Story (pilot).txt

Story by Neos8 on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Sup tis is Neos8!

Im new here with a story I jumped into without no planning X3. I just jumped on this site so i can throw some stories in here whenever I do some. On that note Im not good with leaving people in suspense as to what will happen next, but I hope some of you will help me out on the situation. So without further ado here is the story.


[Its the break of dawn......the sun creeps slowly over the mountains and forests of the nearby city named Carison.] This was a Friday morning - the perfect time for the young adult painter, Aaren Dale (age 22), the exact moment the sun was to show its morning colours to the sleeping city. Aaren is a painter who loved nothing more than....just that- painting and a bit of exploring. Though for today he just wanted to paint the sun how he saw it expressed itself. Dipping his brush into a mixture of a golden yellow tone, he began to paint. Dabbing here and a stroke there, he delicately painting his perfect portrait of the sun's radiance and its welcome of tomorrow. [1 hour later] "Just about.................and done!" Aaren said to himself with a gentle smile. The painter got up from the old tree stump and streatched out with a yawn, bones popping from his spine and neck. He looked over his masterpiece making sure he didn't botch up anything. If its one thing that Aaren didn't like was a painting he just finished was messed up by himself or someone else's carelessness. " Not happening today." He said as he carefully picked up his painting and quickly moved it into the small house he lived in on the hillside. Placing the canvas on the display easel by the small fireplace to safetly dry. "Well, now thats done, its time for some food." Aaren said rubbing his slight chubbed stomach. After bringing in his painting tools, he turned on the t.v. and listened to the news while preparing breakfast of steak, eggs, and grits.[Male Reporter: "In other news, a sudden scare has grippped the outer limits of Carison edge. Our female reporter Bianca Monroe has more on the scene-Bianca.] Aaren had turned the t.v. up so he could hear it over the sizzling steak on the stove.[Reporter Bianca] " That's right Kirk. At about 9 am, police got a 911 call about screams heard from this old church house you see behind me. The call came from a young woman from just a few yards down the road. She said. Aaren finished filling his plate of two fist-sized steaks, grits and eggs onto his plate as the female witness was finishing her statement to Bianca.[female witness] " And I heard some kind of growling as if some beast was there. She continued. " At first I thought they men were just drunk until i heard the growl and someone yelled out HELP ME." Aaren listened to the reason statement and shook his head. "Always some stupid ass causing problems." He said while chowing down on the steak. " A little earlier I talked to Police Detective Dansby about what was found at the scene." Bianca said after the interview with the female witness." Well, from what i can see, something definitely happened this morning." Dansby said rubbing his head with a handkerchief." It looks like these men had got into a fight with some animal." He continued. "There had seem to be some kind of scuffle between them and.......whatever it was that attacked them. On that note we found a abandoned truck, illegal merchandise and a busted cage that looks like they were transporting an animal of some sort." "Do you think that it was something in the cage that could have killed these men?" Bianca asked. " Well, judging from the bends and the broken latch, I'm pretty damn sure that whatever these guys were trying to transport it was not happy with them. We managed to get information on the men to find out they were smugglers of a small crime group that we've busted a few hours ago at a warehouse." He said showing the broken cage and acouple of bloody spots on the ground where the men were killed. "Also found a guy hiding in a locker who was working with transporting the package to their location, but he is still in shock from what attacked his pals so it will be a moment before we can get him to talk." Dansby said. Aaren looked amazed at a least someone was at least smart enough to not fight something you couldn't beat. " Thank you Detective Dansby, for your report back to you Kirk." Bianca said before signing off. "Thank you Bianca, as of this time the police advise to be wary if you venture off anywhere at night. Also if you see anything suspicious please call 911. " Kirk said just before Aaren turned the t.v. off. " Well ain't that some shit!" Aaren said cleaning his dishes and sits them in the dish rack. "Well if anything happens while out i'll be sure to keep my weapon handy." He said while looking at his handgun he keep in his backpack when he out at night. You see Carison city was known for criminal activity, but mostly was from thieves looking for an easy pickpocket moment. Some were even raping or gang fighting for drugs so having a gun, a tazer, or even both would be advised. And now since some kind of animal is on the loose in and around the city, its apparent for these weapons. "Or someone sicko's excuse to shoot someone he 'though' was the animal." Aaren huffed as thoughts of idiots causing problems formed in his mind. Aaren was good in hand to hand combat, but only if 1. the person was only caring a knife, or 2......not a huge beast whose prowless was using claws and teeth to fight. As Aaren went through his gun checks and making sure that the gun safety was on, the phone rang. "Hello, Dale residence" Aaren said politely. "Hey man, how's it going!" A masculine/feminine voice asked. " Hey Syrus, nothing much just got through with that painting and was watching the news." Aaren said leaning against the wall. Syrus is an old school friend of Aaren's when they were younger. A malamute of 23 who was great musician in the instruments of violin and piano. He was also a good cook. " Hey are you doing anything now?" Syrus asked." I was hoping we could go and check out the band shop and grab a bite to eat later." "Yeah, thats sounds fine I was going out anyway to do some errands." Aaren said. "Cool! I'll be over in a minute." Syrus said cheerfully." And if you want we can go to "Zen's Place" if you want for some drinks." "Yeah, that sounds good for a Friday night." Aaren said with a sly grin. "Alright I'll see ya in a bit, bye." Aaren hung up the phone and went to his room upstairs to fine some clothes that made him look nice. About 10 mins. later, Aaren heard Syrus's BMW pull up in to the driveway. A slightly buff male malamute with a lightly dusted shade of brown fur. As he walked up to his human friend, he clearly was a foot taller than him. "So ready bud ?" Syrus said giving Aaren a inviting hug. This sent chills down his spine on the count of Syrus was bi and he was gay. Now Aaren is gay not like one of the flamboyant and girly dressed (no offence to any), but he was one that could tell a woman he is gay, and she wouldn't go ape shit over it. When he was little, his parents did get upset over the matter, but not to the fact they would give him up or wish they didn't have him. They, like a few other families (with common sense), took the time to understand and encourage him to live his now current life. He met Syrus while at high school while in art class. Syrus was a teacher's aid, helping with the moving items in and out of the supply closet. When there was a fight with Aaren and a labrador who started to pick with him and Aaren out of instinct punched the dog square in the nose. As the lab's friends held Aaren so the lab could get a few hits on him,he was intervined when Syrus jumped in front of him. The lab got pissed for the malamute not minding his own business and tried attacking the malamute, but got his tail handed to him. After that incident Aaren was not bothered with when Syrus was around him. They became fast friends to the point that Syrus found out about Aaren sexuality. Hell he was the first to give Aaren his first experience of a (muzzle) blowjob. "Yeah I'm ready......i wasn't ready for the hug though." Aaren said blushing. " Well it's been awhile since we hung out together. I thought I'd give you a friendly hug. Anyway I want you to meet my boyfriend Ben. As Syrus pointed to his car a much taller figure walked up to the both of them. As I said Ben ( age: 26) was taller than Aaren and Syrus, he was a horned drake (a dragon-kin with no wings), nicely muscled from head to toe with blue-colored scales covering his body. his eyes were icy blue with slited pupils, and his tail had a small tuft of fur on the tip as that of a lion. He was dress in a black shirt and khaki shorts. He held his clawed hand to Aaren with a innocent smile as any dragon could give to someone."Hello Aaren, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a deep voice that could make even the most lesbian women go straight for him if he desired. Aaren took the handshake feeling Ben's strong grip. This also caused Aaren to get the chills up his spine and as he looked at the dragon, he could only muster up a few words. " S-same here." Syrus looked at Ben with a nudge to his side."Hey, easy there big boy. This is the first time you've met and already you have him stunned." Ben let go of Aaren's hand quickly as he felt the nudge from his boyfriend. "Sorry hun, I couldn't help myself." He chuckled. "Well enough of the formalities, where to first?" the drake asked. "Well let's go to the band store I want to see if they have that new violin design in." Syrus said jumping into the driver seat of his car. "After that, can we go to the art supply store, I need to get some more paint and a brush." Aaren said. fastening his seat belt. "After that it's food then clubbin." Ben said with a toothy grin. " So are you with someone Aaren?" he asked. "No." Aaren said plainly. " Really, a cute guy like yourself is single?" Ben asked with a little bit of curiosity in his voice. "Yep, sucks for me right." He said expecting one of them to say it. " No actually I think its cool, you know, waiting for that person to appear." Ben said looking at his prized lover. "Are you into mostly humans or furs?" "Well, it really wouldn't matter what they were. I'm happy enough if they love me for who I am." Aaren said watching the scenery go by. " I understand what you mean bro." Syrus said." If you are with someone just so they can do things for you is wrong, but if you truly love someone for who they are... that's the one you keep." Syrus looked at Ben for a second and grabbed and held his hand. " Hey don't give up, Aaren, there is someone out there for you." Ben said. Aaren smiled softly." Thanks." [Syrus's car speeds off down the road to downtown Carison city.]

[It's 12:00, Saturday in Carison City. The night life is bustling full of clubs, and late night drinking. As people are having a great time, one soul is lurking under the cover of darkness looking for escape.] As you recall on the news report a beast killed its captors and escaped into the woods. Well that beast was still prowling around Carison City's forest to find someway out of the area since he hid himself safetly from the searching cops that morning.] The shadowy figure lurked quietly but for the wound in his side from one of the human captor's knife was causing him great pain. For someone like him, he should be able to handle such things as a human with a knife. He couldn't stand being used as a plaything for those humans or other species for their underground fighting rings any longer. He was a wolverine, a strong and dangerous animal when pissed off. He stood at about 7 feet with thick matted fur (from water and blood from the current fight he was just in). He couldn't speak much since he was kidnapped and only could grunt or so to show he wanted something. It's been so long since that fateful night when his mother tried desperately to save him and his brother from the group of a shady group of thugs. She fought bravely against four of the men from the group taken them down with ease until a gun shot to the chest stopped her from killing more of the men. He can still remember the horrors he and his brother went through. The pain of being trained to be stronger, brutal, and unforgiving to the people and furs he had to fight........or kill. He wanted to stop, he wanted none of this, but brute force and electric collar from his 'master' kept him and his brother incheck. How he hated he was for the ones that did this to them. His younger brother, who survived most of the intense training had tried to fight against his captors had got shot in the head by the leader of the underground ring committee. At that point when he saw his brother and they tried reached for each other, another shot was put in him to finish him off leaving the other........alone. The wolverine had lost it and tried to fight out of his cell to get to the man with tears in his eyes. What he got was an electric shock from the collar that he forgot he had on. He fell to the floor almost paralysed. He saw the look in his brother's eyes as he reached over to his dead corpse, unable to do anything. Oh how sad to see your brother dead before you. All that abundant energy and anger for a dead sibling. The masked figure continued. If you really want revenge for your brother, then I suggest you wise up and obey. Use that anger, that hatred, and fight for me'll end up like him. The masked man walked out as they took the dead wolverine body. Leaving the other in a cell.........alone. After that there was no simpathy, no remorse, only the need to kill the man that ruined his life. He did not know who was the boss, on the account he was wearing a mask, but for all he knew was that he must fight and win for a chance to kill the masked man, but it seemed as that was a problem of its own. Everytime he won and challenged the man, killing him, he would return alive. He challenged new fighters, made it to the masked champion, and killed the man again and again, but he kept coming back different and much stronger than the last, but with the wolverine in his state was no match. After winning so many fights he was a valuable prize to the leaders, and even for a short time he was even used to murder/assassinate certain people who betraded the 'Big Boss'. For a while he was successful in these killings, but it was the final killing that reminded him of what happened to him. As the wolverine sat down under a huge oak tree, those memories flowed back to him like a waterfall. His mission was to kill one of the executives that defected and took alot of money. For someone that was as big as he was, he could sneak around in the dark without detection. As he infiltrated the home, he found his mark in his study working on the computer. Just before he was about to pounce someone came in and had small talk with the mark. Judging on how they were talking, it was his mate that stayed there. After she walked out and the door was closed, the wolverine made his move. He jumped through the window over the study towards his prey. The man didn't have a chance. As he saw the shattered window and the figure that caused it, he found himself in a choke hold by the wolverine. At that time the wife and her kids heard the noise and she went to investigate. [man gasping for air] " So, they sent you to kill me." the man said with only a snarl from the wolverine to answer his question. " I guess [breathing limited] that this is a fitting death for me." he said only to manage a chuckle before being thrown into the bookshelf on the otherside of the room with a loud crash. The wolverine enjoyed that. He may not be able to kill the main ring leader, but this will have to do until then. The man in pain slowly got up, coughing up blood from the internal trauma, and maybe a broken rib. The wife of the man peaked into the room to her shock her husband was getting beaten by a monster. The wolverine picked the man up and again held him by his neck. The man struggled with whatever strength he had, but to no avail. " You know.... it maybe too late to say this." the man started trying to breath as the wolverine slowly chocked the life from him. " b-b-b-but s-s-sorry f-f.....for ......all of......the pain .........we[gasps for air] did.... to... you... both." He said struggling. As he the wolverine was about to break the man's neck he heard the door open quickly. He turned around and looked at the female who stood there as she saw her husband being chocked to death. The wolverine's grip lighten up just enough to give the man time to scream his final words to her." Get the kids and run!!" he yelled to her. The wolverine looked back at him and chocked the last of his breath out him, ending the man's life. Horrified as her husband dropped to the floor like a rag doll, she saw the wolverine turned his attention to her. As he was forced to obey, he was to kill anyone who witnessed him killing his prey. The woman, still in a bit of shock remembered what her husband told her and ran as the wolverine bounded towards her. She closed the door causing the wolverine to run into it with only his arm busting through the door. As she avoided the full impact of the door slamming, the wolverine managed to wound her arm and ripping of a part of her shirt. Not stopping, not even for a moment, she grabbed the kids that were the their room playing, as the wolverine broke through the door and quickly followed suit. She tried to close the door, but was knocked back by wolverines strength a fell to the floor. She crawled to her children who ran in the corner behind her. The wolverine grabbed her leg pulling her back from the room as the kids started screaming 'momma' to her. She scrambled to grab something as she was being pulled to her imanent death. The woman noticed a bat under the bed and tried getting to it. With all the strength she could muster, she grabbed the wooden bat a got a few hits on the wolverine causing him to let her go. She slowly stood up as the wolverine walked into the room. She saw her children crying, scared to lose their mother, and looked at the beast that wanted them dead. She held the bat up as if to swing for the wolverine's head. The wolverine knowing this dodged the valiant attempt and back slapped the female into the the wall knocking her unconscious. The wolverine was about to finish her off, when the kids ran up and cried to her calling her name. At that moment he stopped and remembered how his mother had risked her life to save him and his brother. Watching the female's cubs cry over her wounded body made him realized that he was becoming like those humans that did this to him. As he heard sirens in the distance, he left the woman and her cubs alone and disappeared into the night. His master, pissed as he didn't killed the wife and kids, punished him to no end. At that moment he was put into a cage and sent to the lab to be a guinea pig for the scientists to do whatever they desired with him until he was at the boss's full control. This now brought him to his current situation. After being smuggled here to this unknown area, he killed his captors a fled. He grimaced at the would that seemed to have gotten worst and now he was weaker than ever before. He slowly got up and carried on to find a place to hide. As he walked into a clearing, the moon lit up the small clearing and on the woundered beast. Looking around him he saw canid-like creatures he did not recognized surround him in this clearing. Judging on how they look they were hungry and the wolverine was seen as their next meal. He didn't have time for this and he was smart enough to know he was too weak and wounded to fight them. He hated running from anything, but this was the only way to survive. One of the creatures lounged at the wolverine hoping to pin him down, but the wolverine grabbed the big dog and chucked him into his pack. It yelped at being thrown, but got up and slowly approached the wolverine again. At that moment he ran into the woods again dodging tress as fast as he could. The dogs were hot on his tail trying to bite at his hind legs. He was not having it and as another tried bitting at his arm he grabbed it in mid jump a slammed it into a tree severely wounding it. It squirmed yelling as the others still gave chase. At the same time, it's about 2:00 am since Aaren, Ben, and Syrus had gone out. They had gotten a few drinks and decided to crash at Aaren's for the rest of the weekend. "Soo...Aaren, that wolf was giving you a look over." Syrus mused." why didn't you want to talk to him?" Aaren looked pissed at him for even thinking about that guy. " I can't stand him." he said angrily. " That was the same wolf who hired people to talk shit about other people's paintings when they were on displays in the art convention last week." Aaren looked at the traffic passing them by. "Really, why would he do that?" Ben asked. " Cause he thinks that humans are not that artistic enough to be in HIS gallery." He said doing quote gestures with his hands." Then after some people believe them and go to something else, he comes to those who were shot down and tries to buy the art after they bashed them saying he'll put in a good word for people to notice them." "Damn, now that's harsh." Syrus said with a whistle. " I'd rather have a hobo steal my art then to let him have it." Aaren said. " Hey hey calm down, it wasn't that bad at the club right?" Ben asked looking at Aaren with those eyes. " You still had fun didn't you?" "Yeah, I did." Aaren said still not use to those eyes of Ben's. " Good, then that's all that matters. Don't let that jerk off give you a bad day, after all, he'll get his soon enough." Ben said his tail rubbing against Aaren's leg causing him to turn away as he blushed. As they were coming to Aaren's house, the wolverine was getting jumped by one of the canid creatures to be forced to fall. He felt the pain of its fangs sink into his shoulder. He tried to grab the dog off of him but was stopped by another grabbing his hand. He was stopped right before getting out of the woods, and these things were getting the best of him. At this point he was getting angry, the pain of losing his mom and brother, being used as a tool, and most of all........he was going to be eaten. If he was going to die, he'll make them work for it. Aaren, Syrus, and Ben were just getting out of the car, when Ben grabbed Syrus's tail and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Aaren, seeing this, just rolled his eyes and went on to unlock the door. As he went in and changed his clothes, the others we getting intimate with one another. Ben had pushed Syrus back onto the hood of his car not, breaking their passionate kiss, and began to grope him gently. Syrus gave small murr to the touch of his lover and kissed them hungrily, wanting him to do more. At that time they were unaware that a wolverine was fighting for his life in the thicket, held down as the rest of the pack of canids were closing in. Now as the adrenaline started to flow into him more, he grabbed the one on his arm and flung him into a tree, breaking the creature's back. As it yelped from the intense pain before dying, Syrus's ears picked up on the sound in the distance and stopped the kissing for the moment. " Did you hear that Ben?" he asked worried." I did. It sounds like someone else is having fun in the woods tonight like we are going to do here." Ben said giving Syrus a long lick against the right side of his neck. [Please note that when having sex with a dragon.......there is no denying him when he his slightly drunk, hyped,horny or both. Though in Ben's case he didn't need any of them, he just like to ignore things when he was doing anything with Syrus.] At that moment Syrus was puddy in Ben's hands forgetting about the sound in woods, and back into the blissful feelings of his lover. He grabbed Ben by the waist and with little effort, he switched places, with Ben on the hood and him keeping him there. This came to a surprise to him since Syrus always liked to bottom, was now in control of the situation at hand. "Then let me take the reigns now" Syrus said with a devilish smile across his muzzle. With that said he began to nip and lick Ben on the neck and making his drake a wonderful experience he'll never forget. Back in the woods behind Syrus, the wolverine stood his ground and fought most of the canids to one. He flexed his claws and waited for them to make the first move. One charged from his right side, going for his arm, when he was quickly knocked back by a powerful back slap by the wolverine. Another came to try and flank him while his attention was on the other, but the wolverine anticipated that and as the canid landed on his back, he quickly grabbed it and flung it to the other one. They both yelped but quickly got up and began circling around him, trying to tire him out. They were buying time and he knew it. So he'll take as many as he could before submitting to the loss of blood from his wounds. He looked behind him and saw some light coming through the forest. A way out and make this somewhat easier as his vision started to blur. Back with the two love makers, Ben heard the sound and opened one eye to see if something was there. All he saw was what the porch light had lit up, the darkened forest, and his love licking him on the neck with his tongue. He was about to close his eye when he saw something flying towards the car. Ben fully grabbed Syrus and threw the both of them out of the way as the thing hit the car's hood. "What the hell was that!" Syrus said getting off of Ben to see what caused the noise. At that time Aaren, who was in the house reading a book at the time heard the crash and looked outside. "Guys are you okay?!" he shouted seeing the dead animal on the hood of the car. "Yeah we're fine, but look at my car!" Syrus said pissed off. "Who the fuck did this, is going to be paying this with his life!" [Also note Syrus has built this car from the junkyard, putting his heart and soul into its creation, as anything else he holds dear to him. If anyone screws with that, they better have a will cause he will not show mercy.] Unfortunately, his was answered when a wounded wolverine came rolling out of the woods with a canid beast fighting him on the ground." What the hell!" Aaren said as he and the others saw what was happening. The rest of the pack saw Ben and Syrus and began to charge at the both of them. Aaren ran in the house to grab his handgun while Ben and Syrus got ready for the assault. " Let's get rid of these and help the guy." Ben said dodging one of the canids. " Gotcha back then!" Syrus said kicking one canid in the muzzle knocking it senseless. As they handled the other three canids, the wolverine quickly grabbed the muzzle in one hand and grabbed the beast's throat and twisted its head until it snapped, killing the animal instantly. He was weak, trying to get up as he saw Ben and Syrus fighting the rest. Why were they helping him? he thought. He had to wait as he tried to get up before someone got hurt because of him. He started to shake and wobble due to blood loss and couldn't move. At that moment another canid slowly sneaked out of forest behind the downed wolverine. It lounged with a roar as he was going for the kill.The wolverine could only look back, as he was still weak from the scuffle with the other one. As the wolverine thought this was it, a gun shot was heard, hitting its mark on the canid. The wolverine shocked to see the canid yelped at being shot and fell short behind the wolverine squirming at the pain it received. The wolverine looked to see who saved his life. His eyes widen when he saw hie rescure was a human- it was Aaren. Aaren shot another round off into the canid that Ben was fighting leaving only the other two alive. As they saw they were out numbered by Aaren and his friends that they quickly turned tail leaving the wounded canid behind. "Glad I made it just in time." Aaren said walking up to the wolverine. " Otherwise, you could have been worst." He kneeled down and held his hand out to the wolverine still shock as to a human had saved his life." You need a hand?" Aaren asked concerned. Oh how the wolverine wanted to rip that hand from him and show he didn't want any of his help. He turned his face ashamed as he couldn't fight himself. He had recovered enough strength and stood up in front of the kneeling human, who was surprised that he was naked. "What's the matter. Can't say thanks for saving your ass?" Syrus asked. The wolverine only cut his eyes at them with a huff. As he walked a few feet before, he noticed that everything was spinning and he collapsed on the soft grass. "Hey!" Aaren yelled out as he ran to the fallen wolverine. " I figured as much, he has lost too much of blood." Ben said looking him over and seeing the wounds. "And since the car is out of commision from the fight we need to treat him now or he'll possibly die." "Well we can't have that. Help me get him into the house so we can patch him up." Aaren said lifting the unconscious wolverine on his back. Ben helped him lift while Syrus ran into the house and prepared a place to clean him. Meanwhile, at a hidden location, a ferret in a suit was walking nervously to a set of big doors. He took raised his hand to the door and knocked weakly. "Come in." said a voice from within. The ferret slowly opened the door and looked around the dark room. As he walked in trying not to stumbled as he saw that the room was decorated in a dark shade of red with golden yellow trim accenting it beautifully. There were also couches on either side that were a creamy white with two chest-sized pillows in the colors of red and gold, mirroring the others on the opposite side of the room for a symmetrical look to the room. As he headed to the desk opposite of him, he noticed not one but two female assistances. One that was a human brunette, and the other was probably a twin except she was a red head. Both of which were doing the computer work for the man in the middle of them who was looking out of the window. "Y-you wanted t-to s-s-see me sir?" The ferret asked stuttering almost every word. "Yes Mr. Moore." The man said still looking outside at the city below." please...take a seat." Moore quietly gulped hard as he sat in the seat in front of him. The human figure turned around and faced nervous Moore. As he came into the light that was over his desk, Moore got a better look at his boss. He was a black male standing at about 6' to 7' in height much taller than the 5' ferret in the chair in front him with a well toned body that was slightly bulging through his charcoal gray-vested pinstripe suit. This make Moore more nervous as this guy could break him in two.......if he wanted to get his hands dirty. "I wanted to ask you as to what happened to my new fighter that was suppose to be delivered this afternoon?" He asked while looking in the mirror to see if anything was on his face. The ferret fumbled through his notes and found the incident report he received from his sources. " T-there was and incident involving the package had killed the men and escaped t-through the woods near C-C-carison city." His voice was lowered as the boss walked up to him with a stern look in his eyes. "I didn't need you to tell me what everyone already knows." the boss said calmly." What I want to know is how...this...happened with the men YOU hired?" He firmly pushed his finger into Moore's chest causing him to shake uncontrollable. At the same time at the Carison 48th Precinct Police Department, Detective Caelan Dansby (age: 28) was now returning from the hospital with the surviver of the incident Friday morning. Heading into the interrogation office, Dansby sat the man down at the table while he sat opposite of him. On the other side of the room was the observation room where Dansby's partner Detective Yakir Tabarez, a white german sheppard (age 30), stood by with Analysis Pam Isner, a young black female (age: 27), were waiting with the brain analysis computer for the interrogation to commence. " Ready when you are Dansby." Tabarez said through the mic to the other room. At that time Dansby poured a glass of water for himself and some for the still shakened up man. "Hello," Dansby started." I'm Detective Caelan Dansby, investigating the incident that happened at around 9 a.m. Friday morning outside of Carison City. Remember me?" The man slowly nodded to the question. "Good." He said looking through the man's file."It says here in the file that your name is Fred Brown correct?" Dansby asked. "Y-yes it is." Fred said weakly. "It also shows that you were working for a small crime business in smuggling in drugs and contraband into cities including here. Is that also correct?" Dansby asked. Fred hesistated before answering the question. " Yes I have." Tabarez and Isner looked at the brain waves and saw that it was still in the green. "Wow, not trying to lie or talk his way out of it." Isner said sarcastically. " Give it time." Tabarez said calmly " This is just starting." As they continued to watch through the window, Dansby showed him the photos of the slained men. "Do you know any of these men in these photos?" He watched as Fred looked over the pictures of the me. The memories of what happened that morning began to flood his mind with the. "Yeah i-i remembered them." he said his eyes looked red as if he was about to cry." Dansby and the others caught this and figured he must've remembered that day." Could you....tell me what happened that morning." Dansby said trying to see if Fred will talk more. Fred nervously wiped his head of sweat as he began talking." I-it was about 6 hours before the incident, this guy's name was named Cole Brennan, the head of our transporting group, right here in this picture that was driving the delivery truck". Fred pointed to the picture of a black man with claw marks in his face from whatever killed him." We were with Sam Thomas, David Kirsh, and Ray Hamon all transpo-porting the p-package to the rendevous point we were t-told, o-otherwise, we weren't getting paid." He stuttered while pointing to each slain man with a name. Dansby, at his point, pulled out his small notepad and showed Fred the address written on it."Is this where you were suppose to meet." dansby asked. Fred closed his eyes and shook his head quickly."N-No!" he said." Not there....not there." "Well then, mind telling me how you got there." Dansby said watching him closely. At the time the brainwave system started to react to his emotions. "Hey Dansby, it seems he's telling the truth, but I'm thinking he's about to breakdown again. You might want to hurry up before that happens." Isner said. " Right." Dansby said with a nod. He looked at Fred now how looked like he wanted to cry. "If I had known, if had known about what was in the vehicle at the time." Fred started the mumble out. " What do you mean if you had known?" Dansby asked now leaning a bit as this could there answer." Come on, tell me what happened." Fred started to shake more and tried to collect his thoughts at that moment. " We were going to a warehouse by the d-docks to make our payment, w-when the truck's tires had blown before w-we got there. We all got out and ordered by Cole to check to see if the merchandise was fine while he checked the tires. " you went with the other men went to check the items in the truck, what did you find?" Dansby asked. " I-I-I didn't look. went to use t-the bathroom as the others w-went to look. I saw the old church house up the road h-hoping to find at least a toilet. I was just finishing, when i heard screams from the guys followed by a k-k-kinda of a roar. Fred had tears falling down his face as he remembered how each were slained. As.......I-I peeked around t-the corner of the d-doorway, i s-saw it." Fred said his eyes got slightly wider as he looked at Dansby. "What? What did you see?" Dansby asked. "A.......A monster. *Sniff* something I could not see completely, but whatever it was *sniff*it was killing them one by one!" Fred said wiping his eyes. "So, as the file stated in the file,you hid in a locker and avoided the same fate as your associates?" Dansby asked reading the file. " Yeah, I t-thought he would find me, as one of the guys had ran pass the locker i was hiding in as the thing k-killed him after he found a piece of mirror and stabbed the beast in his side." Fred said shaking uncontrollably. " At that moment, I thought he was staring at me as if he knew i was in the locker, but he.....he......vanished into the dark, and I stayed in the locker..........afraid if he would come back to find me." Back inside the office of the 'Boss', Moore had just finished trying to explain what happened with the delivery. While he was talking, the 'Boss' was not happy with the answers. " We have word that o-one o-of the men-Fred Brown- was taken to a nearby hospital and was last seen in p-p-police c-c-custody." Moore said sinking into his seat as his boss walked up to him with a bit of fire in his eyes. "So let me try and fill in the holes to the problem at hand. The fools didn't make it on the accout of a flat tire, probably all when to check the problem out, two were looking for the tire, two might have went to check to see if anything broke inside the truck. Only to find out about the wolverine that some how escaped and killed all but the one man who was probably jerking his dick off and disappeared into the forest." the boss said while firmly pressing his finger into the shaking Moore's chest. "I a-am not sure, but from what I was told, the drugs should have kept him from waking until arrival." Moore said trying to save himself abit. "Maybe, but that is not always guaranteed." the Boss said turning away from Moore." I was told that it took 3 hours for the anesthetic to knock him out." The Boss said walking to another door to his training room. "In the end, those were mistakes you should have been prepared for." He pointed at the ferret who sulked. It wasn't his fault directly, but it was him who was in charge of the secrecy of the whole thing. So in a sense he felt bad about it. "I-I-I'm sorry sir!" Moore said. "I didn't realize any of that would've happened until what has happened today." The Boss didn't turn around in that response. At that moment, there was another knock at the door. "Come in." The Boss said. It was a mysterious young man who went to the Boss and whispered something in his ear." Interesting-thank you for that update." The Boss said with a sly grin. Moore saw the young man as he left, wondering what had just happened. "S-sir?" he said worried." seems that luck is in our favor Mr. Moore." The Boss said smiling. Moore was puzzled at the smile as he watched the man walk towards the wall to the left abit and pressed a few buttons on the console." I-im not sure what you mean." Moore said now a bit scared as to what the man said to him earlier. After The Boss had pushed the last button on the console, a pressure valve was heard and the wall swiveled into a hidden mini bar beside him. He went behind the counter and started to make himself a drink. "I've gotten word that we have located the man who survived the incident. He is now in police custody and has already talked to them about what happened." He said finishing the martini. " T-they have, b-but h-how do we get to him?" Moore asked concerned about the situation. " I have ways to handle this situation, but for now let's have drink." The Boss said making him a drink. "T-thank you s-sir." Moore said as he slowly sips the drink given to him. Unbeknownst him his boss had spiked his drink a bit while making it when he had his back turned to him. " Come. let's get out of this room and go into one that's more lively." the boss said motioning the ferret to the door. As Moore stood up, he felt a bit funny as if he was walking into the room with his boss. As they entered the room next to the Boss's office, Moore noticed that it was a training room. It was decorated with luscious black marbled tile with a nice sized pool closed off by stained glass doors. On the other side of the room, there were a couple of punching bags on the wall with small weight set complete with a flat-bench. Across was a medium-sized fighting mat, with a few benches for those who like to watch people spar with each other. This was where Moore had followed his boss to. As they got closer, Moore noticed that there were two canines inside the area, sparring with each other. They were two pit bulls, both strong and muscular as they flexed while dodging each other's attacks. One was tall, with brown,mocha colored fur with tiger-stripe like patterns that wrapped around his frame. The other was abit smaller than the other, with his fur displaying a light fawn color with the tiger-striped pattern as well. They both were wearing small,form fitting shorts and bandages wrapped around both hands and hind feet. Each were quick and precise with every kick, punch, and even trying to bite at each other's throat ,making Moore grab at his neck as he and the boss sat down at a nearby bench and watched them go at it. "This is more like it. Just enjoying a bit of a sparring practice and a drink to put one mind at ease. Am I right Moore?" Boss asked. " Y-yes sir it does." Moore said finishing the martini. As one of the pit bull had pinned the other to the mat, they stopped as they heard clapping from the boss. Both quickly got up and bowed respectively. "Good evening master." both said in harmony. "And a good evening to the both of you. How is your training been?" the boss asked them. " We are doing better thanks to your teachings." the brown tiger-striped pit said. "Excellent, excellent." the boss said unbuttoning his jacket." Are you well enough to take me on now?" he said with a smile. Moore was shocked to see this unfold as he was now getting the full affect of the spiked martini. " We will try not to disappoint you master." the fawn colored pit said. As Moore watched from the benched, he saw both dogs jump about 5 feet from their master in a ready stance. Both had been training for a long time just to get a chance to show their stuff to their master. The boss looked at the both of them and got into his stance. This triggered the fight to begin. Only a minute passed before the fawn colored pit began his attack. Coming in with great speed, he began punching left and right and alternated as his master dodged his attacks. The other began to come in a round house kicked, causing the boss to dodge easily, but opened for an attack from the other. Moore thought that was it but was shocked as his boss had managed to stop the uppercut and at the same time threw him into the other causing him to back up from being hit. The boss stood there and waited to see what their next move was. As that one would've took him out. As the fawn colored pit got up, he and the other nodded as got back into the ready stance again. Their master stood firm as they charged simultaneously at him. Moore could only watch in amazement and shock as they were attacking the boss with such precision and grace as if dancing with him. The boss dodged each attack while throwing a few in himself, all the more smiling like M.Bison (Sagat if your japanese) from street fighter enjoying the thrill of their fight. It seemed like an hour has passed as Moore watched when one of the female assistance ( the blond)came in to end their session." Sir, it's almost time for you to be at the opera theater." She said with her agenda book. "[breathing heavily a bit] Thank you, for reminding me. Do you have my suit ready for me?" the boss asked while wiping his head with a towel that the brown pit gave him. " It is in your quarters cleaned and pressed as you requested." the blond said. "I will be there shortly. That will be all." the boss said. The blond gracefully did an about face and walked out the door. The boss caught that, while shaking his head. "Master, how did we do?" the brown pit asked. The boss placed an arm on his shoulder as he led them to Moore."You both did exceptionally well, I have tough you both and you did not disappoint. Keep up the good work, and maybe you can beat me." He said winking at the fawn pit who smiled happily at the comment and bowed. Moore watched as the boss had walked up to him with the pits in tow. "Mr. Moore, let me introduce you to my pupils, Peabody (brown pit) and his brother, Peterson (fawn striped)." the boss said as they bowed to the ferret, their yellow eyes not leaving him for a second. "N-nice to meet the both of you." Moore said. "I had raised and trained them from pups into what they are today - body guards that I have trusted for many years with my life." he boss said as he placed a hand on the fawn pit's shoulder as he continued to talk. "Although, teaching them everything they need in life, I haven't been able to satisfy their more.....'primal' needs." he said staring at Moore. "I-if I may sir, what needs?" He said probably knowing what he meant by that. "Well, the need to fuck." The boss said as Peterson sat beside the now nervous Moore taking a slight sniff of him. Moore at that instantly stood up at that only to be confronted by Peabody who pushed him back down on the bench and into the arms of his brother who quickly shifted to have the ferret between his legs. " D-don't you have females for this s-s-sir?" Moore said as he was struggling between them. " Yes I do. I have a female harem for them to enjoy, but they had found pleasure in males which I found out a few weeks ago." He continued with his back turned." Though I didn't allow that in my home, I allowed them to pleasure themselves when I let them leave for the evenings. Now I think I have found a suitable candidate for them to enjoy as much as they want-YOU." Peabody at that moment had begun to rip Moore's shirt while Peterson had held him down. "No please sir I'll do better next time Please don't do this to me!" Moore begged with tears in his eyes as a now naked Peabody was licking his chest. " Oh I know you will do better, but it won't be for me-it will be for them as they like to fuck more than once." He said as he looked at them. " As we speak I have someone taking care of you and your men's mistake. Also we will find that wolverine, and have him take out the remaining men that have also betrayed me. Moore started to struggle much as he could but felt helpless as he couldn't resist from the pits as they were too strong for him. " Oh and by the way, I had spiked your drink so you couldn't fight your way out of their grasp, but feel free to squirm around as they tend to enjoy that." he boasted." But consider yourself lucky, when I have the wolverine back, I won't have him kill you, cause as of this night and so on, you are my pupils' fuck toy. Peabody, Peterson try not to make a mess." "No... sir please don't ......NOOOOOOOO!" Moore shouted as he was getting raped by the two pitbulls. As the door closed on the ferret's unfortunate fate, Fred Brown was about to encounter the same.

[Back in the Interrogating room at Carison city 48th Precinct Police Department - 05:15 am Saturday] "Mr. Brown, it's ok. No one is going to hurt you understand, you are safe here." Dansby said trying to comfort Fred." No monster is coming to kill you." As head patted the man on the back, he gave Fred some tissue to blow his nose. " Do you think you can tell us who was the package going to?" Dansby asked. "We were to go and meet someone at the warehouse by the Hansen mill. I-I don't know what he looks like, but he is called 'Sly', the one who is suppose to pay us and send us on our way -t-that's all I know." Fred said ask he cleaned himself with the tissue. Dansby left and walked into the observation room where Tabarez and Isner were waiting. " he telling the truth?" Dansby asked while stretching. "Well according to the computer, he's been telling the truth." Isner said as she rocked in her chair. "So he is only guilty for smuggling, but he doesn't know anything else besides that?" Tabarez asked rubbing his chin. " Not that I know of. Looks to me that luck was on his side, but is friends were not so lucky." he said while watching Fred through the observing window. "Do you think he knows where the warehouse is?" Tabarez asked him." Ehhh... he might know, but if he does we got to keep quiet about it." Dansby said. "For what?" Isner asked. "I'm not sure. Call it a bad feeling." Dansby said. If only Dansby knew how right his bad feelings were as someone was scoping the building out with a sniper rifle from . "Any signs of the target?" A mysterious voice on the hawk's headset asked. "No not yet, I am still scanning for him." the hawk said. "Tch im sick of this bullshit. Its always me who has to clean up crap like this." He looked through the scope to see if anything had happened, but no luck. " As soon as this is over I'm outta this job." He said dreaming of a better life then a rogue sniper for the Boss. [For all you reading this, the boss like to murder people who had betrayed him with fear in their eyes before they were slaughtered by the wolverine, but in the open, he prefers clean kills to send a message that he can be just as civilized as any other person. It's opposite than the usual I assure you XD.] Inside, Dansby went back to see if he can get Fred to show them the warehouse they were suppose to drop of the package." Fred, how are you holding up." Dansby asked. "I-im fine what's going on?" Fred asked nervous. " We need you to show us the location of the trade off you were going to make Friday morning." He said putting on his coat. As he grabbed Fred from the room. He was then joined by Tabarez as they were heading into the main lobby. [with the hawk in position as he walked over a dead body of a hitman is behind him, his throat slited from the hawk's ka-bar(a 7 inch knife)." Heh, sorry bud." the hawk said cleaning his knife on the hitman's coat. "That boss of yours isn't playing around, but when I said I'm done with this job and spliting-I meant leaving alive and well." He said as he started to set up his rifle for a shot at his final kill. He focused on the main lobby of the police department so as to not cause a major panick in public. At this moment, he saw Fred with the two detectives as they were entering the lobby, timing it so as to not hit anyone else." Sorry to do this to ya man, but I never abort my mission." the hawk said about to pull the trigger. "Alright, you ready Tabarez? This is going to be a long day for us." Dansby asked as he unknowingly set Fred up for the hawks perfect shot. "Yeah I'm ready for this. Let's see if an human can keep up." Tabarez said giving him a pat on the shoulder. As Tabarez had stepped pass Fred towards a door, a small sound of a piece of glass was heard and a zip of a bullet went behind the german sheppard and through Fred's crainium ending its destination into the wall with a bit of a blood trail behind it. As if time had slowed down, Tabarez and Dansby watched in shock as Fred was assassinated in front of their eyes. His body slowly falling to the ground, the look of stunned frozen on his face as he hit the ground. As time went back to normal for them both, a woman screamed at what she and others had saw the man fell with a thud, lifeless. Both detectives pulled out their guns and ducked behind the wall waiting for a barrage of bullets come into the building, but it never happened. "Sniper, everybody get down!" Tabarez barked out as he joined Dansby. "It's just isn't our day huh?" He asked Dansby. "Yeah first the murders, a monster on the loose, and a sniped suspect. Yeah it been a great way to start the morning!" Dansby said. As he made sure as to discard everything that linked him to the murder weapon, the hawk, opened his wings and flew off, now thinking of a better place to enjoy his well earned money." That's the final job. Now onto a better world and a better life for me." He said as he flew off before anyone was the wiser. [A few hours later, back at Aaren's place.] It's 7:30 in the morning, while it was a terrible start for the detectives in Carison City, it was going to be weird for a now sleeping wolverine. The sun was up in the sky-bringing warmth and light into the home of Aaren Dale. As the light filled the living room, the light silently hit the wolverine that caused him to sit up quickly as he didn't remember what happened to him earlier that night. He was about to get up when the sharp pain from his side reminded him of the fight with the humans in the truck, then the fight with the creatures in the woods, and another human saving his hide from one of them with his gun. But how did he end up in here, and who had bandaged him up? He asked himself. As he got up slowly, he looked around the living area he was in. He noticed pictures of unknown people and anthros, and some kind of trophy on the fireplace. As he looked more, a picture caught his eye. The wolverine picked up the picture and looked at the person in it. As he looked closer, he saw the human that saved him before in it. This must be his den. the wolverine thought as he huffed and placed the picture down on the table. He was going to look around more when he heard something outside. Looking through the window, he saw the human with his friends play fighting with each other with the human being double teamed by the other two. " Come on Aaren, you need more practice if you can't handle two of us." Syrus said ready to attack him again."Yeah yeah less talk and more action doggy boy!" Aaren said ready for them. Both Ben and Syrus began circling Aaren as keep watching them, waiting for them to make the first move. It was Ben from behind, quickly grabbing Aaren from behind, locking his arms as Syrus charged at him. Aaren, using his strength to lift his legs and kicking Syrus down. With the same momentum, he flipped over Ben and kicked him into Syrus. " Come on is that it?" Aaren said chuckling at them. Both got up and looked at him with playful anger in their eyes. "Alright human, time for a more different approach." Ben growled as he got on all fours and charged at him with Syrus in toe. Aaren was not ready for that and tried to dodge it, but it was too late, Ben had did a quick spin on his hands, hitting Aaren with his tail to knock him off his feet while Syrus had pinned him to the ground. "And, you would be dead or defeated at this point." Syrus said baring his fangs at Aaren. " Dammit, I should've known you two would do something like that!" Aaren said as Syrus picked him up off the ground. " Well don't underestimate your foe other wise, its over for you." Ben said sneaking up behind him with a growl in his ear. Aaren jumped at that and caused Syrus to laugh at him when Ben did that. " Now that was low you know how I am when you do that!" Aaren said trying to catch Ben who was teasing him. "Ha ha can't catch me huh, Aaren?" Ben said dodging Aaren's attemps to catch him. Syrus could only laugh as Ben picked on Aaren not knowing that the wolverine was watching. He snorted through his nose and walked away from the widow. He was puzzled as to why they saved him.They could have killed him and there would not have been a extra person living in their den. Sitting on the chair contemplating on these questions, he didn't realize that Aaren had walked into the house tired for trying to catch the blue drake." I get him next time. Just you wait." He said. As Aaren was about to go upstairs, he saw the wolverine sitting slouched in the living room, his eyes closed. "You made Aaren mad." Syrus said as Ben walked up to him.[breathing heavly]" Yeah, but it was all in good fun!" Ben said about to walk in the house. "True, but it does make him angry when you do that to him. Even though you mean well." Syrus said while grabbing the drake's tail as he went by."And what about you, Syrus." Ben asked the tail grabbing malamute. Syrus grabbed Ben by his sides and pushed him against the kitchen island. " I actually love it when you do it to me." He said as he licked Ben's nose. As they were kissing, the wolverine had just caught their scent from sparing outside and looked to see if they were coming to see him, but as he opened his eyes, he noticed Ben and Syrus making out in the kitchen. As he stared, he was puzzled as to why two males were mating with one another. He remembered seeing this with the two pitbulls back at the cells mating when their master had left for the evening. How the smaller male would moan and submit himself to the other as they had done in front of his face. He had also seen a human male and female mate when they were taking breaks also. He thought they were trying to entice him to get closer or to show that they he couldn't have what they had. He didn't care about that or them as this was the only time he had alone. If that didn't work they would try and fuck closer to his cell, anything to get him to come over, ooor.........piss him off as he was a pet and there was nothing he could do to them. He could only ignore them by turning his back to them and go back to sleep, he didn't feel like getting beaten if he caused them injury. But he yearned for a mate, though he would never show it. He thought that they would be killed just like his mother and brother, and he would be left all alone.......again. Though now as he watched, he was angry for them not to leave him be, but at least thankful for they were kind enough to patch his wounds. It was at this time Aaren had just gotten out of the shower and into some new clothes. He was walking down the stairs as Ben and Syrus were still tounge tied to each other. He shook his head and waited for the right moment to say something. Ben was about to sit on the kitchen island when Aaren spoke. "You know there are other places than the kitchen to make out right?" He said a bit loudly. This caused them to jump and the wolverine to snap out of watching them. " Though our guest was seeming to enjoying himself with your love making." Aaren chuckled as Ben and Syrus had looked at the wolverine eyeing them, causing them to separate and blush." Hey sorry about that. We didn't know you were up." Syrus said scratching the back of his head. The wolverine only turned away from them, not caring for them doing it in front of him. "Okay then, the bathroom is all yours. You two go and get cleaned up while I attend to our guess's bandages." Aaren said grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet next to the back door. As Ben and Syrus walked upstairs, they saw the wolverine look at them again. "Just please clean out the shower when your done with your fun!" Aaren yelled at them. "Okay mom!" Syrus said laughing. The wolverine watch Aaren closely as he approached with the first aid kit in his hand. "Hey, how are you feeling today?" Aaren asked kindly. The wolverine only looked at him with a questonable look to his eyes. Those eye kinda showed Aaren that he had seen better things in his life, but he only knew half of what this guy was really thinking.The wolverine felt uncomfortable about the human being this close to him, even though he didn't cause him this pain. " Sorry about my friends, they tend to do that sometimes." Aaren said as he opened the first aid kit. He pulled out some scissors, dressing, iodine, and pads placing them on the table beside them. The wolverine had looked at the items - wondering what the human was going to do. " Alright let me take a look at your wounds a bit." Aaren said. As he reached for the wolverine, he snared as him causing him to pull his hand away. Aaren looked at the wolverine for a sec as he still growled at him baring his fangs. " It's ok im just going to look at your wounds and change the bandages, I'm not going to hurt you." Aaren said. As he reached again his hand was met with a slap from the wolverine who growled again in his defense. Aaren backed away in a little pain from the wolverine's claws. He hissed as his hand was bleeding from a few small gashes on the top of his hand. Aaren stopped and used a bit of iodine on his hand and quickly wrapped it up in the dressing. The wolverine watched as Aaren walked up to him again this time pissed for getting hit like that. "Now look you overgrown ferret!" Aaren said loudly while pointing a finger at the wolverine."I'm trying to help your ass out since you were harmed buy those things or whatever else, so listen up, you are going to sit here and let me clean you up or." As he said that the wolverine got into his face, teeth bared as if saying 'or you'll what' to Aaren. He then felt a sharp pain in his side only to find Aaren's other hand there poking into the covered wound causing it to bleed. "Or i'll make it worst." Aaren said looking directly in the wolverine's eyes. They had stared like that for what it seemed for an hour. The wolverine was pissed at this human for not leaving him alone, but as he looked into his eyes, he felt like this human could help him, but time was short as Aaren was speaking. "So what's it going to be, fella?" He asked. The wolverine snorted in his face and sat back in the chair, he gave up, what worst could this be since being treated as a pet for the boss. Aaren looked at him for a moment amazed that he didn't need the aid of his friends to hold him......hopefully."Are you going to let me help you?" Aaren asked while looking at the blood on his hand. The wolverine only looked at him and huffed as to give him the ok to proceed. "Alright then, thanks for letting me help you." Aaren said with a smile. The wolverine just grunted as aaren started with the stab wound on his side. The wolverine was a feeling a bit weird as the human had used the scissors to take the badage off. Aaren slowly pulled off the dressing and saw the wound looked worst than what he and Ben had cleaned up (and the recent poking his did earlier). "Okay that is not good." Aaren said looking at how dirty the bandage looked to him.The wolverine kinda figured that he wouldn't be able to help him. He sighed at the comment only to find the human checking the other bandages that had the same dirty look on them. "Yep this doesn't look good at all." Aaren said getting up and washing his hands. The wolerine turned wondering what the human was doing. "Stay there i'll be right back." Aaren said doing hand gestures to show the wolverine to stay put. The wolverine waited calmly on the couch while Aaren checking in the guest bathroom to see if Ben and Syrus were done. As he went to the door he heard moaning and growling inside and knocked." Hey are you two almost done yet!?" He asked. Inside Syrus was just getting tied to Ben when he heard the knock. "Uh kinda. D-do you need to use the bathroom?" Syrus asked as he was getting over his intense climax. "Well yeah, the wolverine needs a bath." Aaren said while placing a ear to the door. "[panting]Well we're kinda tied up at the moment, Aaren. Can't it wait?" Ben said as the knot was quickly stretching his tail hole. "Yeah, the wounds are getting worst from his fur being dirty so I need to clean him in order for the wounds to heal properly. But since you two are knotted at this moment, I'll let him use mine. Just hurry up, I don't want an expensive water bill for your bubble bath fuckfest." He said laughing. "HA ha very funny.We'll be done in an hour!" Syrus said trying not to laugh for that remark. Aaren shook his head as he went to get the wolverine. As he got down stairs, the wolverine looked quickly at him as he walked in. "It's okay, it's only me." Aaren said putting the bandages and such back into the kit and closed it. "Alright, here's the deal, in order to make sure your wounds heal properly, I'm going to give you a bath." The wolverine's ears perked at that last remark. Since the lovebirds are busy in the guest bathroom, we'll have to use mine instead.So let's not go through the same ordeal as earlier ok." Aaren said as the wolverine looked at him as if he was asking 'you're serious'. " Don't give me that look, I meant what I said. Now can you stand?" The wolverine slowly turned to fully face the human and slowly stood up to the 5' tall human to prove he could stand. Without flinching to the towering beast, he turned his back to him and headed upstairs. "Okay this way." Aaren said as he was on the steps. The wolverine walked up to the stairs and followed the human to his bathroom. Going into the room, the wolverine saw that Aaren had a simple sleeping den, with off white painted on half of the walls with a emerald green filling the bottom half with with a lighter shade of green that splitted the two and ended with a small assortment of boxes. Aaren had a full sized bed with light green colored comforter set and emerald green pillows that accented the rooms colors. The room had in ceiling light fixtures that were set to give the room a warm glow to it. "Yeah this is my room, is not all great but its mine." He said to the wolverine behind him. The wolverine looked at the room of this human and was not that impressed, but he never was use to a human's area since most of his life he was in a cage. Aaren walked into the bathroom and turned on the light and bathtub faucet so the water would be a bit hot to sterilize the wounds. As he crouched down to get a big towel for the wolverine, the wolverine looked at Aaren's painting while Aaren was preparing the bathtub for him. As he looked at him he felt a bit calmer while staring at them until one caught his eye. It was a painting of a snowy top mountain with a forest and lake at the bottom. This reminded him of home. He thought as he saw how pretty the human's paintings was as he placed a hand on it. Aaren walked out to call the wolverine in for the bath only to find him admiring the mountain painting. " I painted that two years ago while I was out on a trip with Syrus before he left for college and met Ben." Aaren said. The wolverine quickly looked at him a bit startled, but looked at the painting after hearing Aaren tell him when he painted it. " It was in the Alpine Mountains that I painted that if you cared to know. Anyway the bath is ready for you so come on." Aaren said as he went back into the bathroom. The wolverine followed suit and saw the bathroom which was a beautiful white, black,and brown. The tub was built into the floor and surrounded with a polished wooden floor that was raised so that noone would stumble into the tub by accident. The wolverine saw that it was very neat compared to what he was use to. Aaren walked to him a took off his shoes an sat on a pillow that was there and signaled the wolverine to get in. "Are you able to clean yourself?" Aaren asked concerned. The wolverine only nodded to the question and slowly got in. He hissed as the water was a tad too hot and began irritating his wounds. Aaren started to laugh as the wolverine was a bit too tall for the tub as it reached his hips. The wolverine looked like a fool and was about to get out when Aaren showed him a seat for people like him. " Here, use this to gently clean the wounded areas well." Aaren said as he handed the wolverine a wash towel. The wolverine stood up and grabbed the body wash from Aaren and began to clean himself, as he cleaned he was careful with the wounds on his body including the stab wound in his side. "I would suggest going to a doctor to get a good look at that if I were you." Aaren said. After he said that the wolverine stopped and looked at him with a serious look to him. "Alright, if you don't want to go I won't force you then, but I already called someone to come and take a look at you so its in your benefit."Aaren said looking at the wolverine. "Anyway if you need anything just-"Aaren was interrupted when a wet hand had grabbed him. " What is it?" Aaren asked as he looked at the wolverine that grabbed him. "You can talk.....right?" The wolverine only shook his head in response to that question which caused Aaren to fully turn and face him. " So you can't talk huh? Well if you want I'll stay around." Aaren said sitting down again. The wolverine then turned around and pointed to his back."You want me to wash your back for ya too?" he asked with a questionable look on his face and a raised eyebrow. The wolverine looked at him and slowly nodded. " Alright then." Aaren said grabbing another bath towel. As the wolverine washed his front, Aaren was washing the dirt and dried up blood from his back. It was a bit quiet during the first ten minutes before Aaren decided to talk. " Soo.....I take it you don't have a name?" He asked. The wolverine nodded. "Since you can't say it can you show me?" The wolverine thought for a moment to see what he could use to help say his name - Then he had an idea. He pointed at Aaren's knee to say the first part of his name "My knee, is knee part of your name?"Aaren asked. The wolverine nodded and the looked around for something else to finished when he spotted a black bird on the soap dish. "What are you pointing at?" Aaren asked as he got up and looked at the sink. He looked at what the wolverine could be pointing at. " The bottle?" He asked. The wolverine shook his head."The rack?" He asked again, but the wolverine shook his head. Then he looked at the raven soap dish he had."The soap dish?"He asked.This time the wolverine nodded and motioned for him to bring it to him." So your name is neesoap?" Aaren asked being silly. The wolverine then pointed at the bird." What? The black bird on the soap dish?" Aaren said. The wolverine pointed at it again and Aaren sat there and thought for a moment." Raven?" He asked. The wolverine nodded and placed the soap dish down and began to grunt a kind of sound to Aaren. "Raa.....raaa." he grunted out. Aaren took a moment and listened to what he said before trying to answer. "Neeeraaven?" He pronouced out. The wolverine then held up his hands to stop Aaren and make him say it again. "Neeeraav-"Aaren started to say but a wet, clawed hand quickly covered his mouth. As he took his hand off his mouth he made him say it again. "Neeraav?" Aaren said as he covered his mouth again.The wolverine again got him to pronounce it Aaren pronounced it faster." So is it Nirav?" He asked. The wolverine nodded as Aaren had said it correctly. "Ooooh so your name is Nirav. Cool, Then from now on its Nirav then." Aaren said proudly. Nirav made a nod to him and then turned around so he could wash his back again. " That's a nice name. My name is Aaren since we are introducing ourselves." Aaren said while scrubbing Nirav's back harder. "Did your mom name you that?" He asked. Nirav stopped scrubbing and looked down and sadly nodded. Aaren didn't need no charades to figure out that he asked something that upset him." I-im sorry if I asked to many questions." Aaren said. Nirav shook his head slowly and then sat down and pointed at his head. Aaren had grabbed some more soap and then lathered his head as he kinda relaxed from the scrubbing Aaren gave him even though he could do it himself he wanted to let Aaren do it for him since he needed to collect his thoughts. It was little over an hour as Ben and Syrus had been tied together and were now cleaning each other up plus the mess they made in the guest bathroom. "Its been quiet for a minute." Syrus said as he used a blow dryer to dry his fur off. " Yes it has been a while since Aaren took the wolverine up into his bathroom. I hope he is alright." Ben said concerned. "Don't worry about Aaren, he's able to take care of himself." Syrus said as he checked to see if anything was amiss in the bathroom. As Aaren was done helping clean Nirav, he drenched him in some warm water to wash the soap of him. Finishing up with the bowl of water, Nirav had gotten out of the now dirty water. He turned and looked at Aaren who was at the sink cleaning and re-wrapping his hand from Nirav's little upset earlier. As he was about done, he felt a presence behind him. Aaren turned around to find Nirav curious as to what he was doing. "I'm fine don't worry about me. I'm just cleaning up the wounds you caused." Aaren said being nonchalant about his hand as it was irritated from the healing cream he applied to it. Aaren had backed up before turning to grab a body towel from the cabinet and giving it to Nirav." Here use this to dry off while I clean the tub." As Aaren was cleaning the tub, Nirav walked out of the bathroom. It's true that he was responsible for the wound, but it was only a reflex he had as the boss and his men used him. In the kitchen, Ben and Syrus began to fix lunch since they were 'busy' this morning. " Soo.....what do you think what happened to the wolverine?" Ben asked. "Don't know. But whatever it was he is lucky to fight his way here so at least we can help him." Syrus replied while mixing some seasonings together. "It is strange than he was in that situation, let alone beaten up as he was." Ben said slicing up chicken breasts and steak. " Well I don't know what happened to him, its none of our business to question how he got here or how those wounds came from. Lets be glad we were there at the time, except for he wrecked the car, and hes getting help." Syrus said shaking the bag of mixed seasonings. They were unaware that Nirav was listening to the conversation, and sighed quietly knowing the answer. He wiped his face with the towel before he was heading down stairs when Aaren stopped him. "Also here are some shorts for you to wear since you were *ahem* streaking about the house." Aaren said holding up the pair of black loose fit shorts to Nirav. He looked at himself to notice that his small fighting shorts must've been ripped off of him when he fought the canid beast early that morning and his sheath was out for the world to see. He looked away a bit embarrassed that he was in front of these people in his birthday suit as he was taken care of. He took the shorts and put them on at that moment as there was a knock at the door. " I'll get it!" Aaren yelled as he darted past Nirav down to get the door. As Nirav got down stairs in his new shorts, he saw the person that Aaren invited in. It was the doctor that, Aaren had said he called against Nirav's look on them (since the doctors that he was with always seem to inject him with meds that added more to his rage when fighting. "Thanks for coming Dr. Kuchem on such short notice." Aaren said as he helped with the doctor's case. "Please the pleasure is all mine. This is my first house call so this is free of charge. The badger said with warm smile. [Dr. Orinthia Kuchem is a 6' 7" female honey badger from Carison's Main Hospital who specializes in severe wounds and deep lacerations that are considered to be.........worst for wear of any human or fur she has seen. She has long black and white hair that reached her shoulders with a few braided strands in the front with beads. Also her fur marking are black fur in the front and almost a smokey gray and white spot that covers from head to tail] "SO! where is my patient i'm looking at today?" She asked with a toothy smile. Aaren walked and pointed to Nirav that had his back to the wall, suggesting he didn't want to be seen. "Well, no need to be shy wolverine, I'm here to help you. Or......are you too scared to face a badger." Kuchem asked with a seductive but evil look to her eyes.[I should've mentioned that Dr. Kuchem has been working with her own kind and many other dangerous furs like wolverines when she went for relief aid in emergency situations. She was known to work in mental asylums when the patients got to causing physical injury to one another. At any case, she can be ........highly convincing with them in two ways. 1.) She'll seductively put you in a state of ease so she can help quickly. Or 2.) She will MAKE you her bitch and use her strength to its full potential to put you down on the table and stay down until she was through with the procedure. She has been known to take on a person bigger than herself with relative ease.] She was the perfect doctor that could help Nirav, or make it he worst nightmare for him. Nirav just turned and grunted not moving a budge near her. "Come on Nirav, she is hear to look at that wound of yours. So stop acting like this!" Aaren said loudly. Ben and Syrus just watched as the Doctor walked into the kitchen. "His name is Nirav is it?" She asked as looked at the stubborn wolverine eyeing her (not in the sexy way, but 'leave me alone bitch' kind of way.)"Well, I'm the doctor to give you and your friends a check up to see how you all are doing." Kuchem said holding out a hand for a handshake. Nirav huffed and turned to walk out the door when a hand grabbed him by his arm and pinned him to the door with a large slam. "Now look, I came here on behalf of Aaren to look at your wounds, so either I give you your will or I'll take it by force!" Kuchem said with a growl. Nirav could only stand there and be pinned as she growled to him. He was upset by this situation and tried to free himself, only for the good doctor to push further upward on his arm and twist his wrist. Ben, Syrus, and Aaren could only watch in jaw dropping amazement and awe as Dr. Kuchem had Nirav by the arm like that. As Nirav was still giving her a tough time in the hold, she looked at Aaren with a softer look. " Is he like this mostly?" She asked with a little grunt as she held them there. "Y-yeah pretty much." Aaren said a bit nervous. She nodded and then went back into restrain mode. "Now Nirav, you are going to behave while in this man's home while I check you. Do you understand?" Kuchem said waiting on a response from the angry Nirav. "Dr. Kuchem, he can' t talk." Aaren said. "Oh really. Then if you'll behave then nod your head, is that clear?" She asked not budging her grip from his wrist. " He looked at Aaren who stood there watching as this happened and learned in. "Look, she is just trying to help you, so could you please cut it out?" Aaren asked him kindly. Nirav knew this wouldn't stop so he just huffed and stopped tensing up on the badger who pinned him. As Kuchem felt him relax a bit, she let him go as she backed up looking to see if he would try anything. He quickly turned around and faced the doctor eye to eye and just stormed into the living room and plopped down, wincing as he aggravated the wound. "Well that could've gone better." She chuckled as she went back in the room. Ben and Syrus could only stare as Aaren had just scratched his head as to what just happened. "Hey do you guys need help?" Aaren said clapping his hand together to get there attention. "Uh... y-yeah just help Syrus season the meat while I make the scalloped potatoes and corn bread." Ben said as he snapped out of it. As they went on and started to make lunch, Dr. Kuchem began opening her case and pulled out her stethoscope, otoscope, blood-pressure monitor, and other things. She grabbed her clipboard and began writing all information. "Okay lets begin, first hold out your right arm for me." Kuchem said showing him which arm to show her. As Nirav held his arm out, the doctor fitted the blood-pressure monitor to it and began to squeeze it causing it to tighten on Nirav's arm. Nirav grunted at this feeling as it got tighter. " Don't worry I'm just doing a blood pressure check to see if you have heart problems." She said smiling. Nirav could only huff to that and watched as she began timing the pulsing vein to her watch. " Okay your heart and blood pressure are good. Maybe better if you weren't so bitter to everyone." She chuckled. He only grunted to that in his 'don't care' attitude. She then used the stethoscope to check his breathing. " Okay now deep breaths for me. She commanded. As he breathe in and out Kuchem would move the stethoscope around his chest and back to see if there were any irregularities with his lungs. She also took a look at his ears, eyes, and mouth (which stunk by the way) which she gave the okay with also. "Aright, Nirav, everything checks out good.......except your breath, but you are good in those departments. Now for the wounds you have." She said checking off on the clipboard. As she looked at the stab wound, she noticed that it was healing nicely even after being cleaned. "Well so far it doesn't look like nothing serious, but I'll give you some ointment to speed the healing process and get you in a better mood." Kuchem said bandaging the wound back up. She also checked the small lacerations and gave him the same result. " Now what I want you to do is that when you are done cleaning yourself, put that ointment on the wound and it should heal nicely within a few days at best." Kuchem said taking off her plastic gloves and throwing them away. " Alright then you are good to go sir." As Nirav had walked past her, she quickly grabbed him and whispered something in his ear." Just tell the young man thank you." She said briefly. Nirav looked at her and then nodded at the suggestion before going into the kitchen. At that moment. The kitchen smelled really good to him as he hadn't eaten in the past few days (most of it being in the back of the truck knocked out). "Hey you're good to go?" Aaren asked as he washed his hands of the seasonings. Nirav handed him the ointment he was given. " So you need to use this huh? Cool. Just let me know if you need any help." He said as Nirav walked out the backdoor to think to himself. " Alright , Ben you're next!" Kuchem said walking back into the living room. Ben finished placing the last pan of steaks in the oven to cook as he washed his hands and walked into the living room. Going through the same routine as Nirav, Dr. Kuchem did a quick check over with Ben. "So how long have you two known each other?" She asked the blue drake. "What are you talking about?" He asked puzzled. "I'm talking about you and the malamute, that's what." She said calmly. " He's pretty glad to have you." " How do you know about us?" Ben asked in a serious tone. " I saw how you two we very close when I looked in the kitchen earlier when getting Nirav, you two make a cute couple." Kuchem said pinching the drake's cheek. " Quit, you sound like my mom." He said chuckling as she pinched him. But if you want to know, we have known each other for two years. Ben said. That's wonderful, hon I wish only the best for the both of you. Kuchem said. How about the human? She asked giving him a concerned look. there something wrong? Ben asked. No, it's nothing like that. I mean how long have you known him? She asked after setting up for another patient. I don't know much about him. He's Syrus's friend since they were in high school, he's a very gifted man and really cares for his friends like we're family. He said looking at the pictures on the fireplace. He looks like that type of guy. I don't see much of humans so I was surprized when I came in. Kuchem said. Anyway, you're good to go. If you could send Syrus in for me. Ben nodded and walked into the kitchen, where Aaren was now making dessert as the food was almost done. Hey, Syrus you're up. Ben said patting his lover on the back. Oh ok then, Aaren you got this right? Syrus asked. Yeah I got it. Aaren said as he was finishing mixing the dessert mix. Don't worry I will help out with the rest. Ben said putting on the aprin. Alright then I'm off. He said going through the door. Going through the same procedures as the others, Sryus had passed with flying colors. As Dr. Kuchem cleaned and prepared for Aaren, she also decided to have a chat with Syrus. So how are you today, Syrus? Just fine thanks, and you? He asked. I'm splendid, I was just talking to Ben and he was very fond of you. Also he told me that you knew Aaren since high school. She said. Really, well yes I do know him alot before I met Ben, but why is this got to do with the checkup? Syrus asked suspiciously. Oh I'm sorry, I tend to ask alot of questions on meeting new people, and it's hard to break the habit. Kuchem said looking embarrassed. I didn't mean any harm by it. Syrus softened his look at the badger as she was just curious about them. Sorry if I got defensive of you asking. Syrus said.[Syrus didn't like when people asked him on why he hung out with a human in the school. After the incident with Aaren, he got to know the human more as he would come and greet him. Besides that it was Syrus that was also curious about the boy and his fascination with furs. Finding out that Aaren was an orphan and had no friends, Syrus had became his very first thus began a great brotherly bond between them.] I care for Aaren and Ben like family even though Ben and I live in an apartment, I would come and chat with Aaren every now and again while Ben is at work. Syrus said. Well that's very sweet of you. Kuchem said. You all seem to take care of yourselves very well and I'm glad. Still I have Aaren to check and I'm all done. She said with a big smile on her face. Alright then I'm go and get him. Syrus said shaking his hand and going through the kitchen. As he entered the kitchen he saw Ben picking with Aaren as he was trying to finish the salad. Ben cut it out I'm trying to get done so we can eat. Aaren said laughing as Ben's tail was trying to tickle him. So I take it the food is about done? Syrus said startling the two. Uh yeah it's about done. Aaren was taking too long with the salad. Ben said calling Aaren out. Well you are the one who wouldn't stop pestering me about it! Aaren said trying to get through. As they were playfully arguing, Nirav was sitting on the back porch wathcing as the sun was starting to set behind the horizon. (Make sure to thank him for helping you) was still echoing in his head as he sat quietly while the crickets began to churp. He closed his eyes and breathe a sigh as it was over for the checkup. He knew it was for the best for him could he take anyone in a white coat seriously into helping a person when they could be just as good as experimenting on such. He was only taugh a few things, but being socal was not one of them. But....why was he still here with them? He could easily just leave this area and find another place far away, though something in his body wanted to stay and be with these guys. He couldn't explain why, but the more he was with them, he felt a bit better. Besides........they were making something really good to eat as his stomach was growling with its intentions of letting the world know. Back inside Aaren is sitting down with the doctor to start the checkup. Hello Aaren, and how are you today? She asked. Well other than what happened earlier with Nirav, just fine. Aaren said scratching his head. Well I'm sorry for having to show my brute force in front of all of you. Are you nervous being around me? Kuchem asked in a worried tone. Oh no it's alright , I think it's a requirement for what you have to go through to give people treatment. Aaren said with a grin. Thanks for that. I thought you were a bit nervous to come and see me after that. She said. No not really it was like this in high school so it's cool. Aaren said as Kuchem started wrap the blood-pressure monitor around his arm. This is my first time to do a check up on a human before so I'm excited that you were my first house visit. Kuchem said as she checked his ears. Really, you never had a human patient before? Aaren asked a bit worried about what she said. No, apparently there was some talk about me being a bit rough with my patients and they though I might be crazy. You saw what I had to in order to get cooperation from Nirav so thats one reason there. She said looking a bit upset about the whole thing. Well I don't think you're crazy. I fact I think they are too scared to know that what you do is neccesary to help. If they don't want your help the it sucks for them when they can't find it. Aaren said. Well, unlike you I have to think of the people who need the help reguardless of what the talk around town is. I'll just have to do my best. She said. For what it's worth, you are probably going to be the first black human to at least be seen by yours truly. She said with a smile that probably could make her species fall in love with her. Uh thanks I guess. Aaren said unsure about being the only one. Well enough about that, tell me what do you think about Nirav? She asked curious. I don't know exactly. I just met him last night when he was attacked by some canids in the woods. Syrus, Ben, and I had fought them off and helped him, but it seemed like he didn't want us involved with him even though he collasped after five steps. Aaren said thinking back to that night. That pretty much sums up what I know about him. It's like he didn't like being around me mostly for a bit, but after a bit of talking and standing up to him, he was a little bit easier to talk to. Dr. Kuchem was now grabbing the stethoscope and checking Aaren's breathing. Well even though he is a bit rough around the edges he will come to respect you for helping him I'm sure, just be patient with him. Kuchem said after putting everything away. He may have more problems than what those canids had done. Dr. Kuchem began finishing up with her paper work and cleaned up her tools before talking again. Before I forget, you need to give that wound on your hand some air so it can heal quickly, other than that you and your friends are in good health. She said as she left. If there is anything, please don't hesitate to call me. After saying that she handed him a card with her contact number. Thanks I will. Aaren said waving her a last goodbye. As Aaren had closed the door, he went into the dining room where Syrus and Ben were finishing setting up the table. Hey dinner is ready go find Nirav so we can eat. Ben said. Ok I'll get him after I put this medication up. Aaren said. Outside Nirav was still thinking about what he can do with himself, he escaped from the boss and he could do whatever he decided, but nothing came to mind. Everything was just being a tool mostly all of his life till now. He didn't even notice Aaren was walking up to him. Hey, Nirav it's time t- Before he could finish, Nirav had quickly grabbed his wrist as he touched him on the shoulder. Hey it's me Aaren, man! Aaren yelled out from Nirav's grip squeezing tightly. Nirav stopped after loooking at him for a second and let him go. Aaren checked his wrist (to see if it was still operating and not a piece of meat that dangled off a hook)before he looked at Nirav a bit pissed for doing that. Look I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready if you're hungry alright. Aaren said walking back in. Nirav was about to grab him so he could apologise to him, but he was already in the house before he could do anything. Nirav had growled to himself for doing that out of instinct, but Aaren should've known he was still a bit uneasy about being there with them . He was about to just sit down when his stomach began to growl as it heard the word food and wanted to be filled with it. He shook his head to this and walked in for the invitation of food delighted him. Inside Ben, Syrus, and Aaren looked astonished at the wolverine at the table eating everything a such a fast pace without even stopping or taking a breath. But anyone would be like him if they were stuck in a truck for so long , drugged, and wounded for over a day. He wolfed down everything as the others watched him hoping they didn't have to help if he choked. Nirav stopped and looked up to see everyone looking at him. He sat up after swallowing the last part of steak on his plate. Wow I haven't seen anyone eat that fast before. Aaren said as he got up to go to the kitchen. Hey it's okay to take you time and eat Nirav. Ben said picking up some of the dishes he cleaned. Yeah , there's plenty more that Aaren is getting now so don't kill yourself eating. Syrus said chuckling at the grease and food crumbs around Nirav's muzzle. Inside the kitchen, Aaren was about to bring the rest of the food out when Ben showed up. Hey you need any help? He asked. Nah I can manage it thanks though. Aaren said as his left. Ben placed the dishes in the sink snickering at Nirav for being like that. He must've been hungrier than I thought if he even licked the bowl. he said leaving with a small chuckle. Going back into the room, everyone was now eating while Nirav was taking his time to enjoy something in his stomach for a change. As all of them have had their fil of food, Aaren, Ben, and Syrus decided to relax in the living room. Nirav sits quietly in the back while watching a movie that Ben and Syrus picked out. Hey what movie is that? Aaren asked. It's a movie I while we were shopping. Syrus said taking off all the plastic wrapping that protected the cd. It's called Rosewood Bros. Adventure. Ben said getting comfortable as Syrus had curled up with him. What is it about? Aaren asked. It's about two brothers that go on a few adventures, discovering new finds, and having sex along the way. Syrus said nuzzling Ben. Whoa whoa whoa wait wait you mean it's a porno!? Aaren loudly asked. This caught Nirav's attention as he never seen a porno before (though who needs one when you were forced to hear it in front of your cell). Come on Aaren, it's not a porno. Most of their sex scenes are off screen, but most is of them going on weird adventures and such. Syrus said. Also they were created by Ayn blackfox, a writer I am very fond of. Aaren looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Hmmmm.......ok i'll watch, but the moment you two start to 'play' I'm going to sleep. Aaren said . Alright you big baby we'll not fool around on your couches. Syrus said sticking his tongue out at Aaren. Nirav watched the movie from the chair behind the group seeing the two brothers have fun and enjoy each other's company. As he watched he started to think about his now dead brother that he wished he could have tried to save as he was getting upset and angry. He growled at them have fun and stormed out the door slamming loudly. Aaren and the others jumped from that and wondered what was going on. Did something happened to him? Ben asked getting up. Don't know, but I'll find out. Aaren said. As he left to see what was happening, Syrus and Ben watched out the window to ensure that Aaren would be okay. Nirav paced back and forth through the yard, growling and snarling as the memories of his brother had came back and the bastard that did it was still out there. He walked to a nearby tree and unleashed his anger on it clawing and punching at it, making it his point of relief when Aaren saw him. Nirav, are you alright? Aaren asked,but he did not answer. NIRAV!! As Aaren had yelled out to Nirav, he stopped and looked at him with death in his eyes, his breathing heavy. What the hell is wrong with you! Aaren said as Nirav began to walk at him. You sat back all quiet and you go off like a bomb in a war zone. If something is bothering you then please tell us so we can try t- Nirav was in his face at that point. With teeth bared, he growled at the human as to suggest him to go back inside before things get out of hand. Aaren, as he did before, stared him down and didn't budge from Nirav. Ben and Syrus were at the door now, waiting to see if Nirav would try anything. Nirav looked at them for that moment knowing they would protect their friend at any cost, but Aaren held his hand up to keep them from intervening. Guys just go in the house. I got this. Aaren said as Nirav was growling at them. No Aaren we won't let you do thi- Syrus was cut off I SAID get in the damn house! Aaren looked at them with a serious look as Nirav aimed his attention to the human again. Ben and Syrus, both pissed at what Aaren said, quietly went back into the house. Aaren, now glad they went inside, looked at Nirav. Since that is out of the way, I want you to tell me ...wrong with you!? he said. Nirav began walking into the woods only to look back to suggest Aaren to follow him. As Aaren went into the forest after Nirav, Ben and Syrus could only watch as they disappeared. I hope you know what you are doing Aaren. Ben said. In the woods, Aaren was led to a bit of ways away from the house wondering why Nirav would bring him out so far. It was 3 hours as the sun was completely gone and the full moon replaced it. As Aaren followed the still angry wolverine, he even wondered himself what has he gotten himself into. As he thought that they would be going on forever, he saw Nirav stop at the clearing ahead. Nirav, where are we? Aaren asked walking beside him only to be stopped by his arm. Nirav pointed to the area ahead of them. As Aaren looked at the area, his eyes widened as he remembered that this was the area where the beast had killed the men at in the news report. This is -why did you bring me hear? Aaren asked. Nirav looked at Aaren and pointed at himself and then the cordon off area as he growled. At that moment, Aaren stepped back from Nirav and wondered how he did not figure this out. The stab wound, the coincidence that he was in the woods, also his anger and alone attitude, nothing didn't even register until now. Y-you were the thing that escaped the truck!? Aaren said pointed. Nirav nodded to the now shocked Aaren who had to figure why he brought him here. Why didn't you tell us. he asked. Nirav only looked away at that point. You thought we would turn you in huh? Aaren asked. Nirav nodded again. But that doesn't explain for your earlier upset. Nirav began to do charades again this time, he wanted him to know what happened. He started by showing a height difference from himself to start off. You were short, small. Aaren started as Nirav grunted to the word small as he kept going holding up two fingers and showing himself little again. There were two of mean you have a little brother! Aaren getting the answer right, but causing him to slowly shake his head. You mean .......y-your brother is. Aaren stopped when Nirav began to nod slowly. He then realised that the movie they were watching was of two brothers. So that's why you were upset, cause the movie had two brothers, and it reminded you of your brother. Aaren said as he walked a bit closer to Nirav. So what happened to your brother? Aaren asked swallowing nervously as to what Nirav might depict. Nirav then, while the memories started to flash before his eyes, he did a gun posture with his hands and aimed it at the side of his head and did a recoil maneuver as a few tears fell from his face . Aaren closed his eyes and bit on his left index finger in response to the gesture. At that moment, Nirav started to roar loudly and charged into a tree, in anguish as he began to claw and punch at the tree, grunting as he swiped and clawed at it without mercy. Aaren, who lost his grandmother to a gun, had tears in his eyes even though he tried to man up about the whole thing. He could only guess that Nirav wanted the men responsible for his brother's death dead by his own hands. But watching this was wolverine suffer was not the way to handle it. As Nirav was about to claw the poor tree again, he felt Aaren had quickly grabbed onto his arm. Nirav stop, you have to stop this! he said as he tightly held on to Nirav's arm. Nirav growled and snarled at Aaren, but the human wouldn't let go. He then grabbed his arm to try and get him to release him, but he only got one arm loose before Aaren had grabbed onto his waist and began to push him away from the defeated tree with all his strength. You.....can't this.... to yourself! Aaren said as held on to Nirav's wrist and waist as he began to push back. Nirav was now getting upset at Aaren's interruptions and grabbed him by the back of his shirt. This, in turned caused Aaren to shift differently as to keep from being pulled, he let go of Nirav's wrist and put more force to grab his waist completely and push him more. Nirav was still trying to pull Aaren off of him, but only caused claw marks on Aaren's back as he kept trying making Aaren grimace from the wounds. Nirav kept struggling to get the clinging human off him. It's....okay Nirav.....I'm here . Aaren said as he pushed Nirav into another tree to get him to calm down. Nirav, still upset, tried once more to pull Aaren off of him again, but only clawed at his bareback leaving more scratches that were slowly bleeding as the rest. He then hugged Aaren tightly and began to tear up and whimpered as he gave up and rested on the tree. It's okay, it's okay to cry sometimes. Aaren said as he felt blood slowly trailing down his back. I may not be your brother, but I can be a friend that will always have a shoulder for you to cry on. Nirav pulled away and saw Aaren smile with a tear down his face from the pain of the wounds on his back. Nirav looked at Aaren, suprised to see that he was able to stand up to him and to go through pain in order to help someone and still have a smile. He felt bad about what he did and hugged him once more, feeling somewhat awful and yet better about it. You okay now Nirav? Aaren asked as he looked up at the wolverine. Nirav nodded with a smile. Then lets go back to the house. I know by now that Ben and.... Aaren got cut off when his cell phone started ringing. Hello? Oh hey Syrus- I know wha- yes- I know what time it is- OK we are on our way back now! he said as he hung up the phone. Damn I'm going to get an ear full later. Nirav just looked surprised at how he was still standing and arguing over the phone and snickered. Aaren just turned and looked at him and smiled as he felt better. As I was saying, let's go home. Nirav nodded and led Aaren back to the house. It was around 1 a.m as Ben and Syrus had been worried about Aaren wondering off with Nirav when they both got in the yard. Syrus had ran out the door and punched Aaren in the face. What were you thinking, running of like that! He said grabbing Aaren as he growled. Nirav was about to jump in, but Ben stopped him. Just watch. Ben said. Aaren looked at Syrus knowing he was stupid for going after Nirav. He was going to say something, but Syrus hugged him tightly. Don't ever do that again, not without us there. Syrus said . Okay. I'll be sure to take you with me. Aaren said hugging the malamute back. Ben looked at Nirav with a smile. See, he's fine. Syrus is just worried about his friend thats all, and If he lost him, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Ben said. Nirav nodded and walked in the house with them. Syrus then noticed the smell of blood and looked at Aaren 's back. Aaren. he said in a loud tone. What. Aaren said as he turned to look at Syrus. It looks as though you are bleeding. Syrus said folding his arms. Aaren froze and couldn't say anything about it. Suddenly Aaren felt his ear getting pinched and was pulled upstairs. Hey owowowow not so hard! Aaren said as he was pulled. Oh no, we are going to take care of those wounds right now! Syrus said with a evil grin. I can have Nirav do that for me! Aaren said as they were at the top of the stairs. No, he needs rest after his internal conflict you helped him with. Besides (growls) I want you all to myself for a bit. Syrus said as he was nose to nose with Aaren with a bit toothy grin. As Syrus pulled Aaren into the room, Nirav was wondering what was happening with what he just witnessed. Don't worry, Syrus always get like that when Aaren does something. Besides, he hasn't hung out with him since you showed up. Ben said as he walked in the living room. Nirav grunted as he saw the blue drake had begun to watch the movie again. If you don't want to watch this we can watch something else. Ben said as he stopped the dvd. Or is there something else on your mind? Nirav just shook his head and sat beside the drake as he put something else on. Upstairs, Aaren was getting treatment for his wounds and hissed from the hot water to sterilze the gashes. Hey easy man that stings. Aaren said. Well this should teach you not to be fighting a wolverine when he's upset. Syrus said as he gently applied ointment to the now cleaned wounds. Well I had to do something. I couldn't just abandon him after what he showed me. Aaren said laying his head down on a pillow as Syrus began bandaging him up. What did he show you that got him worked up like that? Syrus asked. Aaren started to tell him about the incident. After he explained, Syrus laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling looking dazed as to what Aaren said. Damn, that was harsh. I had no idea it was that deep of a story for him. He said as he looked at Aaren. Yep, that's why he didn't want us to find out. He thought we might turn him into the police. he said. Well that's not happening, he has kinda bonded to you, as well as getting to be comfortable around us. Syrus said. Yeah. Aaren said as he was falling asleep. Syrus looked at the dozing human and gave him a affectionate lick on his cheek. Also sorry for punching you earlier. he whispered in his ear. It's .....ok. Aaren said talking in his sleep. Syrus just covered the human up and turned out the lights before leaving. As he got downstairs, he saw Ben talking to Nirav about the vid they were watching. So you see, they are able to love regardless of their different species. Ben said as Nirav was listening to every word as he watched the flick. Hey love, what are you two talking about? Syrus asked walking behind the couch where the two were sitting and hugged his mate. I was explaining Nirav about the two characters in the movie. How they go through a tough time trying to survive a dangerous planet, only both finding someone of a different species that has fallen for them. Ben said rubbing Syrus's hand. Cool. Just like us. Syrus said nuzzling Ben. Aaren must've fallen asleep huh? Ben said. Yeah, he was exhausted from today's events. Syrus had started rubbing Ben's chest causing him the murr. Nirav watched them fool around and decided to go to the other large couch. Hey Nirav, if you want we can teach you about love if you want. Ben said as he got up. Nirav shook his head quickly and did a shoo gesture to say 'you go on I'll be fine'. You sure? Syrus asked. Nirav nodded as he laid on the couch and went to sleep. Both shrugged and went upstairs to the guest bedroom for more of their lovings as Nirav was sleeping. Just an hour later, a door was opening and a shadowy figure walked down stairs to see if everyone had went to sleep. He noticed the excessive moans from the guest bedroom knowing full well of who it was. He saw the big pile of fur on the couch to be Nirav, sleep soundly. Nirav was slightly up listening for anything that would intrude in the house. He felt a presence behind and was about to attack, but felt something warm cover his body as the figure left. He sat up and saw Aaren quietly walk up the stairs to his room to sleep. He looked at what he left and saw a warm quilt covering him. He looked back at the empty staircase, only hearing a door closing. Aaren was worried about him getting cold and even left a fluffy pillow for his head. Nirav laid down with his pillow under his head, and as he went to sleep, he smiled. Meanwhile as those two had went to bed, Ben was giving Syrus a love bite to his neck as he filled his lover with his dragon seed. Syrus could only muster a slight whimper as the drake had bred him, his jaws firmly clamped around the malamute's throat as his kept two claw digits in his mouth to keep him quiet while the others were sleeping. As Ben's and Syrus's climaxes subsided, Syrus slowly slid off his hands and feet until he was laying his chin on the pillow with a sigh of relief. Ben stopped biting him and pulled out to bask in the moment of their mating. How was that for a drake-doggy style. Ben huffed as he licked Syrus on his cheek. Better than I hoped. Though your race never cease to amaze me. Syrus said with his tongue hanging out the side of his muzzle. Too bad Aaren couldn't join us for this. Ben sat up at why would he say that. Has he been with someone? he asked. No, for the longest I have known him, he's never been with anyone other than the blow job I gave him from our high school days. Syrus said as he shifted so Ben could lay down beside him. Ben was a little... surprised that a handsome young man as Aaren to still be a virgin. I know he has been with us for a while, but I think he's nervous about dating other guys, but won't show it. Ben pulled Syrus closer to him and wrapped his tail around his waist. Maybe he is waiting for the right guy. Ben said nuzzling Syrus's ear to comfort him. I know but I want him to be happy in case we are not around to keep him company. he said as he buried his face in Ben's chest. What about Nirav? Ben asked. I don't know, but if so.... he looks like he would really do a number on Aaren. I have heard that wolverines are rough when it comes to sex. Syrus said he rubbed the drake's cock slit. Ben purred as he was touched, but focused on the conversation at hand. Well.... we could help Aaren in that department for the rough stuff. Ben said as he began to nibble at the dog's ear. Let's talk with him later on, when Nirav is not around to hear. He may be a bit uneasy on us for it, but sure why not. Syrus said getting the desired effect of the drake's cock now throbbing in his hands. If all else fails, I'll let you mesmorize him with you icy blue eyes and we can get 'physical' with him. Ben , with his tail still wrapped around the malamute's waist, laid on top of him with a hard-on that could poke out an eye. You are still trying to get a threesome aren't you? Ben said with a lustful growl in his voice. I'm trying to keep things fresh for us ok. Syrus said nuzzling nose to nose with Ben. Either way, as long as I have you, I am satisfied. Ben said kissing his lover with more sex cravings in his mind. It was now seven in the morning, the small home on the outside of Carison city was now quiet as its inhabitants were snoozing away, while in the boss's hidden location, the boss was also sleeping soundly in his luxurious master bedroom, when the door to his office rang. Yes, what the hell is it? He yelled out. It was the mysterious young boy that talked to him earlier. Douglas, this better damn be important. the boss said. Yes sir, it was about the sniper and hitman you hired to finish the jobs you gave them. Douglas said without flinching. And the ending results of them? the boss asked. [a flash back of the scene of the crime as a forensics photographer was taking pictures of the slain hitman with the sniper rifle beside him with another policeman relaying the information to Dansby and Tabarez.] Well it would seem as though your sniper had accomplished his task, but had also found out about the hitman that was suppose to take him out, and slit his throat from ear to ear. The boss got up and put on a robe. And the sniper? he asked. Douglas had adjusted his glasses before speaking again. That's just it, he has suddenly vanished without a trace, though before leaving, he left his sniper with the hitman's body a present for the police to get a hold of. The boss looked at him with anger in his eyes. WHAT!? the boss yelled out. That big flying, buzzard of a chicken bitch, had betrayed me!? The boss had walked up to Douglas with fire in his eyes . I have already sent out men to find him- Douglas was saying but was cut off. Don't fucking bother, by now that bird is long gone, with his payment already with him. I was foolish to hire him. the boss said as he sat down. Right now we need to fix the situation with the cops now. We are working on that now. I have sent two teams to take care of the situation. four of our men are taking care of the sniper incident while 'The pack' is going to take care of the contact Sly and the detectives. Douglas said without hesitation. Very well, I hope that unlike our previous informant [a view of Moore in a weakened state after having his body ravanged by Peabody and Peterson's lust], you will do alot better. the boss said. I will not fail you sir. I will have taken care of everything. Douglas said while bowing. Good, make sure that the body is taken care of quietly, and the detective to be 'persuaded' to close the case. the boss said as he shooed Douglas out of his room. Will do. Douglas said as he closed the door. [Douglas is walking down the hallway making a call.] Yea, its me. Make sure you take care of the body quietly, dispose of the contact as he's of no use to us, and also make sure that the detective or detectives on this case be suggested that it is not a good idea to finish the case. Douglas said a smile crept up on his face. And if that doesn't work..........kill them. You got it Doug. A hyena said at the other end of the line. Well you heard the man, let's take care of this. The hyena was named Ochieng, the leader of the group of more hyenas and wild dogs that took care of 'loose ends'. His buddy was a wild dog named Etch was accompaning him to the task at hand. Yeah, I love the fresh smell of blood at this time of morning. Etch said with his gun out. Hey Doug said we need to do this quitely. You know the opposite of guns blazing! Ochieng yelled out. We need to take out the guy named 'Sly' and the detectives without attracting any unwanted attention to ourselves. he said with a machete in his hand. Don't worry my trigger happy wilddog, you will get your chance to fire off some of you pent up stress soon enough. [Ochieng giving him a toothy grin]Yeah thats what I'm talking about! Etch said as they banged their fist together. As they were going to retrieve the body, the other team began to search for their target named 'Sly'. At that moment, in the abandoned warehouse on the coast of Carison City, a hooded man that was living in the building is looking at a fighting championship between a brazilian boxer and a anthro boxer going at it for the title with a seven of his mixed pals that were smoking and drinking. [Game announcer: both fighters are neck and neck there's a left hook followed by a kick from the boxer and oooooh there is a smashing right hook from the brazilian boxer] All the people are booing the man that punched the boxer in the ring, hoping for the boxer to win instead of the human. Alright payup payup payup I told you he would slug him right....riiiight! Sly said getting the money from the other patrons that made their bets. Forget you man there is no way a human can be that good! A bull dog yelled out. Dude after seeing that punch, he must have been practicing for this for a while now. A fox said behind him. The bull dog got up and was walking down stairs. Hey where you going, the next fight is about to start. Sly said. I gotta take a piss, I'll be back. the bulldog grumbled. As he went outside to the back of the building to 'take care of business, a small vehicle had pulled up behind the containers a few meters away. We have reached the warehouse boss. a wildog said into the radio. Good. Kill everyone and destroy any evidence you find. Have fun. the voice belonging to Etch relayed to them. Roger that. The wild dog said with a grin. At that moment as the group of six wilddogs exited the car, Dansby and Tabarez were on their way to the same area. So how was that sniper investigation going for ya Harry? Dansby asked talking into the radio. Nothing at the moment, though. It might be that someone is making sure their loose ends are tied. Harry (jackrabbit) said. That could potentially means that Sly might be next one on the list. Tabarez said while driving. Then we need to hit it. Dansby said lighting a cigarette. Hey don't smoke in my car. Tabarez said as he saw Dansby light the cigarette. Ey relax it's just one cigarette so calm down. If it will help I'll roll down the window. Dansby said.At that moment, Tabarez swirved to the side of the street , stopping as his eyed Dansby. You know my feelings on smoking in my car, Dansby. he said. Dansby stopped and quickly ended the burning cigarette. Right, sorry. Dansby said looking at Tabarez like it was a funny joke to the german shepherd that eyed him. I'll remember to smoke out side. Tabarez only looked at him for that remark as he got back on the road again. Hmpf yeah I bet you will. he said as they sped off the try and get to the warehouse not knowing that Ochieng's boys were already making there move. [sighs] Woo, that hit the spot! the bulldog said zipping up his pants. Heading back into the warehouse to finish watching the fights, he heard a small sound and wondered what it was. Who's there? Hello? the bulldog looked around one of the containers. As quickly as he looked , someone quickly jumped behind him and snapped his neck, making sure not to make a sound. The fox that was inside watching the game was worried about the now dead bulldog. Hey Sly, Beamon is taking an awful time pissing. the fox said. Hehe he probably got lost in thought out there, or maybe he's jerking it. Sly said drinking a beer. Yeah well I'll go and find him I don't want him to miss the champion fight. the fox said leaving. Alright hurry back cause its starting! Sly yelled out. The young grey fox walked outside and went to search for the bulldog, using his nose to find any signs of urine around the area. [sniffing] whew, yeah he was definitely pissing, but where is he? the fox asked himself. As he walked around, he didn't notice the wilddog that was waiting in the shadows for the moment to strike. The fox walked around the back side of the warehouse calling Beamon's name with no response. Huh, Beamon is that you? the fox asked as he saw someone slumped on the pier looking at the water. As he got closer, he could make out the figure to be Beamon. Hey Beamon, what're you doing out here, man the game's started. the fox said with a chuckle. Beamon didn't respond, he only sat there as the shadowed figure slowly crept to the fox trying to talk to him. Beamon what's the matter. You're still mad that the dog lost? Well don't let it get to you man okay. Beamon? As the fox gently shook Beamon, his body slumped to far over and fell in the water with a splash. The fox looked at the floating body in the water, and noticed a figure was about to attack him. He looked behind him and saw a wilddog lounging for him with a knife. The fox quickly rolled out of the way barely as the wilddog looked at him with malicious intent. Y- you're one of the 'Wild killers'! the fox said scampering back as the wilddog walked towards his prey. Very preceptive young one, but now it's time to die. the wilddog said as he prepared for an attack. The fox quickly dodged again and began to run as fast as his hindlegs could push him. There was no way he can outrun a skilled hunter, but he was cunning. As the wilddog caught up with the fleeing fox, the fox quickly make a sharp turn into a small gap between the containers, avoiding the wilddog's grab. I got to warn Sly and the guys before I'm killed! the fox thought as he fled on the other side of the small passage. The wilddog quickly jumped up onto the container and gave chase. The fox quickly ran back into the warehouse and locked the door, catching his breath. SLLLLLLLLY! the fox yelled out loud. The slightly thin man walked out upon hearing his named shouted. Dude what the fuck is up with the yelling! Sly shouted back pissed. The fox, walking from the door, inhaled deeply and began to speak. The 'Pack' is here, and Beamon is dea- the fox was cut off as the 3x3 ft. thin glass window on the locked door was shattered as a wilddog dove through. The wilddog that dove through had landed firmly in a kneeling position in front of the shocked fox. In a split sec as their eyes met, the wilddog had the foxes throat between his jaws. The fox tried to fight back, but his attacker had both of his hands as he fell. Shhhit! Everybody run the 'Pack' is here! Sly yelled at everyone that heard the commotion. The fox was gasping for air as the wilddog's muzzle clamped down tighter on his throat, cutting air from the dying vulpine. As the fox's heart had stopped drumming its last beat, the wilddog released his now dead victim and howled as his fellow pack mates charged in to finish the others off. Sly ,at the moment, was scampering away as everyone he passed was killed off. One of the wilddogs saw him fleeing as he was killing another of his friends and took chase after him. Shit shit shit! Sly said to himself as ran harder down the hallway. The wilddog began catching up to the fleeing human, making the chase that much more enjoyable. Sly was sweating alot as he was trying to find door to barricade himself in or try to hide. Of all the rotten luck. he said heaving as the wilddog was not too far behind him. [door unlocks] Yes! Sly said as he quickly ran in and locked the door. The wilddog quickly ran around the corner as the door slammed, causing an echo in the hallway where he stood. The slender wilddog panted with his tongue out of his muzzle. The sense of his prey near him caused him to grin, baring his fangs as this was his favorite part of a chase. He walked down the hallway quietly, ignoring the screams and growls of the people trying to fight their way out. Meanwhile Detective Dansby and Tabarez were only a mile away from the warehouse that the onslaught was taking place. So who is this Sly human you know of? Tabarez asked as he drove. He's some small time thief who was mainly known to smuggle contraband and 'other' things in and out of the city some time ago for some quick cash. We don't know much of what he looks like. Most of the criminals we've caught say that he mostly wears a hood when making exchanges, but what is known is that he's a human. Dansby said reading his notes on the subject. Soo we can make a guess that this was going to pay him a lot of dough if the job was successful, yes? Tabarez asked with a raised eyebrow. Most likely, he probably would be hunted down and-. Dansby stopped talking abruptly and got a serious look on his face as he thought of the sniper. Aaand? Tabarez asked wondering why Dansby stopped talking. Step on it Tabarez, Sly just might be targeted for a one way ticket to hell. Dansby said. You got it now hang on! Tabarez said as he stepped on the gas, causing his car to pick up speed while dodging traffic. Back at the warehouse, the sounds of the wilddog's claws connecting with the floor echoed through the hallway as Sly quietly backed away from the door as the wilddog was walking closer and closer pass doors. As he backed up, he noticed a crowbar laying on some papers and quickly picked it up as a means to defend himself if or when the beast found him. As a shadow had appeared in front of the door, Sly froze with a bit of sweat creeping slowly from his head to bottom of his chin. If that dog finds me......I'm dead, but I won't go without taking him with me. Sly thought to himself as the shadow went from the right to the left under the door. Outside the door, the wilddog stopped and looked at the door for a moment. He quietly sniffed the air towards it and had a small grin on his muzzle. He's near. the wilddog said as he walked by the door Sly was hiding in. As Sly watched the shadow of the wilddog leave, he quietly sighed-shaking from the adrenaline that was flowing into every part of his body. Slowly, Sly went to the door and placed an ear to the door to hear if the wilddog was gone. His heartbeat was feeling like it wanted to burst out of his chest at that instant. I don't hear anything, not even a pin drop. Could he be gone? Sly asked himself trying to hear anything that could be a sign that the wilddog left. At that instant a clawed hand punched through the wooden door and grabbed Sly on the other side. Sly struggled hard against the dog's grasp as he was being choked from his strong grip. Using the crowbar, Sly began stabbing the arm with it causing the wilddog to yelp from the pain and let go of his victim. As the other members of the 'pack' had finished their part, they heard the yelp of their leader and ran to his aid. The leader backed away from the door and looked at his wounded arm. [growls] Yeah, he is in there alright. the wilddog said to himself. The other wilddogs came and saw their leader wounded. Alpha, are you alright? one wilddog asked. Oh I'm just fine. I just had a little mishap and I'm about to rectify that right now. Alpha said as he kicked the door open to see Sly inside with the crowbar ready for a fight. Sly stood there as he saw the pack leader licking his wound that he gave him with those eyes that sent a chill down his spine. It would have appear as though you have hurt me human-named-Sly. Alpha said as his glowing gaze was joined with other wilddogs that blocked the only way out. Sly nervously stood his ground while shaking uncontrolably sweat dripping form his face as the Alpha walked in. At least you have a little bravery to fight me. Alpha said with a toothy grin. Come on, show me what you got. He gestured with his index finger. Sly stood there as if he was paralyzed. What's happening? I-I c-can't move my body. Sly said thought. I've got to move got to get away somehow, but m-my body won't even budge. Well if you aren't going to finish what you've started, then I will. Alpha said as he was now eye to eye with the stunned Sly. Sly had just noticed the wilddog was in his face before being grabbed by the throat . It seems that you are of no use to the boss now, and as such you let his 'prize' escape. Alpha said baring his fangs at the struggling Sly. S-s-soo h-how wa was [coughs] I t-t-to know th-the fools [breaths sharply] would s-s-snoop at the contents. Sly said squirming in the wilddog's hand that was choking him. Still, they were your subordinates and as there leader, you must pay for there actions. If I was the boss, I would give you another chance. Alpha said turning Sly around and holding him his back pressed firmly against his furred chest as he held one his arms in a submission hold behind his back. The other holding his chin as he licked his prey's neck . Unfortunately, I am not and now you must die. Before Sly had realized it, the alpha had sunk his teeth into the human's throat. Sly began to scream in pain, but only to have it muffled by the strong hand of his attacker. His eyes widen as the wilddog clamped tighter and pierce through his wind pipe, killing his scream and finishing his death. The other wilddogs watched in delight of their alpha killing Sly. Now he released his prey's arm as he was slowly dying and held him in a close embrace. He clawed at the man chest ripping the shirt and causing him to bleed as he tightened his bite. The wilddog was enjoying every minute of it along with the pack that watched in awe. Finally feeling the final breath and heartbeat of his victim gone, he released him and laid his body down on the floor. The taste of blood on his covered muzzle entice a evil smile as he stood proudly over his successful mission. As the pack were about to leave, one of the betas had noticed a car had quickly pulled up into the parking area. Alpha, we have company. The wilddog growled out. Alpha looked outside to see, a white german shepherd and a human exit the vehicle and looked around. Well, well it looks like we get to have more fun with those two. he said with a grin. Especially with you, Yakir.

With the death of Sly taken care of, The pack now had one more thing to take care of, and that was the two detectives that just arrived to the warehouse. Well, this is the place. Looks abandoned though. Dansby said looking around. Tabarez looked around the docks area to see if anything was out of place, but the dead body that fell in the water earlier was nowhere in site to give any implication that something was wrong. Hmmm nothing here but the fisherman. He said as he was going back to Dansby. Just then his radio had sent off a broadcast. [radio] Tabarez, Dansby do read me over? the radio broadcasted. Yeah, we read you Edvin, whassup? Dansby said. Nothing much we just found the body of our sniper friend up here with a slit up throat. Edvin said. Theodore Edvin (age: 29) is a 6'ft 2in desert colored jack rabbit with a scar under his left eye. He has worked in the force for 5 years with the other two detectives. Yeah, and how's the evidence looking on that? Tabarez asked looking further down the docks at some fisherman pulling something out of the water. Well, I'm no psychic, but from what I can tell, it looks like this poor chap was facing a bonafide sniper and lost. Edvin said lighting a cigarette. You mean he was to assassinate the sniper? Dansby asked still looking around the warehouse grounds. Uh huh, who ever this 'Boss' character is, he's not fooling around that's for sure. Edvin said looking at the snipers that were being dusted for prints. Well, any clues to what happened? Dansby asked. Don't know exactly, but here's my theory. It seems like the actual sniper figured out that he was going to be killed, found the bastard, killed him, killed your man Fred, left his shit, and left for a trip to the Bahamas as a 'Fuck you' to his client. But that is only my theory. Edvin said blowing out a puff of smoke. Humph, sounds like the 'Boss' is tying up his loose ends in a hurry. Tabarez said walking down to the small group of fisherman he had seen ealier. Hey Dansby, I'll be right back I'm looking into something that's happening further down at the fish market. Go on and scope out the warehouse without me. Tabarez said as he walked up to the group of fisherman. What for you gonna eat at this moment while we are on a case? Dansby asked as he looked in through the dirty windows of the warehouse. No, it looks like there has been an accident, and I'm checking it out. Tabarez said. Sheesh, well no since of bitchin to the dog since we are cops and shit. Dansby said smoking a cigarette and grabbing his gun as he went into the warehouse where danger patiently waited for him. [The detective checks a door with a busted window for anyone. With gun in hand, he quickly opens the door and aims around in the dim lit areas of the bottom floor of the warehouse. Dansby's silhouette is shown a he heads deeper into the darkness looking for a light switch.] [, click] Damn, that's juuust perfect. Lights don't work. Dansby said blowing out a puff of smoke. Guess a flashlight with do then. As Dansby grabbed a light attachment from his pocket, a hidden figure lurked behind a pillar watching him as he was turning the light on. There we are. Dansby said. Looking around the darker areas, Dansby was checking if any one was around anything that could be a clue of Sly was residing here. How could anyone live in this joint anyway? Dansby thought to himself as he saw a big pile of garbage in the corner near a door. In this case I'm guessing anyone who would want to hide from the outside world. he said holding his nose while going through the door. The figure watched Dansby go into the room, waiting to sneaking up and kill him in the room he walked in. Meanwhile with Tabarez he just met with the fishermen further down from the warehouse to investigate what was going on. Hey, I'm Detective Tabarez, what's going on here? He asked. Some poor guy drowned in the bay. An old otter said. And when did this occur? Tabarez asked. We are not sure, we were sitting here fishing and goofing off when one of the guys spotted him floating from up there. the otter said pointing at the warehouse area. Thanks for your help. Tabarez said as he left the otter to see the body. Squeezing through the crowd, he saw the bulldog's water logged body. As he checked it, he noticed that something was not right as to how he looked. So the body just floated down here without anyone hearing anything of distress? Tabarez asked everyone. Yeah, we didn't hear a thing otherwise we would have noticed. A human male said scratching his head. Tabarez had looked the body over and checked around the clothing that showed that he was in water for a bit, but nothing to show that he was in the water that long. Back with Dansby, he scanned the dark storage room, checking to see if something or someone could be living here. All the while the figure was ceeping towards him, making sure its nails were not scraping the concrete floor to give it away. At the moment Dansby heard Tabarez on the radio. Hey Isner, you there over. Tabarez said waiting for a responce. Isner here, what have you found? She replied. Some dead guy who drowned in the harbor not far from our location. He said pulling out the victim's wallet and looking for an I.D of some sort. What?! When did this happen? Dansby asked as the figure got to the doorway listening. It seems like a few minutes before we got here. The guys name is Cole Beamon age 30, and apparently he was found floating down from the warehouse. Tabarez said standing at the pier looking back at the warehouse Dansby was in. Coincidence maybe? Isner asked. I don't think so. Does a body stay afloat after drowing? Tabarez asked. Not necessarily, the body would sink on the account of water in the lungs, and the removal of excess air. Why do you asked? Isner asked. Well......something doesn't look right about him. It looks like he's waterlogged, judging by his body, but he looks like he was just in the water, not drowning from it. Tabarez said scratching his head. Well send me a picture scan of the victim so I can check. Isner said. Alright. Dansby I'll send you the pic as well. Tabarez said pulling out his PDA from his pocket. Gotcha. Dansby replied. Tabarez flipped to the camera app on the screen and took some shot from the top and sides of the victim's body and emailed them for his team's investigation. Back at the lab, Isner's computer made a beep signaling the email from Tabarez. The same thing happened with Dansby's cell phone. Got'em. Same here Both Isner and Dansby said. Good so what's your verdict? Tabarez asked looking at the water. His neck was snapped. Isner said as she looked at the images. Tabarez quickly looked at the body with a bit of surprised look to his eyes. So that would mean? Tabarez said trailing off. That would mean.... He was killed. Isner said with Dansby finishing her sentence while smoking more of the cigarette and blowing out smoke. Then that would prove.......... We found the .......SHIIIT! Tabarez was saying with Dansby about to finish when he noticed someone 's arm was around his neck, choking him. His radio and phone dropped from his hands as he struggled with the assailant trying to kill him. Dansby, what's going there.......DANSBY!!!! [hearing static from the radio] Dammit, Isner Dansby is in trouble I'm going back and helping him out, and send a medic quick. Tabarez said as he ran from the group to help Dansby. Gotcha, Edvin has already finished the other investigation and is on his way to your location now. Isner said sending Edvin the coordinates. Good. Dansby was now feeling the air from his lungs getting shorter as he was trying to get out of the neck hold he was in. The figured kept pulling Dansby around to keep him off balanced as he choked him. Dansby used all his strength and stopped his assailant from pulling him, and quickly stepped hard on his foot, causing him to yelp in pain as his grip had weakend on his prey. He threw his attacker over his shoulder and drew his gun to get a good look at who it was. [breathing heavily] Alright...... that's enough. Now who are you? Dansby demanded as he aim the gun at the canine on the floor. The canine slowly got up onto one knee and looked Dansby in the eyes as if to intimidate him. Dansby only looked back with him own stare the gun pointed directly at the canine's face. Where's Sly? He asked. The wilddog only looked at him, cocking his head to one side as to look like he wasn't understanding. I don't have time for this bullshit. Dansby said getting closer to the crouched canine. Now if you know something you better start talking. My my aren't we brave with that gun on a unarmed opponent. A voice echoed in the warehouse. Dansby turned to see who said that, giving his enemy time to knock the gun out of his hand and knock him to the ground. The wilddog pinned him down to get a chance at his neck for a quick kill. Dansby quickly dodged his biting attacks, and forced him off and they began to tussle on the ground. By that time, Tabarez was just getting to the warehouse and found the door open. He placed his back to wall beside the doorway, and with gun armed he looked inside. Ey, Dansby you there!? Tabarez yelled inside the darkness. [heavy breathing and grunting] Y-yeah! Dansby said struggling with the wilddog that was trying to kill him. Tabarez focused on where Dansby was yelling, but the echo made it a bit difficult for the german shepherd. As he went in looking for him aiming around, another wilddog jumped from the shadows and charged at him. Tabarez aimed, but the willdog was too fast and pushed the gun out of the way as he pulled the trigger - the gun's blast echoed loudly in the warehouse. [growling] Now there won't be none of that now. the willdog said as he held Tabarez's arm, and punched him in the face. Tabarez stumbled back, dropping his gun as the wilddog continued his assault on german shepherd. Tabarez quickly dodged his second punch and made the wilddog jump back to avoid getting hit. He grinned at Tabarez and charged at him again swinging his claws left and right with Tabarez blocking and throwing a few punches in himself. Dansby, on the other hand, was still struggling with the other one. Just give're only putting off your defeat. the wilddog said. s-sorry to disappoint! Dansby said as grabbed a piece of a broken pipe in the rubble and wacked the wilddog on the side of the face. The wilddog yelped in pain as he was knocked off, holding the left side of his face as it throbbed with pain. Dansby, while free, began to scramble to find his gun while the canine was still writhing in pain. [Rustling in the trash] Dammit, where is it! Dansby thought to himself as he searched through the trash where the gun was knocked into. All the while, Tabarez and the other wilddog were going at it both showing signs of bleeding from there muzzles, and face from punches and kicks. Hey Dansby, [grunts] you okay! Tabarez yelled out as he dodged the wilddog's punch and put his assaulter into a headlock. Yeah.....just trying to find my gun. Dansby said still scrambling. The wilddog that Dansby just whacked with a pipe, slowly got up with an more angry look on his face. Now determine to kill the human. Dansby look out! Tabarez yelled just before the wilddog in his grip had elbowed him in his gut and tossed him over his head into some crates. Dansby just heard him and turned when a paw had swatted him into a wall. You will pay for that! The canine said as he grabbed Dansby and threw him into another wall. It seems the game is over for the two of them. You two, deal with them as you see fit. Alpha said as he and the other three left the building from the upstairs window to the van. With pleasure Alpha. the wilddog that threw Tabarez said as he showed a more sinster toothy grin as he walked to the weakened Tabarez. Dansby, on the other end, was now held against the wall the life being slowly choked from him. I'm going to enjoy killing you, human. the wild dog said licking some of the blood from Dansby's face wound he caused . A slow and painful death. The other wilddog stood over the aching Tabarez and stomped his hindfoot into him causing him to wince in pain. So this is the infamous 'Ghost dog' I've heard so much about. Those years being with humans has made you weak. the wilddog began digging his claws into Tabarez's chest as he talked down to him. Too bad, I was hoping for something more, but like Alpha and Etch, I'm greatly disappointed in you.the canine said digging his claws into Tabarez more. Shortly saying that a shot had echoed through the warehouse followed by another and another. The Wilddog stepping on Tabarez had looked up at his fellow pack member to see what happened. Back with Dansby, as he was about to be choked to death, he slowly pulled his gun from behind his back after he found it before being slammed into the wall by the mad wilddog. He fired three shots into the canine, who was in shock and pain from the bullet wounds in his chest. With wide eyes, he looked down at his chest and saw the blood on his hands when he checked. Dansby was released from the wilddog's grip and began coughing and gasping for air. S-sorry [breathing and coughing] but I'm not dying just yet. Dansby said as he regained his breath. The wilddog looked at his pack mate who staggered towards him, but fell to his knees and looked at him saying but a few words. Comrade, I h-have f- failed.

The wilddog said as he coughed up a bit of blood and collasped on the floor dead. His comrade looked in shock as his pack mate was killed. His eyes teared from what happened, but he became angered more at the human who shot him. [growling] You were a good member of the pack. Now in honor of your sacrifice, I will kill the one named 'Ghost dog'! He growled as he stomped into Tabarez's chest harder to keep him down while he walked over to the slumped Dansby. But before I do that, I'll kill this worthless human meat sack first! Dansby, at this point, was exhausted from the thrashing the wilddog gave him. Man I need to work out more Fighting these guys isn't a walk in the park. he said while struggling to get up. Dansby tried using his gun light in the in the dimmed area, but the light was broken due from the scuffle earlier. Damn......and having the eyes of a canine wouldn't be a bad idea either. He chuckled to himself now that it was going to be a bit difficult to find Tabarez. Hey, Tabarez where are you?! ..............Tabarez! His taking a nap at the moment, The wilddog whispered into Dansby's ear as he had silently snuck behind him. though, the same can't be said for you. The wilddog grabbed Dansby and threw him into some other crates making a large crash. At around the time, Edvin and his team got to the crime scene of the killed bulldog and did more investigations to confirm the cause of death. [whistles] Suck to be you right now. Edvin said as he crouched down to look at the body closer. While his team went through their usual checks, the old otter from before came and talked to Edvin. Are you a friend of the german shepherd cop? He asked. You can say that. Edvin said calmly. Is he around? No. He left about 20 minutes ago something about trouble with a friend and ran off towards the old warehouse there. The old otter pointed out. Hmm......sounds like they hit the jackpot. Edvin thought to himself. Did anything else occur after he ran off?Edvin asked. Nope. Nothing much happened after that. The otter responded shaking his head. Thanks for the info. I'll catch ya later. Edvin said shaking his hand and walking towards the warehouse. E-Edvin where are you going? A fennec fox asked. Don't worry about it, just make sure everything is taken care of when I get back. Edvin said winking at the fox. The fennec fox scratched his head and went back to work while Edvin went to the warehouse that Dansby and Tabarez went to investigate. If anything didn't happen after the time he went in...........then that would mean that he and Dansby are in trouble . Edvin said to himself.

Back at the warehouse, Dansby was in more pain after being chunked into some crates. Did that hurt human? the wilddog growled as he walked towards him. That should nothing compared to the pain you gave my comrade earlier. Dansby felt a sharp pain on his chest as he grimaced when he realized what it was coming from. The wilddog was standing over him with a hind foot' firmly on his chest the claws digging as he slightly pulled back. Now how does this feel hmm? Or this .........or maybe THIS!? the wilddog growled out as he clawed at Dansby's chest with his foot. Ripping his shirt and scratching the skin. While torturing Dansby at his leasure, he was forgetting one thing Tabarez was opening his eyes. So inferior so weak your human race is. The wilddog said pushing his foot more into Dansby's wounds. Yet you still try to show yourself as the bigger and badder species with your weapons. But when those are gone, you are helpless against us easily subdued by mere claws and teeth. Dansby looked at him as he strained from the strong hind foot holding him down. Hearing this wilddog insult his race. T-that may be, but we don't give up when we are unarmed. We'll fight demons barehanded if it meant life or death of innocent people being killed. Dansby said as he gave a small chuckle. Weapons are convenient to kill from a distance or when we are cornered. B-but I'll tell you something dog breath. Y-you don't know shit about the human race. He said managing to angle himself slightly to spat at the wilddog's face. Showing how 'weak' he was as a human. The wilddog, after being insulted and spat at by the human under his hindfoot, growled and slammed Dansby hardered and began to twist his foot and wounding him more causing him to scream in pain. INSOLENT BASTARD! he roared at Dansby. I'LL RIP THAT TONGUE OUT OF THROAT FOR THAT! The wilddog had raised his claws and was going to literally do as he promised . NOW...... DIE! Dansby closed his eyes with a faint smile on his face knowing that this was it for him , and with making that last smart remark he felt better at least. Etch was about halfway at this point just finishing a cigarette when a chime alerted him of a call. Yeah this is Edvin. he said stepping on the bud. Hey, this is Isner . She said. Have you heard from Dansby or Tabarez lately? She asked. Thats what I'm about to check on. I'm heading there now. Edvin said as he continued his walk. Already finished with the body at the docks? Isner asked. I've got the new fox to take care of that for me. Edvin said smiling . The guy needs hands on training after all. Isner just rolled her eyes at the comment he said knowing he probably gave him 'hands on training ' alright. Oookay then, Its been too long for them to not respond on their findings at the warehouse. Also since Dansby was cut off suddenly during our conversation. She said with a bit of worry in her voice. Don't worry, I'm sure they are fine. If anything, Tabarez will make sure of that. Edvin said remembering a similar incident. I hope it doesn't come to that. Isner said. What's going on? Dansby said as he didn't feel the finishing strikes from the wilddog. He was sure the wilddog had him and the pressure from his leg was proof that he was still there, but why? His questions were answered when he was shocked at what he saw. He saw a clawed paw just inches from his face, but it was halted by another paw. Following the source he found who it belonged to Tabarez. Tabarez had made it just in time to save his partner, but it seems that he was not himself. Dansby noticed that even with the little light that shone through from the recent crash from the wilddog's beating. T-tabarez? He murmured out. Tabarez didn't respond. Why don't you fight someone your own size. Tabarez said throwing the wilddog off of Dansby. The wilddog quickly gained his footing from the throw as he watched the german shepherd walk towards him his amber eyes showing a faint glow. [growling] So you've finally awakened Ghost dog. the wilddog said in a ready stance for a fight. In the instant that the wilddog had looked where Tabarez had thrown him from, he wasn't there anymore. Huh where did he go? Too slow. was all Tabarez said to the wilddog before kicking him in the face from behind into some crates. Dansby was weakly getting to his feet trying to see what was happening. Now that light was coming into the warehouse, he could see the two canines fighting. As he was about to walk, he stumbled back into the arms of Edvin who just got there. E-edvin? What are you - Dansby muttered out. Here to see if you two are alright. Edvin said sitting Dansby on the floor. Guess Tabarez is handling it now. Edvin began focusing more on Tabarez and remembering the last time he was like this. Tabarez and the wilddog were going at it with the wilddog struggling to keep up. Claws, punches, and kicks being traded from one another, but it was Tabarez who was giving them out. Shouldn't you help him Edvin? Dansby asked. Edvin only looked at him with a serious face. I couldn't even if I wanted to. In his current state he won't stop unless the enemy gives up or is dead. The wilddog was now on the ground, exhausted and hurt as the german shepperd was now towering over him a more serious and darker side of him ready to do what must be done. Y-you are what t-they say. A worthy fighter who doesn't hold back. The wilddog said spitting blood from his fractured muzzle. A shame you won't use that power for the Bosses-. before he could finished, Tabarez grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall. He bared his teeth and growled as the wilddog was chuckling. Who and where is your Boss?! TELL.....ME......NOW! Tabarez said in a louder, snarling voice. The wilddog's only answer was a spat of blood in Tabarez's face. Fuck you Ghost Dog. the wilddog said. Tabarez growled and pulled the wilddog from the wall and was about to claim his victory. That's enough Tabarez! Edvin said stopping him just before he was going to slam the wilddog's head in. Tabarez looked and stared at Edvin and the injured Dansby wondering why he told him to stop. That's quite enough, let'em go. Edvin said walking towards him. Tabarez dropped the wilddog and began to walk back towards Edvin. As Dansby watched this, his mind was still not registering as to what just happened. Tabarez and Edvin now standing in front of each other. Tabarez's eyes locked with his as in a staring contest to see who could punk the other, but Edvin was better at it. Hey, wake up you stupid mutt. He said calmly. Tabarez closed his eyes for a bit and let out a sigh before opening them. You good? Edvin asked. Yeah I'm fin- before he could finish the wilddog had lounged at the Tabarez with claws ready to kill. Tabarez was about to counter, but he heard a gun shot from behind him. The bullet made its mark between the wilddog's eyes- stoping his attack and ending what little life he had left. Tabarez quickly turned and saw Edvin with his gun un-holstered with a bit of smoking from its firing still there. Good, cause if you were to do that shit again, I'll put a bullet in your ass. He said with a evil smile. Tabarez looked at him and shook his head as he went to help Dansby who was still wondering what happened. Dansby eyes were still thinking how long he was teamed up with the german shepherd and thought he knew him, but after what just happened he felt as if he just lost all of that in an instant. How could I miss this something as simple as knowing your partners is burned into our minds, but not what i saw. The kind, cool, and friendly Tabarez had a darker and deadly side to himself. He thought to himself. How? How can I handle him in that state if Edvin was not here at the time? He could have torn me to shreds like that wilddog. No.... he wouldn't do that could he? As Dansby was quietly stressing himself out, he didn't notice a friendly paw had extended out to help him. Dansby. Tabarez called out calmly. Dansby looked at him like he was from the dead and saw his bruised and bloody paw from the fight. Tabarez knew he was a bit stuned from what he witnessed and hid his sadness with a smile to ease the tension. Need a paw up? He asked him. Dansby snapped out of his hysteria and saw Tabarez's warm and inviting eyes of his good friend before feeling better to respond. [sighs] Yeah seeing as how I got my ass handed to me. he said chuckling. After pulling him up, Tabarez placed Dansby's arm over his shoulder to stabilize him while they stood. So what you two find out? Edvin asked lighting a cigarette. Well this must be the place since Alpha's pack were here to greet us. Tabarez said while looking around. Hmmm, it would appear so. Dansby said as he stared at something in the distance in the rubble. Huh what do you see? Tabarez asked as he let him walk on his own strength. Now thanks to the light, Dansby got to look at what caught his eye a hand of one of their claim victims. Guys, give me a hand over here. Dansby said removing some of the debris. As they got the rubble off of the body, they saw what the hand was connected to. Well, we can rule out that he's unconcious. Edvin said starting at the bite wounds to the fox's throat. Yeah, the pack took this kid out quickly, but not without suffering. Tabarez said crouching down and closing the fox's eyes. Dansby grabbed a wallet from the body and looked at what was inside. It contained a ID (if not a real one ) of the victim. His name is Vic Jones age 19. he said looking further on what other info was inside. Looks like he works at the burger joint not too far from here. I'm guessing this is where he hangs out after work. Tabarez was now at the stairs to the second floor while Dansby was replacing the wallet where he found it. That would mean that there are more people here and judging by the smell of blood, I doubt none of them are alive. Upstairs, the trio looked at a room full of bodies all with the look of horror as they looked around in disgust. Damn, its a blood bath in here. Dansby said covering his nose. Tabarez and Edvin walked around and checked to see if anyone was alive and (at the very least) breathing. Nothing. Not even a single gurgle of breathing. Edvin said as he placed two fingers to a wolf's neck. Better call your buddies they'll have an field day with this. Dansby said looking around while shaking his head. Suddenly, there was movement behind the turned over couch. All of them grabbed their guns and aimed ready for could be a threat. Who's there!? Edvin yelled out. There was no answer. Just a faint moan of someone. Tabarez silently walked over with Dansby covering the opposite side at the ready. As they looked over behind the couch, they saw a guy with multiple slash wounds across his chest. Edvin call an ambulance we have a survivor! Dansby yelled. After getting the couch out of the way, Tabarez sat the wounded human on the floor away from the dead bodies. Hey, can you talk? he asked. The guy slowly looked at him with a bloody face and nodded. [straining] Y-ye-a. he weakly said. Do you know what happened here? Tabarez said as he leaned in to clearly hear the man. T-the p-pack attacked us out of nowhere, and killed everyone. He said as he went back through the ordeal in his mind. They w-ere s-so fast noone could fight back if they tried. I was clawed hea-v-ly, and wa-was saved by one of the others , [wincing in pain] but not before seeing Sly running from one of the Pack's members. The man weakly pointed at the hallway his hand trembling heavly as he held it up. N-no doubt that they h-have claimed their new victim the man dropped his hand quickly as he couldn't hold it up any longer. Alright, just stay quiet and save your strength. Dansby, go and check out the area with Edvin and see if we can find our suspect dead or alive. Tabarez said as he stayed with the man. Both nodded and went on ahead. When both of them went around the corner, the man coughed a bit as he was in no shape to move. Tabarez looked at all of the dead bodies of the man's friends, angry at the pack for doing this. You're lucky to be alive after that ordeal. Tabarez said. [coughing] Y-yea I guess, though it pains me me to see some of these guys die in the way t-they did. the man said looking at his bloody hand. S-some fi-fighter I turned out to be. I could only fight one of them before I bec-came a scratching post for the others. Tabarez commended the guy for trying to stand up to them, but still thought it was foolish for even handling the situation on his own. At the time everything was completed with the dead bulldog by the pier. The body was zipped up and ready for the autopsy while the info was packaged for review. The fennec fox that took care of the work for Edvin was Sean Kojo (Age: 23). He has only been on the force for a little over a year before being assigned to more homicide cases and such. He was a quick learner and could easily take care of all paperwork and moving bodies , but he liked the company to keep him at ease while looking at bodies . Sure he was used to them, but it doesn't help when all you do is come to work, investigate corpses , and go home with that on your mind the next day another dead person's face either looking at and/or around you as if seeing something that you can't see. Well that's the last report guys let's wrap this up. He said with a slight smile of all the work being finished. Maybe now I can look at something that isn't a corpse. [radio responding] Hey Sean, Isner, and Tabarez this is Edvin, can everyone hear me? Edvin asked on the radio. Yeah. Hmm. What's up All responded. We found Sly. Edvin said plainly. And? Isner asked wanting to know his condition. Dansby grabbed the radio as he looked at Sly's body. The bastard is dead. Looks like the pack has had their fun with him. How messed up is he? Sean asked. Well from our speculation, he was killed in the same manner as a fox down stairs he suffocated by a bite to the throat also he has bloody claw marks on his chest. Dansby said. Tabarez heard the last part and grabbed the radio. Sounds like the Alpha took the pleasure in taking his life. He said remembering Alpha doing the same thing to another person in the past. How do you kn- Dansby was cut from asking by Edvin. Trust us. HE did this alright. Edvin said with a growl in his voice. So that means more work for us huh, Edvin? Sean asked as he played with his pin. Edvin was about to answer when his phone rang. Yeah? He answered. [female on the other end of the phone] Edvin, we have a problem! the female said as she was holding a gun as firing at the van. What's going on!? Edvin said turning around and headed into the hallway. Some unknown assailants came and attacked us. They even blew up the van with all of the evidence of the sniper incident. She said. Are their any casualties? Edvin asked. No. Most of us got some cuts and bruises, but no deaths. the female responded. That's good to know, but for now gather what info we have left so we can analyse it at the office. I'll be looking forward to your report. Edvin said tying not to get angry. Yes sir. the female replied as she signed off. Damn! This shit keeps getting better and better. Edvin said scratching his head. Better call Sean and the others on this. Dansby said as he placed a hand on Edvin's shoulder. The sooner we clean this crap up, the faster we can get ack to the station to figure this out. Edvin relaxed a bit from the encouragement from Dansby, but he knew that they were going to have a headache with the chief.'re right. Might as well not bitch about it now. Edvin said calling Sean and the rest of the team to come and remove the dead bodies.