Trust Me

Story by Kietro on SoFurry

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This story is not created by me. It's my friends attempt at her first story. I'm sure she would love any form of comments on how to make her story better. All of the characters in this are hers save for Lorkiko (yes he is in this one) so please do not take them and use them without me/her consent. Do not read this story if you are under eighteen yada's your own fault if you are reading this so I won't warn you people any more. If you get caught reading this by your parents or whoever, don't come running to me.

Trust Me

It all started a long time ago...or at least I few days as I recall. Now I'm scared of trust and I'll never do it again. All of this began when he was there...Shikora the Kitsune. Now I couldn't do anything. He was a 9-tailed demon...not a Kitsune. Kitsune are gently by nature, and despite his appearance, he is nothing of the sort. I myself was a mere wolf, maybe reaching about 5 feet half in height. Usually my silver fur was well kept...but ever since that fateful day, I've left it all matted and clumped. Before then, my eyes shone with radiance and beauty, their blue shine always making someone run after me. Now, they are clouded with misery...confusion...sadness...and a glimmer of hope. My name is Rikivo, and I will tell you of a story...that one horror that changed my life forever...

Everyday at school, Shikora was always looking after me, making sure I never got hurt and always helping me with my studies. Soon, we began to date him. He was so cute when he smiled. His touch made me want to just melt into him. He's the reason I now have many friends. Shikora introduced me to some of his friends and I came to know them very well. Soon I was accepted into his friends as we began to talk regularly.

One day, he wanted me to meet up at his house and, according to him that was all he wanted. I suspected something but being as he was the only I trusted completely I let that slide. He called me and said his friend might be there. Strangely enough, I heard something like pants and moans in the background. I was sure it was something doing that but let it slide once again.

I went to see what it was so I walked cautiously to his house. When I came to his door, my hand shivered in fear, but I took a deep breath and I pulled myself together. "Okay..." I said, "Well, here I go." But before I could ring the door, it opened and I saw Shikora. "Well uh...hey!" said Shikora, "I'm glad you came. We've been waiting for you"

"We?" I looked around and asked with a very shaky voice.

"Oh, it's just my friend Lorkiko"

I saw this Lorkiko and he was a handsome jet black Kitsune. He stared at me with lustful eyes and that look made me jump. He was even cuter than Shikora. My hormones were now raging with lust and made me want to talk "friendly" to him but my brain told me otherwise.

Suddenly, Lorkiko gave me a smirk and got closer to me. He whispered in my ear, "Well, you must be Rikiro...nice to meet you..."

I wondered why he had whispered that but I felt magic flowing around him and from my scent it was strong...very strong...and it was headed toward me. The last I remember was a big black paw and it had knocked my out for a while as I flowed into the world of unconsciousness.

I finally shook off my unconsciousness and found myself strapped up to Shikora's bed. Strangely enough, my arms were tied but my feet weren't. My arms couldn't budge and my muzzle! I couldn't open it for it was taped with duct tape real tight. I screamed but my actions were in vain as the duct tape proved strong. It sounded like I was humming with a high pitch. I moved with all my might and strength, even a bit of magic. Still, I couldn't budge. I picked up my head and say them; Lorkiko and Shikora. Shikora came to me and said, "Just relax. It'll be alright" I saw Lorkiko panting with lust as he slowly undid my short shorts and took off my shirt.

Lorkiko licked his lips in lust and my body was naked, shaking slightly. Looking towards them, they started to undress as I saw their erect cocks, precum already dripping on the bed.

"Make her legs wider for me, "said Shikora.

I mumbled begging for my freedom and soon was beginning to cry as Lorkiko tied my legs straight to the frame of the bed.

"Go ahead Lorkiko...warm her up if you wish..."

Lorkiko began to drool from his mouth with his eyes looking at my slit. My body shivered as he began to take his claw and trace circles around it. As he was teasing me, he took two fingers from each paw and widened the hole of my slit. I moaned in fear and in pleasure of Lorkiko's long tongue entering me. His tongue was hot and it tell you the truth I was enjoying this thoroughly, but not in the way they were doing this to me. Lorkiko pulled his tongue out and said with the scariest face, "That's all the warming up I need. Now let's get down to business..." With that he took one of his tails and entered my hot body. Tears were now streaming down my eyes. Lorkiko squeezed my ass hard and pushed in another tail. With every thrust of his tail, Lorkiko slapped my ass as it began to hurt soon. Shikora came over to me and barked, "I will loosen the tape if you promise to cooperate."

I nodded very weakly in my answer and slowly he pulled off the tape. I was panting from being tail fucked. Just to remind you, I was dead scared and didn't want this anymore. Lorkiko took four of his claws and began to finger my ass very slowly. He was moaning quietly and was starting to thrust in me harder.

I moaned real loud, screaming out his name again and again and again... But I had changed suddenly. It seemed Lorkiko had the power to force lust out of someone. He said a chant while gasping for air but it was complete and it took over me. I began to say his name louder and louder.

"O Lorkiko...yess....Lorkiko....Lorkikoooooo!!! Fuck me harder Lorkiko!! Harder!!"

I didn't know how this came out of my mouth but it did and he came at me again, this time inserting yet another tail into my slit, making it three tails forcing me wide.

Shikora finally came up on the other side of my face. He began stroking his cock which was already hardened and cum was flowing down my cheek. I moved my face away but he pulled my jaw towards it and forced it open. I tried to close my mouth back but it didn't work. He was too strong and he began squeezing his member, squirting his cum all over my face. He aimed carefully and poured a mouthful into my mouth. I couldn't spit it out so I had no choice but to swallow a big gulp. It burned my throat. He moved to sit on top of my chest, forcing his cock down my throat. I gagged and choked constantly but he kept pushing down my throat. My head was banging against the bed and I was beginning to get a headache. All I saw was his hips and hair; lots of fur I should say.

For the first time, it finally hit me. I was being raped by the only one I could trust. How could he do this to me?

When Shikora got up he took a towel and began to clean himself up.

I mumbled, "Shikora, what about me?"

My body was still moving up and down since Lorkiko was still having fun fucking me but now he stretched his neck and began to lick my stomach to my nipples. He began gnawing on them softly. He took his black paws and began rubbing them hard. I moaned as I was getting hard myself. Lorkiko then sucked on them real hard. I could hear the loud sucking sounds. I was getting used to it but was still worried about Shikora.

"Shikora, what about me? Help me Shikora. Get him off me!!"

Lorkiko looked at me and snarled his white teeth at me. I was afraid so I couldn't do anything but remain calm. Lorkiko barked, "Stay still bitch! Goddamit you're tight!"

Slowly as hours passed, Lorkiko was panting louder and began to thrust and pump slower.


He stopped and pulled out of me. He asleep on the floor.

My body was wet all covered in cum, droll and sweat. It felt so empty though.

Shikora came over to me and set my hands free...I was still afraid of them and I quickly freed my feet. My body was in great pain and my pussy was the worst. It felt swollen and I moaned in pain. Shikora handed me a towel and I cleaned myself slowly. He handed me my clothes and I snatched it away and put it back on as quickly as I can. I still had the migraine and the bodyaches but I got up dizzily and walked very strangely. I was walking as if I was drunk and when I reached for the door, Shikora pulled my hand towards him, kissed me on the cheek, and laid me back on the bed as he continuously whispered two words that forever echo in my head...Trust