Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 15

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#15 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

Finally got this up, thanks to all you faithful readers, but unfortunately this is where Gabe and Nathan's journey has to come to an end, this isn't so much a chapter as much as it is a conclusion, I warn you though it's really short. But I promise this won't be the last story I write, still working on Royal Guardian and a Nordguard fanfic, I just need screwbald on deviantart to give the ok so I can borrow his characters and story base, I already made two character profiles but I need to know more about the damn book before I can continue, getting off subject, anyways here's chapter fifteen so let's get 'er done!!!

I own all the rights to my original characters and you all know who those are.

Chapter 15

A few months had passed since we've escaped and nothing big has happened, I found out that Nate, Hannah and Luke go to my school and I actually have a few classes with them. We weren't really accepted and we weren't treated the best either, I really didn't give a damn about what they had to say about my wolf parts, it's just when they made these stupid dog jokes that pissed me off, or when they got physical with me.

Changing for gym wasn't the best either, I freaked people out and was made fun of but I still had that gorilla strength I had when I was all wolf. They thought twice before they whistled at me and said, "Here Lucky." they called me spot too because of the mark on my tail. They called Nathan scales in gym and he absolutely despises the name, he kicked their ass later for it though. But I'm getting off track with this.

I was sitting in my french class with Hannah listening to miss Maechler give a lecture that had no relation to the class, "Man she's such a sexist bitch." Hannah slapped the back of my head, "Shut up." I rubbed my head, "You know she is.", "But that doesn't mean she needs to hear it."

I sighed and propped my head on my arm. I heard JC behind me complaining about my tail, it must have been annoying him because the next thing I knew, he slammed it in between his desk and my chair. I yelped in pain and turned around, "Damnit JC!" He wasn't too happy either, "Keep control of that tail of yours. Bad dog!" I growled at him, "That's not funny!" I pulled my fist back ready to knock his teeth in, "That is enough Gabriel!"

I cringed and turned around to see miss Maechler, "Now what happened?" JC was the first to answer, "Well, I was trying to learn, then I asked him nicely to move his tail because it was blocking my view, then he got all offended and yelled at me, if you hadn't stepped in he would have given me a bloody nose." I growled at him, "Oh yeah, you ask nicely by slamming it between your desk and my chair." He glared at me, "Now that is enough you two. I don't care who started it, you both have detention." We both groaned, "You want me to double it?" we shook our heads, "Good."

She went back to her lecture and when I thought this couldn't be more boring, two men in suits came in, "We need Hannah Hoffman and Gabriel Hummel. We have permission to take them off your hands." We both looked at eachother as the teacher said we could leave. Hannah looked a bit worried, "Don't worry, we'll be fine." I smiled at her as she nodded. We both got up and followed them to the front of the building where Nathan, Luke, and Nate were waiting.

"Hey Nathan." we fist bumped, "Any idea of why we're here?" He shook his head, "I'm just as clueless as you are." A familiar voice answered our question, "I can answer that." I looked over to see Dasher, "Dasher!" He smiled, "Hey Gabe." Luke whispered to me, "You know this guy?" I nodded, "Yeah we can trust him." Dasher continued, "Okay, all formalities aside. We have called you all here because you all were the youngest and bravest out of all the men that escaped that hell of a prison, you all posses unique skills, Nathan's fight, power and accuracy, Luke's navigation skills, Nate's tech knowledge, impressive you can hack and fly a helicopter at fifteen, well almost fly one, Hannah's way around a gun and artillery, and that weird one where you can copy anyone's voice, and Gabe's martial arts, level head and leadership."

He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, I gave him a curious look, "Okay thanks for the compliments but, I'm still not sure how this relates to anything." He sighed as he started smoking, "I'm getting to that. You all possess these traits, they are important to making a solid team. We are part of an organization that cracks down on groups like Rex has created and other ones. We want your group to join, we would never ask children to join but you all have proved yourselves more than capable through your actions at Mount Rainer."

He looked over to me grinning, "You'll get the chance to beat Rex down and get Connor back. So what do you all think? Are you in?" I looked back at him, "There's nothing that I would want more but I won't join unless it's unanimous." I looked back at the group and they all just shrugged, Hannah was the first to agree, "I've got nothing better to do."

I smiled and looked at Nathan and he grinned, "I know you're in so I am too, who's going to back you up when you screw up." I laughed and looked at Nate, he just sighed, "You'll need someone who can help you get through any type of security so I'm in too."

We all looked at Luke, "Well? We can't do it unless we have everyone." I kept my focus on him and he stared back, "Alright, I'm in too, you need someone who can guide you through everything." I grinned and turned back to Dasher, "Well? Would you like to join." I nodded, "We accept..."

Told you it was short, hope I didn't dissappoint anyone and I kind of just gave up on the story and wanted to get it done so I could move on. Thanks for reading the conclusion of Changes of the eclipse. See you all on Royal Guardian and my new fanfic. Please Comment and Rate.