PU 48-M

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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#15 of Junk

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is another story concerning an alien race called the 'Sliz', who among others like to acquire humans as 'livestock' via raids on our planet since we're considered a bunch of uncivilized savages. They consider even other sentient beings as nothing more than intelligent animals instead of slaves, to be used and exploited for their benefit. They have no equivalent of the SPCA or Humane Society. In short, they can do anything they damn well please to their livestock, and no one complains; except the livestock, and they don't count. Their civilization is based on biological oriented technology as opposed to mechanical and/or inorganic. The ships they use; and even their building, are living creatures. One of their specialties is 'modifying' animals to suit their needs, and since humans are very susceptible to such modifications it makes us a very popular and valuable commodity. This is another story about the many uses the Sliz have found for human livestock.

PU 48-M

By William W. Kelso

I woke abruptly; instantly aware, like I always do now. Oh God; I thought, not again, please! But if I was awake it could only mean I'd been rented again. I looked out through the clear window of my storage pod, and gave a grunt of discomfort as the maintenance umbilical's detached, the one in my rear pulling out last. It was almost a pleasurable feeling, but I'd never gotten completely used to it, and this time I suspected the lube dispensers might be running low. When the pod opened with a soft hissing sound I stepped out, and obediently waited to be collected by one of the shop techs. The wait could be anywhere from a few minutes; or less, or much longer if I had been brought on-line for modifications instead of performing my services. I was torn, almost hoping it was for my services instead of more modifications. Some of the modifications I'd been subjected to so far were...disturbing, and there was no way to tell what the next one might do to me. But I wasn't nearly as badly off as some of my fellow units. But I waited, resistance was not an option. I was on an alien planet who knows how far from Earth, and I knew the cavalry wasn't coming. So I waited; and while I did, I remembered another life that seemed like a dream now.

Earth had finally received irrefutable evidence of 'intelligent' alien life in a rather rude and abrupt fashion, i.e., slave raids. Turns out they weren't the first, but with our new and more advanced technology at least we were aware of them. They just started; a few ships would land in more isolated communities, grab a bunch of people, then take off before we could do much about it. Oh, we knocked down a few shuttles, but their superior technology and defenses made their ships pretty much invulnerable. The only known destruction of an alien slaver ship took place when a lucky nuke went up one of their drive tubes. Boom. I think they were surprised by our resistance, but they didn't stop. So the natives got lucky a few times, no big deal.

I was grabbed; along with several hundred other unfortunates, at a state fair being held at a small town in the middle of nowhere. We were perfect; just sitting there, fat and happy. They used some sort of knockout gas, or ray, or something to incapacitate us. We dropped like sacks of potatoes, and woke up naked in cages in a spaceship far from Earth. Ironically I'd been at the fair to purchase animals for my ranch, and now I was livestock in a cage. Somewhere the Gods were having a chuckle.

The less said about my cruise on an alien spaceship, the better. Our captors were a reptilian race I never learned the name of, and they never bothered to tell me. They crammed us into much too small cages, males in one, females in another. No older people or children, just 'prime stock' adults. We were fed some horrible tasting slop every now and then, given no sanitary facilities, so we were filthy and stank by the time we reached our destination. We'd all lost a lot of weight during the trip, and were in amazingly good condition, all things considered. At least physically, mentally was another thing. Then we were sold; in a lot, to our new owners. I had thought the reptiles were bad enough, but the slug people were absolutely gross. Picture huge reddish slugs with four tentacles for arms, a large drooling maw ringed in small tendrils with a long tongue slobbering all the time, and you get a general idea. Oh, and like regular slugs they leave slime trails and are covered in the stuff. Gross. But they did treat us much better than the lizards did; after all we were valuable livestock. We were cleaned up, given medical exams; at least I think that's what they were, and well fed. On the down side we were still naked, kept in cages, and treated like animals. Efforts to talk or communicate with our new owners were ignored. Anyway, how do you talk to something that communicates more through scent and touch then sound? Of course they did talk too, but it just sounds like a bunch of farting, gurgling, and burping noises. Like I said, gross.

Initially; once the freaking out was over, I thought we'd probably be trained as servants or something, maybe put to work on their version of farms or ranches. Boy was I wrong, but we WERE put to work. But in way I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams or nightmares. I have no idea what happened to the others in my 'herd' as they; and I, were sold at auction over a period of several 'days'. Half the time I had no idea if it was day or night; talk about jet lag, and of course the aliens day's were different from ours. I was among the last to be sold, and I got the impression I was among the 'prime' stock. A small group of us; both male and female, were kept separate from the rest and slightly better treated, in that our cages were a little larger so we had more room to move around, plus we were required to 'work out' in a kind of outside gym area. After everyone else was gone we were finally put up on the block, examined rather intimately by potential buyers, and sold as a lot. This meant being secured; naked of course, in an upright frame with cuffs on your ankles and wrists while big slimy slugs ran their nasty tentacles all over your bodies as they inspected the animals for sale. I cannot describe the way it feels to be displayed and sold like a sheep or goat at a barn sale, the humiliation and fear as to what your fate is going to be is only part of it. It does something to your very soul, and there was no defiance left in any of us by then. We were perfectly docile, well behaved human livestock. We just wanted to go home, or find a nice safe place to curl up in and hide. A few went insane, but not me. What happened to the ones who lost it I have no idea, but I have a feeling the Sliz even had a use for them, or at least their bodies.

We were loaded in the back of some sort of cattle truck that appeared to run on a cushion of air, some kind of ground-effect propulsion. It was quiet and fast. After a short trip were we got our first real look at our new 'home'; a hot tropical world with lots of reds oranges, and browns instead of greens, we arrived at our destination. We were offloaded into new cages which were actually quite nice as they had sleeping pads and were actually air-conditioned so it was bearable. Then came some more 'medical' exams, and these went on for quite some time. Then the horrors started. The first came when 'obedience' collars were put on all of us. They looked like plain silver collars, but weren't just for decoration. They were for control, and...discipline. And up until then the exams; if a little disturbing, had obviously been to determine our overall health as the alien vets checked us over. A few of us received some injections of what I think were vitamins; or maybe vaccines, and those who got them felt better afterwards. OK, they were taking care of us. Not that bad so far. I was actually starting to hope this might not be so bad, maybe they just wanted unique and exotic pets. We'd be given to some young Sliz as his birthday present, and he'd give us treats and take us for walkies. So long as we were obedient and did tricks for them it wouldn't be so bad. But so far we had no real idea as to what they wanted us for. But that changed abruptly on a bright rainy day. Oh; did I mention it, it rains a lot here. We were utterly sick of it.

So far the males and females had been kept segregated, and we hadn't been allowed to have much contact with one another. I guess it was a basic precaution as the aliens probably knew it might cause trouble. I mean, put a bunch of naked men and women together in cages and nature happens; so they knew it would end up with the males fighting and pregnant females. So when we were awakened one morning and taken from our cages I was surprised when a Sliz 'handler' picked me out of the group of males, then picked a woman out of the female group, and led us off together. This was new, I'd just assumed we were going to subjected to more tests, or left to spend the day in a kind of corral. This was the first time I'd been paired with a female, and the first time there was only two of us. We were being taken to be tested, just not in a way I'd expected.

The Sliz took us to a cage, and put us inside. It was different from the others in that there was a raised dais in the center with a padded top, about 4'x 7'. The Sliz did use a kind of translator to 'communicate' with us at times; they gave orders, and we obeyed. You didn't talk back unless directly asked a question. As we stood there in the cage, the women on one side of the dais and me on the other; both rather embarrassed, the Sliz keyed the translator; the damn things were much too loud, guess they thought we were deaf, and said, "Male, you are to mate with the Female, until told to cease." Well; I talked back, and got my first experience with the 'discipline' function of the collar. It shocked the holy shit out of me.

When I woke up I was lying on the pad, the woman standing next to me with a worried; and scared, expression, on her face. When she saw I was coming around, she gave me a hesitant smile, and said,

"Are you OK?? You just kind of convulsed, and passed out."

"Ohhh, shit!" I moaned, "That felt like I was being skinned alive and electrocuted at the same time! Man that hurt!"

"I-It said we have to have sex, to mate." the woman said, "If we don't, we'll both be 'disciplined' until we do. It also said that if you want me...restrained, that was an option. I was supposed to tell you that. The platform has restraints, see?"

I looked as she showed me adjustable cuffs on heavy cords attached to each corner of the dais. I looked at her, and said, "Like hell. I may be a slave, but I will not rape you for their sick jollies."

She gave me a grateful; but sad, smile, and said, "We don't have a choice, while you were out the Sliz showed me another function of the collars. He took control of my body somehow, made me move when I didn't want to. It was clumsy, but I couldn't stop it! He said we would be forced to mate, unless we did it 'naturally'. I...don't want to be forced, that would be even worse."

Being naked for so long; plus being treated like animals, had lowered our social inhibitions about public nudity somewhat, but even then we'd been mostly sequestered with members of the same sex. So being that close to a good looking nude woman was still somewhat...arousing, as my cock decided to prove despite my own reluctance. She was very pretty, with large full firm breasts and thick pubic hair with the lips of her sex just visible. And it had been a long time, and I hate to admit it but the situation was just a little arousing in its sheer, well, alieness. I guess; like other livestock, we were expected to... breed. Whether we wanted to or not. I'd never seen it from this perspective, and wandered what the animals I'd had bred back on earth had thought.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked, "I won't force you, they'll have to make me. And there's nothing 'natural' about this! Don't they know that?"

"Yes," she said, "I don't want to be forced to...to do this, it's...better this way."

"What's your name?" I asked, for lack of anything else I could think to say at the time.

"Tina." She replied, a little shyly despite the fact we were both naked, and there was nothing left to the imagination.

"That's a pretty name," I said as I held one of her hands, "my names Rob."

The Sliz; who had of course been watching, suddenly said from a hidden microphone, "You will mate, or be disciplined again!"

Well, we did what those slug bastards wanted. And honestly; once we got started, it was incredibly passionate. I think we both needed the relief of being as close to another human being as it's possible to be. We didn't kiss all that much, but did engage in some foreplay as she cupped and fondled my balls while I gently kneaded her firm breasts and sucked and nibbled her soon rigid nipples. When she was ready she hopped up on the pad and I followed. I lowered myself between her legs and mounted her, and as I slid into her slick ready sex she gasped in pleasure; then wrapped her legs around my waist as I fucked her. She cried the whole time, and it didn't take very long at all. Like I said, it had been a long time and we both needed it. But it wasn't enough for our owners; they had of course been recording the whole 'act', and one came slithering by a short time later and told us to 'repeat your mating, but to take longer this time'. I almost told him to go fuck himself, but remembering the incredible pain and agony of being 'disciplined' I kept my mouth shut. And we did as we were told. After we'd 'mated' for the second time we were taken back to our main cages. From the subdued attitudes of the other men it was evident they'd also been put out to stud. I don't know about them, but I for one felt guilty that I'd enjoyed it so much, at least the physical part. But from the sounds so had my 'mate'. I couldn't help but wonder if it was still rape since we'd been forced too, or maybe we'd both been raped?

The next day was a repeat of the first, but with a different woman. And this time I was told to couple with her from the rear. I did it, I had no choice. This went on for two weeks, with a different 'female' every day. Most of us 'cooperated', but one woman had to be restrained while I literally raped her twice while she lay strapped face down over the edge of the table and I took her from behind. I had no choice; they shocked her into unconsciousness, and told me they'd keep shocking her until I did it. She just turned her head to the side and closed her eyes; crying, as I thrust into her, and when I asked her to forgive me she didn't answer. I hope she did eventually.

But I had been wrong about the 'breeding' part, our forced sex wasn't for making babies, it was another series of God damned tests. Later I would find that the collars 'broadcast' our physical and emotional sensations while we 'mated', and of course they were mainly ones of intense pleasure. This intrigued the Sliz; who of course knew sex could be pleasurable; even with slugs. But with humans it was particularly concentrated and intense. I didn't know it at the time, but the Sliz are capable of 'plugging in' to another animal's nervous system and feeling what they do through some sort of 'empathic' interface. Don't ask me how it works exactly, but it does. And the Sliz love sexual pleasure; theirs and other species; they're pleasure junkies, so it was decided that we were to become what they called 'Pleasure Units', the first ones modified from basic human stock. The horror was beginning.

After the marathon 'forced rape' sessions things quieted down for awhile and we were left alone, again just assuming that since all the 'female's had been serviced they'd just wait for the babies to come along. We thought we were at some sort of breeding facility; and honestly most of us weren't all that disappointed, at least we weren't being fattened up for the slaughter house, and being a breeding stud had its advantages, and... pleasures. We were a pretty subdued bunch though, no bragging about 'all the pussy' we'd had. It just wasn't right; getting it like that, and God knows how the women felt about being bred like sheep. Then the Sliz came and took us away, a few at a time, and I never saw most of my fellow livestock again, or if I did I didn't recognize the more modified ones. I doubt if anyone would have recognized me.

I was taken to a new area I hadn't been in before, and as we passed rooms I could see what looked like big refrigerators lying on their backs in some of them, all sorts of tubes and things connected to them. They were 'pods', and I was soon to be inside one of them myself as I underwent my first 'modifications'. First what looked like a body stocking of very fine silver mesh was slid over my whole body, and it slowly contracted tightly as it conformed to my body. Then I was partially lowered into a pod full of thick green goo that stank, and I freaked out as tubes were inserted in my rear, down my mouth, and even over my penis. Then once they were secure I was lowered the rest of the way into the thick warm goo; the pod closed and everything went dark, and while trying to scream I slipped into a deep sleep. I have no idea how long I was in there.

When I woke up I was lying on a table; still caked in thick drying ooze, while a Sliz cleaned me off. I felt amazingly good overall, at least physically, my skin felt incredibly sensitive. The body stocking was gone, and later I would find it had literally sunk into my body without leaving a trace and merged with my nervous system. That was the first modification, to 'wire' me properly so a Sliz could plug-in and feel what I was feeling as if I was its own body. Another 'basic' modification was the enlargement of my penis, testes, and prostate in order to make me sexually insatiable as well as to increase the amount of pleasure I'd feel. When I was taken to a small cage and left to recover from my first dip in a pod I soon realized; after I recovered my wits, that I had tennis ball sized balls and a longer and thicker cock; eight inches hard, which was quite a shock, and my emotions were divided on the subject. I mean, what man doesn't want to be bigger, but not like this! It was...obscene. And at that point I still thought maybe it was breeding related; that I'd been made into some sort of super-stud, and I'd certainly be able to 'service' a lot more females hung like I was now. Wrong.

Since I had been 'wired' internally the discipline collar was removed, it was no longer needed as the neural mesh integrated into my nervous system could perform the same function, as in shocking the shit out of me if I disobeyed an order or otherwise got cranky. Believe me, I did my best to avoid those experiences because being shocked was the least of the punishments they could subject me too now. They could take any kind of 'experience' that had been recorded, and play it back into the neural network. In short the effect was you suddenly became someone; or something, else, and lived through whatever they had as if it was your own personal experience. The possibilities were endless. And they used those 'recordings' to study my own responses to what was happening to 'me'. It was completely, totally, obscene, indefensible, and unconscionable to subject another sentient species to such torments of terror, pain and pleasure. But what made it even worse was the Sliz did it not do it out of evil or vindictiveness, they were just curious. After all, it was done in the name of science, and I was just an 'animal'. Just like a lab rat.

I was subjected to so many different 'experiences' I forget how many. It went on and on for days as I was 'tested' to see how I would respond to different situations, and they also did something else as well if my reactions were unsatisfactory, 'programming' me to accept them and 'cooperate' even if I found those experience recordings terrifying and/or disturbing for both physical and/or psychological reasons. My first 'full immersion experience' was one the most 'benign', yet at the same time more disturbing. In the recording I 'became' a female human, and had my first sexual experience as a female.

I was hooked up to some kind of machine, and after a brief moment of slightly nauseating disorientation I blinked; and was suddenly inside a cage; one I recognized as a 'breeding' cage, and there was an aroused man with me, his penis fully erect, and I felt a strange; but pleasurable, wet sensation between my knees, and my nipples were tingling. As I looked at the man I hopped up on the edge of a table, and leaning back I spread my legs for him! Then I looked down as his cock slid into my PUSSY! And I realized in horror I was female now, and was being fucked! But I was strictly along for the ride, a spectator only, I had NO control over what was happening. But I felt; both physically and mentally, everything the woman did, right up to a mind blowing orgasm and I cried out in ecstasy along with her. Then another blink, some more nausea, and I was back lying strapped down on the table. Intellectually I knew I hadn't gone anywhere; that it had all been in my mind, but it had felt 100% real. And that was only the first such 'experience'.

After that first time I was taken back to my cage for awhile so the Sliz could study and analyze my responses to having had sex as a female. While I had felt what the woman had felt, I had also had feelings of my own, and those were what interested my owners. It would appear they were pleased with the results, as soon I was subjected to repeated 'immersions' as I 'became' a female again, first with single partners in different positions, then with multiple ones. Evidently they were mainly interested in how I would respond to mating as a female as there were no 'male immersions'. I guess they figured one male mating was pretty much like another, at least until they began to subject me to recording from aliens and what I think were merely animals.

My first non-human immersion caught me by surprise; they never bothered to tell me what they had planned. I was hooked up, blinked, and suddenly I was some sort of large four legged beast. I was in a pen with a female, and her scent had me greatly excited and aroused, but she was being uncooperative. I watched through my 'hosts' eyes as he 'courted' the larger female, which reminded me of a huge Iguana of some kind, so I knew I must be something similar. Finally she lowered her back spines as she accepted the male as her mate, and with a loud hiss of lust I mounted her, hooking a leg under her tail to move it out of the way, and brutally lunged into her as I bit the back of her neck to pin her, both of us hissing loudly in bestial pleasure. The mating was fairly quick, brutal in its intensity, and the pleasure was mind numbing for both the reptile and myself. The orgasm was as much pain as pleasure, the reptile almost passing out. I must have, because I woke up back in my cell, the memories of that inhuman rutting echoing in my mind, and I had an erection so hard it hurt, and had to pleasure myself before it would fade. And the memories of being a four legged animal in rut remained; they were my own memories as well now. I had been that animal, I had mated with that female, and it had been horribly and disturbingly glorious. That was the first of many similar 'immersions', and once I even found myself as the female lizard being mated by the male, and I have memories of that mating both as a male and female.

To this date I have no real idea why I was subjected to those strange and disturbing experiences, and they still do it from time to time, but more seldom now. I'm sure they have their reasons though; perhaps they like to immerse themselves in the feelings and reactions of one alien mind trapped inside another! But the services I provide are not just mental, oh, far from it. I was trained physically as well.

Once out of the pod the real and actual sexual sessions with human females increased dramatically, up to several a day. I had no problem performing whenever required. Some of the women I serviced confirmed that they too had been 'modified' and subjected to 'full immersion experiences', mainly as males. I was taught how to pleasure a woman in every way imaginable, both with my cock and my tongue and lips. I learned how enjoyable a titty fuck could be, and the arts of sodomy and cunnilingus. Then the training was repeated with multiple partners, two at first, and then three. Next came the training with members of the same sex, and I learned every way possible to pleasure another males cock, and to have a male pleasure mine. Then came the group sex, orgies lasting hours or even days. A few times I was subjected to 'recordings' of the orgies I took part in, but as a female or another male. It was strange to watch myself fucking 'me', or another partner while I was being fucked by another man. The feeling of my identification as male began to blur and become almost nonexistent as I experienced both sides of mating. Then we moved onto a new stage.

In the next stage we took part in sexual training with other species, both sentient and animal. In all the cases we were sexually compatible, though additional training was necessary in many cases to bring ourselves and our 'partners' to the maximum levels of pleasure possible. But our masters were very experienced, and we learned quickly. Any acts of 'disobedience' or 'unacceptable reluctance' resulted in being subjected to less enjoyable 'immersions'. Such as undergoing a living vivisection as you were dissected alive, being brutally raped by multiple partners, or being eaten alive and dying inside some monsters stomach. Once I 'became' a small furry creature like a rat, and was eaten alive by a snake, the 'recording' running up to the point I finally 'died' in its stomach, well on the way to being digested. The horrible punishments were brutal and very effective, and the best part was they caused no physical damage to the livestock. So we did our best to cooperate, and we learned.

The last part of our training was unexpected, though I should have guessed it was possible. In this stage we 'swapped' bodies with others wired like we were. Somehow they could crosswire our neural implants and we literally became the other party, and they became us. Instead of being a spectator in a 'recording', we had full control of the other body, and they could leave it like that as long as they wanted. My first experience with 'body swapping' was to spend a week as a young woman, and I was trained as a female while she was trained as a male. Sometimes with each other. It's a strangely disturbing experience to be fucked by yourself; let me tell you, and I have no doubt it was equally strange for 'her' to be fucking her own body. Then the swaps were extended to aliens, both sentient and other. Those were the worst of all as some of them had senses and feelings I can't began to describe, and we had to adjust ourselves and learn to use our 'new' bodies, and I'm sure they had just as hard a time with our own. Imagine suddenly being in full possession and control of a body with no eyes that 'sees' by smell, and is more insect than anything else. Or finding yourself a large dull stupid reptile with a brain the size of a walnut, and trying desperately to remember who you really are. The animals were the worst, it was one thing to feel what they were feeling, but an entirely different to become the animal entirely. The longer you remained in an animal's body the more you became that animal, and it was a horrible feeling to feel your intelligence slowly draining from a simpler brain that was unable to retain your memories and intelligence. And then when you they finally returned you to your own body it could take hours; or days, to recover and stop thinking of yourself as a big dumb animal. It was horrible.

But; finally, the training and 'conditioning' was over, and were put on auction and sold to 'entertainment' companies one by one. The Sliz's idea of 'porn' was to actually rent the body of an animal; sentient or otherwise, and then take part in sexual activities. They had the option of allowing the well trained animal to perform the required acts, or to take over and be in charge themselves. Most chose to let the 'Pleasure Unit' perform the required acts, the Sliz going along for the ride. Putting themselves in charge of a Units body had its drawbacks, as they wouldn't be aware of its limits, both physically and mentally, and didn't have its training and/or skills. I was designated as 'Pleasure Unit 48-Male' and a code indicating my species, and all Units came with a list of other species with which I had been trained and was physically compatible. My 'partners' as I performed for the Sliz who had rented my services were not always fellow Units, but often just 'natural' unmodified animals. This was necessary since 'rape' and BDSM scenarios were very popular, and the Sliz enjoyed it more if the other 'actors' were experiencing the real act of being raped and/or sexual tormented, but no actual permanent physical damage was allowed. So I had no choice but to commit acts of sexual horror for my owners on an almost daily basis, rape and bestiality being the least of them. But I was well trained, and the physical pleasure was very real as I had been 'wired' and modified for it, and needed the intense stimulation. When I wasn't 'on-line' I was put in a 'maintenance' pod, which was necessary as otherwise I'd have gone insane quite rapidly. The pods give us a chance to rest and heal, until we're ready to perform the next time, as good as new. Yes, the Sliz are very good at what they do, they've had untold thousands of years to learn to modify other life forms to suite their own purposes.

In one way I'm 'lucky', as other than the standard sexual organs enhancement all Pleasure Units receive I'm still recognizably human. Others are not so 'lucky' as the Sliz can 'modify' our bodies in many different ways. Some units are merged with physical characteristics of other sentient species or animals to make them compatible with a much broader; or more specialized, range of sexual partners. I have seen once human Pleasure Units with the characteristics of reptiles, avians, insects, and forms I don't recognize. So yes, I'm one of the lucky ones. If I was half cockroach I know I'd go insane.

As I stood by the pod daydreaming and remembering, I felt a sudden tingle in my mind as I received my instructions. Scenario 203, a fairly standard one. Several other Pleasure Units, both my species, and otherwise, had been rented to take part in a gang rape scenario. Several unmodified young aliens of both sexes; and various species, would be released in a 'wooded area', and we would hunt them down and rape them. Trained 'modified' animals had also been rented. The scenario would run for four days. It was a fairly popular one, and having received my instructions I turned and headed for the entrance to the 'gaming' park. I'd meet up with the other Pleasure Units, both sentient and otherwise, and then as soon as the 'victims' had been released from another entrance we would make our own appearance, each of us the 'host' for a Sliz who would experience; see and feel, everything we did as we hunted down; and raped, the other poor creatures like us. Let the games began!

The End
