12/21/2012 3: Higher Tensions

Story by dustwolf1 on SoFurry

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#3 of 12/21/12

Raven turned and looked around, wondering what she was doing out in the woods now. She remembered quickly it was because she didn't want the others to be hurt. She had to control herself out here before she killed them all. She had to do something, but that was before the evil man showed up, and her ideas were halted suddenly.

He sighed. "Kitty, you belong to me!" The man grabbed her from behind, and when Raven struggled he whispered a word, causing her to fall limply in his arms, asleep. He smirked carrying her, muttering evilly, "You're in my control now!" He said walking away from the cabin.

Coming back from the woods, Lexi saw a man carrying Raven. Running with all her might, and appearing to fly as she did so, she smacked the man and Raven fell to the ground. Crying for help, Lexi screamed "Dustin, Joshua, Gongon! Somebody!"

Dustin continued to ponder hard, but eventually he went back inside the cabin and sat down on the couch opposite from Raven until she left. He sat alone then, wondering if he was really going to die up here, in such a lovely place. Dustin got up when Lexi screamed for him, but his father was already ahead of him. "Stay here, son. I'll see what this is all about." Joshua ran down to where Lexi was and grasped her firmly in his arms, to steady her and reassure her help was here. "What's going on Lexi? What is it?"

"I was walking through the woods, about to return to the cabin and I saw Raven was in some man's arms. He was chanting something and she was motionless. I ran as fast as I could to her and knocked her out of his arms. He should be around here somewhere." Lexi said, confused about what had just happened, and wanting to know more about the man who was trying to hurt Raven.

Man? What man did Lexi talk about? Joshua looked around curiously. No man was around here. Nonetheless, Joshua saw Raven on the ground. "Are you all right, Raven? Raven?" Joshua shook Raven, trying to wake her up.

"He was kind of tall, I think he had a cloak on," Lexi said, trying to remember what the man had looked like. "He looked evil. He was chanting something over Raven, and then she went limp. That's when I tried to save her."

It isn't going to help me what he looked like he was doing, thought Joshua. "Where did he go, Lexi? Did you see which way he was going?" Joshua quickly returned to trying to help Raven awaken. Lexi shook her head, having seen nothing.

Raven groaned and woke up. "What?" She asked rubbing her eyes, "Where am I? Who are you?" Her vision cleared and she looked at them. "What happened?" she asked gently.

Lexi looked over at Raven as she began to wake up. "Raven!! Are you ok? Some man was holding you; he was trying to put you under a spell or something. Let's go back to the cabin and maybe we can sort this all out." Lexi went quickly to Raven's side to help her up.

Raven sat up, her head ringing. "I'm okay, really...." She stood up, dusting herself off.

"I agree. Maybe it'd be safer inside the cabin for a while anyways. I think we all ought to stay inside for the day. Looks like it could rain around noon." The sky was dark, and the air felt like a storm was coming soon. Then, Joshua began to hike back towards the house.

Walking back to the cabin, Lexi motioned for Raven and Joshua to follow her, but Joshua was already ahead of her. "Who was that man Raven?" Lexi asked as they walked.

Raven bit her bottom lip and quickly looked into the forest. "Nobody." She said quickly and walked ahead of them and inside the cabin again.

Raven walked swiftly straight into the bathroom and locked the door. She took a shower and got out, wrapped herself in a towel, and looked in the mirror. Sighing, as she touched the crescent moon, Raven hit the mirror in anger, almost cracking it. Regaining her composure, she walked out and into an empty bedroom to get dressed.

Lexi knew that was not the truth. Raven must know who that man is, Lexi thought. Lexi was not about to stop until she knew the truth. So she sat on the couch waiting for Raven to get out of the bathroom. Following Raven into the room, Lexi closed and locked the bedroom door. "Don't worry, I wont look," Lexi said. "All I want to know, is the truth, you know that man don't you?"

"No I don't!" Raven looked at Lexi, then pointed to the door and spoke harshly, "Now I don't want to be rude but out, I don't like people in the same room as me when I'm dressing." She looked at Lexi, her expression and face blank, with water dripping down her still hair.

"I'm sorry Raven, but caring for you means knowing the truth. I'm not leaving until I know it. You might not know the man, but you sure as hell know what he is doing to you. I don't want to see you hurt, that man looked evil and in not letting him hurt you. I told you before, we are all here to protect you, and if we have to fight then we will." Lexi called for Joshua, Dustin and Kristin as she left the bedroom. "We need to all sit down and talk about what is going on, and if you are in danger we will help you."

She rubbed her temples. "I said out!" Raven walked past Lexi and unlocked the door. She hated to be rude, but she was as Raven gripped Lexi's arm and pushed her out the door. She slammed it and locked it. She paced around the room rubbing her eyes. She sighed, her head hurting. Lexi kept talking to Raven even as she left the bedroom.

"You know... I could break the door down if I wanted to" Lexi called to Raven in the bedroom. "I'll be watching you now." Uttering under her breath she said, "Stupid creature thinks she can pull a fast one on us or something." Lexi walked into the living room to see the last of the news report and sat down on the couch next to Dustin. "What's going on?" Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "Doesn't matter, we need to all talk about Raven."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She got dressed and stayed in the bedroom, brushing her hair. She sighed and opened the window and looked out.

Kristin and Dustin were watching TV when they came in. "Dad! Look at this!"

Dustin pointed to the television. "I'm Arnold Todae for the Channel 9 News standing in front of the former Mount Rushmore." The former monument behind him was no more. In fact, he stood in front of a huge cliffside with a huge hole in front of it. "Yesterday, North Korea declared war on the United States after they invaded unannounced to seize Kim Jong Il from office. Thus began a morning of war as both nations launched their arsenals at each other. A deadly virus in the UK broke out and much of Europe is now infected with a deadly and incurable bio-terrorist virus developed by New Neo-Nazis. Rioting broke out soon after, and then many third world nations overthrew their governments and went on a rampage. As night came upon us, earthquakes that had raged that day became most sever, causing wild tsunamis, landslides, and giant rifts in unexpected places. The UN met last night, many of the leaders having been killed. They concluded that most of the world's population is deceased. Those left alive, must seek shelter wherever possible, preferably in a high location away from the cities. The UN was dissolved soon however, when a huge earthquake destroyed the UN building, taking with it the remaining leaders." The reporter then screamed as the camera rocked violently and then huge boulders crashed onto the cameraman, silencing the broadcast with a long period of static.

Dustin turned to Lexi... "They just told us what happened on the news. Most of the world is destroyed now... and before you guys came in they were talking about a large meteor having struck the Hawaiian Islands. The scientist on there predicted life below 3000 feet above sea level was doomed. Anybody over that line may survive longer, but they'll be dead soon too."

Kristin knew what Lexi was talking about. She didn't have to know what Lexi was saying to know Lexi knew. "There was a man yesterday... talking to her in the woods." Kristin sat next to her father, who sat on the couch facing Dustin and Lexi. "She looked like she was possessed..."

"Guys, there is a man after Raven and I think it is more serious then we know. I went into the room to talk to her about it and she pushed me out the door. I think the man is hurting her, or worse, trying to hurt all of us." Lexi said quietly.

Raven looked back at the door. She waved before smirking and saying, "See ya!" She smirked and jumped out of the window. She waved through the window and took off into the forest. Looking around, Raven put her coat on.

"Joshua, you need to go after her! If that man uses her to hurt us and she gets away, then we will be dead for sure!" Lexi looks into Joshua's eyes, making sure he understands the full threat of Raven.

"Lexi... let her go." Joshua said calmly. "She'll be back one way or another. Either she'll come to kill us, or she'll come to join us. If she comes for the former, we'll protect ourselves, if the latter, she'll stay with us." Joshua smiled a small smile, "I'm not going on a wild goose chase with Raven because of somebody we don't know. And because we don't know him, we don't know how dangerous he is." Joshua went to go check on Gongon.

"Gongon, you should come inside. It's going to rain soon." Joshua said to Gongon

"I guess you are right." Lexi said looking at Joshua before he left and then at Dustin after he had left the room. She got up and walked into the bedroom she shared with Dustin the night before and laid down.

"Can I come in?" Kristin knocked on the door lightly, wanting to talk to Lexi. Kristin had left Dustin to trying to find another live television station, so they could find the news. "I want to see how you're doing." Kristin smiled as she looked in on Lexi.

"Sure, come in Kristin, whets up?" Lexi sat up on the bed and patted the seat next to her so Kristin could sit down as well.

Kristin entered and closed the door, sitting next to Lexi. "It's about that man I saw yesterday. He was scary. He told her to kill people and she did. I saw her do it!" Kristin seemed very scared, "And I think Dustin's starting to fall apart. I don't think he's very optimistic about all of this. I think he's just acting for me so I don't stop looking up to him." Kristin bowed her head in shame, "I wish he'd admit it when he's ready to give up."

"Kristin. Your brother is scared, we all are, but each and every one of us has someone to stay strong for. He will eventually show you how he really feels. As far as Raven, I already know. I guess like your father says, there's nothing we can really do about her." Lexi looked at Kristin, smiled a weak smile and laid back down. "Do you think your brother likes me?"

Kristin smiled at the question. "He was talking about you earlier." she smiled. "He said you have a pretty smile. He also said he thinks you're cool to hang around." Kristin sighs, "But I wish he'd met you earlier. He seems better now that you're around. Before yesterday, he was always focusing on me, wanting to protect me. I'm 13. I can protect myself a little, can't I?" she sighed once again and stared at the floor. "I love my brother very much, and I love he wants to protect me, but I don't always want him around anymore like I used to. Is that a bad thing, Lexi?"

"Of course not little sis, you are getting older, we all do. Everyone comes to the point in there life that something isn't ok that was ok before, you know what I mean? For example, remember when I was telling you about my past in the car? Well, when i was younger, I thought everything was ok, because I didn't know better. I let them hurt me; I never tried to escape because I was a child. As I got older, I learned that I needed to take care of myself, to do so, i needed to run away. We need not worry about what is going to happen to us here. Raven can be defeated if she wants to hurt us. Everything will happen the way it's supposed to." Lexi held her hand out and touched Kristin's fur, petting her, soothing her. She didn't have a mother after all and needed some guidance.

Kristin smiled, hugging Lexi. "Thanks, girl. You're the best. I think you should go out with Dustin." She rubbed her furry head on Lexi's arm, loving the petting she recently received. She then proceeded to hug Lexi before standing up to leave. "I'm going to go see if Dad needs help with anything."

"OK." Lexi got up and followed Kristin to the living room where Dustin was sitting.

Raven looked out into the sky as it grew darker. She yawned and stretched, then kept walking, her face blank. She took her jacket off and threw it, and continued walking, looking around to make sure she was not being followed. Raven moves her hair back, the sun shining down on her forehead." I have to stop this" she whispered. She looked around before walking deeper into the forest. She decidedly took her glasses off and threw them too, and she looked at the trees. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She bit her bottom lip and started running, finding a street, and looked around. She continued to think on everything. She didn't intend to hurt anybody, not as long as she was in control. "Oh, I don't want to hurt them!" She whispered, so she kept walking, holding in her anger. "I have to be strong!" She whispered to herself reassuringly. "I have to!"

He stood in the center of an abandoned street looking around before walking into a small empty shop and looting it for food. After he took all he could he walked back outside and started down the street looking for people who could explain what had happened. After wandering for several hours and not finding anybody he started checking cars. After about 20 minutes of searching he found one with a full tank and started to hotwire it, smiling to himself when the engine turned over. He got in and started to twiddle with the radio frowning when he only got static. After a bit of searching he looked hopeful very faintly a recorded loop was coming in. he strained to understand the faint English and finally understood it was giving coordinates of a nuclear fallout shelter. He pulled out a map in the glove box of the car and figured out it was located in the mountains. He stared at it a moment finally deciding it made sense. What better place to hole up then in the mountains. Shrugging slightly and muttering to himself in Russian he started to drive. He muttered angrily kicking the car again before he began to walk. "Outta gas!" He yelled to nobody in general. His only consolation was that he was at the foot of the mountains and had plenty of food. Sighing to himself. "Capitalists!" he said, unsure of why he had said that, but it made him feel better as he started to walk the hilly road up the mountains.

Raven looked around, hearing a rumble of thunder in the distance. "Damn, I have to find a place; somewhere far away." She turned human and looked down the road. That's when she heard the scream from another person. She tried to respond. She screamed, "Hello, anyone there?"

He kept walking drinking sparsely ignoring his body's cries for rest or the pain in his feet. He had learned to ignore these things. They would be taken care of when there was time. From a far off distance he could have sworn he heard somebody yelling but he just chalked it up to his imagination. Shaking his head he kept walking for a while longer before sitting down and checking his map. After a bit of rest he kept walking. Coming to the spot on the map where the shelter was supposed to be he started to look around finally coming to a plain steel door with an unmarked keypad, he frowned looking at it. The message hadn't said anything about a code. He sat down propped against the door and began to think.

"I need to get out of here" whispered Raven, "Hello!" She yelled. She started walking again. "Is someone there?" She yelled, then sighed.

Dustin was sitting intently watching the television when Kristin and Lexi entered. "Hey, I got another station." He pointed to the television.

"William, I'm standing outside the former Pyramids of Egypt, the last standing wonders of the ancient world, which were destroyed today when something of indeterminate origin exploded within them, blowing them to bits. It is truly-" the reporter stared into the sky, "What the hell?" the cameraman looked at the reporter's direction. In the sky was a large meteor shower, and though an awesome sight, this didn't last long as the meteors began to crash around the reporter, who helplessly ducked for cover until the feed was also cut.

"Crap!" Dustin exclaimed, "That was the only other station."

The feed momentarily cut back in and then there was a Russian reporter talking with a heavy Russian accent. His voice was dubbed into English. "Wilhelm Alexander here reporting to you live, from Moscow, Russia, where a breaking news bulletin has just come in. The people of Mother Russia have reported strange happenings to their families from all over. From St. Petersburg to Eastern Siberia, many cases of the new neo-terrorist virus have popped up. Only this morning we saw the military carrying hundreds of bodies to the Red Square where they were burned. In fact, our local scientists believe that this virus will go global in 48 hours or more in all populated areas that are destroyed. Some places may be unaffected, but most will not be." The reporter began to have a coughing attack and then his face began to openly bleed, gushing blood just before his whole body followed suit. The camera feed was cut and this time, there was nothing but a black screen on every channel.

Dustin turned the TV off. "So this is it, huh? The end of the world is my big Christmas present this year." Dustin's voice dripped in irony. Dustin sighed, looking up at the large hunting rifle hanging over the fireplace, but under the portrait. He knew he'd never need the gun, but he figured why not just take it? Simple, he thought, it's not worth taking. Joshua would take it anyways... in the event Raven attacked.

"Hmm...." Raven bit her lip and looked around. She had gotten lost in the woods and was stumbling around for a while, trying to find her way out of the dense forest.

The evil man smirked as he appeared before her. "Kitten... finally left home now, huh?" He asked walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. "You know what to do Raven! You must destroy everything; it's what you were made to do!" He kissed her cheek and continued, "Come now, you must get rid of your friends."

She looked out into the sky. "It is true; I am only made to destroy...." She sighed, closing her eyes. "I'll go Frankie. I have nothing to live for, anyways." She opened her eyes and looked down sadly, defeated by Frankie once again. She closed her eyes and when she opened them they started to glow. She wiped away a tear of sadness. "I'm sorry," she whispered, knowing that she was only a weapon and nothing more. She sighed. "I'm only meant to harm things." She looked at the sky, her charm glowing. She sighed angrily, "Let's go!" She said, her anger rising and her eyes turning red.

Back out near the abandoned shelter, the Russian-speaking man thought for a long while. He suddenly jumped to his feet. "There's more than one way to open a can!" He said, smiling as he started to cram C-4 on the door in the corners. He grinned as he worked humming a little as he slipped in the detonator set the timer and bolted away. The C-4 went off with a tremendous bang that shook the ground. He smiled standing up and looking over smiling even broader finding the door neatly removed from the doorway. He walked in and came to a larger room filled with a few military vehicles, including a tank. He grinned; it might come in handy. He walked forward coming to the actual shelter and opened a small panel opening the massive bulkheads. He stared at them a moment he was lucky they opened the first time to blast one of those open it would likely take more explosives that he had. Then he remembered the tank. "It would have to be interesting." He muttered the bulkheads finally opening enough for him to enter. He walked in noticing the presidential seal hanging over a door. He walked up to a large control panel. "Hmm whets this do?" he asked himself pushing a large button, outside an extraordinarily loud air raid siren blasted its annoying sound all over the mountains. He was too far into the mountainside to hear that the alarm didn't work for very long. It was barely ten seconds before he shook his head, not having had any immediate and present result. Before walking over flipping a massive breaker and giving power to most of the facility, he sighed and turned around. He grinned noticing a map on the wall .he studied it a moment. "Wow! This place has everything!" He said grinning before taking the map and heading down the hall to the room marked "Armory".

Later inside the cabin, Lexi went into the living room and sat next to Dustin and saw the sadness in his eyes. "I love you Dustin," She said out loud. "We will be ok, I promise."

Joshua came back inside at the very moment that Dustin decided to do something Joshua had never seen Dustin do before. Dustin leaned in just before Joshua came in and kissed Lexi as he did come in. Joshua didn't say anything; after all, his son was 16 years old. Why did it matter anymore? If he wanted to repopulate, let him. The world was down and out on its chips now; he might as well have fun before he died. Joshua smiled, and then walked towards a bathroom to use it, satisfied with his son's choice of female. He only hoped Dustin knew what he was doing.

Lexi was surprised at the kiss and didn't even notice Joshua walking through the room. She does however hear the close of the bathroom door, pulls away from Dustin and sits up straight; now uncomfortable with what happened, knowing someone saw them. Dustin was surprised Lexi broke the kiss. He had known that his father had walked in; he could smell his scent all the way to the bathroom. He felt ashamed, however, that he had let his father catch him. He only hoped his father wouldn't mind.

Joshua washed his face in the sink, trying to get over the fact he'd caught Dustin kissing Lexi. He really didn't mind, he just didn't want Dustin to find himself in a world of heartbreak if something happened to her.

Kristin had pre-occupied herself with the TV, trying to find a working TV station. When that had failed, she had adjourned to the porch where she could faintly hear a loud beeping noise, but she paid it no mind, thinking it was more destruction than help.

The Russian man struggled walking out of the room carrying more guns than he had seen in some time. He set them down on the floor breathing hard for a moment before checking the map again and heading towards the kitchen hoping the food wasn't old. He laughed when he opened the fridge. "Twinkies and MRE's." He said staring for a moment before adding water and heating up an MRE for himself. After he ate he took a quick nap then woke up some time later. As much as he liked it he was certain he couldn't stay here. Grumbling to himself he started to loot the shelter for every useful thing it had carrying it out to a very nice deuce and a half truck outside. After about three hours he had everything on the truck and there was enough gas on board and in it that he could drive to Florida if he desired. Smiling to himself he turned to address the last big problem. The tank. He stood staring at it for a while before getting an idea and backing the deuce up to a very nice loading trailer. Hitching it up and satisfied with his work he climbed into the tank. After a few moments of learning how it worked, he slowly drove it up onto the trailer. After he finished he stood back and looked at his work one military issue deuce and a half with enough supplies to fund a small army and a very nice Abrams on the back. He grinned climbing into this mobile command center finding it had a C.D. player. He slipped in a C.D. of the old red army choir and began to sing along happily to the old Russian military marches. He slowly pulled out of the bunker and gunned the engine heading down the road. He had to squint a little after noticing what appeared to be a cabin. He slowed down to look at it but didn't stop, he knew better than that.

Kristin saw the man, heavily armed, approaching up the road towards the cabin. She, though frightened at the heat he was packing, screamed towards her father, "Dad! Somebody's coming! Somebody's coming!"

Joshua came out of the bathroom, passing Dustin and Lexi, to see. He waved out, hoping this guy was a friend, "HEY! HEY!!!"

Raven quickly entered the house, noticing that there was another person passing by in a truck she had never seen before. It made for a great cover as she jumped into the house again. She hid deep into the shadows, and smirked. "This should be easy!" She whispered as she looked at everyone. Raven snickered, "Long time, no see." She said, yawning. "I hope you guys are being good." She smirked, her eyes glowing red.

Joshua ran out towards the road and flagged the truck down. He hoped to stop it. "HEY! HEY!!! HEY!!!!!!"

The man in the car looked over outside the window on the driver's side. His eyes widened seeing what looked like a middle aged guy run in the road. He quickly slammed on the brakes stopping the truck. He looked for a moment before slowly opening the door and getting out. But not before he grabbed his pistol. He jumped from the cab the Russian music still blaring loudly. "Umm hello?" He asked tentatively.

Joshua went to the man in the truck. "Look, pal, there are a few survivors inside this cabin here. There's me, my kids, two female drifters, and a gorilla." Joshua figured the man could put two and two together about how his kids looked, considering he himself was anthropomorphized-wolf. "We're really alone and we're looking for survivors. If you're looking for a shelter, you've found the only one around here with people in it." Joshua noticed the guns, "Going to war son?"

The Russian man grinned a little before muttering something in Russian the man couldn't understand. "Maybe, can't be too careful," he said happily. "And if things do get bad well that's what the tank's for." he said, gesturing the very nice tank sitting on a trailer behind the truck. "Survivors eh? Guys need any help?" He asked, peering over the man's shoulder at the cabin.

Joshua shook his head. "No, we're fine here. We're well supplied. I was going to ask you the same thing, buddy. What're you doing here anyways? You don't look like you're having any problems, and you sure seem to be packing enough heat to take out Hitler's army..." Joshua shook his head again, sighing, "If you wanna come inside for a while, please do. I doubt you'll be the last survivor I see for a while."

The man in the truck couldn't help but grin at the man's stance. It seemed quite goofy to him. Especially for an anthro-wolf like himself. "Well I guess I wouldn't mind a bit of a rest. As for what I'm doing here I flew into L.A. a few days ago for a...job. Yes, that's it a job and well I'm not sure there was a big explosion in the building next to us and I woke up this morning in the street."

Joshua smiled a little bit. "Come inside. I can explain a little about what's going on." Joshua showed the way inside.

This new man smiled thankful that somebody knew what was going on. He followed him. Putting his pistol in a more accessible position just in case but he thought Joshua was ok.

Lexi held Dustin's hand and kissed him on the cheek before Joshua and the stranger walked through the door.

"Eww! Get a room Lexi" Raven said, rolling her eyes, "That's disgusting!" She looked at her nails smirking.

"Raven what the hell is your problem? You were so nice at first..." Lexi replied angrily.

She blew on her nails, sending some type of dust towards Lexi. "My problem? It's you guys!" Raven yawned before continuing, "And nice? Well that was before Frankie unleashed the monster in me." She shrugged.

Kristin got up. She was doing something she'd never done before; face somebody by standing up to them. "Okay, now. Here this, Raven! You need to calm down! Chill out. Who's Frankie?"

Joshua led the man inside. "From what was on the news briefly, a virus is spreading over Europe and Russia, a meteor hit Hawaii, and North Korea and USA launched nukes at each other. Earthquakes and tsunamis.... This world is falling apart and they said that we might all die soon." He could tell the man still had his gun. "You don't need that here, sir. By the way, did I catch your name?" It seemed weird to Joshua as to why this man had so many guns, "I'm Joshua."

He looked a bit hesitant at first. "Uhm... Vasily Romanov." he said. He glanced over to the corner noticing 2 kids making out and another sitting there doing something to her hand. Now a fight was beginning to break out. "Uh huh..." he mumbled before facing Joshua again." When do you remember the last real contact you had with somebody in power?" Vasily asked.

Joshua turned to face Vasily. "We haven't. I'm the one that got all of them here in the first place. And I hope you don't mind me saying, but I really think it's safer here than with a bunch of power hungry idiots with itchy trigger fingers who can send us all to hell on a nuke." Joshua sighed angrily, he was starting to get cabin fever, "Look, Vasily, buddy, we just need to find somebody who can tell us where we stand out here. We're all alone ya know?"

"I am calm" Raven smiled, "and Frankie? Oh he's that one guy you saw earlier." She yawned again, her nails turning purple from her mood.

"Raven, I think you need to leave if you are going to act like that. We were all very nice to you, Joshua offered you a ride, I petted you, and thought of you as my sister and this is how you repay us?" Lexi was upset that such a nice, quiet girl was letting an evil man control her. "You are not a monster, no matter what that evil man did to you."

"Yeah, I do know." Romanov mumbled "I know all about being alone." He said, looking down for a moment. "So whets your plan? You guys can't stay up here forever...." He said. He began looking around the small cabin and doing a few calculations. "With just the four of you this cabin could be loaded with food and you'd still run out in less than a month." Vasily finally said grimly.

"We can stay here forever if we choose to, we all know how to hunt here. Except for that one over there." Lexi pointed to Raven. "There is enough deer and such out there for all of us."

Vasily Romanov looked curiously at the girl who mentioned hunting. Clearly nobody ever told her that when feeding four people a small forest like the one on his mountain just wouldn't do, the population couldn't keep up. He continued looking over curiously at the small fight that had broken out among the girls.

Raven looked at Lexi sharply before finally saying, "You have no idea what I've been through! While you were out by yourself I was in a lab; I was experimented on! You never went through that! I have needle marks, I almost die, I went through so much pain, they made me into a weapon, and you're telling me I'm no monster? You haven't seen anything yet. I went through torture and I tried my best to live! It's not my fault someone is using me to destroy! You wouldn't understand... nobody would!" She screamed and turned to walk towards the door.

"Raven... I don't care what you say, if you hurt my Dad or my brother, I swear I'll kill you..." Kristin growled angrily before walking off.

Joshua nodded to Vasily, trying to ignore this fight. "There's me, my two kids, Raven over there, and Gongon. He's outside." Joshua turned to face Vasily, "And there's you if you stay. Six of us will run out of household food, sure. But the woods are filled with animals and plants we can use. When that runs out, I haven't a clue then. I'm hoping that by then we'll either know where we stand or we'll find a way to survive... or we die." His last three words were quiet, so nobody could hear.

Dustin got up and left the room. He was tired of hearing Raven whine about her past. He mumbled to himself so nobody could hear what he was saying, and he walked out to the bathroom and hopped into the hot tub. Kristin stayed and held her ground.

Raven continued to look at them. "I don't belong here, and Kristin, growl all you want!" She opened the door and walked out into the forest. She wiped away her tears, sighing as she walked as far away from the cabin as possible.

Lexi got up and followed Raven. "Who do you think you are? Did you not hear what I was saying in the car? I don't even remember where the hell I have been, all I know is I have all these scars that I OBVIOUSLY didn't give to myself. So cry to someone who hasn't been through what you have, because I HUNNY have." Lexi was screaming and crying at this point as she fell to the pavement. "Only recently have I escaped the torture and now the world is going to end. You think I have it easy?! Think again."

She looked at Lexi and screamed, "I don't think you have it easy, so just go back to the people who love you!" Tears streamed down her face, "I have nothing, you have people! I don't, I'm meant to die soon!" She sighed. "I don't belong, so...go to your new family. I'm not meant to stay, that's what I learned a while back." She wiped her tears away and started walking again.

Lexi chased Raven. "You are meant to stop saying that!" Pissed off, Lexi continued to scream. "As long as you stay with us you won't die. We will fight your demons off and you will feel loved! We love you, but we can't help someone who won't help themselves. Please come back to the cabin and relax!"

Vasily continued to watch this fight among the ones called Lexi and Raven. He didn't know anybody here, but he did know one thing. If any of them even remotely had a chance of survival, it would horribly decrease unless they get along. Silently he stepped over blocking Raven's path.

Joshua, having had enough of this senseless arguing, grabbed his hunting rifle and saw it was unloaded. He went out after all of them and aimed it at both of the girls, not telling them it was unloaded. He cocked the gun anyways. "Stop it, the both of you!" Joshua yelled, "I'm about to shoot both of you if you don't shut up about who had it worse. Raven, you're out of line. Lexi, I think you just need to calm down. And you both better straighten your damn acts up or we're all going down cause of it." He took on a parental, leading, role, "Now I want you both separated or I want you to apologize and make up. You will get along or I'm going to shoot you myself." He pretended the gun was loaded, but it wasn't. It wasn't obvious when he spoke, though, and the way he held the gun.

Joshua thought to himself, could that man not have come at a worse time than now? He's making us look like we've fallen apart and lost it. And we have. We're at each other's throats now, how long until somebody gets killed? I don't know, thought Joshua, but if it comes to that, I'm not going down without a fight.

"Now apologize or separate! Right this instant!" Realizing that it had no effect, he sighed and approached Vasily. He took the man aside, gun still in his hands, and began to speak to Vasily, "Look, sir, I'm going to need your help here. It's obvious we're falling apart. We're not going to make it if we're trying to kill each other. Please stay and help us out here. I'm not asking that you kill anybody; I'm not asking you to do anything except keep us in line. I obviously don't have any more power." Joshua was begging, "Please help us, sir."

He stares at her not speaking to her. Vasily turned to Josh. "It's clear you are falling apart here. I will stay if you really want me to. You guys need some kind of person who can handle this type of thing." He sighed stepping in front of the girl. "I'm afraid I cannot let you leave." Romanov said, staring her down.

"My thanks, Vas." Joshua sighed in relief. "It's going to be harder with you here to survive, but we'll make it I hope, with your help. Tell me, just what is it you used to do? I mean, the fry cook at Wendy's doesn't carry that much heat on a day to day basis. Why do you have all that stuff with you?"

Raven looked at the person who had stepped in front of her. "Who are you?" She asked, wiping away a few more tears. "Please move. I no longer wish to be here." She sighed, "I don't... want to hurt them." She tried stepping around him.

"Raven, come back inside, now. Calm down. Relax, when that man comes back, get Joshua or Dustin, or even I. We will make him leave." Lexi pleaded. She began to realize it was futile. Upset, Lexi headed back inside the cabin, walked to the bedroom, laid down and cried.

Realizing that she couldn't get around Vasily at this point, Raven, depressed, sighed and fell to her knees. She glowed a soft blue as a bubble formed around her, and she curled up into a ball; the bubble got cloudy as it was filled with some type of liquid. She was kept in there, unless she was needed in a battle or something. She wasn't allowed out as the monster had already been unleashed. She had her eyes closed, floating in it. The bubble turned red as it sucked out her anger and broke open. She fell on her hands and knees, soaked, She shook, her eyes normal when she blinked this time, trying to figure out what happened. She coughed up some water, standing up and looking at them confused.

He watched Raven go into and come out of a bubble before turning to face Joshua again. Vasily laughed a little debating whether or not to tell him. "Ah, to hell with it! The world's already fallen to hell, so what are you gonna do... sue me?" He chuckled a little. "I'm an assassin, ex-Russian special forces and did about 2 years Homeland Security," he smiled at Joshua's face.

"Damn, Vas..." Joshua laughed, "I'm just a vice president for a company in L.A. I make good money and I raise my kids... despite all that's gone on." Joshua grew serious. "Glad to have you on board though. Maybe we could use your expertise."

"Maybe." he said softly before pointing to a very wet Raven. "What the..." He stared at her for a moment.

She blushed. "Don't stare." She said, her teeth chattering. She hugged herself as she tried to warm herself, her lips still turning purple even as she did so. "I-I'll... b-be inside." She said, turning and walking towards the cabin.

Dustin tried to relax in the hot tub, his sister going to read. She goes to see Lexi, but decided against it. She went to read and decided she would read Lord of the Flies. She grabbed the old book and curled up in another bedroom to read. She could see several similarities in it, but she knew how things turned out. They were rescued in the end of the book, but now it seemed too fictitious an ending for the rest of them. She went towards the door and peered out as she saw Raven enter the house.

They were going to have to learn to get along, otherwise... they would die, she thought. She didn't want the rest of them to fight, but she figured it was inevitable. She just hoped that this fighting wouldn't be the death of all of them. She would do her best to fight if she had to.

To Be Continued....