Cafe Enigma 0: Prologue

Story by Loki Aesir on SoFurry

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#1 of Cafe Enigma

Café Enigma: Prologue

Nexia, a human city built upon a spatial paradox. It is this metropolis where the fabric of reality is so thin that it has turned into a hub between parallel dimensions containing creatures of fable. Five portals located along the inner portions of the city connect Earth to these mythological realms, each designated a color to represent the universe on the other side. Despite decades of research, it is yet unknown why beings not native to the human realm grow weak when venturing outside of the imaginary circle located along the five-mile radius from the center of the city. If the outsider remains outside of the perimeter for an extended period of time or travel a significant distance from Nexia, death is a very real and almost certain possibility. Common belief is that this is proof that an individual's lifeforce is directly tied to their homeworld, which is supported by the fact that supernatural abilities are significantly limited in the human realm. By travelling further away from the gate, the tie to their homeworld is too feeble for them to even sustain their vital functions.

In the northern most portion of the city is the White Gate district. This gate connects to a world of celestial entities typically benevolent in nature such as cherubs and angels who have converted their portion of the city into a economic and spiritual paradise. To the southeast is the Purple Gate district largely populated by the Fae; a myriad of mystical creatures who typically delight in a wide array of sensual pleasures. It is no surprise that the area immediately around their gateway has become world renowned for its entertainment in the form of shows, concerts, and nightclubs. Travelling south from the Purple district will bring you into the portion of the city dedicated to the Black Gate. This is where some semblance of law and order is upheld by demon-controlled cartels. One must be extremely careful when venturing into this part of town; here the black market is so vast that it would be far more convenient to list what one would not be able to obtain. Though there is the very real chance that if one is not careful when making a deal that they will become merchandise themselves. West from that location is the Red Gate district, inhabited by creatures who are notorious for their nightlife. Or in some cases unlife. Vampires, ghouls, and other such predatory supernatural beings have established their portion of the city with a reputation that makes Las Vegas seem like Disneyland. Unlike that of their neighboring district, the Red Gate district follows the law until it is superseded by personal consent. This is where an individual may go to satisfy their deepest and darkest of vices without worry of being judged. Gambling, prostitution, and much more amoral activities take place here or once can simply go to enjoy the infamous BDSM clubs that has given the district its notoriety. Finally to the north is the Green Gate district. Here is where more natural beings such as weres, drakes, and much more have carved out a living. Of all five districts, this one has most readily adapted itself into human civilization. Much of this portion of the city has been devoted to Nexia Extra-Dimensional University and closely resembles that of a typical college campus save for the fact that humanity is not the only race that is enrolled.

It was at NEDU that scientists and scholars successfully combined human and were DNA making anthros and nekos a reality. It is their human genes that allowed them to venture past the city limits without risk of dying; it is their supernatural genes that makes them a commodity. Initially they were created, bred, and sold as status pets for the wealthy, which was the source for much controversy. After decades of protest groups, legal suits, and political activism it was finally concluded beyond doubt that both anthros and nekos possessed intelligent thought more on par with humans that with domesticated animals. However, given the fact that their birth was a result of an individual purchasing their creation, they would serve as indentured servants until their debt was paid off. Between the strict laws set in place to ensure the system wasn't taken advantage of and the tendency for owners to either lose interest in their 'pets' or desire them to live their own life once they grow older, a compromise was reached.

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Nestled in the corner of a shopping plaza in the Green Gate district is a modestly sized nook with the title "Café Enigma" above the entrance. Once you step through those glass doors, you become immersed in the casual music that fills the room decorated in warm neutral colors with brighter furniture that catches the eye. Tall windows cause the seating area to glow with indirect sunlight that bathes the environment with its warmth. One-half is dedicated to booths and high tables where patrons may spread out with paperwork, laptops, or meals while they talk softly to one another. The other half is littered with large comfortable chairs and small end tables around a free-standing fireplace.

This seating area cradles a long granite countertop with a wood paneled base stained in a rich deep cherry. One side holds a glass display case showing off a myriad of pastries and sandwiches that are carefully presented to entice one's appetite. The rest is a long surface lined with a wide array of appliances to suite just about any type of drink that could be ordered. Even more appliances lined the counter against the back wall while including space for a prep area. Hanging against the wall are large boards that list several house specialty coffee, tea, and smoothie drinks. In a small alcove amongst the appliances once can typically find the cafe's owner, a canine anthro named Fenris Wolfe leaning on the smooth countertop patiently waiting for the next customer to place an order. Although he stood with the posture of a normal human, it was entirely obvious that his origins were that of an Alaskan Malamute with his broad chest, sable fur, pointed ears, and plumed tail. A broad swath of pure white fur spanned from his pelvis all the way to his face, save for the sable widow's peak advancing between his deep hazel eyes.

Just about everything one would expect from a successful café in Nexia. At least so it seems to the average customer.

Café Enigma lives up to its name by having an entirely different menu that remains unlisted and unadvertised; the items of which can only be ordered whenever they are done so with the proper phrases. These key words are not displayed openly and are only passed on by word of mouth among select circles. If the consumer gets the order wrong, Fen would just give them a confused glance and direct them to the menu on the wall. If they get it right, they will be able to order a wide assortment of enhancements to their chosen beverages. These additives come in many forms ranging from aphrodisiacs and entactogens to barbiturates and mild hallucinogens. By using these passwords, these 'preferred customers' may also request a key to access the backroom, dubbed The Enigma, while they enjoy their orders. This portion of the café is entirely soundproof and hidden from the view of the general consumers. And for good reason. It is here that the customers who elected to partake of the special additives could do so without worry of making a scene in public. In fact, it was here where they could enjoy the company of other patrons in a more intimately naughty manner.

Upon first entering the hidden area, they walk into a large lounge decorated in passionate colors that vary from one portion of the room to another. There are four sections are framed by elegant draperies that are usually tied to the frame that supports them, but can be undone to provide a little more privacy. There is an aisle between the front wall and the first line of 'rooms' about ten foot in width. To one side is an eight-person hot tub that is open to any who wish to partake of the hot waters. Towels are provided and handy. Along the aisle leading to the hot tub is a small shower and changing room for people who wish to utilize them. At the end of the other side of the room is countertop that strongly resembles the one in the public portion of the café. This difference is that this one serves exclusively to the 'preferred customers'. Here, the customer may speak openly to the server about what sort of additives they are looking for without having to use cryptic phrasing. It is also a full-service bar where people may order alcoholic beverages should they so desire. Along the way, there are two unisex restrooms exclusive to 'preferred customers'. This particular bar was typically operated by Ahnissa, who is renown within The Enigma for her alluring gaze and stunning beauty. She was a longtime friend of Fen's, their history dating back to their freshman year at NEDU before he had opened the bar. She was entirely human, and a stunning example at that. She had smooth rolling curves, deep forest green eyes, and long auburn locks that made her quite popular among honored clientele.

The first section of the curtained areas, named the Red Room, is decorated with large velvet slipper styled couches of vibrant reds and blacks. This space appealed to those who sought more heated and passionate encounters. Next to that is the Naughty Notions section that is comprised of black leather settee couches arranged around a sturdy coffee table that contains a wide selection of toys and bindings that can connect to several locations around the area. It goes without saying that this portion caters to the more adventurous clients. Across the aisle are two more sections to provide other, more sublime settings. The first is the Elation Escape, adorned in calming blues and greens with plenty of suede lawson couches and chairs. In the center is an ornate four-hose hookah. It is the ideal location for people to just lay back and relax while enjoying their order amongst company. Lastly is the Pleasant Paradise ornamented in brilliant whites and gold. In this portion there are only two chippendale sofas of silk upholstery. Most of this space is comprised of a massive mattress recessed to be level with the floor; on which are dozens of blankets and pillows that vary in texture and size to encourage people to mingle with one another.

In there, the 'preferred customers' are able to thoroughly enjoy one another's company free from society standards. There are only a few rules that preferred customers must follow to retain their privileges.

1) Do not speak openly about The Enigma or the secret menu. Due to the nature of the room, the place is exclusive to trusted customers only and should remain out of the public eye.

2) Be respectful to fellow 'preferred customers'. Reports of abuse will likely lead to being banned from Café Enigma as a whole. Species and origin carries no significance in The Enigma; everybody is equal once you pass through the locked door.

3) Be respectful to the shop. Any damage done will come out of your own pocket.

4) When in the public portion of Café Enigma, you are to be incognito with the rest of the customers. Especially revealing or suggestive attire will draw too much attention and might cause rumors to spread about the café. We do not want to advertise the shop's ulterior purpose. If you want to wear such clothing, please put on an inconspicuous layer over top that can be removed once in the Enigma.

5) Partake of additives responsibly. Fen reserves the right to refuse service and revoke 'preferred customer' privileges for any cause he deems reasonable.

6) Keys to The Enigma are not to leave Café Enigma. They can be obtained from the person who is taking the orders in the front room and must be returned to the bar within The Enigma.