Tales of Atlas: introduction

Story by comradejoe2 on SoFurry

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Tales of Atlas.

Ch. 1 Introductions.

Ah friend, so you want to hear a story do you? Well one particular tale comes to mind now that I think of it. Or rather a series of tales, of intrigue, mystery, swing &

jazz, of a city like no other. I'll tell the tale of Atlas.

Our story begins as most stories do... in the past. Atlas was not always know as Atlas, but rather was known as Crow Harbor once upon a time. Y'see there was

once a mighty empire known as the Voxelian collective, a once grand and mighty allaince of small monarchies and empires. They colonised the island we now know

as Alatia as a shipping port and naval base. As time went by, they grew sick of the tyrannical monarchs that ruled o'er thier small but prosperous island nation in the

middle of the grey sea. Soon those tensions grew so great that they exploded in a violent and bloody 10 year conflict between the mighty Voxellians and the Alatians,

but after fighting a costly war of attrition the once undefeated Voxellians surrendered and returned home. Upon becoming a soveriegn nation they proclaimed Crow

hrbor to be known as Atlas and was to be the capital of thier newfound empire. Eventually they would go on to liberate the entire island chain and unify it under the


Now that's all ancient history, nearly 200 or 300 years old, anyways our story picks up in the present day. Atlas is a very diffrent place now, it's skyline puntuated by

steep spires of concrete, glass, and steel. It's outskirts surrounded by miles of suburbia and then forest. The sky is always buzzing with the constant aerostat traffic

and searchlights guiding them away from the skyscrapers. Soon now I shall tell you the tale of those whole live and prosper in the city pf Atlas. The private eye, trying

to find those who stand on the blurred line of justice. The Airship pilot, who discovers a little too much about what precisely the PIEAR organization is all about, and

it nearly kills her and her crew. The musicians that get caught up in a life of crime and vice. The ingenious and tormented soul of a scientist before his time. And many

more, when tales of Atlas continues in:

The treacherous flight of AS 1221!