Werewulf part 10

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#10 of Werewulf

so heres part 10 guys! i dont know whats going to happen with stories any time soon, im ki...

so heres part 10 guys! i dont know whats going to happen with stories any time soon, im kind of on a writing pause for a few days at least because Nano killed me sleep wise and im a wreck. being a student in privatre school with shitty hours and a job sucks lol but i digress. please tell me what you think! i love comments and commenters!!

"I'm going with Alice Stone..."

Duke froze as he heard those words. He didn't mean...surely he couldn't...could he? Kyle had never mentioned dating before, but it almost seemed unnecessary; Kyle always spoke of not belonging and his few friends...well, his only friend. He had a girlfriend?!

"Like-like on a date?" Duke asked carefully, dreading the answer. Where he developed these feelings he didn't know, but the idea of Kyle dating frustrated him on a level he didn't know he was on

"I hope so," Kyle said with a grin, "She's so hot man. I forget you don't know people here; it's weird having someone not know Alice by name."

Duke sat down before he did something stupid and tried to settle is mind. Kyle was allowed to date whoever he wanted...right? After a moment Duke came to his answer...No he was not.

Kyle was his, somehow in the mix of interest and smells and fun Duke had attached himself to Kyle. It might not have been what humans called love, but that selection, that choice of mate or friend or whatever it eventually became was more binding than human marriage. Kyle was Duke's in the werewolf world; Kyle could not be touched, he was more than property, he was part of Duke.

If only human lives worked so simply. Duke knew that acting in the werewolf way and flat out telling Kyle he was not allowed to see that stupid bitch because Duke felt sexually threatened was not going to fly. Still, he had to split them up by any means necessary.

"How well do you know Alice?" he asked, "You have not mentioned her before."

Kyle shrugged, "Classes, school stuff. Everyone knows everyone here remember? It's hard to explain, it's a community thing I guess."

"But you haven't ever hung out with her before?" Duke asked, trying to be delicate but already noting how fast he was getting to his point. A real human friend would congratulate him not get straight to a Q and A. "She-she cute?"

"Oh yeah, and...wow its really weird having to explain her to you ha-ha," Kyle laughed, "She's like, the little Christian girl I guess. Her parents are real strict but she's smart, hot and has always been nice to me." Kyle paused for a second, "Well, nice but...we haven't hung out before but she has never been randomly mean for no reason you know? That kind of 'nice to me.'"

"Well that's good," Duke managed, his mission clear, "Congrats dude." He added for emphasis offering a hi-five.

They hi fived and Kyle got to cleaning up the third grade science project, "Can you even believe this class? It's a joke."

Duke was hardly listening though; he had to figure out as much as he could about this Alice girl. He had the feeling she wasn't as perfect as a crushing school boy would believe. In his experience, no one was as perfect as their image, or as dirty as it depending on the person. Rumours amplified everything tenfold, be it perfection from a friend or lover, or smut from a rival or ex.


Quinn looked back at Duke with questioning eyes, "And why do you want to know?"

Duke sighed, trying to find the words to once again explain the werewolf mind, the sense of personal bonds and possession without sounding like a stalker. "I'm just curious about her okay? I hear Kyle is going to date her so I just don't want him to get hurt because he made her sound perfect." He gave her a very serious look, "And no one is perfect. I might be over reacting," he admitted, "But I mean well. Can you help me out?"

Quinn dragged him to the side of the hall and out of the human traffic that was going last to class, "Look, Duke, I know you mean well, but seriously, don't fuck with this okay? Even if it turns out to be nothing and Alice just needs a quiet rebound, Kyle needs this okay? He's been alone for a very long time and I don't know what fluke happened that got you in his loop but I've been fighting off that loneliness for years, so don't think I haven't thought about this." She was very serious, arms waving about, painted nails pointing at him for emphasis, "Alice isn't actually that bad a person okay? She is relatively like the rumours, her parents are even more so. There is just the chance that comes with any social situation or love that it could go south. THAT is the ONLY time you should do anything about this you hear me? As his friends we have to let him go and make his own choices and pick up the pieces if it goes bad; we can't interfere in his planning for the sake of possibilities!"

"That's stupid!" Duke interrupted, "Shouldn't we plan ahead and stop this before it goes bad?! That seems the better thing to do, to shield him from anything bad happening in the first place!"

"He's a grown boy; he has to learn to make mistakes. We can't protect him forever." Quinn stated flatly, "I don't like it either, but life sucks sometimes."

"I don't believe that," Duke stated, about to storm off but Quinn caught his arm.

"What are you going to do Duke? Tell him his dream girl is a snake and a harlot? He won't believe you while he is high on this moment. You will only make it worse later if you tell him,"

The large boy shook her off and continued walking. He was furious; humans could be the most ridiculous creatures with all their self-imposed rules and regulations. They could never just be happy or let others be happy. They had to fuck with everything. He laughed a little in an ironic self-pitying laugh; he was so out of his element he didn't even know what the most popular girl in school looked like.

Come to think of it...he was never in this situation. Never before did he ever have to or feel inclined to fight for a human. His playthings clamoured for him for the most part, they never left; they fought the system for him. It was a very human thing of Duke to do to dive into the unknown for the sake of an undefined reason. Duke couldn't even say he now understood the humans or was humbled by them. It practically sickened him that Kyle could bring him down to a level of such chaos when serenity was where he just was.

Thankfully though he could still claim his superiority with his insight into his own feelings. Werewolves were of course incredibly in tune with themselves and nature. He knew he loved Kyle more than just a friend, he knew it was probably because he was difficult to catch, fun, and still a pity case he just wanted to comfort. Duke knew also that his natural instincts towards such a bond would screw him over in the future. Werewolves were still unfortunately part human, so the self-destruction was surprising, but not impossible to imagine.

"Great, I'm in love with a human..." he muttered to himself as he opened his next class's door.


Kyle met up with Duke at his locker, an added pep to his step, a genuine smile on his face. "So am I riding with you again?" he asked simply, "You seem to like being around me all the time I thought I'd ask this time and feel like I volunteered."

Duke gathered up his things and smiled, "Sure, but don't feel obligated," he clarified, "I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to."

Kyle shrugged, "The bus sucks anyway. I'd rather deal with your mess of a car than annoying freshman any day."

"Thank you?" Duke half asked, "Should I be offended? Comparing me to freshman isn't saying much."

"Fine, there is no comparison. You blow them out of the water," Kyle corrected, "But I do have to ask again in hopes of a real answer this time. Why do you try so hard to hang around me?"

It might have escaped human perception but Duke didn't miss a beat. With his impending date Kyle was more peppy, more confident and willing to put himself out there. The idea of being with someone special gave him an inner strength; dominance, Kyle wreaked of dominance.

In Werewolf terms there are Alpha's, Omega's and Beta's. All wolves no matter what level have some amount of dominance in them; a lack of any dominance at all would be the equivalent of someone who had entirely given up on everything and lost the will to fight. Submission works the same way, everyone being has the potential to have submission; it is surrender, fear, or plain old submission where you give in to the will of another. Often time beings can force themselves to act submissive but still reek of dominance, the scents themselves came from inner intensions and not actions.

It was interesting to see such fight and vigour in Kyle. It was different. Kyle always smelled dominant, but it was always in a self-preservation type of way you'd have to be a wolf to understand and perceive. Now he seemed to have fight for the sake of another. Duke clenched his teeth in silent rage, he wasn't that other...

They made their way to the car in silence. Duke didn't want to talk, he knew the first thing out of his mouth would hurt the bond they shared, and wolf bonds ran deep. Duke felt more from the friendship than Kyle knew or experienced himself and that hurt too.

"So are you going to answer my question?" Kyle pressed, "Why am I so interesting to you?"

"I've already explained," Duke stated in an out of character seriousness, "Why do you want to know?"

Kyle retreated a bit while seated, "I'm just wondering, that's all..." he mumbled.

Duke sighed, starting up the truck, "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to go on the date," he said without even realizing it. When you spoke your mind for as long as he had things tend to just slip. He knew it was wrong on human terms, but it was so average on his.

"Excuse me?" Kyle asked, "Why the hell not? Not that it's any of your business."

"I didn't mean to say that."

"Yes you did," Kyle returned, "You always say exactly what you mean too. Why do you have a problem with my date?"

Duke shrugged, "I just...I just don't think it's normal."

"You're not normal," Kyle pointed out, "And what do you mean? Tell me seriously." The boy was fuming and frustrated and they weren't even out of the parking lot yet.

"I just find it odd that she asked you so suddenly..." Duke replied.

"You just think it's weird that it's She and ME, am I right?" Kyle demanded.

"I never said that at all Kyle and you know it."

Kyle pressed is head against the window of Duke's truck, the crazy had somehow managed to ruin his mood with his lack of support. "I don't understand what your deal is," he stated simply, "It doesn't take a genius to see I'm not the most social guy so why the hell aren't you happy for me?"

"It doesn't seem weird to you that she would randomly want you? There was never even an indication that she was interested right?" Duke pressed. He had to admit jealousy was his fuel for such statements, but he still couldn't help himself. Knowing he was jealous was just worse, like knowing you were poisoned and had no way of fixing it.

"That's not the point!" Kyle emphasized, "She asked me, so now and I'm going with it okay? Can't you just be happy for me and not try and talk be out of it? That's what a real friend would do."

Duke squeezed the steering wheel in frustration, "Why is that what a friend would do? You people are just so frustrating with their stupidity!"

"Then why the fuck do you hang around!?" Kyle yelled back, "I thought you were a friend! Jesus!"

Duke noticed a spike in Kyle's dominant scent. His anger brought it out, his survival instincts and will to fight, it wasn't true dominance but it was incredibly similar. Kyle was naturally submissive, but strangely had more dominant features about him then some of Duke's pack.

It was still frustrating and saddening to be reminded how long they had known each other. Kyle didn't have a history to fall back on before he could question their friendship and not just be angry. Duke griped the wheel harder, furious beyond measure of the action he needed to take. To keep this going he had to submit to a human...A submissive omega no less.

"I'm...I'm sorry. You're right, it's not my choice." Duke managed to spit out as cordially as possible. He could feel his inner wolf instinct screaming at him to do just the opposite, an alpha always hated to lose.

The car was quiet for a while, enough for Duke to notice Kyle's scent had calmed down...Drastically. Duke's apology seemed to have done more than the guy ever intended; it was a scent of total defeat and submission, an incredibly sad scent. Duke looked over at his little friend in surprise; he had his head against the window, face screaming of teen angst and rebellion, but no passion behind it. He was angry, or at least wanted to be, but he seemed to have given up.

'Such a strange human.'

"Kyle please don't be mad at me..." Duke tried, realizing then that he should just let it be.

But Kyle laughed, or at least tried too, "Dude I couldn't be mad at you if I tried." He admitted, "I'm frustrated as hell don't get me wrong, but I couldn't be mad...Don't ask me why, I'm kinda known for holding grudges."

There was another moment of silence.

"Duke...thank you." Kyle said quietly.

Yet another surprise from the strange human, "What for? I think I completely and entirely rained on your parade when I should have been celebrating."

"No, you shouldn't be celebrating," Kyle said, "That's why I'm thanking you. You and Quinn are my only friends, and yet somehow you are for totally different reasons." He waited before explaining, "Quinn puts me out there to experience everything the world has to offer and lets me make mistakes and all my own choices. You keep me grounded and let me have fun and try and keep me as safe as possible. You're cautious and obviously just don't want to see me get hurt and that's why I'm saying thank you okay? You're there for me like the older brother I never had or something." Kyle didn't say guardian angel at risk of sounding completely ridiculous.

Duke had to process that. It all made sense, hell, Duke knew that and was acting for that very purpose. It was just very unusual to see a human understand wolf logic. All for one and one for all. We are all the pack, but the pack is every individual. True community.

"And if you ever tell anyone I said that I'll kick your ass," Kyle clarified in a last stab at defiance.

Duke couldn't help but laugh, using a massive hand to mess with Kyle hair, "I'd like to see you try and take me on string bean." He wasn't sure how the hell it happened, but being submissive turned everything around and made Kyle submit in return. That would never work in the Pack, "So just to be clear, I'm happy you have a date," Duke lied entirely.

"You don't have to say it, you just want to make sure I'm being safe and not gunna get hurt and blah blah blah. Let's stop talking about it okay?"

"Agreed." Duke didn't think he could say he was happy for it again. The words had burned him like acid. Wolves hated lying; they were to the point, minimal deception with words, "So do you still wanna hang out tonight?"

Kyle laughed and hit his head on the window, "You are so weird," he laughed, "No not weird, just one track minded," he noted. "Do you ever think about anything else besides fun?"

"Should I?" Duke asked, only half joking.

"It's your prerogative I guess. And I'm not so sure about tonight; I'm pretty beat from getting so few hours of sleep all week."

"It doesn't HAVE to be all night," Duke clarified trying in a last weak effort to get it to work.

"Not tonight, tomorrow though okay? I promise, I just really need to catch up on my Z's."

The big kid was disappointed but nodded, "Okay, you promise?"

"Yup," Duke gave Kyle a look of disbelief, "What?" Kyle queried.

"What kind of weak ass promise was that?" he asked, already at Kyle's house.

"Seriously?" Kyle asked, a bit surprised, "You're like a little kid," he made an 'X' over his chest with a finger, "Cross my heart and hope to die," Kyle stated "Happy?"

"Yes," Duke stated as a matter of factly, "Now get out, your stinking up my car."

"Rotten cheese couldn't stink up this car any worse," Kyle poked fun, walking to his door and waving goodbye.

Duke waved back and pulled away to drive home. When he was safely down the street he screamed a joyous cry of bittersweet victory. He couldn't begin to explain the rage he felt of failing to drag Kyle away from his date, but he couldn't express enough joy that his stupidity had not ruined anything for him. He was sad there would be no games tonight, but he did need to hunt again anyway, his inner wolf was dying to run free and furred. Running barefoot through the woods with Kyle was nice, but nothing could compare to being full wolf and feeling so at peace with nature itself.

He shivered with lust as the thought, ready to take off through the woods at a dead run now, but he did need to park his car safely at home first. That was kind of important...