the curse

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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One day a normal 20 year old husky named luke got a really bad curse on him. This curse made him draw like a 13 year old have the brain of 19 year old and everyone would depise him. He could not help it nore stop or cure it and it is a living hell for him.He was on his way to his car and everbody threw rocks at him.He sighed as they missed and he got in his car. But this husky did not no one person did like him. He was texted that his boyfriend broke up with him.The husky opened his desk in his office and pulled out a gun.He aimed it towards his head and shot himself.Lets go back how did he get this curse.He got it from a pissed off gispy.How did he piss her off he ruined her shop.This story is not over though not by a long shot. Henry a normal furry 20 year old wolf walked into a gispys shop.He asked for his fortune but accidently set the gispys place on fire by knocking over a candle they got out in time. The gispy put a curse on him this curse made him permentally ugly and gave him a skunk like smell. He went home and thought it was fake but furs around him could not stop vomiting or just drop dead. He dealed with this curse for five more years before he hanged himself.