Explaining Myself Part 1 - 'Other Things'

Story by TakenByMe on SoFurry

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Please note: This story contains no actual adult content, though it may contain certain mature themes. It also involves zoophiliac sentiments and bestial scenes. If any of these things offend you, what the heck are you doing on this site? XD

Ok, so this one is almost completely based on fact but I changed some names and took a tiny bit of artistic licence (made it furry) so I am marking it fiction. It expands on the theme of my brother and I, something a fair few members have P.M.d me about. So this goes out to all the curious people who, like myself, would rather be taking an interest in these things than sleeping...

As some of you will know, I first met my half-brother when I was twelve and he was sixteen. I didn't take to him at first because I had other things on my mind. This is an explanation of

'Other Things'.

Helix went out to feed the ferals as usual, happy dogs bouncing around her feet. She poured slop into bowls and watched them guzzle it down. They were almost done by the time she reached the barn and started to turn the horses out for the day, hanging up haynets and filling water buckets.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Grizzle wasn't napping in the sun with the others today. He stalked over to her, licking her forepaw and sniffing her all over. They had been close since they were both young, him an excitable pup and her a shy kitten. They were usually inseperable. Lately, though, Griz had started to sniff her a little too long, lick a little too enthusiastically. It made her uncomfortable. He was even more insistent this morning. She squatted down to give him a hug and a friendly kiss on the nose and he tried to lick her face off, pushing at her shoulders with his huge paws. She sprang to her feet. "No Grizzle, get down!" She batted at him as he tried to jump up. He sat down suddenly, head to one side. She glared at him. What he did next was almost eerie. He turned away from her and walked into the barn, actually looking as if she had hurt his feelings.

Hel walked up the long gravelly path from the barns to the main house and did her other chores, her mind occupied by the day's tasks. Grizzle did not come looking for her at all that day.


It had been two weeks. Helix had been at school over the weekend as well because they had held a sports event. She was excited to come home and see Grizzle and all the others again, she had missed them terribly over the last two weeks. It took her all of three minutes to sling her bag on the bed and dash downstairs to the barns. All her ferals greeted her joyfully, pouncing and whinnying and licking and barking. With one noticable exception.

Grizzle sat against the side of the barn, basking in the sun. His head was turned away from her, his expression fixed. Even though she hung around the barn all day, excersizing her horses and doing bits of D.I.Y. to the interior (she was fixing it up as a workshop), he did not once look her in the eye. He played and barked happily enough with the other dogs but if she came over to join in or called his name he would slink off and sulk.

She had often wondered what it would be like to be physical with a feral. They were so uninhibited, so raw. Two things had stopped her doing anything about it. One, her incredibly straightlaced mother and Two, her own feelings of guilty disgust with her mind for even going there. The way he had been all over her, and now he had ignored her for two weeks! It was like he wanted her and he felt rejected. But she couldn't let him, could she? I mean, sure, he was tall and fit and fluffy. He had the biggest paws and when he barked something in her core twinged a little. His laughing doggy grin made her smile till her teeth ached and she sometimes lay with him at the foot of her bed and wondered what it would be like to have him next to her, warm while she slept. But no. No! It was weird and disgusting to think this way. She absolutely would not let him take liberties. He was her pet, for goodness' sake!

He ignored her for the rest of the day, not even coming into her room for the night. He lay very pointedly near the fire in the lounge, massive head on his equally massive paws, and stared into the flames. He cocked his ear when she called him but did not turn to look at her. She sighed and went upstairs. Seems like I've lost a loyal pet... she thought.


The twelve-year-old couldn't sleep. Her cold feet had woken her up almost twenty minutes ago and refused to let her drop back off. Her mind was filled with memories of her and Grizzle growing up together. She saw the look on his face as a puppy, tongue lolling out with the exertion of chasing her around the lawns. It was in stark contrast with the Grizzle of the past two weeks, sombre and sulky. Tthis was the image that stuck in her head, though.

When she couldn't take it anymore she looked at the clock. 0307... "You must be joking." She made up her mind to at least try and make her peace with him. Climbing out of bed and throwing on some shorts, the girl made her way downstairs. She saw him lying on the flagging, half asleep, and opened the back door a bit to let some cool air in. It was a very mild night outside and the air in the lounge was stuffy. She went over to sit next to him and scratch his ears but he growled and dashed outside. Sighing, she decided she may as well follow him and see this through. She was awake now, after all.

The shepherd cross was relieving himself against a tree but walked off towards the barns when he saw her. He stopped just outside and lay down next to one of the other dogs, a miniature collie. Helix sidled up to him and stared down at him until he looked up. He bared his teeth at her. Whatever I did, it really upset him.

She made sure he saw her walking into the barn, hoping she could get him away from the other dogs so he wouldn't want to show off. He followed and sat in front of her, eyes glued to hers for the first time in weeks. She had forgotten how deep they were, those brown eyes of his. His soul almost poured from them. She softened her face as much as she could, whiskers twitching. He trotted over to her until his head was in her lap, still looking up at her. His tongue flicked out and licked her nose. She tensed. This was it. If she wanted to be forgiven she mustn't let society dictate their happiness. He slurped his tongue over her maw, lapping at it. She felt it rasping over her teeth, smooth and sensual. His warm fur ruffled against her bare knees, muscular tongue cleaning her face affectionately.

That was when she clicked. She was surprised it had taken her so long to realise this, but she didn't care. I love you, she thought. I love the way you feel, the way you look after me. You are warm and heavy and musky and I want to make you happy. Forgive me for being scared into FakeWorld, the place where all those supposed mores come from. She wrapped fher forepaws around his neck and pulled him closer, opening her mouth a little and licking back. His tongue moved back to her face and became more insistant, rasping her throat clean, hoisting his considerable bulk on top of her and pushing her onto her back. One paw rested on her forehead. She revelled in the sensation of his heaviness on top of her, thick tongue massageing away any and all doubts she might have had. They snuggled like that till morning, dozing off and drifting back into conciousness, only to hug and kiss and snuggle all over again.

Just after dawn she felt him climb down from the haybales and move off. She sat up sleepily, horribly achey from a night spent outdoors under a creature which weighed slightly more than she did. Following Griz outside, she saw him marking a tree with urine he must have held in all night. She walked over to him and knelt down to squeeze him tight. He was impatient to get started with the day but he stood still and let her hug him, even licking her nose good morning. She clambered to her hind legs and walked up to the main house with him beside her, noting how the other dogs kept a respectful distance. Her Grandfather was just leaving through the double doors.

"Up so early?" he asked, smiling.

She nodded. "Ja. Griz and I just went to see to some stuff down at the barns."

Her Grandfather nodded, completely unaware of the slow blush that was crawling up her spine. "He's a good dog."

Yes, she said to herself as she walked into the house to get breakfast, he is. A very good dog. She smirked a little at the thought of his tongue wrapped with hers. And the best part was - she didn't feel guilty. Not one bit.


This is a first draft knocked up in about fifteen minutes so please go easy on me. Feel free to let me know if I have made any critical errors, tell me what you think, blahdiblah etc.

Basically, as long as you enjoyed it and those of you with questions now have some answers I am happy :3