Chapter 9: Worldwide

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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#9 of A Shockingly Pleasant Change


Supper was good, other than the fact that I couldn't eat potatoes or corn. We didn't even fight, which rarely happens.

Unfortunately, the reason we didn't fight was because supper was eaten over an uncomfortable silence. Nobody really talked, Mom and Dad just kept glancing at me.

I guess they didn't want me getting fur in their food. Can't say you could blame them though. I hated getting Shiloh fur in my food when I was still human.

After supper, all of us decided to sit down to watch some TV. Nothing in particular was on, so we put in Firefly on DVD, and we watched a few episodes before we got a phonecall from some friends of mine.

"Hello?" Mom said sweetly as she picked up the phone. "No, there's nobody by that name here. Oh, I see. It's for you." She said as she gave me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Dude, you should really answer your cellphone." Ember scolded me.

"What do you mean?"

"Put on Fox News, like right now." Click. She hung up on me.

"Mom, shut the DVD off for a second, put it on Fox news." I asked her.

"What for?"

"Ember says it's important." I said as I shrugged. "She didn't tell me what I was looking for."

Mom turned the DVD player off and turned the satellite on Fox. On the tv was a reporter talking, a picture of an anthro wolf in the corner. "These anthropomorphic creatures from fairy tales, cartoons, and mythology have been popping up all over the globe, and nobody knows from where, or why. All we know is that they have been human at one point. We got a chance to talk to one of the 'furries', as they like to be called, earlier today. This is what they had to say."

The frame changed to a college somewhere in florida, and a wolf talking to a reporter.

"Well, I don't know. I've been a furry as long as I remember, and when I woke up Tuesday morning, I was like this, a real furry." The fur said.

"That's got to be a lot to adjust to. How did your family take it?" The reporter asked.

"I haven't told them yet, I don't live at home. But I'm sure they know now."

"So what do you plan on doing now that you're like a completely different person? Does this affect your school?"

"Actually no. I'm the same person, I'm just furry now. I plan on going to school, they can't kick me out for being too hairy, so I'm gonna continue my studies."

"Well thank you for your time sir." The reporter shook the wolf's hand and looked back to the camera. "I'm Jim Carnell."

The picture changed back to the reporters at Fox news. "And it's not just here either. There are reports of these creatures showing up in Britan, Australia, Japan, Canada, and California. Though little is known of them, they are shown to be harmless, and should be treated as equals."

"Well, I think they're cute and cuddly." The female reporter said as it switched cameras again, and a picture came in the corner of a rabbit with a big rex 'x' over it. "In other news, the surfacing of so many of the 'furries', as the werewolf said, has caused scientists to go ballistic searching for answers."

The camera changed again to an interviewer with a stereotypical scientist in a lab coat. "Well, I have never heard of spontaneous cell transformation, so we're going to have to do more tests before we make any sort of hypothesis."

The camera switched back to the anchorwoman. "However, this has caused a riot amongst animal rights activists. Some say that these could be perfect animal rights advocates, and others are saying that they should be left alone to live their lives as human beings."

The camera changed again to a scene of a protest, where PETA was protesting testing on the furries. One spokesman was speaking for the crowd. "These just show that animals are people too." He said simply.

The scene changed again, to a scene of another protest outside a church, as a voiceover was speaking. "But all is not well in the world of furries. Religious protesters have begun to protest their very existence, claiming them to be atrocities that are the work of the devil, while others claim these furries are a gift from god."

The scene went to an old man holding a sign. "This is an abomination, God would never lower us humans on the same levels of all the other creatures of the earth. God said that we were on top, and that's where I plan on staying."

The scene changed again to another old man. "These people, they're a gift from god, merging the greatest of human and animal qualities. The good lord did say, Judge not, lest ye be judged. If they speak and think like us humans, then we all have equal passage to heaven, as long as you're good and pure."

The scene changed to a group of furries. A fox, a wolf, and a cat. The reporter asked them, "So, what do you say about anyone protesting your very existence?"

The male fox stepped forward and spoke into the mike. "Well, it doesn't bother me a whole lot. I mean, people take a while to get used to things that are new to them or not the norm. I say give it time, when people see we're just harmless furries with cute tails, then we will be like every other minority, from there it'll just take time."

The reporter went to say something else, but the female wolf took the mike and growled into it. "Well, I don't think it's that pretty. I'm so sick of people hating us for who we are, and now we actually are what we claimed to be all along, and people still hate us. I say the protesters should be stopped!"

The reporter went to add his two cents, but the male cat took the mike into his paw and added his own flavour. "Can't we all just get along?"

The reporter finally got the mike back and looked at the camera. "Well there you have it. Can't we all just get along, from the muzzle of a feline."

The scene changed yet again to a picture of a small school, with a subtitle, "Osaka Japan."

"But this phenomenon is not just here in America. People have changed to animals in all regions of the world." It showed a picture of a real neko, with cat ears and tail, but otherwise human, standing there in a schoolgirl uniform. She wasn't speaking English, but there was subtitles at the bottom, talking about how she changed, and how flexible she is and how food her reflexes are now.

The scene changed again to a school. The subtitle read, "Australia."

On the screen was a girl who was a mottled brown, orange, and black cat with long silky fur. She was talking in a beautiful Aussie accent that I felt I recognized, but I immediately dismissed who I thought it was, knowing full well that she wouldn't be likely to go to the news like this.

"Yeah, this is like a dream come true. People have been calling me Kitty my entire life, and now I really am one." She said. "I love it!"

No, there's no way it's who I thought it was. That was just my imagination.

"Is there anything you want to say to the viewers out there?" The reporter asked.

"Yeah, just one thing." She waved to the camera. "Hi Runa!"

I felt as though my heart jumped into my throat when I heard that. I started breathing heavily as I dug my claws into the arms of the chair. My mind went crazy and I stood up to leave. It was okay, because that segment was over, they were already on the part in Britan, where they were interviewing a male raccoon.

I couldn't handle any more I left the room, but nobody followed me. I half expected them to comfort me or something, but they all knew how I felt about her all those years ago. Problem was that I never truly got over her.

I stepped outside for a moment and sat on the porch. I was breathing heavily for a few minutes before Shiloh came over to comfort me. I scratched her hind end with my claws, and she fell in love with me all over again.

The side door swung open, Sam was standing in the doorway. "So that was her eh? She's pretty." he said sympathetically.

"I know." I sighed.

"You coming back in?" He asked. "The report is still on."

"Give me a minute." I said. "I just have to take it all in. I'll see it some other time. Tape it."

He leaned back into the house and yelled to Mom, "Can we tape it?" he asked.

"We don't have a tape!" Dad called back.

"Fuck." I muttered. "Oh well." I got up and strode past my brother and went downstairs into my room. I quickly picked up my cloak and my phone. I put the cloak on, put the phone in a pocket and zipped it up, then I was back up the stairs.

"Tell them I'll see them when I get back." I told Sam as I left to go out the side door to the driveway. I was about to jump when Sam stopped me.

"Wait, can I go with you?" He asked.

I shook my head slowly." Sorry man, I'm not taking you where I have to go. It's a long way and I can't risk dropping you."

He slouched a little in defeat, but he knew it wouldn't work. "Fine. I'll tell Mom."

"I heard him." I heard mom yell from the living room. "Tell him to take his cellphone!"

"You heard her?" Sam asked.

I grabbed my cellphone in my pocket outside the fabric and showed him the shape that was imprinted in my cloak. "Got it."


And with that I was off. I pushed off the ground as hard as I could, jumping 30 feet into the air as I used my telekinesis to carry me higher and higher, till my town looked no bigger than a monopoly hotel in the distance.

I took only a moment to look at all that was my hometown from a birds eye view. I looked off into the horizon and could actually see Burgessville, but not Woodstock. Without much waiting, I zipped of away, following highway 59 so I didn't get lost.

All I could think about the entire way to London was Kitty. All I wished I could do was talk to her, yet I didn't know her number, and she was never online. I could send her an email, but it's just not the same. That and she never replies to emails, so sometimes I think she doesn't even get them.

I did all I could to shake her out of my mind, I had my own problems to worry about. I couldn't be spending time worrying about the infatuation with a girl I'd never actually met in person.

I don't think I could be any more of a loser than to be someone who falls hopelessly in love with someone they never met.

I made it to London going at a very fast speed, and was there in less than 15 minutes, which told me I must have been going 500 km/h.

This opened all kinds of possibilities. I wonder how long it would take to fly over the Pacific ocean....

I quickly slapped myself in the face and shook my head, trying to get her out of my mind. Goddamn it Runa, no thinking about Kitty. She's in Australia, she's not looking for long distance. Simple as that. And neither are you! I reminded myself.

I descended to the ground quickly, the city starting as a small area, then it slowly zoomed in until I touched down on the driveway. I didn't knock, I just walked right in.

"Hey guys!" I called up.

"Dude!" I heard Strype call down. "Bitch actually knew you!" First words out of his muzzle actually made me cringe a little. I didn't respond, but I dashed up the stairs as best I could.

Lethias was perched behind the couch, facing towards the TV. Strype and Cooper were on that couch, Cole and Ember were both on the chairs, and Frost was sitting on the floor. All of them were looking over at me.

"Um, hi everyone."

Ember got up and jumped over to me, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug. We didn't speak, we just held each other for a few moments before Cole gut up and joined in.

"Group hug!" He exclaimed.

Lethias came over and gave me a hug too. Cooper, Strype, and Frost just looked back at the TV. The report was no longer on.

"So where is Ether and Welnis?" I asked.

Lethias shrugged. "Went back to Ether's place."

Cole stopped hugging as he looked at me, giving a suggestive look. "I bet they're having a lot of fun there, where there's more room."

"Did you see the part about London?" Ember asked, still pretty much hugging me.

I pushed her off and looked at her. "What part about London?" I asked.

But Strype got the remote and turned the TV to the VCR, and he began rewinding it to the part just after what I saw. The scene was an outside view of London hospital.

"But in the small town of London Ontario, they've made a little more progress on the furry mystery. Doctor Munroe of London Hospital actually treated one of them and was able to obtain some samples from one of them, and that's not all! He tells us the patient was a miracle worker."

Again, the camera changed to an interview with the doctor. "Well, I had a teenage tiger man come into my office yesterday, accompanied by his family. I took him in, tested him, and he scored amazingly high. His reflexes were, pardon the pun, catlike. His vision, hearing, and smell all seemed to be superhuman, and he healed wounds remarkably fast."

"And what's this we hear about him healing a patient?" The reporter asked the doctor.

"Well, that's a funny story. As he was leaving, there was a car accident victim being wheeled through to the OR for emergency treatment. This tiger stopped the cart, put his hand on the chest of the victim, and within only minutes, the wounds had healed and it was like nothing happened."

"What about the victim of the car crash?" asked the reporter.

"Well, he's fine. It's just amazing though, this tiger, he performed a real miracle here yesterday. I urge you, if you're out there, come back, the world would be a better place if there were more people like you."

Strype stopped the tape. "You're famous dude." He said with a grin. "Good for you!"

"I'd hardly say he's famous, dear." Coop corrected him. "But that is cool."

"Before you know it, the jews will be praising him as the true messiah." Frost said from the floor.

That got a laugh from all of us.

I did a small bow for everyone. "So Lethias, tell me. Is that enough to convince you to go out in public? I'd have to say that overall, the world is ready for us. I didn't see any bad part of that report."

But Ember looked at me. "It's not about what people say, Runa. It's about what people do. They all say it's good, but people are cruel beings. Who's to say they're not likely to turn it around and hate us? We're still a minority. Humans hate minorities."

"Yeah, but not all minorities are cute cuddly animals that can heal people." Stype pointed out. "Like I said, just do your thing, live your life. As long as you don't do anything bad, you have nothing to worry about."

"What about black people. All they did wrong was have black skin, and that was enough to cause them to suffer many generations of slavery and pain." Ember countered. A very good and valid point. I turned to look at Strype to see what he said.

"The world has changed a lot from then. We're growing up a lot faster than we used to. We're becoming more liberal by the day. There's a lot of people out there who hate things that change, but their numbers are getting smaller. Their influence isn't as big as it once was. We're far more accepting than we were back during the times of slavery."

I nodded in agreement.

"But when was the last time a whole group of humans transformed?" Frost asked. "This isn't just skin, this is a full body change. This is likely something that's going to shake up a whole lot of communities worldwide. Religious groups, scientists, PETA, you name it. You all saw the report, right?"

"Yeah, we saw the report." I confirmed. "But I'm with Strype. As long as we can be helpful, caring citizens with exceptional healing power and great skills, we will be looked up to for help, and in some cases, guidance."

Strype nodded and pointed a paw toward me. "What he said. Just be good little boys and girls, and nobody will have any reason to fear or hate us."

Cooper just sighed. "When will you people realize that people don't feel they need a reason to hate? I mean, people will hate us regardless of our morals and actions."

Cole spoke up, "Well, that's when we use our superior abilities to lay some hurt on those who are giving us a hard time." he punched his palm and grinned.

"No Cole, that's the last thing we need. With our luck, we'll end up being on some citizen's watch program, and we'll be monitored 24/7." Ember said.

Lethias shook off his body a little and scratched his head. "Well guys, I don't know about you, but I think I'm about ready to go out there and fly around a little. There's still an hour or two left of sunlight. I need to get outside and stretch my wings."

I grinned and let him down the stairs. I think I'd won. We'd unofficially voted to be exposed. "We're a worldwide phenomenon now, no point in trying to hide guys." I said, then sat down. Ember sat down beside me and we cuddled for a while.

I really needed that cuddle, more than anything else right now. It had been a whole day since I felt a comforting touch.

I heard a 'whoomp' as Lethias took off into the evening air.

Things were really looking up. I just hoped the others thought so too.