Deserted Part 3

Story by CrazyPuma on SoFurry

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Deserted Part 3

Jon slept like a dream that day. The sleep he received that night was the most revitalizing sleep he had gotten in what felt like forever. A complete day and a half passed before the tired being woke up. He stood up and faltered for a second then fell back on to the bed. The sleep had been great but it felt like it was too much. He had the energy to move but his body felt like it was full of sand. After stretching for a bit, walking was now a possible endeavor. He ventured outside as the sun was drifting below the mountain and darkness started to spread across the land. The town was only a twenty minute walk away but it would be difficult to get there without raising a lot of suspicion quickly. A disguise would be the most important thing to getting into the town. He had a tail he needed to hide, no one could see his hands, his feet, or his head, so his entire body. "This may be a bit harder than it initially seemed." he murmured to himself standing on the front doorstep of the house. How could he hope to get near the town without a near perfect excuse? The excuse is the only thing that will keep him alive. Sadly, situations between life and death were now a thing he had to think about because in a remote part of the states like this, being this different can get you killed. Jon searched and searched around the house for ways he could disguise himself. Sadly, the best disguise he could come up with was the worst cliche that he could ever imagine. The bed sheet and a roll of tape is all he had and it looked horrible. It looked like a bad halloween costume that a four year old threw together. It would keep him alive and that is about all he was worrying about at that time. He had to have a backup plan though. Still feeling a bit sore, he remembered how fast he could move before he found this place. Movement and agility was the new backup plan. To exercise out all of the sand that was stuck between his joints was a good starting plan. Stripping out of the bad halloween costume faster than he could imagine, he bolted out of the front door with such ferocity that the worn door smashed against the house so hard that the hinges gave way and it toppled down to the porch. Moving felt amazing and running on all fours was so much faster that he couldn't believe it. The sand dissipated from his ached joints rather quickly. All in all the distance covered was about two miles and somehow he did it in around ten minutes. Now he just had to put the stupid costume back on to go in to town. Ten minutes later, he looked like a patient from a penny-less burn ward. He hobbled to town and for some reason picked up a limp, probably because his tail was wrapped next to one of his legs so it hurt to walk too much on that leg. About a quarter mile out, he spotted a restaurant that looks empty of customers and he hurried towards the deserted looking establishment. Outside the restaurant, Jon freaks out a little bit and sits down against the building. The name of the restaurant is Shepherd's Eye Coffee and there is a cop car outside the building. They are a late night coffee shop and cops regular there for a late night stop. There are only a few cop cars in this small town but they are at Shepherd's Eye almost every night, almost every couple of hours even. Not needing anymore attention, he slips to the backside of the building and keeps a keen eye on the road in front of the shop so he knows if anyone is coming or going. Fifteen agonizing minutes of his heart racing, he hears a car start up and spots the cops roll on down the road. "Well, it's now or never" he hears himself whisper through the banging of his heart. This is about the last thing he wants to do but if he doesn't get water soon, he is going to have some serious problems. The mysterious town seems to eye him like a hawk as he limps around to the other side of the building in front of the big unmistakably clean windows that stare out on to the road. He ambles from the corner of the building to the front door, keeping and eye on the people inside. One woman walks back into the kitchen, while a man stands at the register looking back into the kitchen. Ding-Ding-Ding. The man at the counter turns his head around to greet the new customer but as soon as he lays eyes on the man wrapped up in strange bandages, the rest of his body turns and he rushes out from behind the counter to help the man in to the shop. The man rushes to Jonathan but Jonathan holds out his paw to signal the man to stop. "I don't need any help, thank you but I do need to sit down" he says as weakly as he can. The man stops and just stares at Jonathan as he sits down at the counter. "Can I please have some water? I haven't had much in two days and it has been very hot out." Jonathan states. "Sure, sure, no problem at all, do you need anything else?" the man utters. The man studies Jonathan's bodily structure and notices a lot of weird bends and bumps on this mans body. He almost doesn't look human but he is wrapped so well that it is hard to tell what happened to him. "Are you sure you don't want me to call for help, you look like you're in a bad way" "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, please don't call anyone, I am okay I assure you I just need some water for right now" Jonathan was getting really nervous. His heart pounding as he tries to stay calm and get some water. Jon glances at this man's name tag and sees it says 'Gregory'. "Yea, no problem" Greg strafes over to the sink not daring to take his eyes off of the strange man sitting in his coffee shop. "Here ya go, take two glasses, it has been hot out" Greg places the glasses of water on the table with a loud THUD. The woman looks out through the kitchen window curiously and her expression goes blank as she stares at Jonathan. "Is she okay?" Jon notices how she looks like she just saw a ghost. Greg whips around and stares at his wife who has the whitest face and blankest expression she has ever seen. "Hon, Hon, snap out of it" Greg rushes to the kitchen to make sure his wife is okay. From the kitchen, they look out and notice the strange man trying to drink the water that was put on the table in front of him. Jonathan notices now that he doesn't really have thumbs anymore and working with the water glasses seem to be a little more difficult than he thought. After about a minute of not being able to pick it up he just used a straw. That too proved no easy feat but he was able to do it nonetheless. In all of the distraction of the glass he hadn't noticed Greg and his wife dead blank staring at him. "Sorry, my hands aren't feeling too well either." That wasn't what they were shocked about though. All of the movement also loosened the bandages around his face and one of his ears was showing. "What, what is that?" Greg mumbles pointing to the top of the man's head. "I don't know what you're talking about" Jonathan feels around the top of his head. After searching for a minute, he feels the fluffy ear sticking out from the bandages. "Oh, that. That's nothing" "I don't know who you are but I think I know where you're from and we don't want anything to do with you." Greg started to sound a little more firm. "I don't want any trouble, I just need help, I don't know what's going on right now. I just need help." During the plea, Jonathan stood up and in the process shook loose some more bandages exposing one of his paws, the other ear, and the end of his tail started to shake loose. Greg started to walk through the kitchen back into the main room. "Look man, we don't want trouble and we know you want help, but we can't help you and if you don't leave then I'm going to have to call the police and they would be here in less than two minutes." "Sir, I don't know what to do, what happened to me or what I am. I have no home, no clothes, and I'm having an emergency." Jonathan pleaded on, feeling desperate but it needed to happen. "OUT, GET OUT. We don't want you here and I've been nice enough, out out OUT!!!" Greg screamed throughout the restaurant. Jonathan stood up straight, towering over Greg, stretched, and pulled off the bandages, using his claws to quickly cut through the failed disguise. Greg's mouth drops at this site and falls over backwards scrambling to sit up. WIth the fear of dying at hand, Greg pulls out the .40 S&W revolver out of his waistline. He points it at Jonathan but he is too nervous to aim straight and fires. Jonathan hears a loud bang and feels warmth run down his right ear. The window shatters behind him and even though his head is in pain he knows that it could get a lot worse so Jonathan bounds out of the window and in to the night once again, almost in the same situation that he started in.

Copyright for the story, the characters, and the plot. Do not copy unless you have written permission, I will be happy to do it for most circumstances.