Herdnan- Chapter Five

Story by Thunder Darkstone on SoFurry

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*Disclaimer: This chapter does contain some solo male yiff with gay overtones. If in any way you feel offended by homosexuality, or masturbation, by all means: don't continue on with this chapter. It's defanatly not for you. But, if your cool with it, then by all means, press on!

"Captain Hugodrax of the Herdnan Crime Investigation! Don't even say you don't know who I am!" The lizard yelled into the phone. "When I want files pulled, I want them immediately! There is no excuse for such sloppiness! We are trying to investigate up here, and when my evidence turns up missing, yes I do get angry!"

He snarled, baring his teeth. He was a fierce looking Brown Anole. He stood just under six feet tall, with smooth dark green scales, black spines covering his head, yellow eyes and sharp rows of white teeth.

"Well see to it that it doesn't happen again or heads will roll!" He finished his conversation and slammed the handset down on the phone, ending the call.

When things didn't go to plan, he always got upset as was the case now. He grumbled about the incompetence of the crime lab, as he shuffled through the paper work mounded on his desk.

The door to his office opened and a short female turtle strolled in with a fairly thick folder. "Sargent Frevvor sent this to you. He says that it is the information you asked him about."

Hugodrax looked up and took the folder from her. He opened it, revealing quite a few police reports. He nodded and the turtle turned and headed out the door.

He pushed aside the other papers on his desk to make room for the new file. At least nine reports were stacked on each other in dates of occurrence. The door opened again, and Sargent Frevvor walked in.

"Ah good. You got it already." He said closing the door behind him. Frevvor was German Shepard and wolf mix. He was extremely strong, and noble looking, standing at six and a half feet tall.

"Phorga just brought it in." he said scanning over each document. "What were you able to find out?"

The canine took a seat. "All nine incidents must be done by the same band. I did a quick summary for you in the back."

"I think you are mistaken about one thing." He said looking over Frevvor's report. "I think these are all one fur."

"One sir? How? There must be more than one to pull off these heists. Each robbery was precise, no wasted effort anywhere. There has to be three if not four..."

"Or one very good criminal who knows exactly what he's doing." Hugodrax said leaning back. He thought to himself, gently swiveling in his chair while he stared at the wall. "Frevvor!" he announced loudly.

"Yes sir?"

"I want you to run a detailed report on each of these robberies. I want to know everyone that has been in and out of these stores shortly before each robbery. Credit card receipts, checks, mailing addresses, I don't care. Everything you can find out."

"What about the homes?"

"Friends, neighbors, recent visitors... I want to know everything about everyone that passed through the doors. Even if it was a plumber or a exorcist! Everyone. We'll see if any names or faces match up and go from there. If it is one man, or even more than one... there has to be reconnaissance. Get to it."

"Yes Captain!" Frevvor said jumping up and taking the folder back from him and exiting the office.

Cymaenie entered the office, shuffling his feet with exhaustion. After his time with Kiryan, he left only to find that he had to be at work again. Maybe it was time for him to finally give up the desk job. At this lifestyle, he would be dead from overexertion. He dropped into the chair in his cubicle with a tray of Red-eyes he had picked up from the coffee shop in the corner of his building.

He sipped the first cup he had, trying to stay awake. He opened his bag and pulled out his work clothes and an energy drink. He groggily made his way to the bathroom while Pirry and Feirya looked on.

"What did you do to him? Ride him all night? He looks like complete ass! More so than he ever has."

"No. He had a lot on his mind last night it seems, so we cut the date after the movie." She said feeling a little guilty for making him go out on so little sleep.

"I'm telling you... he's not right... never sleeps. That's not a normal trait you know." Pirry said in an almost scolding tone.

"I've just learned not to listen to you. Mostly because over the years you have always been slanderous against my boyfriends."

"That's because you date the oddest of furs!"

"I just seem to think that you are jealous that I get good looking males and you get none."

Pirry chuckled, leaning over to her desk and grabbing up a cruller. "Yes. I'm sure that you've hit the nail on the head. I'm jealous of your mentally incapacitated loves."

Cymaenie shuffled back to his desk and plopped into his seat. His ears drooped as he stared aimlessly ahead. His arm reached out and grabbed another cup of coffee and brought it to his lips while booting his computer.

"Ah. Mr. Nooker, nice to see you looking presentable." Cymaenie cringed, gashing his teeth. His boss was one of the most annoying furs he had ever come across. "Well rested I see." Now he was being sarcastic, and it was making Cymaenie's blood boil. "I'm not sure why it is you are always tired. Perhaps you should seriously consider getting to bed at a decent hour."

It took all of his composure not to lunge at the bull and scratch his huge stupid brown eyes out. "Mr. Nooker. I am serious. Unless you get some rest and work at a somewhat decent rate like your coworkers- you will be terminated."

He nodded, completing his lecture and headed off. Cymaenie shook his head. It wasn't if he needed this job so to speak. And he didn't. He angrily pounded the keyboard, making several letters fly off. He stood up, sending his chair crashing into the cubicle wall and picked up the monitor.

His boss heard the loud crash and turned to see Cymaenie hurl the computer monitor at him. It smashed on the floor sending pieces of plastic flying, and rolled several times before coming to a rest six feet from him.

He was almost in shock at what had just happened. He looked down at the monitor, then back up at Cymaenie who was twitching and chugging his cup of coffee.

He looked at the monitor again, unsure of what to think of the action. He cleared his throat, coming to his senses, shoved the paperwork he had into the paws of one of the gawking employees and stomped towards Cymaenie's desk.

He stopped in front of his cubicle. "What in the hell is wrong with you? What is going through your head? That is company property and..." the bull began yelling at him.

Cymaenie no longer cared. He stood there quietly, finishing the rest of his coffee and shifting his pack on his shoulder. When he finished, he smacked his lips, and tossed the cup at his boss.

The bull stopped yelling when the cup bounced off his shirt. He looked at the raccoon with eyes flaming.

"I'm going home to take your advice and sleep. Fuck you and this horse shit job. I quit." He snatched up his last two coffee cups, shoved his way past the bull flicking him off and strolled aimlessly towards the main doors. He kicked them open and disappeared as they closed behind him.

The bull snorted, putting his hands on his hips. He turned to the office, where all of the other employees had poked their heads over the cubicle walls to see what was going on.

"Well? Nothing to see here! Back to work! All of you!" he yelled stomping back off to his office.

He had really done it. He had really set himself free from work. Suddenly, a great weight had lifted off of his chest. He skipped past the elevators to the stair well, and taking two at a time, went down the forty flights of stairs emerging on the ground floor with a bounce in his step.

The lobby was empty of people as it was still in the middle of the day. He pushed his way out of the building and took in a deep breath of the morning air. He smiled, and hummed as he made his way to the parking garage.

He was in his car shortly there after and on his way home. Traffic was almost non existent, and he was home in no time at all. He pulled up into his garage, and parked the car. He jumped out with a whistle and grabbed his things.

He had made it home as early as to catch the mailman delivering the day's mail.

"Why hello Mr. Nooker." The beaver mailman smiled grabbing his stack out of his bag.

"Hi there." He said walking down the drive to greet him.

"I'm surprised to see you home today. Early day?"

"You could say that."

The mailman thought for a moment. "You quit?"

Cymaenie laughed and nodded. "I decided that I had enough of the place. It was getting to be too much."

"Well, that's good then. I hope you find something that you like doing soon."

Cymaenie took the mail that was handed to him and trotted back up to the house. He picked up his bags from the car and opened the door to the house. He pressed the garage door button and entered his home.

He kicked the door closed behind him as he shuffled through his mail. He yawned, and tossed the pile on the counter. He continued through the house, dumping his bags on the floor in the bedroom.

He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the hamper, pulled his belt as he kicked his shoes to the corner. He slid off his pants and threw those to the hamper as well. He sat on the edge of his bed and pulled off his socks, sending those the same way as the other articles of clothes. He opened his duffle bag and pulled out his bandana and shorts. He stood up, yawning again and headed for the door, dropping off his nightwear articles in the hamper as he left the room.

He crossed the hall into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He stopped as the door shut and he saw himself in the full length mirror. He did indeed look like hell. Bags were hanging under his eyes, bulging out the black in his mask.

His fur was matted, and ragged looking as he hadn't showered in a few days, and his tail drooped lazily behind him. He stepped sideways examining his ragged appearance. Once satisfied, he slid off his underwear and stepped to the shower.

He pulled the knob and turned it to the hot side to warm the water. He yawned again, scratching his right butt cheek. He tested the water. It was getting hot quickly.

He made another adjustment to turn the temperature down and stepped past the curtain inside. He tucked it behind him and sighed as the warm water trickled over his fur and tired muscles. He grabbed up his bottle of Fur and Body scrub and began scrubbing himself down, glad to be rid of the last few day's grime.

As he rinsed himself off, he thought again on his sexuality. He closed his eyes and pictured Feirya without any clothes on. He was surprised to find that he found the image revolting. The thought quickly switched to that of a nude male fox.

His eyes opened with surprise. He looked down to see that he was becoming erect. 'I am gay!' he said in his mind. It no longer seemed to bother him. Perhaps after all it was indeed true.

His thoughts turned from this revelation to his right paw slid over his wet sheath and fondled his stiffening member. He murred a little as his fingers slid over the head, almost slightly paralyzing his legs.

It was a funny thing. Even though he was exhausted, he was now wide awake. He closed his eyes again as his black paw encompassed his shaft and began stroking his hard rod.

He murred again. It felt amazing. He was unsure of just how long it was since he had last released himself. Whatever increment of time it was, it mattered not as he was reaching climax in no time at all.

He pictured the naked fox again, and moaned as the sensation became far more intense. His free left paw squeezed his nipple, and his tail wrapped tight around his right leg.

Cymaenie's knees buckled slightly as his stroking became faster and harder. He moaned quite loudly now, in almost a scream, with a slight growl in his throat. The sensation was almost overwhelming.

He felt his testicles contract, and his left arm dropped to his thigh to help steady himself as he fought to keep the cum back. It was only a short, but intense few seconds until he could hold back no longer.

His head tilted back, as hot streams of semen thrust out of the head of his cock. He kept stroking, feeling the muscles pump out another stream that landed on his leg.

His eyes opened and he watched even more gush its way out of him and onto his forearm and paw, contrasting off of the wet, black fur. He was breathing heavily, his tongue draping out of the side of his maw.

He blinked and stepped to steady his weakened legs, as he squeezed the last of the cum out. He examined the mess he had made on himself and smiled, feeling much better.

He grabbed his washcloth and some more scrub and rewashed his soiled fur, then rinsed again. Once he was finished, he shut the water off, and shook as much water off of him as he could.

Stepping out onto the tub mat he grabbed his towel and began drying himself off. Once mostly dry, he hung the towel up on the rack and looked himself over in the mirror.

He flexed his muscles and looked over his form. He had no idea how he would break the news to Feirya. Or his parents. Or any one else for that matter. He sighed, and turned to the sink, grabbing up his toothbrush. He was thinking too much.

He thoroughly scrubbed his teeth, swished some mouth wash and once minty fresh, he exited the bathroom. He went back into his bedroom, tossing the underwear into his hamper and opened the dresser.

He dug around in his underwear drawer and pulled out one of his favorite pairs; an orange bikini brief. As he slid these on, he thought back to when Feirya had commented that his underwear choice was that of a slutty gay fur. If only she had the slightest idea of just how true that really was.

He giggled, and flopped down into his bed and pulled the blanket over him. It was all he needed. Inside of two minutes, Cymaenie was sound asleep.