Life in Yiggow

Story by Zachious on SoFurry

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Life in Yiggow was like any other for lizard man Berkely Stark. He made his living going to an fro from school to work. Berkely did his work like any other lizard man or creature for that matter.

Yiggow was always a bustling city full of huge industry, skyscrapers, business, restaurants' as well as full of political views. Which Berkeley thought the city could do without.

Berkley's parents sent him to Yiggow University because it was the best college in the whole nation of Mathweep. Berkley's parents only wanted the best for him even though they may not to be afford everything they see. Like it was accustomed to most people in Yiggow.

People in Yiggow were a strange brew and there weren't that many good people and most views were just biased and pointing the finger at one another. Berkeley stayed away from politics he didn't even talk about it around his friends because he wanted to avoid any unpleasant wrongful confrontations with them.

But none of that mattered right now to Berkeley as he started pulling up to Yiggow University. Yiggow University had one distinctive feature, the golden leaved Gum trees. They were the most beautiful trees on campus and it reminded Berkeley of a temporary peace he hardly got to himself.

Berkeley lived in a Frat house, it wasn't his first choice to stay at but his friends got him into staying there.Thunder and Douglas just nagged and nagged at him till he said yes. They were awfully good at that.

Berkeley did not mind any of the friends he lived with but they were all weird in their own special way but Berkeley didn't mind because he was just as weird as well. But that was the way Berkeley liked things.

Berkeley was making his way up to the walkway of his home when he felt something plop on his shoulder. Berkeley turned and looked on the side of his shoulder and saw it was a huge giant piece of bird poop. Berkeley cringed at the sit of the bird poop and brushed it off. Berkeley than looked up into the golden leaf Gum tree near his house and saw a Toucan woman his homeroom teacher Mrs. Wingcock.

Mrs. Wingcock was Berkley's study of the Northern Borders teacher, she was a tough old bird but she was very fair to say the least. Mrs. Wingcock looked like she was roosting again, she had often done that. Being that she is a Toucan Woman. Berkeley grinned up at Mrs. Wingcock.

"Hellooooo, Mrs. Wingcock!" yelled Berkeley.

Mrs. Wingcock became startled and looked around and then looked down at Berkeley she looked irritated. "Darn you, Berkeley! You know I don't like it when you do that!"

Berkeley suppressed a giggle, "Sorry, but I couldn't resist!"

An irritated grin now crossed Mrs. Wingcock's face, "Well yes be that as it may, I want you to avoid doing that in the future."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Well, now that you're here I might as well ask you." Mrs. Wingcock pulled out a large jar from her ruffled black feathers, put it in front of her and shook it. "I was wondering if I could borrow more of your secretion glands for a class presentation next week?"

Berkeley let out a heavy sigh, "When do you want them Mrs. Wingcock?"

"By Thursday, if you don't mind?"

Berkeley gave Mrs. Wingcock a thumbs up, "You got it ma'am!"

Berkeley starts to climb the stairs of his home, Mrs. Wingcock seems deep in thought. "Excuse me Berkeley, but can I ask you one more thing?"

Berkeley heaves a heavy sigh, "Yes Mrs. Wingcock."

"Have you and your roommates finished the paper on The Northern Border Histories?"

"Yes, in fact me Nikoli, and Jack, have all finished our papers..." Berkeley then snaps like a twig as he realizes that his friends Douglas and Thunder, have not done their papers at all yet. "But..."

Mrs. Wingcock put her feathered hands on her hip, "The others haven't done their papers have they?"

Berkeley frowns at the ground "No, they haven't yet, But I know they will!" Berkeley suddenly perks up, "But as you can see, I doubt Nash, will be able to finish it!"

Mrs. Wingcock turns a frown on Berkeley, "I know how much your friends mean to you Berkeley. But have you ever thought they could be a bad influence on you?"

"What do you mean?" asked Berkeley a bit surprised.

Mrs. Wingcock jumps from the golden leaf gum tree and lands in front of Berkeley, Mrs. Wingcock's tone was very serious. "You're friends Thunder and Douglas could be a bad influence on you."

"They are not!" snapped Berkeley, "They've been my best friends through Grade school! Berkeley does the finger cross.

Mrs. Wingcock, heaves a sigh, " I know you have faith that your friends will finish their homework, but they do everything at the last minute!"

"So, they get everything done and in a decent way even if there are numerous mistakes!" Berkeley was starting to pout.

That's not just it, Berkeley! You're friend Thunder, he always disappears. Don't you find that a tad bit odd?" asked Mrs. Wingcock.

Berkeley looked confused, "Well, no he sidles a lot, plus he's always on the go. That's what you get with a night fur."

Mrs. Wingcock stares at Berkeley, "And that doesn't bother you?"

"No not really!" said Berkeley honestly.

Mrs. Wingcock rolls her eyes, "It's just that, me as well as a lot of the teachers believe that he is crook."

Berkeley was in shock, "A crook?"

"Yes, when Thunder is in class a lot of class mates have things missing when they're next to him. As well as a lot of the teachers things disappear and all the signs point to him."

Berkeley's shock started to deepen, "I can't believe...I could he?..."

Mrs. Wingcock looked like she regrets everything she's told Berkeley so far. "Then I take it you also know about Douglas?"

"Yes, he's gay, what about it?"

"That's exactly my point! It doesn't bother you?" asked Mrs. Wingcock.

"No, why should it?" said Berkeley becoming irritated.

"Well, what if he took...advantage of you!" said Mrs. Wingcock looking around.

"Why the hell would he do that! HE'S MY GODDAMNED BEST FRIEND!" yelled Berkeley.

Berkeley begins to sob uncontrollably Mrs. Wincock puts a feathered arm around Berkeley to try and comfort him. "Look, Berkeley, I know this is hard for you to hear but I'm only looking out for you. I'd hate to see you hurt."

"But they can't, how could they!?" Berkeley's sobbing became uncontrollable, people walking by the frat house were beginning to stare at Mrs. Wingcock and Berkeley.

"I'm sorry but that is what we are led to believe about people like them. Because withThunder being a sneak and Douglas being a wolf..."

Berkeley seem to snap out of his sobbing, "Wait! Is that what this is about? The bloody war in the north!"

"Well, that is what we are lead to believe." admitted Mrs. Wingcock.

"What do you think of me then?" asked Berkeley.

"You..." Mrs. Wingcock was caught by surprise, "You couldn't be involved in the Waymont War because you are too pure and you're parents are well respected!"

Berkeley's anger was rising to an all time high, "So what does that have to do anything? I could be a spy if I wanted too!"

Mrs. Wingcock looks at Berkeley blankly, "No you couldn't Berkeley."

Berkeley lets out a terrifying shriek that the whole campus heard which caused a lot of people to stare at Mrs. Wingcock and Berkeley. Mrs. Wingcock tried to calm Berkeley down but he would not be contained. Berkeley then started to compose himself then he started taking deep breaths and looked deep into Mrs. Wingcock's eyes. "Look Mrs. Wingcock, their my best friends and my best friends they shall stay. I've known both Thunder and Douglas for many years. Regardless of what you and the other teachers think that's not going to change."

For like a minute Mrs. Wingcock and Berkeley stared at the ground not saying a word to each other. Then their eyes met, Mrs. Wingcock was on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry Berkeley it was wrong of me to judge your friends." Mrs. Wingcock looked like she was going to add something else but it didn't come out. "See you tomorrow in class."

As Mrs. Wingcock leaves she begins to molt Berkeley stares after her, "Don't worry Mrs. Wingcock, I'll forgive you and the others. It was an honest mistake."

Mrs. Wincock turns around and has a pathetic smile on her face, "Thanks Berkeley."

Mrs. Wingcock then continued to walk away from the frat house. Berkeley stared after her for another minute then turns to go up the stairs to the frat house.