The Snake Charmer

Story by Claire Cooper on SoFurry

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It started off as a normal sunny day at the ranch. Everyone was relaxing or snuggling or playing pranks on others. Ina and Jenna were sitting on the porch enjoying the spring air while Ina read her books and Jenna kept a close watchful eye on her pokemon especially Napoleon and Cotton with there adopted egg. Jenna soon noticed a rather slim looking kid walking towards the ranch. so she went down to and was shocked to see he looked worn out and just as she was about to ask if he was okay the young boy fainted and hit the ground.

As soon as he hit the ground a pokeball rolled out and bumped into Jenna's shoe. She looked down before looking over at Ina" Could you help me out down here he looks dehydrated probably travelled long then he should have." Ina nodded and ran inside for only a few seconds before coming out with Jenna's Meganium Melissa. Melissa wandered over to Jenna and called out to her. Jenna smiled" Alright i need you to use Aromatheropy on this young man make sure he has no poisons or any other illments in his system." Melissa nodded before she posistioned herself infront of the young boy her flower petals began to glow a bring pink as a colourful substance began to spray onto the boy. Soon Melissa came to a stop and used her vine whip to help lift him up.

Jenna smiled" Good Melissa now lets get him inside so he can get some rest." Melissa smiled and did as Jenna had told her bringing the boy inside. Jenna soon bent over and picked up the pokeball as Ina walked over to her" Where did that come from..?" Jenna looked over at Ina" Im guessing its his partner.. we should check on him to make sure he's okay right..?" Ina nodded and grabbed the pokeball from Jenna before hurrying inside. Jenna looked over at Napoleon and Cotton smiling abit it was nice to see them happy with there own child that would soon hatch from the egg.

Jenna walked inside checking on the man and on Ina who told her the pokemon's condition wasn't bad if not better then the man carrying it. Jenna nodded taking taking the pokeball from her" Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to let him out right.." She released the pokemon from its pokeball to reveal a serpent like creature. Jenna was surprised to see a serperior and not only that but it was of a different colour. The Serperior looked around franticly as if it were frightened and somewhat curious. Jenna smiled" Relax big guy your master just passed out thats all and were taking care of him untill he wakes up.. why don't you go enjoy the ranch for now.?" The serperior seemed to have taken up on her offer before he slithered out of the room.

Phobos looked around sniffing the air" Hmm.. such a terrible smelling place.. filled with love and peace." He grinned" We will have to fix that.." Phobos looked around seeing more girls around and smirked" This could prove to be entertaining.. now who should i make as my first subject.." He looked around before spotting a raichu with a leafeon. The raichu seemed rather shy but his feelings for her were noticable. He grinned" What better way to take advantage then to rip the dreams of ones heart.." He made his way over towards the group slightly scaring Ross. Ross jumped and looked at him" Um who are you..?"

Phobos grinned" The name is Eros.. little rodent.. and im spending a few days here till my dear sick master has recovered." Saria overhearing his story trotted over to him" Oh your master is sick that is awful." Phobos smiled sadly" Yes thankfully your master was nice enough to take him and myself in for alittle while.." Phobos gently shoved Ross aside without Saria knowing. He gave her a charming smile" Now what is such a beautiful one like yourself doing out here..?" Saria blushed abit" Well me and um-uh.. Ross were looking for flowers.." Phobos grinned" Pretty flowers for an even prettier flower i assume" Saria flushed and stuttered slightly" Oh.. oh i would-wouldn't say that.."

Ross was begining to feel left out and ignored and he didn't like the fact this Eros fellow was starting to flirt with Saria and what was worse Saria looked like she was enjoying it. Phobos grinned and looked into her eyes" My name is Eros dear.. it means Desire.." His eyes slightly glowed a light pink as he stared in to Saria's eyes. Saria started to blush but once his eyes flashed her mind and snapped like a twig and she lost all thought of Ross even being near her. Ross noticed the flicker and felt sparks coming out of his cheeks" Hey what did you do to her..-he-hey im talking to you." Ross attempted to use hidden power but Phobos quickly senced it and his tail grew a neon green as he hit Ross hard sending him flying into a near by tree with a hard smack. Saria was too deep into his attraction to take notice of his attack. Phobos smirked and looked back" Well my dear why don't we go for a walk and you can show me around.. hmm..?" Saria nodded" Of course Eros.. i'd love too.." They soon left the area leaving a very upset and injured Ross behind.

Ross was discovered by Scratch and Sibelius and grew abit worried of there friend. Scratch gently poked him" Ross are you okay..?" Sibelious flew up" I'll go get Jenna im sure she will be able to help." Sibelius flew off towards the ranch. Scratch thought for a moment" Maybe an Oran Berry will help you feel better.." Scratch ran off into the bushes before he came back with an oran berry" Go on here Ross eat it please.." He frowned noticing Ross could barely move let alone eat the berry when he heard Sibelius coming back with Jenna. Jenna ran over and kneeled down infront of him" Ross what happened buddy.." Ross tried to speak but the pain in his stomach was making it hard for him.

Jenna brought Ross back to the hut and patched up his wound giving him an oran berry to help him. Ross was soon back outside and was greeted by an angry Napoleon and a somewhat sad Vincent. Ross looked over at Napoleon" Whats wrong nap-" Napoleon glared at him" You want to know whats wrong that sneaky little serpent hit on my girl thats whats wrong.." He growled feeling his tails swish in anger" I Dont know what got into her but it was like i wasn't even there anymore.." Vicent looked at him" That happened with me too.. i was trying to impress Veruka with my psychic move but that snake thing came in and i don't know what happened but it was like he possed her." Ross frowned" Same thing happened to me with Saria.." They soon herd a flaping noise before looking up and spotting Matthew landing down next to them.

Matthew sighed" could you men be anymore oblivious.." Napoleon glared" Don't get me angry im already tick-" Matthew cut him off" Relax Napoleon.. don't you see what is going on.. he knows the move attract and it works on all characters of the opposite sex.. in other words it only works on girls." Napoleon looked down frowning" Well how do we stop that snake thing from hitting on our girls.." Matthew shrugged" I Don't know but-" He haulted and looked at them abit worried" Did you say snake ..what kind of snake boy be clear with me" Ross looked at him" I think Jenna said it was a Serperior.." Matthew looked like he slightly paled at those words before walking over towards Napoleon" Where is your egg.." Napoleon stared at him" Rupert is watching it why's that so important..?" Matthew glared at him" Serperiors enjoy eating other pokemon eggs and if he saw that while hitting on Cotton he will surelly get rid of you and her to try and get to it"

Napoleon's eyes widened" In other words-" Matthew snapped" If you don't get to Rupert you won't have a child is that clear!" Napoleon didn't need to be told twice before running off to go find Rupert. Ross ran inside to fetch someone else that might be able to help, Rupert was busy keeping an eye on the egg. He grinned" hello little one this is your uncle Rupert.." He chuckled" When you hatch maybe you and i can drink some lemonade together" He was about to chuckle when he was cut off" Oh im afraid there won't be a time for that for the egg will never hatch.." Phobos stepped out into the open" My name is Phobos young toad and that egg will have a new home in my stomach" Rupert glared" I Don't think so.." Rupert went to use his Cross chop but was surprised by the snakes speed as his tail grew a bright white and slashed agenst Ruperts chest sending him into the ground.

Phobos smirked" You really didn't think a toad like you had a fight chance did you.." He laughed" how droll of you" Phobos Slithered over to the egg and grinned" This will be even more delicious if you watch boy to know you couldn't help it." Rupert groaned trying to get up and just as Phobos was about to take it he was hit straight across the face by an ice punch. He slid into the earth and growled looking up seeing Napoleon standing there looking furious" That was for trying to eat my kid and also for hitting on my girl!" Phobos smirked and laughed before absorbing light into his skin healing himself up. He grinned" Oh Daddy is here to save the egg.. to bad you have one thing wrong with that.." He lifted himself up and opened his mouth aiming it towards the egg before firing off a large ball of energy. Napoleon jumped infront of it absorbing the impact which made Phobos laugh" I Knew a father could never let his child die now could he..?"

Napoleon got up but the affect of the energy ball was quiet critical. Phobos smirked and slithered back over to the egg using leaf blade to knock Napoleon out of the way" Now daddy watch me eat your precious baby" He smirked and launched at the egg. Napoleon closed his eyes" Im sorry Cotton.." His thoughts were cut short when he heard a gagging noise. He opened his eyes to see Veruka, Cotton, Saria and Vincent standing behind him accept Cotton. She had her fot pressing agenst his throat" No one hurts my friends, my mate or my baby!" Phobos was actually somewhat frightened by the evil look in her eyes. Phobos growled" How in the hell did you manage to break loose of my attraction it was impossible" Veruka huffed" Not impossible.. but you can thank him" Veruka pointed over to Ross who had a red flute in his hand.

Phobos growled" It doesn't matter you can't play that forever i can keep putting them in attractions over and over" Vincent chuckled as did Ross" Nope thanks to Matthew, Scratch and Sebilius we were also able to get a hold of some red yarn.. which makes it impossible for the opposite sex to be affected by attract." Phobos paled and smiled nervously" Well we can put this all behind us right.." Veruka smirked" Nope.." Saria growled" No chance.." Cotton grabbed him by his tail" Not even!" She tossed him into the air and Veruka jumped up hitting him with a powerful flare blitz. Saria used Arial Ace and Cotton used Rain Dance which made Napoleon's speed triple and he got up and ran despite his pain and jumped releasing a full power Ice Punch directly into his stomach knocking the pokemon into the ground hard.

Phobos squirmed and did his best to slitther away but was soon stopped. He looked up to see Jenna, Ina and His master Alec. Alec glared at him" I can't believe you did this again.." He looked over at Jenna and Ina and bowed" Forigve Phobos for this..i didn't raise him well and he became like this because of me.." Jenna stared at him" What do you mean he became like this because of you." Alec sighed" I Gave one of my pokemon more attention then him and he grew jelous..lets just say she wasn't as lucky and neither was her egg." Napoleon pulled Cotton close as she held the egg in her arms feared and somewhat grateful hers didn't end up the same way. Alec sighed" We will leave right away i apologize.." Jenna nodded" Its not alright but maybe you should go.. incase my guys here get to angry.." Alec nodded and returned Phobos to his pokeball and left without another word.

Saria felt bad for Ross and decided to help him out till he got better. Napoleon and Cotton spent the day in there special place wondering what there egg would hatch into. Veruka and Vincent did some training. Matthew decided to keep an eye on Sebilius and Scratch and of course Rupert well he just stayed in his special spot drinking his favorite lemonade.

This is a story based on the Random Doom fan group. Now the story is something like this a Serperior comes to the ranch to be watched for a few days and during those few days he captures all the female's hearts which get most of the men mad. His attract move is how he catches his prey.

He is no ordinary Serperior he is actually a shiny Serperior and his shiny colours make him look more attractive towars the females.

He is known as the snake charmer and loves to play with girls emotions. He is harsh and cruel towards all males though and is abit of a high level and can take about any kind of hits. Anyway the males get fed up and try to fight to bring the girls back to there senses but will they succeed..?

All characters of Random Doom belong to BehindtG

Phobos belongs to me. Phobos means Fear He will also call himself Eros which means Desire.

Know that this Serperior is not well trained does not listen to his master and enjoys eating pokemon eggs. I know im sick and twisted 3: forgive me.