The Best of Two Friends

Story by Desolation35 on SoFurry


You are one of the few; the very best of the others.

Not many can understand or even see why I do the things I do

Or even act the way I act.

You can see me like none of the others can.

We can trust each other with many things, but I can trust you more than the rest.

If anything were to go wrong, I know who I could go to.

You keep me partially sane.

If I lose you, I lose myself.

It's almost like looking through a mirror; seeing a person that knows me like I do.

I know it's been not even a year yet, but it feels like we've known each other longer.

The day that we meet will be the best of times that any friends could have.

Making that time last until the next time we meet.

Friends stick together until the end, and I tend to keep it that way between us,

The best of two friends.