A change in pace

Story by torchwolf on SoFurry

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I woke up that day feeling Just as I usually do. It was no different then any other morning. I laid there dreading the fact that I had to go to school, and the weekend was over. Eventually, I finally mustered up the scychological strength needed to get up out of bed and get ready for school rather than just staying in my warm bed like I was so longing to do.

When I got to the bathroom I couldnt help but be ashamed by the reflection in the mirror. Although I really wasn't all that bad looking; I knew it was nothing that could ever attract a decent mate. My fur was a rather dull and grey color that was really not necessarily bad, but it was no better nor worse than any other wolf my age. I wasn't skinny nor was I fat. I was rather muscular, but that was nothing that would make me stand out. Plain and simple, I was average.

I turned the radio on and stepped into my shower. Bless the broken road was playing, and the water was just right. As it rushed onto my face and down my fur, I started thinking how wonderful it would be to have the relationship that was being portrayed by the song. All of mine had been uncomfortable and had ended badly.

I stepped out of my shower and realized it was almost time to leave for school. I quickly threw on a pair of wranglers, a plain t, and my boots then walked out the door toward my truck.

While driving I realized that I was in a surprisingly good mood, and I couldn't help but continue the thoughts from earlier that morning. I realized that I couldn't continue through life leaving the minimal mark that I was. This is how I would stand out. I wouldn't be average anymore. As I entered the school I just knew that this day would be different. Little did I know, this was more correct then I ever would have expected.

To be continued.....