Cooper Clan Secrets part 2

Story by Claire Cooper on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 Impossible Relations..

Carmelita and Sly stared at Claire in awe finding it hard to believe that her last name was Cooper. Sly wanted to ask a lot of questions but found he was unable for it would get Carmelita suspicious had he said anything remotely like his old self. Carmelita almost felt like laughing had the situation not been so serious, she frowned as she stood up looking at the young foxcoon" That is impossible... The only Cooper alive is Sly how am I supposed to believe you are a Cooper..?" Claire snorted and shrugged" Believe what you want I'm telling you the truth but you are partly right..." Sly stared at the young foxcoon" What do you mean..?" Claire rubbed the back of her neck gently" Well I'm not related by blood... Per say."

Sly and Carmelita looked at each other briefly before staring back at her" I'm confused..." Sly said as he looked at the young adult in the bed" Well my mother knew your father when he was a-" She was soon cut off by Carmelita's paw covering her mouth" When he was a great cop she meant" Claire glared at her and moved her paw" That's not what I was going to say at all" Carmelita shook her head quickly and moved over towards Sly" I Think her and I should have a talk.. you know how much girls are more comfortable talking to other girls" Sly looked at her slightly unsure but nodded" Um yeah I guess I'll wait out in the waiting room." He said and Carmelita led him out of the room quickly and closed the door behind him looking back at Claire.

Carmelita stood there with her in silence for what felt like hours before Claire finally spoke" So... you've been lying to him about his past eh..?" She asked with a somewhat annoyed tone in her voice. Carmelita frowned" I don't have to explain myself to you" She said glaring at the young foxcoon. Claire smirked" So then you don't mind me telling him that his father was a thief...or maybe his ancestors were thieves.." She snickered" Or better yet tell him you lied to him and that he was one of the greatest thieves of all time" Carmelita's fists tightened" Look you will not tell him anything understood.?" Claire shrugged" I might and I might not." She said glaring back at the Vixen" Why shouldn't I tell him... he has a right to know" Carmelita almost growled in frustration" Because I-.." She sighed" Forget it you would not understand.." She said with a somewhat depressed tone in her voice.

Claire sighed" Fine I won't say nothing to him but you should.. regardless of how you feel" Carmelita snorted" I Don't feel anything for him he is just my partner" She said which only made Claire laugh" Oh yeah if you feel him as just a partner then I must be future pope of Italy" She snorted out still trying to calm her own laughter which only got Carmelita more annoyed. She snorted" Alright kid are you going to explain to me what happened and why you look like someone threw you in a paper shredder" Claire stopped laughing and glared at her" Not sure if I said this but I have my life to value thanks but I'd rather not be a nark or a snitch and get my head blown off my shoulders thanks anyway" She said laying herself back down. Carmelita rubbed her temples" Well I can't leave till I get some information..." Claire thought for a moment" Okay you got my name that's about all you're going to get from me..." She mumbled before covering herself with the hospital sheets.

Carmelita's lips curled into a snarled look before she made her way out of the room and stopped in front of a over confused Sly. Sly frowned" Are you okay Carm..?" He asked with worry in his voice. Carmelita sighed" I can't get her to give me any information..all I got was her name but she wouldn't tell me what happened in risk of herself getting killed.. Which is probably going to happen anyway on the count that she was found badly injured...? It seemed like whoever it was did try to kill her and failed thankfully had we not gotten there in time." She said letting out a frustrated sigh. She then felt a gentle touch on her shoulder and looked back to see Sly staring at her with a small and yet calm smile on his face" Let me try...Okay Carm and I'll do my best to get her to co-operate..?" He said before giving her a small peck on the cheek and going into the room closing the door behind him leaving a dazed and confused Carmelita in the hallway. Sly closed the door behind him and looked over at Claire" We need to talk..." He said giving her a stern look but Claire did not seem at all afraid but slightly shocked.

Sorry for the short chapter folks XD. I would love some reviews people this story hasn't gotten any and it's kind of bumming me out here 3:

I still haven't and probably won't introduce Sly's childhood friend till about the fourth or fifth chapter. If you want to see the bio of my character and his parents look on my profile.