That Place...

Story by Wolfand on SoFurry

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That place...You've been there before. It's where your heart stops beating, your mind racing. And for a moment you believe the lies. You believe that you're happy. Believe that everything will happen Just. Like. Planned.

Well you're wrong.

Nothing ever happens, just according to plan.

And nothing ever will.

Life is full of terrible people doing terrible things. Horrible events in a persons life can stain the mind, and pause the heart in time.

But even then, Life moves on. With or without you, life moves on.

Do not dwell within the past, only look forward to the future.

One foot in front of another.

Your mouth curved in a smile, regardless of the tears that fall down your face.

Your heart, beating hard, beating right. Love, Joy, Sorrow, Anger. All these things keep your heart pumping, and all of them are needed.

Your mind working, your imagination, your thoughts, your ideas, hopes, dreams, wishes.

And by the end, as you gaze upon the faces of those who surround you. You realize that they were behind you every step of the way.

You smile, the tears once again gently and silently falling down your face.

You close your eyes.

And exhale your final breath:

"Thank You..."