Part two_Collie Point Coffee

Story by Flutterbye on SoFurry

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"See but i want to break people" said the angry ottragon "but Justin we cant break people, id feel they don't shatter as pretty as my glasses" I was trying to convince him we needed to go break stuff to vent our anger. He looked at me, slightly exasperated "true....ugh" we were both upset. after we parted ways yesterday he went to sleep and woke up in a miserable mood, while i got texted by my ferret boyfriend wasn't ready to be in a relationship. I was with this psychotic squirrel friend of mine and i ended up spending a bunch of money and being sad until she left. after she left i got depressed, cried and went to sleep. So my ottragon and i met at the coffee shop "Cutters' point" to, hopefully, cheer each other up. So far we've talked about how we hate people and that we need to kill my roommate, an insufferable cow, and move in together. "i don't wanna go to work tonight...." Justin said somberly as he rubbed his paws over his face. I patted him on the head "you should go swimming?" his tail twitched "I've been looking at gyms with pools.... and by my calculations id still come out ahead which id be happy with and if i move in with you ill still be able to pay my rent and be fine" we both sighed. my roommate, maria, was my best friend from high school she needed a roommate so i offered myself up. such a mistake. she was a conniving troll of a 'friend' who took up hobbies such as sabatoj, back stabbing and two facedness that ended me up with a few friends that i got from my old job. i got fired a couple days ago, which was awesome... who the fuck wants to work at whale-mart anyway?