Furries University Chatper 2: Company (V.2)

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#3 of Furries University

Furries University

Chapter 2: Company

(September, 7th, 2019 A.D.- Thursday 12:00pm)

The van came to a park in the parking lot, The dorm buildings directly in front of them appeared to be four brick towers ascending into the clouds. Many furs were moving Boxes, Furniture and many other things through the interior of the building. A stair case seemed to snake up from level to level. The entire place was fluttering with people screaming, happily as they greet friends. Adrian jumped a bit when the van met such an abrupt park in its spot and Phillip hopped from the driver seat down to the asphalt and crossed in front of the van whiping his brow slowly with his arm. Adrian squirmed his way out of the tall seat down to the black road as he leaned back a bit to look up the massive monolith before him.

The heat around the campus was sweltering and the asphalt Adrian was standing on felt like lava beneath his paws. He quickly began to step from it into the beautiful green grass which as so well trimmed. He admired the beauty of the landscape of the place. Flowers surrounded each dorm buidling consuming their base as they wrapped around the bottoms. Trees dotted the entire area, off to the right he could see the big building which was the univeristy itself, the glass shined and shimmered int he distance, the sterile white walls screaming colleggiate brilliance.

"Is that Jay?!" Phillip gasped beside Adrian, who quickly shot his glance to where Phillip was looking to see the Black wolf he was asking about. As he looked over to him his maw went agape. He recognized the facial structure, however, the man he was looking at was built like a brick wall, and his black hair was pushed back. Adrian squirmed a bit at this, grasping for his tail as he pondered over whether the resemblance was just some random chance.

"Hey guys!" The wolf waved and came jogging towards them, leaving the two boys even more agape as they saw there once rather round friend chiseled into a stone giant.

"No no no no" muttered Phillip "I'm dreaming".

Adrian's maw was still agape as he looked over to the sloth, who pulled a pair of reading glasses from his cargo shorts and fixed them on his nose blinked quickly and then grunted.

"I can't believe it".

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, standing before them in a black tanktop and blue jeans crossing his arms. He stood just about at height with Phillip whose gaze was still confused as they stared to him.

"You're not fat..." Adrian stated bluntly.

Jay seemed to back up, blink, and his facial expression morphed into a frown at the statement as he mustered a whimper.

"I-I lost weight since high school, and it's been three years...My god, did everyone think I was gonna be fat forever?" Jay growled loudly "That's not fair".

"Kinda is" Retorted phillip crossing his arms.

"You were rather big..." Adrian said qieutly shifting his feet paws, trying not to bore through the wolf with his eyes.

"Okay, well since you guys are assholes, I'm gonna say forget you" The wolf harumphed and turned around to walk away.

"Wait!" Adrian shouted grasping at the tip of the wolf's messy tail, and jerking it lightly. Jay turned to see the fox coming up and offering a hug.

"I'm sorry" Adrian said serenly "It's just been awhile".

"It's okay" Jay gave a light hug to Adrian "So! Lemme show you around! I'm a junior, so I know everything, even where to get beer! Hot babes! Great spots to see girls undressing! I even know the school."

Adrian snickered at the complement, smirking and shrugging.

"Okay" The fox said shifting a bit. The sloth beside him shrugged, breathed on his glasses, rubbed them over his shirt, and then placed them once agian on his nose.

"Nope...still there." he muttered to himself.


Jay was a bad guide for the two new students. Most of their tour being a figure eight around the dorm buildings while he explained how he was the ultimate party man on campus and his club had everything and they should join it. The two rolled their eyes as they followed him and sighed happily as they finally made their way to the University. As they did Adrian couldn't help but wink at a couple of the more attractive passing fellow studdents, his hips shaking from side to side as he walked opposite to him. The stares made him feel good; made him feel attractive. He brushed over his tail as they finally entered the building, it had large revolving doors which made it feel more bussiness like than a school.

When they entered they were greeted by a comforting breeze of air conditioned environs and mostly barren halls. Out in the distance of the halls he could see two short white cats with black hair talking back and forth and as Adrian stared curiously at them his concentration was broke when a tall tabi stepped infront of them.

"Who are you trying to corrupt now Mister StoneWater" came the voice from the teacher fixing the round spectacles on his nose.

"These are my Freshmen Friends" Jay said waving to the authoritorian Feline who had stood before them "What are you doing here professor Jefferies?"

"Mister is fine" Jefferies said waving his paw "And I'm preparing the new teachers for Students, we have two new Professors. Miss Rikios and Miss Reinhardt, both of them very well certified and actually graduates of this College. So either of you have Cultural studies?"

"Both of us" Phillip laughed "My name is Phillip Jarauss".

"And I'm Adrian Dhalia" the Fox said shyly to the professor.

"New Female professors? I should introduce myself." Jay smirked. No one seemed to pay mind to the statement as they continued conversing with each other.

"So both of you from Virginia?" Jefferies questioned.

"Yeah, we both are from the city actually" Adrian Answered smiling.

"Well that's great! Are you staying on Campus or just coming to get yourselves accomadated?" The cat inquired.

"Adrian and I will be sharing a two person dorm actually" Phillip stated.

"Oh? Well please, accomadate yourselves with the college, and many of the professors are readying themselves in their classrooms, so you can not go inside of them. You can go to the Cafeteria, Fitness rooms, and around the halls at your will, however.".

"Well thank you very much" Adrian said nodding his head and smiling to the man. Mr. Jefferies waved, turned and walked off softly, the halls echoing the foot steps of his expensive shoes as he made his way into a room very close to where they were.

"-and bend em' over their desks pushin' deep in poundin' as hard as can be" Jay seemed to have been talking to himself the entire time. He stopped at the end of his sentence and looked over to Adrian and phillip grinning as if he had said something witty. The sloth and fox were lost so they just smiled awkwardly, and began to walk down the halls.

"Hey!" Jay grunted "Where ya' goin?"

"I wanna check this fitness room out" Phillip stated waving to Jay "Stay here if you want".

"Wha-!? But I'm your guide!"

"It's okies, you're a lone wolf anyways" Joked Adrian, patting Jay's shoulder and then walking just behind philip.

"So...what're you two coming to study?" Jay asked curiously.

"Amerigain History Major, and Minoring in Anthropological studies" Phillip stated "Anthropologists are in high demand and finding someone truly interested in learning it is hard since most people believe it's Mythos".

"Majoring in Writing, and Minoring in Psychology. What do you mean think it's Mythos? Are you saying humans are real?" Adrian squirmed at the thought of smoothed skinned war mongering peoples.

"I didn't say it" Phillip said raising his paws up and shrugging "it's a scientific fact that we Furs were not the first inhabitants of htis world, and I don't just mean the feral Ancestor's".

"Ya'll gonna ask what I'm studying?" Jay asked hopefully.

"Sure" Adrian said shifting his head a bit "Why not?"

"....You're mean to me, and we just met after three years..." Jay whined.

"Awfully whiny for a wolf" Adrian muttered.

"Awfully bitchy for a boy" Jay growled.

"I know" Giggled Adrian and then he smiled "So tell me...what's your Major".

"Majoring in General Furry studies!"

"That's not a Major" Phillip coughed.

"What do you mean?" Jay grunted.

"He Means, that you take General Fur studies when you haven't picked a Major..." Adrian whispered into the wolf's ear.

"S...so there's...nothing special about it?"

"'Fraid not" Phillip laughed.

The crew came to a set of double doors and went to push at it, but as they grew close the right side closest to adrian came open. Adrian became petrified and his big blue eyes grow large as he stared at what appeared. From the door was created a stunning pearly white wolf, glowing green eyes and long black hair stretching down to the mid of his back. He was wearing a black T-shirt, and ripped Blue jeans, fingerless gloves over his fingers and a chain wrapped around his left paw. Adrian's lips parted as he let out a single soft breath. The emerging wolf's eyes seemed to make the same exact expression.

After a moment he pulled Adrian close into his chest, his eyes seeming to water as he held him close and then his deep voice let out one single thing as he clutched the fox close to his body, and fox's own paws wrapped around him his blue eyes closing as he felt his apprehension's fade away.
