Blood Moon

Story by Icvulpes on SoFurry

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AHHHHHHHHHHH! Really close to the deadline! I can't find the time device on Sofurry! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I hope I'm still on time! Enjoy the story! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Metroid, Starfox, The Legend of Zelda, and respective characters © Nintendo

When the demon's blood stains the moon,

And the souls tumble in their crypts.

All hallows eve will turn on its self,

And the garb will follow the script.

Our story starts with a young fennec boy. This boy is in no way any more extraordinary than any other boy his age. He is not sickly, nor is he physically incredible. He is only unique to himself. Being a fennec, he is skinny, but an average height. Also, like most fennecs, he is unwieldy fast and ungainly shy. This shyness has been his bane and is now keeping him in his home at this Halloween night.

Our fennec, described before, is letting his timid nature get the best of him. Halloween night and he's cowering at home, afraid he would be made fun of for his choice of costume. So, he sits. He sits and watches out the window, filled with a mix of fear and disappointment in his choice to not partake. He only watches everyone else enjoy the night he is missing, making him retreat farther inside himself. He drops his eyes as the only show of his loneliness.

"The meteorologists say there's going to be a blood moon out tonight from around 9 to midnight." His mother coos trying to get him excited about the night. Her voice was kindly in dealing with his current state. "Your father and I are going to a party tonight and will be back early in the morning." She states after getting no reaction from her son. She kneels next to her son at the window. "Look, I want to have fun tonight. I would really like to see you go out and trick-or-treat. You put a lot of work into your costume. Just enjoy it." Her soft mothering tone is pulled from her arsenal to get him to do something, but to no avail. He still sits there looking out the window with the same sorrowful eyes. There is nothing left for her to do, but let him stew on her words. After a moment, she rises and leaves the house with a soft good-bye. He looks at the door after his parents leave and gets up, himself. He peers around his silent house and focuses on his green costume draped on the chair across from his window. This fennec boy silently decides to forget his costume and simply go outside instead.

Outside, our hero takes in the sights and sounds of the bustling trick-or-treaters. He checks his watch. 8:43. He starts to walk down the street to waste some of his time.

After a while of walking, our hero is now a ways from his home. The houses are now thinned out and the gapes from the houses are replaced by retreated woods. There are still many children running around, but not as many as back where he started. Our hero lets out a sign and relaxes his shoulders. His mind has also relaxed about not going out tonight.

"Hey." A voice comes from behind. The fennec turns around and nearly jumps out of his skin at the sight of xenomorph staring back at him. "Whoa! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." says a the raccoon inside a costume. The fennec calms down, but is still scared from his shy nature. He sees that the costume is an alien, but is made from some stuffed clothe and plastic piece. Only scary in the dark or as a surprise, or, in this case, as both. "Well, I was coming over here to ask where your costume was. It is Halloween after all and..." The raccoon continued, but to an end. For as you see, near the end of this sentence the clouds part to reveal a large moon that looks as though it was stained with a fresh coating of blood. This new element in the sky brightened the night, but also saturated everything in a red hue. The lighting on this night seemed to change everything. The raccoon in the costume standing before our hero went from enunciating words to spewing out a low alien growl. The light also seemed to change his costume. It went from an obvious fabric replication to sleek, rigid alien skeleton. Our hero, though spacing out at what he thought was a verbal attack from this curious raccoon, is now brought back to reality with this sinister and unexpected growl. From what our hero can see, there seemed to be no traces of a raccoon inside this costume. Without prior knowledge, anyone would think this is a real alien. With prior knowledge, he is still afraid of the creature in front of him.

The alien has a focus on the fennec in front of it. It start to drool and walk towards the hero of this story. Frightened and confused, the fennec fumbles with his feet and lands on his tail. The alien still approaches him in a malicious and seemingly hungry way. A low, rumbling growl comes from the creature. His mind falters in a panicked way and in a final act of self preservation, he flips over onto his hands. From here, he sprints so that he back on two feet. He runs. Blindly, he runs, the only thing he can do. The alien retreats in his mind and he is just running to keep his life. There is nothing left in the world but his feet pounding the ground, the tunnel of vision in front of him, and the mixed sounds of his breathing and racing heart. His mind is captured by his need to run and dodge there featureless grotesques roaming the streets. His running kept up, but for how long? His chest is already burning with every new breathe. He knew that he couldn't run forever, especially at this pace. He felt his muscles giving out and with a synapses of the brain, he stops running in the middle of a nearly empty street.

'Now,' he thought,'I must surely be away from that...that...thing.' He now stands doubled over in the middle of the street having a panting fit. He looks at his watch. 9:37. Needing more information than just the time of night, our hero surveys the area. Saying it was empty would not be right, but full would be far from the truth. The street was occupied by a few creature. The most notable are two zombies some fifty feet away. The other creatures went about their business without concern for this single canine. The zombies are far away from the hero, but he could still make out that they seemed to be the remnants of a deer and a rat. They had seemed to stop and stare at him. Realizing he was food with their primitive brains, they started stumbling towards him in a slow and clumsy motion. Being slow and far away, they didn't worry our hero yet. His attention is now redirected to a large black mass behind the zombies. Being where it was, the mass was too dark to make out what it was, but then a glowing red eye appeared in the splotch. It spread into a form and stepped into the light. To the fennec, it appeared to be a large velociraptor with wings and a barbed tail. It let out a deafening screech, which made our hero double over in even more pain. Then he realized, who it is.

'Ridley! It's Ridley!' He thought in a panic. This is the creature of his second favorite video game and he has to meet him in real-life. The seemingly goofy looking creature of the game became a literal nightmare when confronted in real-life. The massive Ridley then lifted off and started flying toward the defenseless fennec boy. 'This is karma for beating him so easily in Metroid.' he laments as his impending doom rushes towards him. Ridley lets out another screech as he gets closer. Some mere twenty feet away, an explosion hits the skin of Ridley, stopping him in his tracks. Three more missiles zoom past our hero and explode on contact. Ridley screeches in pain. Out of nowhere, Samus slides in next to the fennec and continues to unload missiles into Ridley. Ridley falters in midair at the constant barrage of projectiles. The fennec boy is in awe at how his savior appear in his time of need. Samus, Ridley's adversary, appearing in the nick of time to do her job. Usually events like this in literature are just poor writing and plot development. However, it is Samus' job to take down Ridley, and that is what it is doing. ("It" used because even though Samus is a girl, it is still undetermined if the person in the costume is male or female.) Through the barrage of missiles, Ridley is able to regroup and lounge out for an attack. In this, He grabs Samus and continues to fly off in the same direction.

Our hero is dumbfounded at the events that took place in front of his very eyes. He continues to stare in the direction that Ridley flew off in and the shock starts to wear off. His situational awareness comes back at the right time to catch a grumble from behind. He turns around to see the zombies closer than ever. He could see the whites of their eyes...falling out. He jolts backward just as the rat zombie lunges towards him. This zombie takes a minute to reassess the situation and they start to move towards the fennec boy again. Our hero turns tail again and runs down the street. Being winded from the last few experiences, the zombies are able to keep a good running pace with him. Our hero can keep a good gap between him and the zombies, but he can feel it slowly shrinking. His legs had the feeling that they were on fire from the constant flight. Could he keep this up?

"Quick! This way!" he hears from the right. He takes a glance to see a figure beckoning him towards the woods and he changes coarse strait to it. He can barely see the figure, when it runs into the woods. Our hero tries his best to keep running for fear of the things chasing them. He focuses on the person he is following and only catches glimpses of him around trees. A gray vest. Then, dark green pants. He still can't see who it is. He can barely run now. A glimpse behind him shows that the can't be see, but he can still hear that they're close.

In a hushed voice, the figure says,"Quick! Over here!" and ducks behind a tree. Our hero hides behind a tree adjacent to the figure. He is panting out of control and works on slowing it down to hide. He looks over to the one he was following. Finally it clicks. He's been following Fox McCloud. He looks him over as an idol and the Starfox theme plays in his head uncontrollably. He shakes his head to stop this crazy music player and looks back at Fox. They hear rustling. The Zombies rush past in their rush to catch their prey. They wait. The zombies pass completely and they emerge from their arboreal hiding places.

Fox asks our hero for the time. Still in awe, it takes him a second to respond. 10:14.

"Damn! Still two hours left!" Fox exclaims. Then starts,"We'll need to keep moving to..." Seeing the fennec bent over panting and looking at him with a pathetic, fearful face. Fox decides,"Alright, you can rest up for a bit. We are far enough from the road." Our fennec leans against a nearby tree and slides to a sit. He breathes a sigh of relief, but fear can still be seen in his face. He still breathes heavily, but it is coming under control. Looking up at Fox, he sees that he is just watching for oncoming creatures. Every now and then, his ear twitches to a sound, but he is completely shut off from any feeling. Completely stoic. The fennec's breathing gets lighter and he looks up to the sky. He catches glimpses of a couple of flying creatures and starts to cringe in fear.

"Don't worry. They can't see us through the trees." Fox says in a firm, but comforting voice. Our hero then tries to take a moment to reevaluate the situation, but just ends up confused still.

"Alright, we should get moving. We don't want any creatures creeping up on us. Now, which way is your home?" Fox starts.

"uhmmmmm..." the fennec softly thinks.

"Well, where you running away or towards your house on the street?"

"Away" he whispers.

"Alright. This way then." Fox starts to walk past the fennec and our hero follows after him. They continue walking at a steady pace through the tree. "So, what do you actually know about tonight?" Fox starts.

"Ughhhh..." the fennec whispers again.

"Okay, just tell me whats happened so far."

After a minute," Well...I was walking... and a raccoon in an alien outfit bumped into me... then he started acting weird and attacked me. I ran in pure fear. Then a Ridley attacked me and I was saved by a Samus. Then I was chased by the zombies... and that's where you came in."

"Back up to the raccoon. Was there anything that happened about the same time he started acting weird?"

"Ughh... well, the moon had just come out at the time, but..."

"The moon!" Fox interrupted. Fox then looked up a second and continued,"I thought that I was getting an eerie feeling from it tonight. So, was the raccoon acting like an alien?"

"Well...I guess, but..." the fennec gets cut off again.

"Thought so..." A roar sounds from the distance and they both look in the direction. Trying to keep calm, Fox continues,"Okay, what's your name?"

"My name?..I..." He is cut off with a roar that is closer. They both look again.

"Nevermind! Over there..." Fox points to the right. "is the street. Get there, run home, and put on your costume. You'll be safe then."

"Wait, why are you telling me this!?" He says in a panic

"I'm going to hold them back. You need to do this on your own." and runs towards the on coming roars. The fennec boy pauses in shock. Another roar sounds and he darts for the street.

The front door opens and slams shut. Our fennec hero leans against the door, panting in exhaustion again. He looks at his watch. 11:42. He looks back at the chair and sees his green costume still draped over it.

Moments later, the front door opens and our hero is standing in the doorway. He is wearing a green shirt, brown pant, and boot. On his head is a pointy green paper hat, which his pointy ears stick out around. He is holding a wood board like a shield and has a broom stick through a belt loop. Stepping out the door, the moonlight strikes him. His costume completes itself. He now is wearing a tunic and holding a decorated metal shield. His cap becomes fabric and hangs behind his head. He is the Legendary Hero- Link. His fears are mitigated, though still present. He walks into the street, ready for anything. His courage flowing from his character. He looks about the bustling street, but all the creature have nothing to do with The Legend of Zelda and therefore ignore his existence. But wait, a foe appears. A draconian figure. 'This must be Gannon!' thinks our hero. His courage wells up and he draws his broomstick from his belt loop. As broomstick "unsheathes," it turns into the mythical Master Sword. The two adversaries stare each other down and size each other up. The pressure builds. Our hero swings his sword and...

The broomstick clocks the dragon kid in the head.

"Ow,man! I just wanted to ask you if we could go trick-or-treating together, being from the same game and all. You didn't have to hit me on the head." The moon had retreated back into the clouds for the rest of the night. Dumbfounded, our hero looks about to see that all the costumes had reverted back to normal.

"Aghhh...sorry, you startled me pretty bad." the fennec explains.

"Oh...It's okay. You still want to go out?" the dragon reconsiders.

Spotting Samus," Yeah sure. Just one second." As he rushes over to the person. As he gets up to the Samus, he says,"Hey, thanks for saving me." Samus lifts up the cardboard helmet to reveal a beaming vixen.

"No problem!" she chirped. Surprised by her beauty, he stammers," I... ugh, some new friends are going trick-or-treating, wanna come?"

"Yeah!" she squealed and they both walked back to a group to finish their night of fun.

Around that time, somewhere out in the woods, Fox stands there. He is scratched and battered from running through dense woods. He stands there panting slightly. Fox lifts his communicator and speaks," Slippy, ready the landing deck. I'm coming back to the ship." He put his communicator away and runs back into the woods.

Metroid, Starfox, The Legend of Zelda, and respective characters © Nintendo