Nordguard scene exercise

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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I visited the creative writing teacher and he suggested I do this excersise for my new fanfic. The excersise was to create a picture of a landscape with nothing but words and using the senses, I had my friend Dash help with the mistakes I made but this is the final product.

Light snow falling with a breeze that would chill you to the bone, snow covered ground that climbs up and hugs your knees. Strong, proud trees start to lose all the pure white snow that clothes their branches as it falls to their base. A landscape of hills and mountains that blind you with their albedo. A temperature so far down that makes your teeth chatter and your fingers and ears flush to a light pink. No green is shown from the trees, only naked branches that reach out for each other. No blue shows in the afternoon, the water is frozen over and the sky is curtained with dark, heavy clouds that roll in. No promises of civilization show over the horizon through a cruel and treacherous environment. Small rays of golden light break through the clouds, offering some hope and happiness for this frozen hell. Snow crunches with each step I take up this unforgiving mountain. No creatures of this place come out to give sounds of life to this frozen wasteland, they stay inside of their homes sleeping, cozy and warm with their families, while I'm stuck out here, in these snow caked badlands.

And that's it, I was bored and just threw this in because of that Month of uploads thing but please share your opinion, please comment and rate. Next is the character sheet.