Just a horse

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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Just a horse

A story by Sharpfang'99

=========== This story is a story about relations between people and animals. It contains very graphic violence, rape and bestiality. Be prepared for very depressing contents.

This story is an encouraged reading for those who don't feel the difference between zoophilia and bestiality. The words "That's just an animal" belong to the most loathed by all the zoophiles.


19th Century. In the whole world, the technological revolution rules the countries. The people need products, the producers need materials, the people need work and everything needs the energy. The coal mining is one of the most important branches of the industry and the steam based engines aren't suitable to work at great depths. There, the only power are still people and horses - mostly ponies as their size is suitable for narrow corridors. As foals yet they are taken down to the mines and none of them leaves the mines alive. None of them dies from old age either, as if not accidents, then the coal dust kills them way faster than any other horses.

This is the story of one mare who lived in such mine and I dedicate it to all the horses who were abused in such or similar way.

Just a horse

The sounds of coming people attracted my attention back to reality. I shook the horrors of the visions of fever off my eyes. The left front leg was hurting badly and the wound on my knee was feeling really bad. I smelled Austin putting my bridle on me. I heard others moving around other ponies too. I saw nothing. It's a few years since I saw anything last time, then I went blind. This happens to all the horses working in the mines. In rare dreams I remembered the grass, the Sun and myself as a foal, but mostly my dreams were just black, full of noises of people, touch of rough walls and smell of sweat, coal dust and metal. There was no difference between the dreams and the reality except that in dreams it didn't hurt so much when Austin or Gerhard lashed me, sometimes the cart was lighter and sometimes much heavier.

But it was about to end - I knew it, a few days ago I knocked my leg against something sharp, and now I could barely walk. Two more days and Thomas' turn to control the cart will come and he will have mercy... he will kill me. But today Austin drives the cart and tomorrow Gerhard. With their lashes they would force me to walk even if I had no legs. But then Thomas will come... and he won't wait anymore. I remembered his words yesterday - "You don't have to die, babe, just be careful and your leg will get better... You will live." Today I knew the leg won't get better, and I was really anticipating my death. Only today and tomorrow to survive, then the suffering will end. Oh, Thomas... He never lashed me. Whenever the cart slipped off the track, he was just calmly preparing everything, then gently touched my neck, whispered "pull" and pulled the cart himself too - then I was giving him all my strength and it was smoothly getting back to the track. Then he was gently stroking my nose whispering "good horse". Sometimes he was touching my face with his cheek - then all the pain was subsiding, I didn't feel tired anymore and I could pull the cart easily until the shift ended and Thomas had to leave me alone to the horrors of the night and the pain of the day.

  • Shit! This horse is completely lame! - Austin cursed quietly. I almost fainted from pain when his kick reached the suppurating wound. Then the rough pull on the bridle and I stumbled after him toward the cart. A moment later I felt the light resistance of the empty cart pulled on the smooth rails and I pulled it toward the drilling area. The leg hurt with each step worse.


Pain in my back!


"Faster!" - Austin shouted at me.

I sped up. If the cart falls off the track it won't be so hard to get it back there, it was empty yet. I shivered at the thought of the same happening with the full cart while Austin controls it. Would I survive today? I don't think so.

The cart got heavier - Austin got on it. The leg hurt worse but I hoped at least he won't be so wanting to lash me again.

We are close to the drilling area. I shivered at the thought of the unavoidable lashes but I knew any protests would only make things worse. A few more steps, stop. To feel the right moment to start turning. Too early and a lash will stop me, too late and one will make me go. Metallic clang. Now! One step, two, three, four, five... stop. Now two steps back to the other side of the cart. One... Lash! I froze in pain. A quiet curse, the pull on the reins, noise of coal loaded into the cart. I was quietly counting the buckets of coal loaded. Five more than usually. I need to be careful.

"Pull" sounded. I pulled the heavy cart and it started moving slowly. Only one lash at this loading - I sighed with relief. The lame leg was hurting worse and I was trying not to rest my weight on it and it seemed to work. But then a rock under the hoof, the bad led twisted, pain blurring my mind... I tripped and fell, jerking on the cart... no, no, NO!!! Noise of coal under the wheels, resistance, different angle... This can mean only one... I didn't even try to stand up when the avalanche of lashes fell on my back, the loud curses making the lash sharp as a knife, the fur can't resist it anymore and feel the lines of fire on my sides, skin cut, blood soaking my fur. I hear 'Stand up!" and I try to do so in hope the lashes will stop. They do.


Oh, no, give me a break, you didn't set the cart in the right position, you did nothing to get it back on the track! It's impossible, I can't do it!

"Pull, I said!"

Resting part of my weight on the bad leg, clutching my teeth, closing blind eyes, I pull really hard. The cart moves a little, just to get stuck a step further.

"Pull, you lazy bitch!"

Nothing exists anymore, but the pain. Please, stop beating me! The darkness is getting darker and I feel my end finally comes. But not.

Voices, people arguing with Austin, and he stops beating me. A single lash, a word "pull" and several helpful hands pushing the cart, one effort more and it's back on the track. I start pulling it immediately, before a lash forces me to do so. but as the track turns and the people are left behind, the hit finds it way to my neck anyway.

Cart change. The lift took the full one up and I start pulling an empty one. Suddenly I hear a quiet rumble far in front of us. A moment later I hear noises of many people running in our direction. "The mine is collapsing!" I hear Austin running away, together with them. I'm left alone. Then it's all quiet.

The fever is taking over me again. The whole world is circling around that point in my knee, like the hole in the fabrics of the matter, sucking everything, the mind, the reality, the soul into the bottomless pit of pain.

Far steps, voices of people. I grip this piece of reality to escape the madness. The voices are blurring, mixing, commands, curses... A far shout... of Thomas, calling my name... That is just an illusion, at the end of my life, the peace from the other side is calling me.

Time passes. I can't tell, moments or eternity.


That's Austin.

He's drunk. He removes my bridle and takes me to the stable. He ties my neck with a rope to a pillar. then he ties my hind legs together. He kicks my hurting leg. "There will be some use of you before you rot, you bitch"

He grips my tail and lifts it up. Then I feel him invading my body, violating me... Some sting of far instinct forces me to rest my whole weight on front legs, the pain of the knee blurs any thoughts and the hind hooves fly in air and hit his body.

I could smell the fury in air. It was all quiet... Only the hiss of lash, one after another. I knew my blood was marking the whole stable, the skin cut in many places was just a bloody mess, the hits were falling on my head. A terrible pain in my eye as the lash smashes it, I fall to my knees, hiding my head.

Now he ties my hind legs to the loop on my neck. He grips my tail and pulls it up. The force, hard, dirty stinging intruder, hurting my body, killing my soul. A quiet curse, some despising words and something worse yet. Anything. Any lashes, kill me, beat me to the death but stop this! The tearing pain just below my tail, his intrusion breaking my will, waves of pain, disgust and hate spreading from my anus on my whole body. I now madly want to kick, to run, to escape, to bite him, to do anything so he stopped but I'm helpless. Sweat, quick gasping, the fingers that found the grip in the cuts of my skin, his attack more violent, then his release...

"you're not bad, like a professional whore" - he said zipping his pants. Then another kick at my hurting knee and the darkness.




I wake up and in despair as I know I'm still alive. The whole body aches, with two centers, one in knee and one under my tail. I lie on the floor and can't move, even though the bounds are removed. My fur is one hard layer of dried blood.

Steps. Stumbling steps of a man, that's what I hear. He comes closer. Gentle touch, known smell. Thomas. It's so good that you came... But then I can smell his blood in air, his pain and his fear. I notice he stroked me with the other hand than usually. I reach with my head trying to nuzzle his other hand but find only emptiness and air smelling with blood and pain.

"So you guessed... You're the most clever mare I've ever met." - he gently strokes my head. "Yes, I lost my arm, the falling rock smashed it. But... What happened to you? My poor babe... If I could, I would kill that bastard who did it to you... but now it all doesn't matter."

He lied next to me. His cheek against mine. Oh, good... This moment to be forever...

He sighed. "I wanted it all to be otherwise. Earn enough to buy you off the mines, get a small cabin in the country, live with you... where no one would say it's against the nature... But instead my debts were growing and two days ago the roof collapsed... Now I will be left with no work, with no money to live, without the chance to save you... It's the end. I ran from the hospital and I stole it for you... and myself."

He guided a handful of some pills to my mouth. I swallowed it. I heard him swallowing some of them too. Dry, hard taste.

"Only short time... Short time yet... If there's anything on the other side, wait for me if you get there first... I'll wait for you..."

His mouth, hot breath, fever, pain... It touched my mouth mixing with my breath. So gentle. So soft. I don't feel the pain anymore. My tongue touched his.

"You know? When you do this, the arm stops hurting me." - he whispered and our tongues began touching each other again. Unknown to me warmth filled my body. Nothing will split us. Nothing will end this moment. The warm blanket of soft sleep covered my mind slowly like the snow and he stopped moving then too, touching my mouth with his.

Then there was the long, vertical, dark tunnel, with terrifying red whirling discs on the bottom and white friendly lights on the top. And one light appeared just next to me. It was him. He got on my back, and I galloped easily up. I felt the warm lights attracting me and him, he wanted to come to them, but I knew it's a trap. The last trap. All the horses know it. I found the one light, cold, blinding bright and looking hostile. I galloped toward it... and Thomas stayed on my back, didn't want to leave for the others... The light embraced us and we entered the eternal peace, where no pain exists and where we become one with the light... and with each other.


Thomas, as a suicide, was buried outside the cemetery, no priest wanted to attend the ceremony, no one came to be seen with one that was found dead touching his mouth to the mouth of a mare. His grave is forgotten.

Austin died from pneumonia in prison, sentenced lifetime for murder, thievery and bestiality.

Gerhard after killing 6th horse in his career was fired from work and died as a forgotten drunkard.

The mare was buried outside the mine as the amount of drugs in her body made her flesh useless as the dog food.

When the machines replaced the horses in the mines, almost all of the horses were killed for dog or fox feeder as there was no other use for blind horses

. . . . . Sharpfang Sat Dec 04 16:22:00 CET 1999