My Journey Through High School: Chapter 21: 21 Candles

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#23 of My Journey Through High School


-USA Today

St. George, Utah. At approximately 8:45 AM, Pine View High School became the ground zero of the worst high school shooting in American history since the Columbine High School shooting of 1999. In the end, 21 people were killed, 16 students, 2 Faculty, and the 3 shooters themselves. 37 more students and teachers were injured altogether. The perpetrators of the crime were confirmed by police following further investigation to be the local street gang The Blue Bandannas. Further details of their involvement have yet to be released, but according to a police statement, the motive for the shooting seems to be centered on homophobia. We shall keep you updated with further details as the investigation continues...


-Washington Post

Following the events of what is now being known as the Pine View Massacre has brought international awareness of the subject, as if the world stood still to lay witness in this small Southwestern town. Over the past week, more information rising from the investigation paint a deeper picture than one would think of a standard shooting. According to the recently new police chief, he painted a picture of "conspiracy, hatred and homophobia. This gang had a strict agenda behind the shooting." According to investigators after interviews with several surviving students, Jeremy Ordan, the head of the Blue Bandanna gang behind the shooting, stated that he had a pure hatred for homosexuals, and after learning about the population of openly gay students attending the school decided to attack. Also announced was evidence that suggested that the group also favored targeting a couple specific students, although names have not been released. It also remains unclear how many of the students killed were actually openly gay...


-The Spectrum

St. George, Utah. Two weeks following the deadly shooting at Pine View High School, massive citywide protests have brought about Federal investigation and a new reform program for the local police department. Controversy arose from the school when hundreds of people attributed the high fatality of the incident to the Police Department's slow reaction.

"They pledged to protect and serve when they received the badge," cried out Melody Megami, mother to her son Yashono "Jason" Megami who attended the school, "when they failed to respond fast enough, they failed that oath. We want answers, and a solution to make sure nothing like this ever happens again."

Investigation later revealed that the police chief of St. George was connected to the gang. Police Chief Argus Ordan was the father of the Blue Bandanna gang leader Jeremy Ordan, and upon conspiracy of aiding his son, has been removed from the force and placed under criminal investigation. Officer Richen has been voted to take his place in wake of the new reform program...


-Salt Lake Tribune

The Utah senator signed a law today allowing funding for a brand new state gang prevention program to begin immediately. "Following the tragic shooting that occurred three weeks ago, it's high time that this state addressed such issues" states the senator at an interview. This new program will allow police to seriously crack down on suspected gang members and gang related activity. This program will require suspected gang members to eliminate contact with any friends and families for as long as the law sees fit, amongst other heavy changes. Many Utah residents voted in support of the bill, reining a 56 % majority. Some Utah residents are opposed to the bill, citing that limiting gang members rights to assembly is unconstitutional...


-Kansas Weekly

Topeka, Kansas. The Westboro Baptist Church made a statement following the Pine View High School shooting in St. George, Utah yesterday stating that homosexuals are to blame for the deaths of the students of the school, and accused Pine View of being a "fag school." The church also further pushes this blame on a particular homosexual student of the school.

A police report from the town revealed that the gang responsible for the shooting specifically targeted two students, but the primary target was one Ryan Lewis, age 15. Reasons for the exclusivity are unknown, but the WBC has released statements supporting the actions of the Blue Bandanna Gang. Shirley Phelps-Roper referred to the gang as "Agents of god sent to purify a devil child." There was also a statement released on the website that "Ryan Lewis will burn in hell."

In response to these statements, Ryan refused to say much, but simply said "I'm sorry they feel that way," before saying no more. A wide amount of opposition arose from the church's statement, including TV speakers Bill O' Reilly and Nancy Grace, both of whom donated to the relief efforts of the school and the family of the victims. Ryan Lewis has recently joined his local LGBT rights movement following the incident, and speaks actively for the group. In response, Fred Phelps Sr. the head of the church stated possible plans to picket at the school in St. George and at City hall should Ryan Lewis plan to speak.

"The city of St. George needs to know the truth of the corruption in the city," said Phelps, "if Lewis does plan to speak publicly about the issue we'll probably be there to picket him as per our first amendment rights."


-Dixie Weekly

It's been six weeks since the tragic events of Pine View High School, and the city of St. George is in a state of turmoil. With the reform of the police department, and new state laws coming into play, the citizens of the city have started dividing themselves on the subject. When light of the homophobic motive for the shooting was known, the LGBT community set up a new organization with themselves and a large group of more liberal straight citizens to become known as the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). On Friday, the group held their first gay rights protest at the front of city hall, calling for more active legislation for the rights and protection of the LGBT citizens. One of the lead speakers at the protest is 15 year old Ryan Lewis, who with his current boyfriend Morrell Monteque were the main targets of the school shooting. Lewis claimed that "it's high time everyone became aware of the struggle we're going through. We are perfectly normal being just like everyone of you, and we know the rights we deserve." The more republican conservative citizens of the town, which currently outweigh the group oppose most of the group's agenda. While they agree that crime needs to be dealt with severely for the town, they stand by the opinions of homosexuals as before and remain adamant at their refusal for homosexual rights, especially for issues such as gay marriage. The mayor has said that he will consider the issues at hand, but has not made any statements about specific decisions at this time...


It's been seven weeks since the incident at Pine View High School, and it still rests heavy on my heart. The media and the news have forever edged this dark part of my life as the Pine View Massacre. I've been keeping track of all the various coverage of the shooting by keeping newspaper and magazine articles on a new bulletin board I hung up on the wall by my desk. I've also kept various documentary footage and news media coverage as well, hidden amongst the other tapes on my video shelf, all as a reminder of a time when I saw the best and worst in humanity. The news also covered stories about me, sizing me up as either the cause of the sole survivor of the incident. What they fail to understand, however, is that in all of the events that happened everyone was involved. My friends, my classmates, my lover, we all nearly lost everything at that time. My heart was heavy throughout the weeks, mourning the lives of those who were lost, but at the same time, I couldn't help but be thankful that my friends did manage to survive the incident.

The school itself has also changed dramatically, not just in the rules and regulations, but also in the overall tone of the school. The amount of prejudice and bullying has dropped dramatically, by nearly 94 %. While we still were mourning, everyone was getting along great, and through it all I could see a small glimmer of hope for the school. During these last few weeks I met up with some gay rights sympathizers and became part of what's known now as the Gay Straight Alliance. Now at least once a week after school, me and a few of our group join them in various activities and protests.

Tomorrow was the last day of school, and boy all of us were looking forward to the vacation. I headed over to Morrell's house quickly with my unopened report card in hand. All of us agreed to meet up in his basement for one last hang out before the end of the year, and just like December, we decided to open and share our grades then as well as our plans for the vacation, and even quite possibly the future. When I got there and downstairs finally, the group was there to greet me, except for a specific few.

"Where are the Lucian brothers?" I asked them.

"They're at the movies," Jason replied, "they'll be here in a little while."

"They'll catch up," Altoryu stated, "so Ryan, is all of us sitting in a circle like this ripped off of That 70's Show or something?"

"Yeah," Morrell answered for me while chuckling, "he just can't get enough of that show."

"Shut up," I said blushing, sitting down next to him, "ok, so who should start first?" I looked around the group as Nokemy raised his hand.

"I'll start us off," said the monkey as he opened his envelope and gazed at the contents, "two As, a B+, Three Bs, and a C+. That math class was quite the pain if you ask me."

"Don't worry about it," Morrell said, "I bet that's still better than what I got. Adair?" We moved on counter clockwise through the circle, starting with the white ferret next.

"Ok then," he replied, "6 As, and an A-. Hey, I did better than last quarter."

"Lucky," Dustin said as he opened up his note, "4 Bs, 1 B+, and 2 B-."

"At least B doesn't stand for bad," I said, "but hey that's still great."

"My turn I guess," Altoryu said as we moved on, "1 A, 3 A-, 2 Bs, and 1 C. Didn't we have the same math class together Nokemy?"

"Yeah," the monkey replied, "I bet the teacher had a thing against us, but oh well."

"Here I go then," Jake said chuckling, "and I bet I didn't get anything under an A-."

"I'll take that bet," Morrell said, "for every grade you do get, you have to take my vibrator on high setting for an hour."

"Fine," he shrugged and opened up the letter. I don't know what made him so calm, that vibrator is kind of big. But when he actually looked at the contents he hesitate for a little bit.

"Well?" The orca chided.

"Well," the dolphin sighed, "3 B+, 1 C, 1 C-, 1 D, and an F."

"Oh yeah, score, seven hours tonight with me," the orca chuckled.

"What subject if I may ask?" I asked him.

"English," he replied and whined a little, "oh man, now not only am I stuck with a horny orca tonight, but I have to go to summer school now."

"Well it won't be that bad," Jason said to him with a hug.

"And why is that?" Asked Jake.

"Well, I will be doing some volunteer tutoring for the summer classes, it looks good on my resume. Maybe we can do some studying of our own." The dolphin chuckled and smiled.

"Well I guess that's ok then," the gave a kiss and the rest of us made awe noises at them to tease. After the laughter the dolphin asked the fox, "so what grades did you get."

"Well let's see. I got 2 As, 2 A-, 2 B+, and 1 B."

"Lucky," Jake stated, "what about you Alduin?" The blue cat in question opened his letter up and read through it quickly.

"Straight A-," he answered, "well it looks like I'm all set for graduation now."

"I bet it must be nice getting out of high school while the rest of us have a ways to go," Dustin stated.

"Well I don't know about that," said Alduin, "but I do know that I've crossed at least one milestone in my life. So, Morrell?" The orca in question opened up his envelope and carefully read through his grades.

"Let's see now," he said, "1 A, 2 A-, 1 B+, 1 B-, and 2 Cs. Hey, you see Nokie, you did do better than me."

"Well look at it this way," I said, "you don't have to go to summer school at least. Sorry Jake."

"No offense taken," he said, "now the two lovebirds will have time together." He teased us a little by making some kissy faces at us. I simply rolled my eyes in response.

"So Ryan," Morrell began, "show us your straight As already."

"Who said I had straight As?" I asked as I slowly opened it up.

"Oh like Mr. Chessmaster here would get anything other than that."

"That doesn't prove anything," I scowled and looked at my grades. When I saw them the words 'oh crap' formed in my mind.

"Well Ryan?"

"Well what?"

"Come on Ryan shows us the magic," Morrell said reaching for my letter.

"Uh uh," I whined and pulled the paper to my chest. The orca chuckled and pounced me to the ground, trying to wrestle the letter out of my hand.

"Give it to me," he said.

"Stop you're going to rip the paper," I shouted.

"Don't make me get the tickle monster out."

"NOO!" I shouted, "anything but that. No." Morrell then started to do what I really hated getting, and that was tickling. I started to cringe, trying to fight off his invading hands while trying not to laugh.

"Haha ow, haha... stop... heehee it. I hate you... ahaha ow stop it please FINE!!" I shouted and tossed the paper just so he would stop. It really did start to hurt really quickly.

"Woohoo," the orca shouted grabbing the paper, "works everytime. Let's see now... Yeah just as I thought, straight As. Guess Ry ry just doesn't want to brag."

"Give me that you jerk," I said standing upright and snatching the paper and folding it up. The orca chuckled and gave me a hug.

"You know I'm only teasing right?"

"Yeah well," I began, "I really do hate that. And you know what? I wouldn't have gotten that A in gym if you didn't help me."

"What's a boyfriend for?" he chuckled and we sat back down. "But in all seriousness, now that school is about to end, we really should go out and try something we've never done before." The room remained silent in thought for a few moments.

"Or we could just do this like we normally do," Adair stated.

"Yeah sounds good to me," Morrell replied, "but in reality, what should we all do with the upcoming summer, any major plans?"

"Well I know I'll be practicing chess for the first month," I replied, "there's a big national championship in Las Vegas in the middle of June and I want to be ready for it. The grand prize is 100,000 dollars."

"A hundred grand?" Jason asked, "I wonder how many crack donuts you could buy with that kind of cash."

"Shut up," I shook my head, "but in all seriousness, I do hope I win, that will pay my way through college easily. But I guess after that, I don't have any real plans."

"Well I know I'll be hanging around here, lazy, lonely, feasting on Pizza, playing video games, and staying up late to watch R and X rated films. Being a teenager is fun wouldn't you say?"

"Well I guess I could join you for that after the tournament is done," I said, "that way you won't get bored."

"Definitely," the orca chuckled, "so what about you Nokemy?"

"Well, I'll probably be drawing, maybe I'll go to a community art class," Nokemy replied, "but, oh yeah, I plan to go to a nearby Anime convention this July, maybe they'll let me do an art panel, that'll be fun."

"What about you Adair?" I asked curiously.

"Well," he began, "I know I'll have to work with my dad every now and then at the auto shop, but nothing much after that. Maybe I'll go to that convention with Nokemy."

"Hey the more the merrier," the monkey said.

"Well we all know what Jake and Jason will be doing this semester so we can skip over them," Altoryu chuckled, "but in all honesty, I don't know what I'll be doing, perhaps I'll go hang out over at the concert space and listen to music. Hey, I wonder if I can get a job there next year."

"That would rock if you did," I replied and looked over at Dustin, "what about you?"

"Well," the other human started, "I can't really say for sure, but I would like to hang out every now and then. Perhaps Alduin might want to hang out with me?" He looked over at the cat, who remained silent this entire conversation.

"Alduin?" I asked. He sighed and looked down a bit.

"Sorry guys," he said, "I'm afraid I won't be hanging out here after this."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"Well," the cat replied, "I'm afraid once I graduate, I'll be moving away." The rest of us were silent for a moment when the news came in.

"Moving?" I asked, "where?" Then I remembered where he had come from before. "oh."

"Yeah," he said, "I'm not a US citizen like Altoryu became. I'm a foreign exchange student, and once I graduate, my student visa expires. I'm going to have to return to my home country of New Zealand." Everyone seemed to understand, but that did bring the mood back down again. Our group had really formed and come a long way together, and now he was leaving, another from our midst, just as Ryan Godsey and the Sunrise brothers did over the last break. But unlike that time I wasn't ready to just let him leave my life.

"Well look at it this way," I said, "just because we're hours away from each other after this doesn't mean we still can't contact each other and stay friends right?"

"That's true," Alduin stated, "we all have our messenger accounts and stuff right?"

"That's right," Nokemy said, "so even when any of us are far away, we'll always be together, friends until the very end."

"That's right, so let's not be sad about his soon departure," Morrell said, "let's go to his graduation and cheer him on." All of us agreed. It will be quite sad that he won't be hanging around us in the flesh anymore, but that doesn't mean we can't just stop talking to him entirely.

"But you got to imagine how far we must have come to get to this point," I said, "Alduin's departure is making me think back on all the events that happened this year, each of us had our own sets of problems and struggles to overcome, a lot has happened."

"A lot has changed too," Jake stated, "the whole school changed dramatically ever since the shooting, it's almost like a whole new school."

"The changes have only started," I pointed out, "after the principal died, vice principal Mees took over, and he told me that we won't recognize the school after this summer ends."

"You'll have to let me know how it turns out," Alduin said, "and not just the school, the whole town is shaken by this. Even the country and beyond that have caught attention of this mess."

"And with the documentary speaking of Ryan's name specifically," Morrell said, "he's got a bit of unfortunate spotlight now."

"Well that's not the big issue in my opinion," I said, "so much was connected to the shooting. Jeremy, Bones, and Rodney were all killed in the bedlam, and Jeremy's father purposely delayed the police's arrival, and even helped limit police activity at Dixie downs."

"How did he do that?" Dustin asked.

"Jeremy's father was the chief of police," I answered, "when he realized what his son was doing, he tried to help in a way that wouldn't tarnish his image. Now he's facing possible jail time."

"Well no wonder nothing got done when the gang came to town," Nokemy said, "all this because of one psycho maniac."

"Well," Adair began, "it wasn't just one psycho maniac. Bones was off his hinges too if I recall. And then there was Gloria."

"Whatever happened to Gloria anyway?" Altoryu asked, "ever since the incident with her at Ryan and Morrell's hotel room no one's hardly caught site of her."

"After Mariella and I found her at their room the wolf took her away somewhere," Alduin began, "last I heard from them Gloria was attending therapy with Mariella, and getting the help that I think she needs."

"Well good riddance in my opinion," Morrell stated, "maybe she'll finally learn to leave us alone."

"I do feel bad for her though," I said, "she just didn't understand before about us, it was a psychological problem that she couldn't comprehend. In a way it's not entirely her fault she acted this way, but in another sense, I don't know if I'm ready to forgive her yet for nearly killing us. What I do know is that she'll get the help she needs to make her first step, so hopefully things will turn out for the better."

"I guess so," Morrell said, "I can only wonder, but at least I know that I still have you." He leaned down at me and kissed my cheek, which made me blush a bit. Before I could return it however, the back door burst open, and the Lucian brothers ran in quickly, their breath heavy.

"Hey... guys... we..." Canad began through his huffing.

"Take a minute to catch your breath and tell us," Jake said, "is something wrong?" They slowly got their breath and their composure before joining us at the circle.

"We just saw something at the theatre that is going to blow your freakin' minds," Equinox began.

"Well go ahead and tell us what it is," I said.

"It really will freak you out," Canad added.

"So spill it already," Dustin said, and Blaze after being all giddy shouted it out.

"Gloria is a Lesbian!!" The whole room went completely silent. I was so shocked that I fell out of my seat when he said those words. There was no way that could be true.

"WWHHHAAATTTT?!?!?!?!" We all finally shouted, the only ones who didn't were the brothers themselves. I stumbled back into my seat sloppily.

"No way," Nokemy said, "you're pulling our leg."

"It's true," Snow said calmly with a smile, "we all saw it. Gloria and Mariella were sitting six rows above us, and the second the trailer began, they were making out like the couple on screen."

"That's crazy," Morrell said, "the girl who hounded me the entire year, nearly broke me and Ryan up, then tried to kill us more than once is now swinging the other way?"

"Looks like more than a few changes occurred with her," I said, "but guys, are you sure it was really them?" Canad then pulled out his cell phone, pressed a few buttons and handed it to me.

"Does this answer your question?" I took a look at the picture closely.

"Oh my god," I started, "it is them." Sure enough, there she was, with her friend Mariella, sharing a kiss. I really was blown away by the whole thing, I don't think any surprise like that had ever occurred this year. Morrell then took a look at the picture too.

"Wow," he said, "I wonder what they would look like at fourth base now." I rolled my eyes and smacked him on the back of the head before handing the phone back to Canad. "Ow what was that for?"

"I thought you hated Gloria," I said, "why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well Ryan," he whined, "I never said I didn't hate her anymore, but I've just never seen a lesbian couple in the flesh, call it curiosity."

"Well it's not important anyway," Altoryu said, "what is important now is that she'll now definitely leave you guys alone."

"That's true," Adair added, "besides, perhaps we should change the subject anyway."

"Fair enough," Lucian Canad stated, "so what do you guys want to do? I'm sure there's something around here we could do." We once again thought about the calico's request and I shrugged.

"Want to just hang out here?" I suggested. They thought for a moment and Blaze answered.

"Yeah, sounds good." The phoenix then took a seat next to me and Morrell turned on the TV. As we started watching whatever looked good, I looked around the basement.

"This place is kind of gloomy for a hangout spot."

"Well my dad said no one was using it anymore," Morrell said, "so now I can do pretty much whatever I want with it. I can turn it into our new central hang out hotspot if you want." We all liked the idea and voted unanimously on it. Then Morrell saw something on the TV guide. "Hey, That 70s Show is having a special tonight. What's it about?"

"Oh tomorrow is the premiere of the series Finale," I answered and everyone looked at me, "what?"

"Oh it's nothing in particular," Morrell teased and changed the channel. I just rolled my eyes and sat back down next to him. Despite the teasing we throw around every now and then, it makes me really glad that I have friends like them.


The next day we attended school like normal. The amount of security at the school increased dramatically after the shooting, and we greeted the guard outside like we usually did before walking in. Today actually wasn't a classroom day, this day had a few attractions and was mostly an excuse for people to sign their yearbooks. Morrell and I didn't plan to stay any longer than we had to, but we did anyway, because there was actually a surprising amount of people who wanted us to sign their yearbooks.

When I got mine I circuited over the school, and got my closest friends and teachers to sign them first, before people started swarming to get my signature. My popularity rose after the incident too, and there wasn't a soul in the school that didn't know my name. Most people came to get my signature, with only a select few who didn't think much of me anyway. While I was certainly flattered, I was pretty overwhelmed. When it finally ended in Coach Sundin's room, Morrell came back to greet me.

"Man," he sighed, "the whole school wanted my signature, my hand hurts."

"You're telling me," I said, "but I'll take everyone being nice to me than like at the beginning of the year when they rejected me." I was playing a game with Alduin and Coach as more of our friends piled in. We decided that we were going to go to Alduin's graduation together, and spend the night celebrating our achievements. Before the day ended the last two people of the day came into the room to speak with us.

"Um, Mr. Lewis?" we all turned to see who it was, "Think we can talk a minute?" It was Mariella, the wolf who was friended and now it seemed mated to Gloria. And the bunny in question was standing right next to her, who was looking at her feet, as if intimidated to be here.

"S-sure," I said slowly standing up, "about what if I may ask?" Then Mariella gently prodded Gloria forward a little bit. The others were right, she really has changed. She looked up at me and kind of shook her head a little bit.

"Come on sweety," Mariella said, "it won't take long, and I'll get you some ice cream afterward." The bunny looked at her, and then to me and nodded lightly. Her speech seemed different as well, she was very shy and timid now.

"I-I-I'm sorry... about all of this... Ryan," she began, "I made a horrible mistake and... I hope you can forgive me for everything." I nodded softly, if I was to be the bigger person I need to do just what she did.

"Thank you for your apology Gloria," I started, "while it is still hard for me to get past what happened, I'm willing to move on if you are. So I accept your apology. Thank you too Mariella." I shook the wolf's paw and she returned it.

"It's no problem," she said, "we needed to make closure on this anyway, just as her therapist said." Then Gloria whispered into her ear.

"Hey, can we go now? I don't want to stay any longer." The wolf nodded and turned around.

"She's actually pretty sweet," Mariella mentioned, "and ever since she left the cheerleading squad she's had more time to spend with me." The girls then headed out with the wolf waving back at us a bit. As I watched them leave I got to thinking again about everything that happened. All of this took place over the course of a single school year, and it was only the first year to go. I had three more years of high school before it was all over, and who knows what other kinds of problems we could get into. But I turned to my friends, who resumed their conversation, and I thought, hey there will always be my friends by my side to help me through the best and the worst of it. And it's not like this journey is over by a long shot. My journey through high school has only just begun, and I won't stop until that journey finally ends.

"But hey, that's high school, right?" -Ryan Lewis

End of Book 1...

Special Thanks to the following people:





D Ocelot


Eric and Kimahri


loboron wolfmage

Lucian the Assassin Cat



Res Eden


Scribe the Grey

Sonic Fox

Tiger Dude

Toumal (and Team for making such a wonderful site)



Wolfdemon of Love

All fans of My Journey Through High School and other stories...

All readers of My Journey Through High School and other stories...

If it wasn't for you guys, my writing would never have taken off.


Writer - Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis

Site Admin - Toumal


Ryan Godsey - Tiger Dude

Sunrise - Hinori

Hinori - Hinori

Runo - Hinori

Nokemy Irving - Nokemy

Adair Zephyr - Adair

Lucian Canad - Lucian the Assassin Cat

Lucian Snow - Lucian the Assassin Cat

Lucian Blaze - Lucian the Assassin Cat

Lucian Equinox - Lucian the Assassin Cat

Alduin - TheNovelist

Dustin - Wolfdemon of Love

Warrior Scribe (Guest) - Scribe the Grey

Kevin (Guest) - Boomerthemagnificent

Meeya (Guest, Secret Ending) - Lucian the Assassin Cat

All other Characters made by me: Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis

Secret Ending

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

The story concludes, but it does not mean the end. For life must go on even if the pen does not. And just as Ryan and Morrell found each other, and saw the real feelings of each other doesn't mean a happily ever after, and even still, this story doesn't just tell the tale of the two who can overcome anything. Other stories can be told as well, just like the time a male calico cat found love much the same way. As he walked toward a nearby class, he collides with another unknown individual, both losing their books on the floor. The cat sees who it was and helps her grab her things.

"My apologies," said the cat as he handed her things to her, and he saw her as a young feline, roughly his age.

"Tis alright," she said with a formal tone, "I don't mind. I'm a bit lost you see, seeing as I'm new here."

"I see then," said the cat, "may I ask for your name?" The cat asked as he started to admire her beauty, the feline in question merely stands up and smiles at him.