deyna's loves

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by nightshade

deyna (c) donald moore

(this story takes place a few months after the events of furry inc 3)

Adrian Canidson gripped the head of the otter, grunting. "uhh oh god oh god!" his hips bucked and he came, filling the mouth of Deyna, his mate and lover. "nuhhrghh." he groaned as a tongue licked and slurped up his cum, as he lay his wolf head back against the bed. the dark brown furred face of his beloved lifted up, licking his white dripping chops, as he grinned. "mmmm, just the cream i like in the morning." Adrian panted. "youre gonna knock em dead at the audition." the otter grinned nervously. "i'm so glad you set me up for that." Adrian murred. "you said you wanted to get into adult films, and i used to know Sabrina." as Deyna stood up and brushed his teeth, Adrian grinned, admiring the sleek lines of his mate of a year. from a chance meeting at a gay furry club, theyd fallen in love and been very happy together. Adrian was a silverfurred wolf with dyed blue stripe markings, and Deyna a very handsome otter, who'd lost a fiance before they'd met. they had helped each other, Adrian with his loneliness and Deyna with his loss. they had talked about children, but had agreed they'd wait a bit before they considered adoption. as he stretched and pulled on a housecoat, Adrian felt the idea for a story bubbling up in his mind. he was an amatuer novelist and his love always inspired him. Deyna came out of the bedroom fully dressed and they held each other and kissed deeply. "mmm i love you puppy." Deyna moaned and Adrian held him tightly. "and i love you otterboy."

he sat, a bit nervously before the desk. Sabrina the vixen smiled with practiced ease, having encountered many of his kind before. "and how is Adrian these days?" the otter smiled. "he mentions you sometimes. he says you were the best female he ever had." the vixen giggled. 'he always was a sweet talker." she leant forward. "Joyce says you passed your medical test, so how would you like to proceed?" the otter gulped. "ummm, he said i could show what i had first." she smiled. "of course." she stood and had him follow her to an empty room. "i promise i won't bite," she smiled then giggled. "much."

she panted hard, her ass pulsing round his buried shaft. "ohhh mmm that was something." he churred softly, kissing her cheek from the back. "youre welcome." she murred softly. "and Adrian has you every night? what a lucky wolf."

no sooner was the door to their home closed, than Deyna threw himself into Adrian's arms, kissing him hungrily. "oh wolf, i need you." he panted, tugging at the wolfs clothes. Adrian was suprised at first, but helped eagerly. in moments they were both nude, the otter bent over the bed, his tail high. the wolf panted, his shaft dripping pre as he slowly pressed his shaft into his mates tight asshole. "uhhhh oh fuck." Deyna panted, gripping the sheets. the wolf pushed deeply, huffing in his mates ear, gasping at how good it felt. "Deyna, uhhh love you nnhhhh." he sped up and soon they were rocking back and forth hard, the otter clawing at the sheets, their bodies dripping sweat. "FUUHHCKK!!" the otter screamed as he came, his cock shooting thickly over the bed. "LOVE YOUU!" the wolf howled as his shaft surged a load into his lover.

"nghh huh huh...oh gods." Adrian moaned as he sank down onto Deyna's back. "youre so hot tonight." he moaned. Deyna shivered. "i wanted to measure up to Sabrina." he teased and Adrian laughed. his cock slowly deflating in his mates asshole, he held him close, nuzzling and murring.

the next day. Deyna strode with a more casual air along the corridors, knocking as he entered a studio. Angel the skunk, Alex the bear, and Tad the grey wolf were there. they smiled and waved, the light glinting off Alex's wedding band and Angel giggling, one paw on the slight slope of her pregnant tummy. Deyna smiled, having seen her husband Roger watching from the observation area.

"ohh hughhh oh god oh god." Angel moaned as Deyna slurped at her cunny, his paws roaming over the gentle curve of her pregnancy. she rolled her head side to side and keened as she came, her tummy rippling. Tad grinned, his shaft throbbing, and moved up behind the otter, slowly pushing his wolfhood into the otters tailhole. Deyna groaned and licked faster, causing the skunk to gasp and shudder, her hips moving at the even better sensations. off to the side, the bear rumbled, slowly stroking his sizeable shaft. Tad pushed deep and fast and Deyna barked as he came, his cream spattering the bed. the wolf yipped and howled as he poured his load into the tightening asshole and Angel shrieked at the incredible pleasure of the otter crying out into her twat. they shuddered and panted, but eventually separated, kissing and murring. Deyna looked to Alex, and then at his raging hardness. "lick that up." he commanded and Alex winked "yes master." and went over to the bed, bending over as he lapped up the otters spilled cream. although having been freed by his now-wife Sabrina, Alex still enjoyed doing scenes as a submissive. when Deyna saw the bears ass raised up, he quickly regained his stiffness and with a groan buried himself in the bears ass. Alex grunted and moaned and pushed back into the thrusts as the otter fucked his ass firmly. he lapped up the last of the cum and gripped the sheets, huffing at the pleasure of the shaft plunging into him over and over. when Deyna shoved in deep and filled his bowels, Alex groaned and came, a large load shooting in thick ropes over the sheets. they slowed to a halt and Deyna chirped and murred. "now mm you'll have to ohhh clean that up too." he chuckled and the others laughed as well, Alex's chest rumbling with a deep chuckle.

as he showered off, Deyna thought about Angels pregnancy and felt a twinge deep inside. he smiled as he imagined himself and Adrian with a baby, and wasnt paying attention when he put his clothes back on and walked into the corridor. he collided with someone and went down, oofing. "oh im terribly sorry." a female voice said, helping him up. he looked into the eyes of a stunningly gorgeous otteress. "that's..okay." he said, feeling his sheath stir. "i'm Kersha." she said offering a paw. he took it and felt an electric thrill. "i'm Deyna." she gathered up her papers and smiled. "what a coincidence, we're doing a scene together." she giggled. "i see youre already all set too." he looked down and chuckled, his cock poking from out of his housecoat. "no sense in wasting time then." paw in paw, they walked into the studio.

she stripped off her clothes, nude with a star shaped patch of white fur on her belly. he ogled her and she smiled. the room was a pool, and she sat on the waters edge, her feet in the warm water. "action.' came the command and he walked over to her also unclothed. "hi there." he churred and she looked up and smiled. "why hello handsome. come to take a swim?" he smiled and his cock stirred. "if you dont mind the company." she giggled and opened her thighs slightly. "not at all." he dove into the pool and swam underwater, surfacing between her thighs, splashing her. she eeked and giggled. "youve got me all wet." he grinned. 'better dry you off then." he began to lick her dry and she moaned as he lapped up the water on her tummy and upper thighs. "mmmmm, oh oOOOHH!!" her eyes opened wide and she gasped as he licked her cunny lips. "nnnhh, mmmm."she moaned and stroked his sleek headfur as he lapped at her sweet treasures. he sped up and soon she was leaning her head back, gasping loudly then screaming as she came, her juices covering his muzzle and whiskers. he moved up and kissed her deeply, rubbing her nipples as he pushed his raging cook deeply into her cunny. she keened into the kiss and soon the room was full of soft cries and the splashing of water as he made love to her on the pools edge. her webbed fingers gripped his shoulders and he barked loudly as her cries met his, his cock surging a load into her cumming twat.

she clutched his shoulders, panting hard as she shivered and groaned."ohh oh fuck youre amazing." she gasped as his shaft slowly shrank deep in her cunny. he moaned and kissed her deeply as he stroked her sleek fur. "mm so are you. my mate would love to meet you i bet. "she giggled softly. "and i'd like to meet her." he smiled. "him." she blinked then smiled. 'indeed, now i'm very interested."

"nice to meet you Kersha." Adrian said as they shook paws firmly. "please come in." she entered and Adrian gave Deyna a hug when he came in after her. He leaned his muzzle closer to Deyna's ear and whispered, "You didn't mention how beautiful she is." Deyna nibbled at Adrian's shoulder, which he knew turned him on. "I wanted to gauge your reaction." He looked down to the bulge in the wolf's pants. "I see you like her." Adrian kissed Deyna lightly. "No fair." The otter shrugged, his eyes glinting, and walked to the living room with Kersha. He sat in his arm-chair and motioned Kersha onto the love-seat. His eyes wandered over her beautiful body. "My dear, your body is the very image of a goddess. you must work out." She looked at her legs and waist. "A little jogging and yoga." She gazed longingly at the hard, sculpted muscle of Deyna's slender-but-muscular body. "You work out too i see." He smiled and flexed his bicep. "Always. I get most of my exercise at the dojo." She tilted her head slightly. "What's a dojo?" Before Deyna could answer, Adrian came in with diet sodas saying, "Don't ask. He'll give you the thirty minute martial arts lecture." Deyna stuck his tongue out and Adrian smiled. "It's basically a gym where they practice martial arts. Deyna is an assistant instructor at the dojo downtown. You've probably seen it, it's next to Maria Gonzalez, the furstylist." Kersha giggled lightly. "So that's how you got into that tricky position." Deyna laughed. "I'm made of rubber. I can stretch and contort my body easily. Just ask Adrian about what we do on Thursday nights." Adrian blushed lightly and handed Kersha a diet cola.

The night went on with many laughs and stories. then Kersha hit a nerve without even knowing it. She saw the picture of Matt, Deyna's dead lover. "Wow! Who's that cute raccoon?" Deyna's smile faltered. "Uh, that's Matt." "Is he available for a girlfriend or is he gay?" Deyna's eyes filled with tears. He got up and ran to the bedroom. Kersha looked to Adrian with a confused look. "Did I say something wrong?" Adrian pointed to the picture. "When Deyna was younger, he was Matt's lover. They were inseperable. He said that they planned on being mates and losing their virginity to each other." He rubbed his eyes, trying to hide his tears. Kersha gazed at the bedroom door. "What happened? Where is Matt?" Adrian looked into Kersha's eyes. "He's dead. Matt died from gang cross-fire. He and D. were walking in downtown Cincinnati, Deyna's home city. there were two cars loaded with teenagers. They were shooting at each other for some stupid reason. Then Matt took a stray to the chest. He died in the hospital not two days later." Kersha felt tears well up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She got up and walked to the bedroom.

When she opened the door, she saw Deyna sitting on the bed, his face buried in his paws. "Deyna?" He lifted his head, his facial fur damp from hot tears. "Deyna, I'm sorry. I didn't know about, y'know." She sat next to him and hugged him. She wiped tears that were flowing down her cheeks. "Please forgive me. I feel so terrible." He turned to her, then squeezed her paw. "It's okay, Kersha. It's still a delicate subject for me." He kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry that i scared you like that." Kersha looked into Deyna's emerald green eyes. There, she saw a strange light. Like a small fire of passion. She could still see the broken teenager, one who was heartbroken and grief-stricken. In that split-second, she fell in love with him. She moved her muzzle closer to Deyna's and kissed him lightly. Deyna kissed her back slowly, then faster. His paw moved up her thigh and hers moved to his washboard stomach. "Am I interrupting?" The two otters started and turned to the door. Adrian leaned against the doorframe with a wide smile across his muzzle. Deyna immediatly recognized the smile and kissed Kersha again, licking at her teeth. he reached under her shirt and squeezed her firm breasts. Adrian pulled off his shirt and pants and moved to the bed, his tail wagging merrily.

Kersha moaned as her skirt went up and Adrians shaft sank into her depths. she moved down Deyna's pants and took his rapidly swelling member into her mouth. they rocked together slowly, the otter panting as she slurped at his shaft, the wolf yipping softly at how tight her cunny was. Deyna growled and churred at her skillful licking and soon he was arching his hips up, his ballsack tensing. she pumped at his cock with her paw and pushed back into Adrian as he fucked her firmly, howling as he came into her twat. she screamed around her mouthful and that was enough to set off Deyna, barking as he shot his cream into the eager mouth of the otteress. they settled to the bed, gasping for breath.

"i now pronounce you husbands and wife." the minister murred. "you may kiss the bride." the two males lifted her veil together and Kersha sighed blissfully as they both kissed her deeply.

Deyna sighed deeply as he looked in at the daycare center, watching Angel play with her infant son Harvey. Kersha came up behind him putting her arms round his waist. "what is it hon?" she looked over his shoulder at the scene. "ohh i see." she nodded and licked his neck. "mm that feels nice." he said, turning to face her. she grinned. "you wait till tonight. Adrian and i will show you something really nice."

as they lay entwined, their bodies covered in sweat and fluids, Deyna and Adrian gripped paws, Kersha sandwhiched between them, the otter in her twat, the wolf in her ass. "dearest, i want children." Adrian smiled and licked his lips. "so do i my love." they looked to the panting otteress. and she smiled radiantly. "of course i will my darlings." she slipped free of them and lay spreadeagled on the bed, grinning sexily. "lets make a baby boys."

they stood beside her bed, gripping her paws as she huffed and grunted. "UNHHGHHH!" she groaned and screamed as her huge belly rippled and heaved. at last, the room was filled with the loud wails of a newborn. "its a girl!" Joyce murred as she held up the squalling infant for them all to see. she was a perfect otteress, the image of her mother, and the fathers kissed Kersha, then each other as she was laid in her mothers arms and nursed. "i love you Adrian." he murred "i love you Deyna." the otter churred and the otteress sighed happily. "i love you both. let's name her Perrin."

the end

authors note* this was a response to the very sweet fanfic i recieved 'first encounter, final search', found here on yiffstar under donald moore. he was a great help in the writing and i am indebted to him for the assistance with the meeting between Kersha and Adrian. as for the story itself, this was a marvelous opportunity to show some of the aftermath of furry inc 3, most notably Angel's pregnancy, and to revisit my favorite place and characters.