
Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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Ever since that disease worked its' way through the world like a plague, humans have grown scarce. Furres, though, are plenty in numbers. The disease had turned those infected by it into furres. At first we tried hard to wipe the disease away but it wasn't possible. And then the infected bred with each other and boom, a new species had evolved. More of furres and less of human, and soon we were outnumbered. The few humans still alive fought for their own world, to keep it at least a little humanity still around.

I made it into the gossip, I made it into the school paper, I made it into the town paper and finally into the national paper and TV... how did I perform this? By telling my story and running for my life... but even fears catch up with you, sooner or later. It did with my, anyway...

So what am I talking about? Well, it's quite simply the way of nature, how things out of reach intrigue you... making you want it even more. I wasn't the one wanting, they were the ones wanting me. Why? How should I know, they just did.

My life was normal, considering I'm a human in the big city, and I had friends and everything. 17 years old, normal-built, blonde hair, though some cat-like ears but with normal blue eyes and a healthy health. My grandfather was cat, therefore I have the cat-ears, and I wasn't looked upon mildly in society. Humans were accepted but not crossings.

And it all started one very normal day, on my way to school. I took my normal route. It didn't take any longer than five minutes. But that was one of the last days in a long time it was going to take that short time, if I ever made it to the school. It was also the very first day I ever saw them.

"Them" were a gang of canines that used to hang around the school. Four grey canines, somewhere around the 20, I think. They were dressed in black and red, black tops with black shorts, I don't think they were wearing bras at all, because you could see their nipples straight through, it was something all guys who passed them noticed, they more or less invited you to yiff with them, that's the kind of attention they wanted.

They were standing at the entrance to my school, talking with some horse there. When they saw me walking up the path to the school, they shouted things, I didn't catch on that it was to me they shouted until I was closer to them. I received a smirk from the horse and a slap on the butt from one in the gang. I tried to ignore them, not sure whether it was an insult or if it was the first real attention I had ever gotten from a girl.

They weren't there when we finished school, and I went on my normal life, though my thoughts often strayed to these canines. I don't know why, but I often thought of them in both awake state... and asleep. I found it rather disturbing first but soon came to accept the fact that I was sexually aroused by them.

It passes just about a week before I saw them again. They were leaning on the fences going around the school, their eyes following every move I made. A small smile, smirk or grin covered all their faces, they were up to something, I just didn't know what yet. I received to slaps on the butt this time but I only turned my head and looked at them, giving them a soft and quick smile before running the last part of the path up to the school.

On my way home... that's when it all started. On my way to and from school, I had to cross a number of alleys, if I didn't want take a long route around the block, just to avoid them. And I had been taking the same way to school for more than four years now. I was never scared. But it turned bad already at the first alley.

I was half way through the alley when I heard someone moving behind me. I turned my head slightly, not really wanting to give away I was looking. I saw two of the grey canines behind. They were standing at the opening of the alleys, leaning on the wall on both sides. I turned my eyes forward again, just in time to notice a paw flung out against me.

I dodged the paw and took quick steps to the side, sideling around the third canine and started running towards the other opening. There waited the fourth canine, ready with her arms open and a big grin on her face. I shivered at the thought what four canines were thinking about doing to me.

But the fourth canine was slow and when she jumped for me, I dodged and ran. When at the other opening, I turned and smiled. Then I turned and ran, as fast as I could away from them. I knew they weren't following me but for safety I ran all the way home and didn't go out all day.

The next day went by smoothly. I never expected them to be there and they weren't. A thought lingered in my head that they might jump me but I didn't know why they would want that, why would predators and girls be so interested in me? But the thought never really left my mind until I got home, and I stayed home this day as well.

The next day they were waiting for me. I had seen one of them snooping around the vicinity of my home, so I snuck out the back way. This meant I could go undetected for a longer period, but sooner or later I would end up going the same last route as normal. But they wouldn't be waiting at the end of school, they weren't that dumb... or perhaps they were that smart?

They were waiting for me, and I was surprised. One of the canines' paws brushed my neck as I avoided her in the last minute. Had I been normal human, she would've gotten a firm grip around my neck. I escaped undamaged even from this day, but many days were gonna leave scars on my body.

After a week of just simply "running" it turned worse. Then they had my moves checked and I ended up cornered in too often. So I started to use the roofs as my route. I exited my house through the roof and the first couple of days they never saw me, until I was over the street, standing and waving to them.

They didn't understand how I did it until I happened to climb down the ladder and jumped down in front of one of them. This was where it started to become dangerous. It was also around this time that people started talking about it. People even started waiting for me at the entrance, just to see if I made it to the school in one piece.

My escaping from them started to get more dangerous around this point. I had to climb up ladders and slide down drainpipes to avoid them now. After a couple of days I actually took a jump between buildings, putting even more danger into it. One wrong step on my way to school could cost me my life.

After one or two months, there weren't really much new things I could do to avoid them. So it turned to just simple and quick running, that was all I could do. And it turned to normal routine for me, to get up in the morning and examine the streets outside, just to see if there was any grey gang-canine close by.

Then I either ran out the back, front or the roof. They somehow always found me out, they knew my routes but how they could guess what exit I was going to use was out of my grasp. But they did and every morning started with a quick dodge and a lot of running. By now I was in the school paper and even the teachers knew about it.

It was a warm spring day, I was running up on the roof and decided to take a ladder down. But they were faster than I thought and half way down one of them grabbed my arm. I tried to wrench my self free and I ended up falling over the railing. I plummeted 6 or 7 feet down before I crashed into a dumpster.

I felt an enormous pain running across my leg. I threw myself out from the dumpster and started limping towards the opening. The school was just over the street and while limping across the road I looked back and saw all four of them, standing in the opening and watching me.

I leaned on the fences running around the school and slid down into sitting position. The pain had grown with every step I took and ran a finger along my wounded leg, without looking at it. My pants had gotten torn from ankle up to my knee and my leg had been cut that exact length.

It was deep and it probably needed stitching. But if I told everyone exactly what had happened... it would all be over, and I didn't want that. I didn't know why but... something in me had enjoyed all of this and it wanted more.

My eyes ran over to the canines again and I could see that one of them was pacing around in circles. I figured she was worried about her meal. But the others were just watching me. And what one of them did next still surprise me to this day.

One of them suddenly ran over the street. I had no chance getting up and limping away so I sat there, hoping nothing bad would happen. Bu she slowed down when she got closer and she knelt down next to my wounded leg. Then she looked the wound over and got up.

  • Hun, get that checked, it might get infected and we wouldn't want that.

The she ran back, over the street to her friends who then vanished into the alleys. Just at that time my friend came running and I got great idea.

He agreed and we went to the nurse, blaming it on my friend pushing me into a pile of trash on the way to school. She raised an eyebrow and examined the wound.

  • A pile of junk, you say?

Then she took out a sponge and poured alcohol on it.

  • I won't lie, this will hurt a lot so if your friend can go out and join the classes...

I gave my friend a nod and he went out. Though I was very careful about my pride but even I had my limits. I think the scream could be heard through-out the school.

The wound never needed stitching, it was just wrapped tight in bandages and then I was sent home. I did see the canines when I walked home, and they saw me but it was from a distance and neither cared to run, to see how much I could take. I limped all the way home and this was the beginning of a peaceful week since they didn't try to chase me at all. They kept an eye on me from a distance but never chased me.

After a while my wound healed up nicely and the day I realized I could run, that day they were over me again. After this experience I knew they were after something else than just food, I was an easy prey that could've been taken easily. They wanted the sport, the chase... I thought at least.

I kept running from them for a long time, without any bigger accidents. I got some scrape marks and bruises but that was all. I visited the nurse a lot, and we always used the same excuse. She knew very well what was going on, but without me telling the truth, she couldn't do anything. Even though I saw the worries in her eyes, I never told her.

I had actually made it into local and some bigger papers. It said something about the "Canine-Run" and some author said that he was going to bas his next book on it. All my misery seemed to enjoy many. But I never really cared... because I had my life on the line and I wasn't going to let the public enjoy a death in blood and gore. I stayed alive because I hated society, or so I told my friends.

My friend, a white bunny, was going to be my fall, actually. It was in the end of fall, had it gone two more weeks, we could've celebrated our one year anniversary. And it was one week before my birthday, so my friend said he wanted to celebrate it with a visit to the pub. We knew the owner and he supplied us with light alcohols, though we were only allowed to drink inside the pub.

We had a good evening, we were talking, joking and laughing... until I saw it. There, at the back of the pub, in the darkest corner of them all, stood four grey canines. My heart skipped two beats and I was as sober as daylight. I tapped my friend on the shoulder and pulled him out from the pub.

The rain was pouring down outside, it was low visibility. My friend tore free and ran away. I understood immediately why. He had sold me out, he had given me to the canines. I turned and faced them, they were way too close to be able to run from now. A grin spread on the face of the one I thought was the leader.

  • Hun, you ran well, but it ends here.

I could just make out the lights of bigger truck, coming this way. Even though the rain made the road slippery I was going to take the chance. I laughed and took a quick leap out onto the road and took a long leap to the other side of the road. The truck cut their path off for long enough so I could run into the alleys.

I ran all I could muster. I lost footage a couple of times but I quickly steered back up on feet and kept running. I was further from home than usually and I didn't know the neighbourhood very well, I could only keep running and hope they were still behind me.

Suddenly I tripped and fell into a huge puddle of muddy water. It was the end, I knew it. I just lied there, knowing they'd be over me any second. I prayed a last time and prepared myself for the paws, gripping my body and doing that they wanted to me... and I waited... and waited... and waited, but they never came.

I got up, looked around myself, there wasn't a single soul around me, female or male, canine or feline... empty. The rain tried its best to clean my face and hair from the mud, but the clothes were impossible to get clean again. I shook my entire body, trying to get as much mud and water off as possible. Then I put my hand in my pockets and started my long walk home, in a slow pace.

I could see my apartment, I had left the lights on and it was so close. I stood still for a moment, looking up on my apartment, thinking I was safe. I only had to cross the street to be safe, inside the gates and on my way up the stairs to my apartment. But I had missed one little detail... one little dark alley, just behind me.

Eight strong and long arms twisted around my body, dug their claws into my chest and pulled me backwards. All but two arms let go of me and I was embraced by the one I thought was the leader. Her tongue ran up my neck and her teeth nipped gently on my ear.

  • So young and healthy... you shouldn't have run.

After all the running, climbing and jumping, I think both parts had grown a lot stronger. She spun around 180? and threw me into a brick wall, at least 2 feet above the ground.

I fell into a puddle. All four of them roared out in laughter. But the leader soon took a grip again and threw me further into the alley, away from the opening. It was a dead end, no other way out than past them and I could forget that now. I rolled in the mud, and struck the dead end.

My vision was already getting blurry, it was probably because I hit my end when striking the wall. But I shook my head and tried to get up. When I had gotten as far as to crawling position, I heard two quick steps and a foot dug deep into my guts. I was kicked up on the wall, hitting it hard and I feel back down. I looked up at the kicker and received a kick, straight cross my face. I rolled over to my back and I felt the rain against my face.

The rain cleaned my face from both mud and water. I breathed quickly and exhaled just as fast. I had a cut across my face. I ran my hand along it but it wasn't very deep and missed my eyes with an inch.

  • This is what you get when messing with us, you shouldn't have run.

She raised her foot and then drove it onto my chest. A soft crack could be heard and all the air got pumped out of me.

I gasped for air but with every breath I took, I also received a deep and cutting pain in my lungs. I knew my ribs were broken, you didn't have to be a genius to tell that. Then they all closed a circle around me, looking down on me. There wasn't a chance for rescue, no one was dumb enough to get in the way of four canines and their pride.

  • And all we ever wanted was to have a taste of you.

I woke up on a hospital, three weeks later. I was bandaged hard, couldn't move my arms and not turn my head. I could somewhat move my legs but that was all. I looked around the room and saw that beside me there was someone sitting. I couldn't see who, just that it was a furre.

I tried to utter words, but my throat was dry and cracked up. But it was enough to awaken the person next to me from a book. It was the nurse from school and she quickly grabbed a can of water and fed it to me through a straw. The she kissed my forehead and ran to get the doctor.

It was a painful four weeks I had in front of me. The doctor explained the situation carefully to me, what I could and most important, what I couldn't do. Both my arms had been broken on three different places. I had seven broken ribs and my leg had been cut and infected. But I had also been afflicted serious skull-fractures and it was mostly therefore I was still in the hospital.

It took me four weeks to heal up enough to take care of myself. The four canines hadn't been seen since, not as a gang anyway. I had gotten into the national papers and TV, where my entire story had been told. About "Canine-Run", my beating and how bad the society treated the crossings like me. But that wasn't what it was about at all.

When I finally got back to the apartment, a room filled with gifts met me. I had missed my own birthday, even though they had sung to me on the hospital, I had still missed it, I was in a coma and had no memory of it at all. But they had promised me a birthday-party as soon as I had gotten healthy again. My friend, the one who sold me out, had asked for forgiveness and I had given it to him.

He didn't know, he couldn't have known, what they wanted to do to me. I had been curious what they had given him in return and I was never really surprised. He had been given the opportunity to be "close" with one of the girls. No yiff but a blowjob and a little licking, and I didn't blame him at all for what he did, I would've done the same.

But I didn't tell him... what I had been given after the beating. I still remember it. I was lying in the mud, just barely alive when the leader had knelt down and kissed me, her tongue around mine, wrapping and playing with my lifeless tongue. Then she had looked into my eyes and said:

  • You shouldn't have run, we could've been such good friends.

Then they had carried me to the hospital themselves. I passed out half way.

I went back to school when my ribs where healed and I had stopped having headaches every day. It was about one week after the start, but I never really missed anything. I arrived in school one day later than usual, though. Cause when in an alley, I suddenly jumped and grabbed a ladder and climbed up on the roof.

I suddenly realized that I wasn't being chased at all, but I kept running. Jumping from roof to roof, climbing up and down ladders, siding down drainpipes. After I had been across much of the town, I chuckled to myself and went back home. I was going to miss it, I really was. It had been more fun than anything... and I missed them.

It passed a week before I was going to see them again. I saw them from far away, they were flirting with some poor horse. I shook my head and smiled, thinking that he was a lucky bastard. I wanted it back, it had been all I had lived for the last year... I realized that now.

Suddenly one of them looked at me. Her eyes examined me and then she tapped the others on the shoulders. Their eyes looked up at me and they shooed the horse away. The horse, somewhat surprised and shocked, walked away somewhat happy to get away. They were dressed differently now, more like any normal person and they weren't all wearing the same outfits anymore.

The leader smiled and winked at me. But I shook my head and waved. She tilted her head and shrugged. I turned and started walking home again. I didn't look back at them but I could almost feel their feelings... I was almost sure I'd have them after me soon again.

But I didn't, I never had them after me again. But we were to meet again, we were definitely going to meet again, already the next day. I was on my way home from school, passing through an alley when I felt something behind me. I turned around and was faced with the scariest thing ever.

She gently wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I dropped my schoolbag and wrapped my around her waist. For so long, this I had been dreaming about, and now it was here. I glanced around the alley and saw the other three waiting at a side-alley. I broke the kiss and looked at them.

  • Shall we then?

I knew what they wanted, what they had been wanting since the second they saw me. The leader pulled in my collar, dragging me into the alley. Well inside one of the other canines ran and got my bag. They opened a door and pushed me inside. It lead to a very tasteful apartment, nicely decorated and everything and it was huge.

  • Welcome to our home, prey.

  • You don't have to call me "prey", I have a name you know.

  • Oh really? I'm sorry, I didn't catch it in the "Canine-Run".

We all laughed at this, what was only meant as a playful joke had turned national-wide thing.

They closed the door behind us and circled me again.

  • My name is Megan, this is Jamey, Samantha and Julia.

  • Nice to meet you all, my name is Carl.

That was the last thing we were really going to say to each other for a longer time. They were wolfs and they had certain needs. Jamey grabbed me from behind, locking my arms in a strange way. Megan took a few steps aside and grinned.

Julia's paws worked around my shirt and when it took too long to unbutton it, she ripped it apart and let it fall to the ground. Samantha ran her claw along the line of my pants. Then she ripped them to shreds and I was revealed almost completely nude. She pulled my boxers to my ankles and took a good sniff of my scent. Megan suddenly blurted out:

  • I break his virginity, you have fun in some other way.

All three nodded, I figured she was older than all three of them, therefore having the biggest authority. But they all four had a pretty good idea what it means with virginity. Taking virginity doesn't include blowjobs or hand-jobs. And they weren't really out to get me over the edge, they were out to please themselves.

Samantha ran her fingers along my cock, waking it up to life. Julia licked my chest, rounding my nipple, sucking on them before she licked up my chest to my chin where we met in a kiss. Megan had already gotten undress and was crouching a bit from there, just looking and making sure I'd be nothing but hers later. I heard Jamey whimper softly as she saw the two canines having fun.

Megan got up and gestured to Jamey to move away. Megan slipped in behind me and caught me before I fell. She rested my head on her breast and ran her fingers through my hair. Jamey threw her clothes of quickly and joined Samantha down at my cock. At the same time Julia was guiding my hand down to her cunt while rubbing her breast against my mouth.

I opened my mouth willingly and her breast filled my mouth up nicely. Her nipple grew hard at the gently touch of my tongue and moans escaped her throat. When my fingers met her clit I felt her body shiver. I started running my finger in her slit, her juices wetting it up good.

Suddenly Samantha wrapped her lips around my shaft, sucking gently. Jamey fondled my balls and she licked the root of my cock. The shock made me press my finger inside Julia all of a sudden. Her cunt closed around it in surprise and a soft shriek was heard from her. Her paw ran up and down my chest.

Jamey wrapped her tongue around my balls and took them into her mouth, sucking and fondling them. Samantha started bobbing her head up and down my cock, her tongue running around and across it. Her throat-muscles did what they could as she took it deep into her throat, sucking harder.

Julia straddled my chest and wrapped her legs around my neck and pressed her cunt against my lips. My tongue quickly lashed out, just touching her labia and clit. Her juices ran out onto my lips. Her soft shrieks pleased me as I licked, her juices still pouring into my mouth. It tasted sweet and gentle, it was natural.

Samantha's head kept bobbing up and down my member, her tongue swirling around my shaft in a wild dance of passion. I understood what she meant when she said she wanted to have a "taste" of me. Jamey kept sucking and fondling my balls in her mouth. It was greater and better than all my jerk offs together.

My climax was getting closer, my body started twitching and turning, much to the pleasure of four wolfs. It was their desires to see me tortured of my own and their pleasure... and me actually liking it. In a common orgasm both me and Julia sprayed our cum over someone else.

In shivering, shaking and waving emotions, my body twitched and turned as the scent of the wolf filled my nostrils. It became too much and I sprayed my cum into Samantha's muzzle, and she sucked greedily, not wanting to miss any of it at all. Megan's paws and fingers ran down my neck as I licked the juices from Julia.

Megan came up to me and said:

  • I can give you the heavens... but I don't want you if you smell of other wolfs.

  • You want me to clean up?

  • Yes, and I'll make sure you do.

She took my hand and pulled me away from the others. They winked and waved as I disappeared up the stairs, hearing the giggles all the way up. She opened a door just above the stair and threw me in.

It was pretty much a white bathroom, white tiles, white towels and white rugs. It was all white with just some spots of blue like the soap or shampoo. She ran her paw down my back in between my legs, groping my crotch gently. A murr escaped her lips as she ran her firm grip up and down my member.

Suddenly she thrust me forward into the shower. She grinned and turned the hot-water tap. The water flowed over my body, cleaning it from cunt-juices, my own cum and saliva. I closed my eyes and let the water flow over my body, soothing me. I heard the drapery being pulled and she was so close to me.

Her paws traced along my sides and took a grip at my back, her claws gently digging into my back. She pressed her muzzle against my lips, her tongue taking refuge into my mouth, gently caressing mine. I wrapped my arms around her and we were tied together in a loving embrace. The water turned her fur to velvet, feeling very good against my skin, brushing and arousing me.

She pressed my back against the wall and her legs pressed against mine and there was no way out. I was caught in the arms of a predator and I wasn't intimidated. It felt so right, so lovely, so sex and so... so mature. There was not turning back, I had become her possession, I was hers.

She slid her paw down to my cock and gently groped it. It had already awoken to half erection but her gentle but decisive grasp awoke it to full erection. She murred deeply and licked my cheek.

  • You're my gentle, little cub and I do as I please.

I breathed slowly and could do nothing but nod. Her scent had taken me in and my thoughts strayed to what it would be when she had mated me.

Because that was her intentions. It was in the air, in her kiss, in her touch... in her. She fell down her knees in front of me, her breath enticing me. Her tongue lashed on my cock, licking it from root to top and back. Running her tongue along my shaft, her paw cupping my balls, fondling them with her fingers.

It was unbearable, my cock throbbed in her grip. She flicked her ears and her tail wagged around, the drapery being waved around. I ran my fingers in her hair, scratching her ears and caressing her cheek. She wrapped her lips around the top of my cock and slowly slid it into her muzzle.

I groaned when she started using her tongue. The water kept pouring on us, the hot, steaming water. My blood raced around faster as her tongue wrapped around my shaft. She sucked for what she was worth and it dragged my sanity over the edge. I had never felt something like this before.

I gripped her gently behind the ears and started sliding my cock in and out of her muzzle myself. She took a grip of my buttocks and helped me out, dragging her teeth along my shaft. My breath didn't hold long and I released my load into her muzzle. Wave after wave with semen flooded her muzzle. She closed her muzzle tight around my cock and collected all my sperm before swallowing it all down with a satisfying gulp, a motion detected in my entire body.

She fell back on the bed and I on top of her. Still wet from the shower, we caressed and kissed each other on her bed. I spread her legs apart with my knees and she quickly wrapped her legs around my waist. I placed my cock at her mound and ran it up and down in her slit. She groaned and ran her paws up and down my back.

When I pressed my cock inside her she arched up and her teeth sunk into my neck. I screamed at everything. Her cunt was warm, moist and hot. And it was an incredible sensation, her walls gripping at my cock, pulling it further inside. At the same time her teeth sinking deeper and deeper the further I pushed my cock. She drained me from blood, sucking it in with a content, firm bite on my neck. It hurt as hell but at the same time it worked as an arouser of some sort.

When I started sliding in and out of her, her teeth released their grip and my blood started pouring out. She tilted her head backwards and gave out a loud, piercing howl and my mind strayed to what those downstairs were doing and thinking. When she looked back at me I stared into cold and dark eyes, just wanting to do me in.

She started thrusting back at my cock and returned the favour by raising my pace, humping her harder for every time I thrust back in. Soft whimpers mixed with groaning as my cock buried deep into her. As my climax grew closer and I started thrusting harder and faster. She screamed out loud as I buried my cock deep in her and exploded into her womb.

At the feeling of semen clashing onto her cunt-walls, she exploded in an orgasm herself. I felt her juices spray out the side of my cock, lubricating her cunt to an even softer and moister hole. As I started to slide out my came to life again and I pushed my cock in hard again. She was surprised at the sudden thrust and arched up, her body tingling in surprise.

She rolled me over on my back and ended up straddling my hips, my cock still deep inside her. She bent down and kissed me passionately as she started sliding up and down my cock. I trembled with my lips and closed my eyes, just lying there and enjoying the very sensation of it. She moaned and groaned in one as she increased the pace.

It didn't take long until we both joined in an orgasm. Her juices sprayed my crotch as my semen sprayed into her. She feel together in my arms and we fell asleep together but not before she had kissed my neck and bitten deep into it, sucking some blood out of me. The bite-mark on my neck would prove to everyone that I was now hers and forever would be... I was her mate.

It ended up with me moving in with them. They all enjoyed my company and I had to circulate, one night in one's bed and the others in the others'. But as time went by I guess I grew dull to the younger of them. I never really complained cause I enjoyed being with Megan the most, it was she I had fallen in love with.

As far as I know we lived true to each other, if you don't count the younger wolfs which Megan had just as much pleasure from as I did. But we both grew tired of it and devoted ourselves completely to one-another. We never married, we both thought that we knew we loved each other so it was enough.

We were happy as it was and never wanted anything else from life than that we had. I guess I never really stopped being intimate with the other canines but it only happened once or twice each month, and then Megan was just as much involved as I was. But other than that I was never to feel the pleasure of another female.