Two Worlds BONUS

Story by Breakersky on SoFurry

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#21 of Two Worlds (Finished)

:3 Back to the story though, Gavin and Damien are one of the cutest couples I think I've ever written, so I had to just write a one shot about them in this bonus :> haha

The snow was settling finally after the blizzard from last night and the north gates of the Kingdom were frozen over the hinges of the gate and the entire city was at a silent state of nothing. The snow was ankle deep and Gavin wasn't even bothered as he was excited to go to where he planned to be, the smile on his face looking silly but he never cared about who saw. Not that anyone was out in the first place since it was beyond cold; Gavin had put on extra garments for him to remain warm enough so he could get to where he wanted to go.

The guard knew who he was the second his Snake eyes darted at him, just slightly smiling as he tried to keep his focus on the road for any intruders, but Gavin wasn't an intruder. Gavin just waved with a smile and walked passed, stepping into the castle grounds and walking up the flight of stairs to get to the main door which was guarded by two more guards on either side.

"Lord Gavin," Karis, the large bulk of a Horse in the extra-large armour, stood straight and opened the door for Gavin to step in, "It's good to see you again."

Gavin blushed and looked at Karis in those dark brown eyes that looked like they were glaring fear into your soul, but in truth they were harmless. "Stop calling me lord, Karis, I'm no different from you." It was true, he wasn't, but Gavin hated to be treated like royalty.

"My apologies..."

"Hi, Ulrick," Gavin looked to Karis' partner, the bulky muscle built bull who only moved his eyes as his body was as almost compared to a brick wall. He never moved a lot while he was on shift and never usually talked. As far as Gavin knew he couldn't speak, but Karis always said he managed to get a sentence out of him here and there.

The large bull grunted with a nod and remained still, but Gavin didn't get bothered by that anymore. Gavin giggled and slid past the two, entering the castle.

"Lord Damien is fixing a problem right now, so he said for you to wait in his quarters for the time being." Karis said as he closed the door between the two.

Damien, possibly the best person in his entire life to ever be... the one! Gavin knew that the Tiger he'd come to know five years ago when they first was possibly going to be the one, but he'd never thought their relationship would last this long! It was as magical and romantic as what the fairy tales would make it out to be. Dr. Marshal was almost not happy with the whole thing because in truth, Gavin may have been working at the hut for a place to live but Dr. Marshal was almost like a father to Gavin. Eventually that changed during time after Gavin explained he was old enough to know how to make his own decisions without Marshal. Eventually, Damien and Gavin's love bloomed to a new height. He was the one.

Walking up the stairs that curved inward toward both sides of the balcony above, Gavin didn't hesitate to find out where Damien's room was. He already knew where to go; it made him smile as he realized how much he's come to the castle. The hallway was rather large, but the extra space never bothered the Racoon anymore as much as it used to.

"Gavin..." Meeping lightly, Gavin turned his head to a figure that'd just left their room and immediately regretted looking at them, "It's good to see you."

Demetrius' tall frame was what intimidated him the most--even though everyone was taller than him Demetrius seemed to be different. He's known Demetrius for a while now and the larger Husky seemed to have a more depressing demeanor ever since the five years ago that passed when he lost the one he loved. It was sad to Gavin, to lose the one you love--he couldn't think about losing Damian--but the strength to go on was what helped him through the tough times.

"Ah, Demetrius," Gavin turned to face him fully and blushed meekly, "I've... only just seen you a few days ago."

"I know I'm just glad to know you're okay and that Damian has someone to look forward to when he finishes his shifts."

"Uhh, yeah... Thanks." Gavin smiled and watched as the Husky turned to walk down the hall and disappeared around the corner. It was like his presence was a ghost wandering the halls, unhappy and cold like.

Gavin continued down the way he was going until he reached the large locked door that belonged to his lover. He smiled and pulled out a key that was attached to a string laced around his neck and shoved it into the key hole, pushing open the door and closing it behind him.

The room was large and decorated with the Tigers favorite colors, red and gold, the torches on the walls lit the room brightly and the glare from the window made silver bars on the cement. There was a fireplace across from where the bed was so Gavin just made himself at home and laid out in front of it.

"Hey..." Gavin tensed his muscles and opened his eyes, feeling a large paw around his waist and the smell of sweat and musk filling his nostrils. Gavin must have drifted off from their night of love and who could blame him? The whole thing was just filled with so much pleasure it made him completely exhausted. Damian smiled and stared at the Racoon who laid his head on the Tigers large bicep, cringing to move and to look up from his spot. Giggling, Damien kissed the Racoons nose, "How you feeling?"

_ Gavin smiled slightly and snuggled the side of his face against the soft orange and black stripped fur, "I'm aching all over, but I feel great."_

_ "You seemed to be enjoying yourself," The Tiger smirked and squeezed his paw on the Racoons small waist, "We should clean up our... mess." Those bright white teeth were so bright that the smirk on his face just kept growing for him to see the pink of his gums._

_ "I don't want to move just yet."_

_ The Tiger sighed with that wide grin on his face and pulled the Racoon closer to his body. The smell of musk and sweat was indeed strong but the faint linger of Gavin was all he needed to know that this was real._

_ "I love you..." Damien breathed in another nose full of Gavin and closed his eye lids._

_ "I love you too..." Gavin smiled and squeezed his hand against the others, kissing the large pink nose that looked down at him._

_ Before Damian was able to dose off into the bliss he was so warmly welcomed to, Gavin broke the silence with a question he never wanted to hear, "Damien, how's Demetrius doing? I mean, he lost..."_

_ Kevin._

_ "He's... Doing well," He said slowly before looking up at the fireplace, "Though he still hasn't been himself. It seems he's still determined to find Kevin... somewhere out there. He's said that he's been seeing someone who knows Kevin though, but apparently he's only been able to see him through a dream so... you know he's just dreaming it all up." The fire seemed to dance his attention span away, the untamed flame was just bouncing around the logs of wood and it made him feel like he was beginning to sleep already._

_ The room fell silent once more until the Racoon sighed, "I hope he does... He really liked Kevin... I was even beginning to like him."_

_ "I know... me too."_

_ _

_ _


Gavin awoke to large hands lifting him off the ground and into the bulky warm frame of the Tigers chest. Damien must have finally come back after what seemed like a whole day's worth of sleep and found the Racoon's sleeping body lying in front of the fire. Gavin squirmed a little in the grasp and opened his eyes, smiling a little with not even noticing.

"Sorry I was late, love, had a lot more work to do than what I thought I'd have." Damien said under a breath he let out and placed Gavin onto the bed.

"It's alright, I didn't mind." Gavin yawned and looked out the window to notice the sun has gone down and the moon has taken its place. It was officially night time, what had Damien been doing so late?

"I'm so tired." He sighed with a grin and began unbuckling his armor. "Had to train the recruits today, unfortunately, so that was fun. I think I need a bath first..."

So that's what he's been doing. "Want me to go draw the water?"

Damien stopped unbuckling at his trousers to give the look of 'don't even think about it' to Gavin.

"Sorry, just trying to help." Gavin laughed and forgot that Damien did not like it when Gavin acted like he had to do things for him.

Damien smiled as his trouser hit the ground and he was almost exposed if it weren't for those undergarments, but instead of leaving to his bath, Damien leaned down to kiss Gavin on the lips, "Care to join me, love?" he held out his hand with another grin on that smug feline face of his.

Gavin smiled, and took the hand into his.

Damien was the one, for sure.
