In the Beginning (TwV Mythology)

Story by ClawsofSlash on SoFurry

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In the beginning there were three pure aspects, each without motion, and each with absolute power. They are known now as Space, Time, and Ether. As there was nothing but void, all was still, all was pure, and all was perfect.

As Time advanced and grew, Ether developed the first emotion to be birthed. It was known as Loneliness.

Loneliness, being the first emotion to exist, became so powerful, even the pure aspects began to feel Loneliness. As Ether felt this emotion, it gave way to child emotions, Sadness and Longing.

Sadness and Longing ate away at Ether and Time, and the two longed for Space to create bodies for them, to allow them to interact. Sadness and Longing were passed on to Space by Time and Ether, and so Space created the first ever bodies. Lord Space, Lord Time, and Mistress Ether came into existence within nothing.

Their bodies were not grand, but they fulfilled their need, and the second parent emotion was born; Love. Love amongst friends and one another gave way to many child emotions, such as Happiness and Enjoyment. Between the three of them, Friendship was born.

As Time grew further, another emotion was born from Ether. This emotion was known as Boredom. Ether became bored of the emptiness, and wanted more friends. So thus, the Adventurous Spirit was born from Boredom with a touch of Longing.

Lord Space was willing to give Mistress Ether this wish, and used the Adventurous Spirit to create the first life. This life was known as Virden, and Virden was charged with the creation of life and worlds to the whims of Mistress Ether.

Virden obeyed, and created the first world for Mistress Ether. A vast world, filled with many different forms of plants and animals, all created to the whims of Virden and Mistress Ether. Ether was very pleased, and began to spend all of her time on this world, asking Space to make new forms for her almost every day. Ether, in many forms, found a lover amongst all the beings on the world, and didn't return to the other two for many years at a time.

Time grew older, and began to bear fruit to a new emotion. This emotion was known as Rage. Rage gave birth to Jealousy, and gave it to Love. Rage also gave Loneliness Regret, and gave birth to the Murderous Spirit.

Time felt jealous of the world Ether came to love, and used the Murderous Spirit to create another powerful life. This one was known as Rezzix, and this being was charged with regulating the life on this world... by feeding them Rage, and taking away their power of life.

Cataclysms rocked the world that Virden had made, and as a spirit born before Rage, Virden had no means of combating Rezzix. The world, across decades of punishment, was ripped apart, and Mistress Ether returned to the emptiness to confront Lord Time.

The confrontation between Mistress Ether and Lord Time lasted eons. For countless worlds they argued. Virden bore more than five-hundred more worlds, and Rezzix continued to destroy them. Both spirits became more and more experienced in their deeds.

Space finally stopped the confrontation by proposing a pact between the three of them. They were to fight never again, and to ensure there would be no more boredom; Space would create three different beings to replace the first two. These three beings would maintain the worlds, life, creation, and the development. Lord Space, Lord Time, and Mistress Ether would then take a back seat, and merely enjoy the life surrounding them, keeping their existence pure.

The others agreed, and Lord Space set about his task. Virden, and Rezzix were torn apart, and returned to their original spirits. With the power of the spirits, he merged them and all of the emotions born from Ether into one massive life-force. This force of energy was known as Vir'Zixl, and it was charged with keeping the universe intact within its great body.

Lord Space then took a piece of himself, and a piece of Mistress Ether, and created another powerful force. This formless life-force was known as Creator, and was charged with the creation of worlds, life, and dimensions within the massive body Vir'Zixl.

Lord Space finally took a piece of himself, and a piece of Lord Time, and created one last powerful force. This being was charged with keeping Vir'Zixl from abusing its power, and was named Uriani the Jailor.

Creator made itself known before The Three, and named itself Xeno the Stranger. As its first task, it created a room within the emptiness that existed outside of Vir'Zixl, and within this room it gave The Three their own table and chairs, and called this place The Vortex. This act of kindness pleased The Three, and so they sat and watched Xeno as it set about on the charge they gave it.

The first dimension was then born within the body of Vir'Zixl. Xeno created stars, and circling around the stars created rocks. The being filled the dimension, playing with the shapes and sizes of the rocks, and making exciting patterns with the stars, and changing the rotation these rocks had around the stars... but something was missing. It was supposed to have created life, but thousands of years had passed and it had been playing around. Lord Space came before Xeno and demanded life be created, as Mistress Ether was feeling bored.

Xeno did not want to create life in the first dimension, as it had worked so hard to make such fun patterns, and so it used the power of Ether within it to create a second dimension within the same space. Vir'Zixl's body still held the first dimension, but Xeno now sat in a new and blank second dimension, and was happy.

The first few stars were then created, and around them the first few worlds. These worlds were created to bear fruit to themselves. Starting off as mere rocks, Xeno had given them the spark to grow up. The Three watched with interest, as bubbling volcanoes burst from the water of the surface, and created solid land upon the worlds. It was a novel enjoyment. Xeno then gave the worlds life, but the life started too small, and The Three were impatient, so Xeno created small animals, and created ancient bipedal beings that had sentience, and self-awareness. These beings were created perfect to the plan; they did not age, and did not get disease. They were beautiful, and very intelligent, and each held a spark of the world itself.

Mistress Ether was pleased, and went to mingle with the beings of the world. She found that with Xeno's plan, they grew in a manner where they learned and created their own advancements, rather than be given them. They even knew of the deities, and treated Mistress Ether as a goddess wherever she went, and things continued well enough.

However, a flaw became apparent in Xeno's plan. The world became too full of the ancient ones, as they did not die, and he had to find a way to fix it in a way that Mistress Ether would not become angry. So, some of the ancient ones became corrupted. Their skin grew pale, and their eyes became red, and they gained the claws and powers of destruction. They were blessed with these gifts to do one thing; to cull the others and bring death to the populace of a perfect world.

Wars began to break out, and the world became less overpopulated. However, the land which was left without the ancient ones was scorched and ruined by the technology and magic that the dark ones had made.

Much to Xeno's enthrallment however, Mistress Ether was enjoying this. She began to see it as a sort of game of good vs. evil, but Xeno knew it had to be set better so everything did not die off in the end. So, one final sentient being was added to the world. These beings had wings to let them fly, and hideous faces with iron skin to ward off the assault of the dark ones. These beings were charged with replenishing the scorched sections of the world, and let them bear fruits once again.

During the endless wars of the ancient ones vs. the dark ones, Lord Time took physical form and joined the dark ones, playing Mistress Ether in her game. Lord Space took a form amongst the rebirthers, and watched the fights from afar.

Xeno was glad it could please The Three, but there was a need for worlds which would not need to be so closely maintained. So thus, Xeno started the third dimension, and created stars and world with new species. These species, while sentient, were based off of the animals that were placed in the first world. They aged, died, struggled, and had many fights amongst one another, but still they grew. Xeno knew that it had found what it wanted with this species, and expanded the universe of the third dimension, and even went on to expand the fourth dimension.

During this time, the ancient ones of the second dimension had expanded their fights into the entire universe. Colonizing new worlds and creating vast empires which continued to fight. The rebirthers stole the home world from the others, and colony ships had reached out across the span of Vir'Zixl's body to keep the life of their species going and growing.

Vir'Zixl however, felt it needed to be a part of the worlds. It was being worshipped as "the body," and the worship was giving it power through the ether. It promised its followers power, and for that power it turned to the corruption that Xeno created for the dark ones. Vir'Zixl took the essence of this power, and while unable to use it on the ancient ones, it twisted the power, and turned it on the animals that Xeno had brought into sentience. This power became known as the King's Plague, which gave those infected great power. However, it also made them twisted, corrupted, and had affects on them that nobody had before understood. The stench of death and decay, and exposed body parts were a sign of the King's Plague, as the disease itself kept the recipients at a perfect balance between life and death, never fully dead nor dying, but never truly alive. These new beings were known as a part of Chaos, and so Vir'Zixl earned the title of "Chaos God."

Uriani caught wind of Vir'Zixl's actions, and in a furious swirl of energy, Uriani created the enemy of the Chaos, the Fey. The Fey were given the power to remove the chaos, and turn beings back to their normal form. Each with a spark of Uriani's power, they usually carried out their task. However, the power and the beings sometimes did not agree, as the Fey became more and more mischievous, Uriani turned to Xeno.

Xeno gave right to Uriani for elimination as it went on to create new worlds for the fifth dimension. The new dimension was creating itself in a manner that Xeno had planned originally. However, instead of allowing the begins to evolve into animal-like sentience, he removed the aspect of the beast from the species in its infancy, and created a species that could not be tainted by the King's Plague. Thus, Humans were born.

Uriani decided elimination was too much for so many lives, and instead used some of the power Lord Space had bestowed to create a new species by combining the Fey and the Humans. These sparks mixed together created the Elves. This species was charged with protecting the world from chaos, and eliminating the chaos beings, rather than curing them. Elves, like Fey, were given the spark of variance, and were able to blend themselves to their environment. This created many different types of elves.

Vir'Zixl, sensing the spark of variance, tried to taint them with the King's Plague, but had no success. Instead, it tried once again to learn the full corruption from the ancient ones and push it upon the elves. This power corrupted many groups of elves, and turned their eyes red, and poured the power of destruction into them, but with the power of destruction, they lost many of their fey powers. Vir'Zixl then charged them with eliminating all of the other elves.

Wars broke out immediately between the two, and Uriani finally had enough. A confrontation occurred between Uriani and Vir'Zixl which to them lasted years, but to the world lasted a mere second. Vir'Zixl's powers were chained together, and Xeno created a world for his physical form. This form was encased within a mountain born of Uriani's power, and Vir'Zixl was sealed in to captivity, making him unable to influence the world as much as it once could.

The dark elves, defeated and shunned by the rest, retreated in to the dark, where the power of variance turned their skin dark as the shadows they lived amongst, and their hair white as the bleached bones they collected. They tried to seek power in Vir'Zixl, but found none, instead finding that in the darkness a deity rested in the shadows, silently feeding off the powers of death and growing more powerful with every passing moment. Sandro welcomed the dark elves to his sanctuary, and happily marked them his first followers.

Lord Time, Lord Space, and Ether Mistress became bored of the universe they were in, and returned to The Vortex where they summoned Xeno. Xeno came before them and reported that there were three new dimensions for them to enjoy. The Three explored the third and fourth dimensions, and found nothing but turmoil. Wars were everywhere, and they questioned the life forms on these worlds, but none of them even knew of The Three. The Third dimension had no belief but in Uriani and Vir'Zixl, the Jailor and the Corruptor. The Fourth dimension knew of four. Xeno, the Light of Life. Uriani, the Protector. Vir'Zixl, the Curruptor. Sandro, the Lifetaker.

The Three then confronted Xeno about Sandro. Xeno did not know of Sandro, as he was not born of Xeno's power. They then asked Uriani. Uriani did not know of Sandro, as she assumed dead souls merely returned to the stream in Vir'Zixl. They then confronted Vir'Zixl. The powerful beast bellowed with laughter as it said; "Sandro was not born, he created himself by the power of the dead, and the desperation of the living!"

The Three found Sandro, who dwelled in the darkness and consumed the souls of the dead from all of the dimensions. Sandro's power was fueled by the ether of the souls that survived as the spark in every living being. Lord Space decided Sandro was another regulatory being that they had not counted on needing in the beginning, and they decided to keep him. Xeno was then to create another place for Sandro outside of Vir'Zixl's body that only the dead could travel to.

Sandro was then cast into the darkness of the new realm, and was given free reign to shape and twist the realm as he saw fit. Thus, the first Plane of Existence, the Plane of Death, was created.

From there, Xeno left a spark within the beings of sentience which would allow them to, through the power of worship, create their own deities. The worship which these beings gave would give a link to their souls and would feed the deity their excess energy from their soul, a power that always replenished.

Thus, from this source, many deities were born, and the more prominent of deities would be allowed to requisition their own planes of existence through the power of Xeno. Thus, the ancient deities of true creation would slowly be forgotten within the sentient beings' own fairy tales. This alleviated the pressure of The Three, and also relieved Xeno and Uriani, as without too much worship, Vir'Zixl would stay shackled within the Mountain of Uriani.

Sandro found it routine after many centuries to allow a lesser deity of death to earn its power, and then as its followers inevitably died off, Sandro too would consume the deity, and earn all of their power.

During all of this, however, dimension the second had expanded so much that the ancient ones had learned how to travel through Xeno's dimensions. This of course, would not sit well, as Xeno was reaching 800 dimensions by this time. Xeno decided it was time to eliminate them, once and for all, but did not want to take the hatred on for itself. So, it invested its power into the shell of one single dark one.

The dark one did not need technology to destroy the worlds, and did its deed with surprising speed, and accuracy. The worlds were quickly being eliminated. Very few of the ancient ones escaped to other dimensions, as only the rebirthers were left untouched on their own world, already stopped breeding and continued maintaining the world quite dutifully.

The dark one then fell into the shadows, disappearing just before Xeno was going to remove the spark. So, in the darkness it remains, the Forgotten One.

Vir'Zixl: "No god shall hold power against one who is blessed by me."

Uriani: "Destroy taint immediately and without question."

Xeno: "Some say they have seen it all, but I'd actually be telling the truth. I'm more a monster than they think."

Sandro: "Death is the final absolution..."