Mystery Savior Ch. 11

Story by Eyulf on SoFurry

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#2 of Mystery Savior

Note: I do not own the group that will be mentioned in this chapter. If I did, I would probably go insane. That, or kill everyone in this group.

There was only one group of people that my mom would want to protect me from that were at my dad's funeral; and they are definitely an enemy that needs to be put in their place. If there was one thing in this world that I would ever allow myself to hate, its people who intentionally try to cause people emotional pain, and these people were experts at doing this.

When I got to school the next day, the school was abuzz with the three letters WBC. "Did you hear that the WBC are coming here?" "What could they possibly want to come here for?" "Do you think anyone will try to hit them? I heard that's their only source of income."

I noticed that a lot of people also seemed to be eying me wearily. Everyone remembered when they had traveled from Kansas to our city when he had come home from Iraq to be buried. They also knew that I was a very intelligent wolf; everyone in my debate class called me "Scalpel," because I was able to take any argument handed to me, and dissect everything wrong with the precision only needed by a surgeon. Add this to the fact that I am gay, and the whole school decided that there was no way that the WBC would go unnoticed.

I didn't pay much attention during class. I was already ahead in most of my class work, and my teachers seemed to know that calling on me today would just waste the time to repeat the question. My main focus was on organizing my thoughts for the inevitable debate about to come. I knew that no matter what, I must not be the one to start it. I must wait for them to make the first strike.

The school day went by unbelievably fast. Before I knew it, I was in my last class, debate. The classroom had a window that looked right onto the front of the school. I could see them marching over from across the street; the Westburro Baptist Church.

The Westburro Baptist Church got its name from the fact that all of the members of the church are asses, both in form and attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if they are where the term "stubborn as a mule" comes from. Unfortunately, that isn't their worst trait. They are the people who go around America picketing funerals with signs such as "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," and "God Hates Fags." Despite the fact that these people believe that they are actually Christians, anyone you ask will tell you that it's a cult that tries to make people hit them just so they can sue them. This is why the whole school knew the inevitability of an argument.

When the final bell rang that signified the end of the day, everyone paused for a moment to glance at me. Then, everyone ran out the door as if the school was on fire. I, on the other hand, took my time picking up all of my belongings. I knew that even if it did start before I got there, the majority of the people would be there solely to hear me argue. Even thought the majority of the school ignores me because I am gay, they at least know of my debating skills, which is why only one person in the entire school has gotten into a debate with me on LGBT rights. The poor person was the debate teacher at the time, and I was just visiting the high school in eighth grade. If I remember correctly, he quit a few days after my class had gone to the high school.

Before I left the room, my current debate teacher called my name. "Eyulf."

I looked back at him with a look of curiosity on my face. "Yes sir?"

A smile started creeping across his face, "Try to take it easy on them."

I smiled back. "I'll try to."