To Alaska-Chapter 4.txt

Story by outdoorfurry101 on SoFurry

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I made my way up the stairs, wondering why he wanted me upstairs. Because, I knew, whatever it was, Id give him it. I went slowly down the hall, and saw an open door. I slowly opened the door, and saw Trent talking to a rather short, but toned Abyssinian cat. Seeing I was in the room, the two stopped talking, and smiled right at me.

"Lucas, this is my good friend, Xavier. Hes been DYING to meet you ever since I told him about you". Xavier smiled even brighter, and I, trying to be courteous, outstretched my paw.

"Oh, no no. We dont shake hands here." He said, and stepped once and wrapped his arm around me in a surprisingly warm, friendly embrace. For the first time since Sam died, I felt so happy, that I could burst. I slowly wrapped both of my arms around Xavier, his fur warm and soft. He rubbed his paws slowly across my back, seeming to comfort me from deep within. We held that embrace for what seemed like forever, until Xavier finally let go. He stepped back and just had the widest, cutest grin on his face. I then looked to Trent who was eyeing me.

"I see you too are getting along nicely, so Im going to go grab drinks for everyone." With that, Trent went down stairs. Xavier and I sat down, close to each other, on the small love seat, and Xavier kept rubbing my thigh, which sent electric chills clear up my body. I closed my eyes, and just smiled. Just one big, giant, this is the best day ever smile. I looked over to Xavier, who was humming a little tune, smiling as he did so. We both jumped up when we heard pounding coming up the stairs, then erupted into laughter.

A mere moment later, Trent came into the room, holding a fancy silver tray, which had three wine glasses with a royal purple liquid inside. He promptly held one out to Xavier, while balancing the tray on one arm, quite skillfully. He handed one to me, then set the tray down, grabbed his, and plopped down onto the loveseat, squishing me and Xavier together even more ( Which I didnt mind one bit). He offered a large grin at Xavier and I, and sipped the drink held promptly between his paws. Xavier followed, and as did I. The liquid sloshed around on my tongue a moment, and all the taste hit me at once. The taste of bitter-sweet purple grapes filled my taste buds before I swallowed. It washed down my throat, leaving a rather unpleasant aftertaste. I shook my head a few times, allowing the taste to wash away. I looked over at Trent and Xavier, who already had their glasses completely drained. Xavier looked to me, and gave me a quick smile before glancing at my almost full wine glass.

"Dont like it, huh?", Xavier asked, some wine still dripping from his bottom lip, which he quickly wiped away.

"It's....strong.", I said, now feeling a little lightheaded. The room felt like it began to swirl around me. I started to rock back and forth.

"You alright, Lucas?", Xavier asked me, looking very concerned. I took one deep breath, before the entire room went dark.