A dream so wonderful... [teaser!]

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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...It had to be written down pronto. The night before, having just woke up, was filled with a damn good living. Many things happened in the single 15 seconds a dream is worth. Except to me it was more like several hours! All in all, this is worth putting on paper...And a few of the names are literally from the dream. It's pretty awesome.


Wizard grabbed the female's hips, thrusting wildly to gain his release and attempt to impregnate the wonderful dragon. He could feel the pressure building, his internal muscles flexed and filled the waiting dragoness' womb with his seed. They both fell over, laying next to each other as they waited for the egg. She clenched her belly in pain and it quickly distended, pushing the large egg through her birthing tunnel. She gave out a loud roar as the rest of it passed from her tunnel, staying between her legs where she dared not move it from.

"Eila. You did good."

"Thank you, my love. But I must now leave. The others will view down upon me if they find out. Please keep this a secret."

"I will. Now go. I will not reshape your friends' minds to xclude you from their cave. Though you might want to make up an excuse for being out for a few days."

"I know. Good bye my love."

She slowly and shakily rose to her feet, spreading her wings wide as she flapped them hard enough to send her flying upwards for a good while. She spiraled for a few seconds then flapped once more, leaving Wizard's sights for good. He looked down at the egg she had agreed to birth for him and then made a final decision. He coiled around it, sharing his warmth and protection. The dark grey clouds which had lingered above for so long finally made up their minds and the down pour began. Lightning streaked through the clouds, lights and thunder dancing about as the storm grew stronger. That was her work. And for the mating ritual, the storm was three days late.

"To see my child doing that and gently caring for others...That would be what I would like most. But for now, I must tend to you. May you be an egg, I must hatch thee."

He coiled around the egg further till it was completely covered and laid his own head under his coils to keep it dry, then slept.


You can expect this to be an awesome story if you really believe it to be. After so much of a history of crappy and amateurish stories, I got fed up with it and actually went and looked up a bunch of hentai. Fuels the brain for inspiration. And so that inspiration mixed with the inspiration I was already holding, resulted in this story. Though this is a teaser. And I hope you like it. Cause it's the very beginning and not even a fraction of the real story. This story may be a novel by the time I'm done with it. Depends on how long it takes to add the three most important characters.