Marxima Chapter 1: Careful What You Wish For

Story by UberUber1337 on SoFurry

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A story I'm writing. You'll find out why I named it Marxima in chapter three...probably...maybe.

Note I slightly altered the story by making the characters furries.


Chapter 1: Careful What You Wish For

War is hell. The hunger, the exhaustion, the killing, and the stench of rotting flesh enveloping the entire battlefield. On top of a decrepit building that looks ready to tip over, a sniper sits, searching for a target through the scope of his rifle. He spots an enemy. "Rotten commy", he whispers to himself. The cross hairs settle on the forehead of the enemy. The sniper pulls the trigger. The enemy mysteriously drops to the floor. "BOOM HEADSHOT!", yells a voice out of nowhere. "Well, you beat me again", says another as the battle results screen comes into view. "I always do", says the first. "Same time tomorrow?" asks the second. "Sure." "Then I'll see you later Kigetsu."

Kigetsu(note this is not his real name, the only people that know his real name are himself and his family members) took off the headset, turned of the TV and the GS3, and lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling good about his victory. He was your average video game geek, 5'10'', medium build, 16 years old, a wolf with light gray fur, blue-green eyes, dark grey hair kept short so as not to obstruct his vision. "I wonder if he'll ever beat me", he thought to himself. A large groan fills the room. "I wish real life were like a video game."

The next morning, as soon as Kigetsu got out of bed, A GIANT METEOR CRASHED THROUGH THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!1!11!!!11!1!!!1 Then he woke up. It was an average day for Kigetsu. He got dressed, ate breakfast, went to school, came home, and watched TV. It wasn't until he went to his room for his daily gaming session that his day started to get weird. He turned on the GS3 and picked up the controller, the screen displaying what was new in the Gamestation Store. He glanced at the screen and noticed his name in bright orange letters. He did a double take and read "Special Deal For Kigetsu" "double yoo tee ef", he thought. He selected the icon, bringing up the page for it in the Gamestation Store. "Marxima" was the name of the game,(lol unintentional rhyming)"Enter a land of magic and war in the most immersive video game ever made. For Free!", read the description "This is too good to be true", Kigetsu thought. He selected the download button, bringing up the download status screen. In two seconds, it was done. "Wow, that was fast,", he said in amazement,"I figured a game like this would take all afternoon to download." He closed the Gamestation Store and started the game.

His excitement hit rock bottom when he saw the game. On the left of the screen was a stickfox that was apparently controlled by the player. On the right was a purple circle with text above it that read, "Enter the portal". Abiding by the rule of "Never judge a game by its case", he maneuvered the stickfox in front of the portal. This caused the screen to turn completely purple, the same shade as the portal. Slowly, details started to appear in the swirling purple mass. He thought he felt suction coming from the TV, but accredited it to his imagination. "No wait, there's definitely some suction coming from the TV", he thought. Soon, he was holding onto the bed with one hand, his other hand in a death grip on the controller, though for the life of him he didn't know why, with his feet up in the air being sucked into the TV. By now, the portal looked like a purple whirlpool turned sideways with streaks of bright purple lighting within it and was extending beyond the edge of the TV screen. His grip on the bed finally gave way as he fell into the mysterious portal, eyes closed in fear.

When he opened his eyes, he was amazed at what he saw. He was in a large, domed building built from nothing but TVs, Consoles, PCs, and arcade machines stacked on top of one another and held together by cords of varying lengths and widths. The room was lit up by the light from the various screens in the walls. All of a sudden, part of the wall, a large widescreen TV about the size of a door, slid into the ground, revealing a figure only slightly taller than himself. The figure was covered in shadow as it stepped through the doorway, it appeared to be wearing a toga and an olive branch on its head. When it stepped into the light, it was revealed to be a griffin, wearing a loose fitting "Eaglejam" T-shirt, a baseball cap, skateboard shoes, and baggy cargo pants. "Welcome", he yelled gesturing to the building around him, "to Pixalla".