Dylan and Eve

Story by exodus14 on SoFurry

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This is my first story so tell what you liked/ didn't like this would mean a lot to me as to help my writing thank you.


(NOTE  Pokemon goes to all there respective owners like gamefreak, nintendo, or who ever else owns it.)








Dylan woke with a start as the house grew quite again. He was almost your average guy all except he was an orphan, and at the age of 20 he had finally gotten a job and his own home. His hair was a light brown with brown green eyes you know your avrage person. He looked over at the clock, it showed 2:30. He groaned he didnt have to be up for work for another four hours. Seeing as how he couldn't go to back to sleep because of the storm he went to his living room and turned on the television. Dylan wasn't scared of storms it was just that last round of thunder had jolted him out of bed to quickly for him to get back to sleep. When dylen sat down to watch T.V. he heard a noise at his door  that didn't sound any thing like the normal rain you would expect to hear. Dylan got up to see what it was, you wouldnt expect to see what he saw, nothing there was absolutely nothing out there but the woods that surrounded his house on all sides. When he started to close the door their was a wimpering noise down by his feet. when he looked down to see what it was, he was extremely suprised to see an eevee standing there. He looked into its wet eyes, he felt something close to a jolt run through him when it collapsed right there.


Eve didn't know why she was at this humans door, she didnt even know were she was. She was cold and wet and her head hert something fearce. The last thing she remembered was her den. It was warm and dry. She was playing with her three brothers and four sisters. There mother and father watching over them. there was shouting and running outside there home so her parents went to go see what it was there were two thunderous cracks that faded away fast. Eve and her sibling cowered in fear at the sound and were terrified to see three humans and a drowzee standing at the entrence to the den. The human ordered the the drowzee to use hypno. When Eve awoke she was in the forest know were near were her den was. she had walked for a little before the rain started then ran when it started pouring and getting colder.She wasn't to worried for some reason she couldn't understand, she was doing fine until lighting hit a tree that was near her and it exploded, sending her into a rocky patch in the ground bashing her head against them. thats when she started to worry, because she knew her head should hert but only felt a dull pain. Eve figured it was only because she was cold. Only when she thought that she started shivering almost uncontrollibly. She knew enough  that if she didnt find a place to stay and get warm there was the very real posibility she could die. Thats when she saw the house sitting there in the middle of the woods by its self. There was a light on and she knew that was the only option to  stay alive, she only hoped the human would help her. As Eve walked up to the door something in her seemed to snap and the realization of everything that had happend hit her like an exploding tree, she was alone with out her brothers, sisters, and parents and thats when the tears came and the door opened. she looked up terrified at the human. when she looked at him he had a gentle feeling around him. He looked around a few times and started to close the door and she panicked and started crying more this made the human stop and look down. Thats when she looked him right in the eye and saw a tender look come over his face and almost instantly felt safer. With that she succumbed to her over riding need to sleep.


Dylan was about to see what the eevee wanted when it collapsed in front of him, thats when he saw the gash on its head. He rushed out to pick her up ignoring the rain and brought her back into the house and took her to his kitchen were he dried her off as much as he could. He then took her to his bathroom where he cleaned the gash on her head thankful it wasn't to big or deep. He wrapped her head in some guass he had lying in his first aid cabnit. When he was finished with that he made sure that nothing else was wrong while (noting the fact that the eevee was a female) he found nothing but a few scratches and a couple briuses. He took her to his room where he let her sleep on his bed while he went back out to his living room the clock struck five and started chiming. He desided to call in sick to work that day so he could keep checking on the eevee. He wondered how much this change his life. And with that last thought he fell asleep on his couch.