She - a dream

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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A dream.


This story I dedicate to my friends: Ricko and Tschoni

(though they really deserve something more sunny)

She ===

I had a strange dream... really strange....

I came to friends of my family in country, (not rl existing) They greeted me, we talked a bit about nothing, then I went for a walk. (During the talk they told me they had fire in their barn, but now it's all ok)

I went to see the barn. Yes, the walls black from smoke, etc. No major damages. Part of barn was a stable; just one stall where they were keeping their mare.

She appeared in the door. It was a shock for me. She had terrible burns from the fire. Almost half of her forehead was burnt, deep black holes in her side and back... I was stunned... shock and sadness... It was a sunny day, green grass, sun, light clouds. I wanted her to come outside, to the sun, but she turned away from me. I followed her then.

She walked out through door on the iother side of the barn. On that side the day was cold, dark and it was raining. She was walking in the rain... I was following her...

The rain got heavier. The water was gathering on the ground, forming large, swallow puddles. I was trying to touch her, to stroke the place on her head which was not burnt. but she was afraid of me. Stepped away.

Suddenly she ran into one of the puddles, and jumped into the water, which appeared to be so deep, that she began swimming. With no hesitation, in my clothes I jumped after her. I embraced her side with one hand gently taking care not to touch the wounds.

She was swimming, it was looking like she wants to run away from me. I was holding her very lightly, trying not to be weight for her. So I was swimming there, feeling love to her, and sadness.

She felt that. She wasn't afraid of me anymore. We were still swimming in the rain next to each other. I was feeling a great relief. And I knew, that the water is healing her wounds. The rain ended slowly. She wanted me to walk out from the water and wait for her a moment. I did so. Now it was cold, windy and cloudy, but no rain. As I malked out from the water, I stood on grassy plains, what I had been swimming in, now was a sea.

She walked off from the water and stood in front of me. I looked at her. Great and proud, but her body was covered with terrifying scars. Half of her face was so burnt that it lost any horse shape. One eye was missing, the deep eyehole was covered with short, soft fur. She looked at me with her only eye - "Are you able to love me when I look like this?"

I embraced her and kissed the side of her face which was fine... "Yes, forever... my poor love"

. . . . . By Sharpfang, finished Mon May 25 19:52:44 MET DST 1998


written day after a night when I was very sick and had a very high fever.

I had a lot of different strange visions. One that was very often returning was the image of my psyche, represented as a motherboard of a computer, full of chips, resistors, sockets etc... and my sickness was like a damage of a part of it. I could locate the damaged area but I wasn't able to repair it. Other visions were... for example dragons. A variety of dragons. Many, many, many... One of them was... so sexy!? I never before though that a dragon can really look sexy! But that was just for a flash, I didn't succeed getting that vision back. The board was returning... I noticed, among the jumpers there was a tiny mare. As I looked closer, she was extremely sexy, just pure sexuality. Long white tail bent in a fantastic way, perfect shape, well drawn hips, long mane... I was feeling that she's too sexy for me and decided to have a better look at her later.

I asked my new friend for help with the damage - she was a furry girl who lived in my imagination for a few days , but she was helpless too... She was a very nice furry, and we liked each other very much - we both were absolutely consent of the fact that she is only the part of my imaginations and of all the effects of it. When I imagined her as my friend for the first time, we agreed that we will be only friends... not lovers. That night we broke this rule (I was explaining it for myself as because I'm so sick that I can't control my imagination. Damn me, as good explanation as any else...) She took care of me really well and all my pain vanished. She was a great lover but it couldn't last forever. We really liked it but it ended... and the pain was returning. So... I desperately sunk back in my visions and holding her paw we walked through them. Soon we arrived to my damaged motherboard. The tiny mare was standing in the middle of the damaged area, on top of a jumper which was as big than she was. Long hair of her mane were covering half of her beautiful, sexy face. I came to her asking "Who are you?" She whinnied. "Don't you recognize me?" She rose her head, the hair slid aside from the hidden side of her face. I stepped back terrified. I remembered her. The deep scars, deep, empty eyehole, no horse shape.

  • Now do you remember? You have told me you will love me forever!

Have I broken my word? She was looking at me and the girl. I was

confused. I was trying to explain, mumbled... then I followed my instinct. I walked forward, to her and walked into her, like a ghost into a wall... I positioned myself in such way that our hearts became one... and they were one!

  • Now you understand? - I said - We are one. I didn't betray you. You were with me all the time, inside of me. When I was with her, you were too.

I felt she agreed. Then I began understanding too... She's the part of me that's responsible for any pain. Her name is Mistress of Pain. And... Even though what she does... I love her!

. . . . Sharpfang Thu Sep 3 17:47:46 CEST 1998