, her jaw burning with the discomfort of having to stretch so wide. A moment later the deathclaw let out a low growl as his prick swelled a bit thicker once again, and unable to do anything about it Elizabeth could only clench her eyes.

Once again the deathclaw's cock began to spasm within her body, but this time it was forcing ropes of its hot spunk down the woman's throat. Spurts of his cream were force-fed to her as she continued to try and push back. Lost in the pleasure the deathclaw slackened its hold on her head somewhat, allowing her to pull back until just the head was lodged in her mouth. His cock pumped cum into her mouth with astonishing speed, and even swallowing as fast as she could much of the semen squirted out from the corners of her mouth.

Her lungs burning Elizabeth tried to pull back one last time, throwing her adrenaline fueled strength into the effort. With a wet pop the deathclaw's ejaculating erection escaped Elizabeth's gasping mouth, her mind filled with triumph as she realized her chance. The deathclaw was frozen in place while he came, and Elizabeth knew this was her only chance. The gun was just behind her to the side, easily within reach, and her attacker was lost to pleasure.

In her excitement at having a chance to finally free herself, Elizabeth forgot one important fact about where she was, and the nature of the deathclaw's orgasms. Wrapping her fingers around the grip of her weapon a victorious smile was still on Elizabeth's face when she was blinded by a stream of the mutated reptile's thick spunk, thick bands of the spunk coating her face and body in the last of his load.

"Gyaaaaah!" Elizabeth screamed in a blind rage before her voice was cut off by a load of the reptile's cum landing in her open mouth. Sputtering she began to fire her weapon blindly, aiming where she had thought the deathclaw was. Not taking the time to clean her vision Elizabeth fired again and again until the cell was dry, her finger causing the weapon to click futilely.

Scrambling up to her feet Elizabeth finally used her fingers to clear her eyes of the deathclaw's spunk, blinking through the stinging pain to try and spot where her attacker was. 'Did I get him?' she wondered as she moved quickly towards the remains of her brahmin, opening up the pouch she used to carry her ammunition. Reloading with sticky fingers Elizabeth grabbed a cloth and cleaned her face off, spinning around as she did so for fear that the deathclaw was sneaking up behind her.

Slowly Elizabeth's vision cleared as she remained in the middle of the road, naked and coated in semen beneath the warm afternoon sun. Looking back at where she had been Elizabeth was shocked to see no sign of the deathclaw. Paranoia gripped her as she continued to spin around, imagining it was around every rock. Keeping the laser pistol in one hand Elizabeth began to strip her slain brahmin of all the goods undamaged by the deathclaw attack. Stripping off the soiled and shredded remains of her outfit Elizabeth quickly pulled up a vault jumpsuit. Elizabeth felt a large amount of relief the moment she finished zipping up the jumpsuit: she knew it was simply psychological, but she felt more exposed and less safe naked than she did with a thin layer of fabric over her body.

Always keeping her eyes moving around the rocks of the area Elizabeth grabbed all the water she could find, along with any of the more portable items she could still sell to recoup her losses. As she packed some of the items into a brahmin-skin bag she picked up a tin of preserved food. She realized that she hadn't eaten in hours, yet with all the semen the deathclaw had force fed her she wasn't hungry in the least. The thought that she would be making a meal out of some creatures cum caused her to gag, but she kept from throwing up. It was difficult enough taking that stuff down, the last thing she wanted was to taste his cum coming back up.

With as much as she could carry draped over her shoulders Elizabeth began to move down the highway towards her destination, continuously glancing back over her shoulder to see if the deathclaw was sneaking up on her. The knowledge of what had happened, of what she had done, filled the proud Elizabeth with a crushing sense of shame and embarrassment.

"I'm going to get to New Vegas, make my fortune, hire men to kill every deathclaw in the wastes, and forget this ever happened," she promised herself. Spotting a structure with lights on a few miles away Elizabeth began to walk towards it, weighed down by all the goods she was carrying on her back. Having lost most of what she had brought, Elizabeth was unwilling to lose the rest.

Her worries about being attacked again by the deathclaw only grew more pronounced as the sun sank lower in the sky, afternoon turning to sunset. The growing shadows of the rocks and car wrecks around her were each a terrible reptile returning to finally finish what it had started. The last few hundred feet to the lit building were filled with the dread that she would be slain so close to sanctuary.

Her desperation to reach security was fuelled by her fears that she might need medical attention immediately. Deep inside her she felt a low level of pressure behind her stomach, and her mind was filled with dread over what the deathclaw might have done to her. Internal bleeding, radiation poisoning, some deadly wasteland virus: anything might be afflicting her. Yet despite the necessity to get to a room, lock the door, and examine herself, the more immediate fears over being attacked when just within sprinting distance consumed her mind. She could only deal with one problem at a time.

But as she stepped out into the light around the building she greeted by the sounds and smells of human life: cooking food, distant conversation, and the hum of a running generator. Relief flooded her as she hurried forward, making out the sign near a door near the front advertising the building as 'Travelers Motel'. Holstering her weapon Elizabeth pushed her exhausted body onward, the promise of a cold shower and a moldy mattress almost too good to be true. Although she might not have enough caps to afford it, she knew she could barter something of hers for a room for one night.

She was the world's greatest saleswoman, after all. And New Vegas is where she would make her fortune.

The deathclaw tracked his human mate from a distance, moving with a slow, limping gate. At the height of his orgasmic bliss the human had obtained a weapon and had begun firing at him. Instinct had kicked in and he had sprinted for cover even as his cock bounced around splattering the rest of his load over the earth. Even then he had not escaped unharmed. His left leg bore several burn holes to match the one in his shoulder, wounds that forced him to favor his right leg.

He knew they would heal in time and was not terribly concerned. But his missing horn, the one that his mate had blasted off with burning red light, would not grow back so soon. The size of a deathclaws horns were a sign of power, a means of attracting a mate and intimidating a rival. Rarely did deathclaw males ever resort to fighting over mating or territory. After a tough display to one's opponent the victor was almost always the male with the largest horns. With his horns reduced in size by the wound, he would be forced to concede to other deathclaws if he encountered them. Even though his mutated brain had developed beyond the limits of a normal deathclaw, he was still furious about their loss.

Looking back at the situation, he was surprised he hadn't killed the human first for causing him that wound. Damaging another's horns was a certain way to drive a deathclaw into a furious rage. But then, the new sensations of such pleasure had certainly kept him from thinking clearly. And with his expanded brain he was no longer forced to obey his genetic code. He wasn't a simple slave to pheromones and chemical signals in his blood. Their power was still strong, but he was becoming more independent. Slowly he was becoming self-aware, and with this monumental development came the opportunity to break free.

Shaking his head, the deathclaw cleared thoughts of violence from his mind. He resumed tracking his mate, watching her cautiously as she made her way towards a fortified human structure in the distance. He was moving far beyond where deathclaws normally would roam as the land was flat and with little cover, but the fading light kept him out of her vision. He often ranged ahead of her as she struggled with all the goods she was carrying, wary of what she would do if she spotted him again, but needing to keep her protected. In her tired state, and with her spending most of her time watching behind her, moving in front of her path was a more beneficial place to be.

In the end, even his anger over the horn faded. He needed to protect his mate, after all. Despite the wounds, she had shown him such pleasure. And more importantly, he would need her to rebuild his pack. Being a deathclaw he was used to some pain from those whom he mated with, but with her, he could tell she was special. At first it had been subtle, just something in her scent carried on the breeze. But when he had tasted her he had discovered that beneath the bland taste of human genetics he had been surprised to find a small hint of deathclaw in her blood.

And he was aware how unique that was. As he had scouted the ground out before her during the early night he had come across a group of three humans wearing filthy metal armor and arguing loudly about how to divide what the dead traveler between them had been carrying. From the blood dripping from their rusted weapons it was clear that they had killed the man themselves. Even with a limp the fiends had been no match for him, their drug-addled senses keeping them from knowing he was there until he burst from shadows to strike two of them down in a single motion.

Initially he had been thrilled to discover the third had been a female like his mate. Disarming and disrobing her quickly he was disappointed to find that the human was filthy, with dirty matted hair. His mate had been clean; not just physically, but in body too. Tasting the human with his tongue he found her to have poisoned her flesh with years of drugs and had a body he instinctively knew was incapable of responding to him like his mate's had. After exposure to this fluids he knew that his mate knew held some of his genetics inside her bloodstream. She was now part deathclaw. She was special. This human could never be thus.

Despite knowing deep down that the new human wasn't like his mate, he decided to have some fun with her regardless. She had started screaming when he had attacked, but those screams only grew higher in pitch when she realized the deathclaw had a massive erection pointed at her. He had enjoyed the human, feeling her body squirm beneath his as he had bent her over a rock and taken her hard. Unlike his mate her body had not changed to suit his, which had left her almost painfully tight. By the time he had finally came her screaming had stopped, and all she could do was gasp and moan as he forced her belly to bloat outwards. Placing one of his clawed hands over the distended gut he found himself proud at how much he carried now. For some reason, it pleased him deeply to see the human shocked by how inflated her belly had become.

Having learned his lesson with his mate he did not withdraw his shaft from her once he was finished. Instead, he used one hand to keep her in place as he rested, watching his mate from a distance as he had feasted on one of the human's bodies. The female beneath him had only whimpered as he had kept her impaled upon his cock, his other hand slicing off portions of the slain bodies to help fill his gnawing hunger. Once finished eating he decided to go ahead and try to get some more pleasure from the female fiend, having seen his mate safely arrive at the human building. He was certain he wouldn't be able to reach her during the night.

Tomorrow, he would continue to watch and protect his mate until the right time. But until then, he would learn a bit more about his mate's species. With his radiated brain larger than a normal deathclaws he wanted to learn about these intriguing humans. He had questions that needed answers. Such as, how much more of his seed could a human take? And he was certainly curious about the second hole near a human's sex. Perhaps it was a sexual organ too?

The human fiend's screams echoed into the night.