
Story by Procyon on SoFurry

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A first year student and upperclassman friend go to Halloween party. My first attempt at the Female perspective and language use. I'm playing with Anthros and fursuits and a tilt of the hat to one of my favorite online comics. Classic Shojo-style story, new ideas and twists.


By: Procyon

"I can't believe you talked me into this Valerie."

"Ah C'mon sugar, you look great! This is Hall-o-ween, when better to show this off?"

As I eagerly strapped my hooves into the stilts, I had to admit, I loved this costume! Heck, I'll admit it, it was a fursuit. I had built it as an excuse to finally make one. It was based off Sarah Hazen, at least her werewolf form. She is an anime character god damn it So, fine, it was a fursuit, but it is also anime cosplay, or that is what I keep telling myself. I had made many cosplay costumes before, but this was the culmination of all of my skills, improving on everything I had ever done before. Stilts for canine digitgrade legs, tail, mane-like hair...it had it all. Yes, it was the perfect Sarah Hazen costume from the manga Peter is a Wolf, and that is what I would explain to people.

"C'mere baby, I got ya boobs ready for ya!" she said with a teasing yet whimsical grin that vulpines do so well as she pulled the gelpacks from the cooler.

Actually, this was one of the genius ideas of the suit. I used refrigerated gelpack inserted and zippered outside the base layer of suit but below the fur layer. I learned from fursuit forums that gelpacks are a near must for a suit like this. The gel packs meant that I had a good 30 minutes before things would get too uncomfortably hot. This gave us at least a fair amount of time after leaving the school's gymnasium where we were changing for a quick walk across the street and enjoy the party. In addition to cooling, the packs added realism to Sarah's "ample cleavage" and gave a more natural bounce than stuffing alone. I added the bikini top to show it off even more. Contrast this to my "less than ample" chest, and, well, the suit gave me...ya know, pride.

"Oh WOW! What is that?" I heard from across the locker room.

I could see 2 hyenas in elaborate Victorian style witch costumes staring at me. What were they doing here, other than judging me? Probably here to do last minute makeup checks before heading across the street to the Alpha Sigma house. Their stares were filled with amazement at my suit but I could see a hint of mockery as they saw my species before I could put my headpiece on. I couldn't hide from them.

The witches left cackling among themselves. Stupid hyenas, witches are such a perfect fit for those girls. I removed my headpiece, really not sure if I was up to this. I can't do this, I'm not Sarah...I'm just B...

"Yer Packed n' ready Sugar, Get yer head on and let's show em!" Valerie cheerfully said, noticing my hesitation.

That fox has such unwavering flare that simply does not stop for anything at all. I wish I had her confidence some days.

"This is Halloween, Girlfreind! Do sumtin you'd never done before. Wanna wait till another one of yer anima Conventions? Seems like a waste to me. Now, get out there!"

She leant out her paws so I could get up on my stilts. Her encouraging smile gave me a boost of confidence.

"If ye can teach how to balance books so daddy will let me run da business, I'm getting you into the biggest party on campus as a thank ya! No ifs, ands, or buts, deary!" She gave me a smirk "Who knows, maybe find ourselves some boy tails to wag" she quipped while prancing to the doors.

Ah Valarie. What bubble headed yet good natured and honest vixen you can be sometimes. I contemplated the strange series of events that now brought me here. I mean me, a first year student at one of the most prestigious economic universities around and we were going to the Alpha Sigma Halloween party. This was the Alpha Sigmas! THE Alphas! This was the fraternity that all the future tycoons seemed to come from. They were the top and they knew it, and getting in was near impossible, at least for me. But Vallerie, unlike me, was born with money. Her father would not let her touch a dime unless she could prove that she could manage. Daddy bought her admission into the college but laid down the law when it came to her grades and getting a business degree. She was to pass on her own merits.

Fortunately, she was able to get by most classes on her wit and charm alone, luckily. But then something as number intensive as accounting, a must for a business degree, was just beyond her. The professor got so frustrated trying to teach her for the third semester in a row that he eventually threw the summer intern who got in on scholarship as a tutor in hopes she could find some way to teach this southern vixen math.

I'll admit it, Valarie is sweet but she is as thick as a post. Good thing I hadn't made any friends yet during the internship or those lessons would have killed my social life. I spent hours and hours trying to teach her basic math and accounting. Yeah, it was easy for me, but I liked this stuff. It's the reason why I went to this school. Not to be a big wig like the Alphas, but just so I could get the accounting degree and make a good living crunching numbers for some big corporation instead of working the fields like my parents. However, all that time teaching Valerie almost caused me to hate accounting. Ironically, she learned of my cosplaying and of the Sarah costume because of the numerous breaks we would have to take because she simply could not get the material into her scruffy little head. I feared when she first saw it she would call me weird. Oddly, she was fascinated by me and my costuming. Sometimes I wondered if she questioned me about it just to get away from the numbers. Somewhere in all of those numerous all night study sessions she made me a promise: If I got her to pass accounting, the she would promise me an introduction to the big names on campus.

At the time I had no idea how she would pay me back. I was a little afraid that after I managed to get her to pass that summer class with a B- she had disappeared into the hubbub of fall semester and had forgotten about her promise completely. Then, out of the blue, she appears at my dorm room 6 weeks ago with a pair of tickets. Alpha...Sigma...Tickets! She got Invites to the party and decided I was going to be her "and guest". It took her another week of constantly asking me, nicely most of the times, before I agreed to go.

"Here we are Sugar, put on your best face" she said jeeringly as she pinched the check of my suit with one paw, placed her Renaissance style masquerade mask over her muzzle, and waved here other paw flamboyantly at the mansion of a building in front of us.

The Alpha Sigma house was actually one of the original staff buildings of the school before it was bought by the Alphas who could have a nice, large frat house near the sports facilities. The building was a large classic Victorian that took well to Halloween decorations great while still able to exude an aura of old money. A large meaty Bulldog in an old British style police uniform stood by the front door, "reminding" the passersby that this was an invite only party.

"Evening Rufus! How goes da party honey?" Valarie chimed.

The Bulldog stood up sharply and presented his massive arm in the classic "Stop" stance of an officer.

"And you are?" he asked gruffly.

Valerie pulled off her mask and presented the tickets

"Relax sugar, just me and my friend. " She presented the tickets then prodded my side.

"Be nice to me and my werewolf here, she does have a mean growl"

I suddenly realized she wanted me to do the classic Sarah Hazen Growl, I nervously obliged.


It was obvious Rufus was not impressed, "Sounds more like a were-pup?" he chided as he waved us through the door.

Valarie glanced at me sternly as we went through "Okay Honey, You better do your fursona thing or whatever you do to get into character because these people will expect to hear a wolf."

The vixen stopped and sighed. Like a sister she looked into the eyes of the suit so she was sure to make eye contact as best she could, "I know you can do this sugar! Your good at it, you wowed me, now wow them. Dis is da best damn Halloween costume in the entire joint! Just bring it to life like I know ye can. Now please growl for me baby!"

I took in a deep breath and channeled myself into that breath


The room stopped for a brief moment as my below was far more than I expected and had carried over the din of the party far more than I thought was possible. Everyone noticed me, the costume, and just gawked in amazement.

"Careful everyone, she's a wild one!" Valarie announced loudly and flamboyantly with that classic southern charm and flare that she reveled in.

I was so different from her. I could only do this when meek little me was hiding behind the Sarah mask. With Sarah, I could let my fursona run wild. I was my inner wolf; free to express myself in ways I was usually was far too shy to ever admit.

It did not take long for Valerie to remind me of this fact. "Let's see if we can find any of the fun people?" She quipped as she glanced through all the faces.

It did not take her long to find a victim, pushing though the crowd. "Patrick dear, how are ya honey? No costume this year? Had one too many changes in theater this year? "

Patrick was a medium build blue wolf. As wolves go, there was nothing exceptional about his size and shape and yet nothing out of place. He seemed to have a wiry frame that moved gracefully as he gingerly grabbed the vixen's paw and gave a gentlemanly kiss upon it.

"I've got "meet and greet" duty this year Belle. So everyone's gotta see this lovely face of mine this year" he said in a charming if slightly sarcastic manner as to suggest he did not take himself too seriously

He did have a lovely face. Not pretty boy face, but a short quirky muzzle and ears tipped in such a way I found very disarming. I started to get lost in the details before I realized he had asked me a question.

"And this is...."

Valarie looked at me as if she was unsure how she wanted me to answer.

I immediately posed as the werewolf I was. I allowed my hair to sway back and took a posture that looked like I was ready to pounce

"Cancha tell? She's Sarah Haz..Hazrah.." Valarie flustered as she suddenly forgot the name and lost the dramatic moment.

"Sarah Hazen?" Peter interjected

I eagerly bobbed my head up and down and grabbed his hand as I was happy SOMEONE recognized the character

"You know her?" Valarie said in complete surprise

"You don't spend too much time in the theater and not spend some with anime people. We have a lighting guy who is a real fanboy and he loves that manga. He's not an Alpha so you won't meet him tonight but I have to at least get a picture"

He backed away a few steps and whipped out his smart phone. I posed for a still shot.

"I got video, I'm am sure he will appreciate the "jiggle"

I had to laugh if somewhat embarrassed. But, why not? If I built it, flaunt it!

I posed with arms behind head as if in shower scene and allowed the bikini clad top of the fursuit sway back and forth a few times.

I heard a wolf whistle from a passerby; I loved it.

"So, where's Corrie?"Valarie asked nonchalantly

Even in the suit I could hear the mood change

"We're not together anymore. Caught her talking candidly to a friend about her rich boyfriend and how easy her life will be". The formally soft face took a somewhat angry note. "I may be inheriting stuff from my parents, but I still intend to make a living. I expected her, and she KNEW this, that she was to do the same. Guess not eh?"

Cheerful Valarie tried to recover from the buzzkill

"Fear not Sugar, they are plenty of wonderful woman who have no interest in YOUR money" As she teasingly danced her paw across his chest.

"I also like them smart too Belle, so no luck there" He said in a tone far sharper than I thought was called for. I did what any good werewolf would do to defend a pack mate. I unleashed a snarl as it seemed appropriate to suggest he should apology. "RAAWWWRRGGG!"

This caught his so off guard he almost stumbled backward. He took a moment to collect himself. I was afraid I just may have gotten us kicked out of the party.

"I'm sorry. I'm not usually this bitchy. I..." He then looked very carefully at me.

"Seriously, Belle. Who is this?"

Valarie recovered the moment with classic southern grace. "I gotta idea, you explain to her why you insist on calling me "belle" and you can watch her as I get us some drinks. Dotcha worry, she's a smart one like you. She's da one that got me that B"

With that Valarie disappeared into the crowd in a direction I could only assume would lead her to refreshments.

I looked down at the wolf and then gave a shrug of shoulders and open upturned paws. After a short pondered look the wolf snapped his fingers

"OH! Wait a minute! You're that tutor she was going on about. You helped her pass accounting. The one she spent all summer with who's into anime and costuming, I remember!"

I enthusiastically bobbed my head. Communicating in a fursuit without words is a challenge, but could still be a lot of fun. "Was it difficult?" I banged my head against a nearby wall. He laughed, "that bad eh?" I nodded enthusiastically.

"But still, she passed. Congratulations. She went through that class 2 times already and I was pretty sure she was going to fail again. That could not have been easy, must be a real saint." I covered my muzzle and gave him a "stop it" wave in an act of modesty. His body posture and tone changed, he seemed to relax a little.

"Yeah, Valarie is a sweetheart; I treat her like a sister. But, let's be honest: She's a ditz!"I bobbed my head eagerly but covered my mouth like I was afraid to admit something, then looked nonchalant like I just didn't say anything. Patrick laughed. He appeared more at ease now.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. I call her Belle...well partly out of respect, but partly because, well, she IS a southern Belle. She's got money like me, but sadly, not much else. She's cute and charming, and I tried to get her into acting like me. But she simply can't memorize lines. That and her southern draw kinda limits what parts she can take"

He gave me his full attention and studied my costume. "So do you do theater?" I shook my head

"Funny, I do not believe she ever told me you species. You are a..?" I paused, but decide I should pose in the classic Sarah pose again.

"Ok, so Sarah Hazen it is." He said with a chuckle and a smile that suggested he understood the importance of "playing a part"

"So you do all that for anime conventions? Wow, that is a serious hobby. You should try theater. I really think you would be good at..." I suddenly lost balance as someone knocked into me from behind. I couldn't recover and simply put my arms out to brace against Patrick. I missed. Next thing I knew we were tumbling to the floor.

"Oopsssh..I'm a Surry!" was lazily slurred from Rottweiler, spilling his drink in the process.

As if on cue, Rufus showed up.

"Ok, time for you to hit the road my friend!" Rufus said forcefully as he picked up the drunken Rottweiler and headed him roughly to the door. The bulldog checked and turned around, "You okay Pat?"

Patrick was unhurt. He was, however, now on the floor under my fursuit, muzzle full of cleavage.

"I'm fine!" he managed to muffle out, if somewhat embarrassed.

"I can tell!" chided the bulldog and with a snort, escorted the drunk out. There was some laughter from scattered parts of the room as we detangled and got ourselves up from the floor. I started to pantomime my embarrassment by covering my eyes.

"Not to worry, drunk's fault, not yours" he reassured.

He then said with an inquisitive grin "Okay, I gotta ask. What is that?" He said why trying to covertly point at Sarah's breast.

I quickly figured out what he was asking but I wanted to tease hit a bit and simply just pawed Sarah's breast and scratched my head in confusion.

He blushed and gave a quite nervous laugh. "I know that, but I mean the material. That's not just cotton or polyester fill?"

I decided to show off my handy work and lift up my arm and showed him the side panel so he could hopefully see the zipper. I was turned in such a way I could no longer see him with the limited vision of the suit so I was unsure he had seen it until I could hear him unzipping the flap.

"What is....Oh... is this a gel pack? But..." he stuttered

I could all but hear the gears working in his head.

"I get it; you use this to help keep the suit cool! Clever", He said admirably

He kneaded the gel pack some more.

"Looks like it's starting to get warm" he said as he felt across the pack to see if the rest of the pack was a warm as the edge. His paw accidently brushed over the thin cotton layer that separated the pack from my real breast. His paw flinched when it seem to notice what else it was brushing up against.

"Whoops, sorry about that" he said nervously as he withdrew his paw. He looked like the proverbial kid with his hand stuck in the cookie jar "I really didn't mean..."

I pressed my paw to his lips and raised my arm again and motioned he needed to zip me back up. He obliged but I did start noticing that he was right. The gel packs were running out and the suit was getting uncomfortably warm. I made a fanning motion with my paw to my muzzle.

"Getting warm eh, stairs are over here and we can go downstairs to basement lounge which most people do not like because it is almost too cool this time of year. But it should help."

As I approached the stairs I realized this was going to be a real challenge. Walking in stilts can be tricky but I was use to them by now. Stilts on stairs are a whole other matter. Patrick recognized my apprehension.

"Don't worry, I'll lead and catch if you slip." He said and then added a confident wry smile "I'm ready for you falling on me this time"

I paused, but that wonderful endearing smile of his and the coolness I could feel from downstairs drew me forward.

I must have practice hours with this suit to make sure I could get up to and off of stages at Anime cosplays. But doing 2-4 stairs was really quite different from doing a full flight of 15 or so. I was already warm and a little nervous and this was making it more difficult. At least I could brace with the walls that lined the stairs but fur on painted sheetrock only provides so much traction.

As I went down, Patrick called out each step. He obviously spent time on stage as I heard terms my thespian friends use. He was patient and responsive. His instructions on where my paws where at the end of the stilts where flawless and I managed each step with trepidation but always a firm planting. It was odd but we just clicked. I knew what exactly what he was saying and I moved exactly as he instructed. And one by one, with his lead, my stilted paws found the stairs and we progressed down them amazingly quickly. In what must have been less than a minute, we were at the base of the stairs. Just 2-3 more to go, and then something happened that caught me completely off guard. He looked up.

He looked at me in THAT way. Not just any which way. There was something in his face. The entire evening his wolfish visage was formal and shielded, as if forcing something bothering him to a back burner but not forgetting it either. Now, he was looking at just me. He was looking past the eyes of the Sarah suit and trying to find mine, and I knew it. He wanted to know who I was, what I was doing at school, what I might be doing this weekend. He was asking all the question a girl wants to hear in a single innocent look. I lost myself in that glace, wanting to answer but not sure how or when. My trance was broken when I was blatantly aware I was careening forward.

I had missed a step and I was falling face first. Dear Patrick was still recovering from our distraction a moment before he realized he had a large furry projectile falling on him. Either out of self preservation or knowing me falling on him was already cushioned, he choose to make sure he crumpled to the floor in a controlled manner this time. The other party goers looked up at the sudden loud crash.

"Everyone okay?" was offered by a voice somewhere in the crowd.

The impact did not hurt me but did jostle my headpiece partly off. I shied away to hide my real face away from him and the other guest. I was not comfortable showing him who I was. I was Sarah tonight. I was not Beatrice, she did not belong here.

"Here, lemme help you with that" he said as he immediately positioned the headpiece to make sure it was on firmly on my head before we tried to stand up. He wanted to keep my privacy. Why? Did he know? No, there is no way he could have seen my face. He said he wanted to know who I was. But why did he deny himself the chance. It made no sense.

As he helped me up I could not help but notice his touch was firmer than before, more prodding. It was not rude, but curious. He wanted to know where the costume ended and I began. I could see it in his eyes again. Those lovely Lupine eyes that use to frighten me in my youth but now I could not help but be mesmerized by. Asking questions I wanted to answer. I couldn't. Beatrice couldn't. I was feeling warm, very warm. The downstairs may have been cooler but the situation and my self-consciousness was not helping at all. I felt unsure, scared, trapped, like I needed out.

"There you are! I got us da good drinks!" I heard a familiar vulpine voice squeal.

I looked pleadingly at Valerie as she trotted down the stairs

"I even got ya a long straw so ya can drink it honey"

Thank you Valerie! Yes, water, gather my thoughts, relax, Okay. My friend is here. I can go back to being Sarah. We can cool down and then go back to the gym. Get out of costume, have my laughs and talk to Valerie about it tomorrow.

The fox struggled to get the straw from drink into Sarah's mouthpiece but eventually managed. The straw was a welcomed intrusion into the costume but when I sipped I almost spat it out.

"Alcohol?" I caught myself mumbling in the suit.

You ARE such a ditz Valarie. I'm under drinking age, not that they would really care at a place like this, in an overheating costume with, I gotta admit, a good looking wolf, not sure if I belong here and now you want me tipsy. No, Sorry, I 'm calling it quits. Game over! I gestured frantically at the headpiece of Sarah as I forced the drink to Patrick into Patrick's paws. He seemed confused at the gesture. I could see the realization and disappointment in Valarie's eyes.

"Okay Beatrice, lemme help you with that" she sighed, expecting the upcoming awkwardness.

I did not help that one of the clasp got stuck in my wool as we removed the headpiece. With a painful tug, I finally revealed my shy and unassuming black face of a Suffolk Sheep.

There was a sudden quite in the crowd. Most everyone had still been looking after the loud entrance of a 7 foot tall werewolf crashing into their party, now it was just plain little me. Everybody was shocked

"So what are who are you PRETENDING to be" one of the slightly drunk and boisterous wolverines interjected while pointing his beer bottle at her.

"Hey, back off" Patrick defended. "Can't you see she Sa.." His voice dropping off as he realized the name Sarah Hazen would mean nothing in this crowd.

"I'm a Sheep in Wolf's clothing! It fooled you, didn't it?"

As I was still reeling at the audacity of that remark that escaped my lips, a raucous cackling broke out and pierced the silence as the Victorian witches found the play on words utterly hilarious. The surrounding crowd joined in as the laughter was infectious.

"Thank Gaia for hyenas!" I thought to myself.

I sheepishly avoided looked up at Patrick, fearing his gaze. "If you want me to go, I can find my way out" I said as I forced myself to look up.

I was dumbstruck as his gaze had hardly changed. Those piercing eyes were the same gentle inquisitive eyes. Maybe a little humbled, but no rage or disgust, but almost relief. "No need to. You're welcome to stay; you are me and Valarie's guest, right?" He raised his drink in such a way so all could acknowledge.

I grappled with the words as the party returned to the normal raucous banter. Patrick then chuckled, scratched the back of his head and blushed a little as if to admit something himself. The wolf leant over and spoke quietly and gently in my ear.

"If you want I can even help you with the rest of your costume later?" He growled out in a sultry way that caused me no fear but was clear in its intent.

I could see Valarie over behind Patrick's shoulder giving me a reassuring and exuberant "thumbs up" as she managed to overhear or at least decipher Patrick's whisper.

I reach defiantly down on the wolf and grabbed the drink from his hand and took a large swig.

"It's like Valarie said, "This is Halloween, Girlfreind! Do sumtin you'd never done before"